The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 650 The fox pretends to be the tiger's power (Part )

Chapter 650 The fox pretends to be the tiger's power (Part )

"Okay, Cheng Lao, I understand.

After I return, I will try my best to contact the medicinal materials company and get a batch of medicinal materials from all over the country. Together with the medicinal materials company, we will come up with a relatively rigorous evaluation standard.

You also need to hurry up. If you are given another two years, can you come up with detailed explanations and intensive research on medical science?

After medical science is established, it must go through demonstration. You still have to squeeze in two or three years of demonstration time. "

Just like before going to Hong Kong City to treat the epidemic, at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, several old Chinese medicine doctors lay down again. This time was different from the previous time. It was difficult to recover from the disease in the north and in the south.

The most serious one, although his death pulse has not yet emerged, but in terms of pulse condition, he is afraid that he will not survive this winter.

From this winter to next spring, we here on the mountain may have to say goodbye to several old Chinese medicine practitioners. This is also a melancholy thing in life...


Time was a little rushed, and there were not enough manpower on the mountain side.

Victory, I have a merciless request. Can you lower the selection criteria? One of my students is very suitable, but his back work is not enough. Can you allow him once? "

What Cheng Lao wanted to say when returning to his roots was to increase the number of manpower in Shanxi Village, but he also knew that the burden on Shanxi Village was not small. Although he wanted to talk about increasing students, Cheng Lao also had some concerns. Can't open my mouth.

As for the teacher interceding for his disciples, this is not the first time Li Shengli has encountered it. Whether it is self-training classes, inheritance classes in Madianji, Wali, or mountains, or apprentices accepted by these famous old Chinese doctors, they have always been there. A requirement to memorize merit.

The same requirements apply to front-line backbones who come to the mountain to pick up the inheritance of famous old Chinese medicine practitioners, but for these students who are in their thirties or forties, the inspection students will be slightly more relaxed.

No matter where you are, memorizing exercises is not a student's business alone. Students should supervise and supervise each other, which can be regarded as rules that have been passed down.

Students conceal each other's memorization skills, and there is only one result: continuous sitting and withdrawal!

As for the descendants and children of the medical family, it is even simpler. They can conceal the information once and have to memorize a set of medical books in a small dark room.

The year before last, there was a descendant of a medical family who refused to accept the crime and was imprisoned for three months. Unless Mr. Shi pleaded for mercy, he went crazy in the dark room. Now that descendant of the medical family has the best reputation.

The results are in front of us. To put it crudely, how many medical books can be memorized now will determine how far these students can go in the future. Five to ten years of solid memorization of skills is enough to make more than half of the students become famous doctors in a place.

Although he doesn't want to compromise on the matter of taking credit, the famous veteran Chinese doctors still have to give him face.

As usual, Li Shengli stretched out three fingers and said to Mr. Cheng:

"As a rule, after three chances, a person will be kicked out after two more chances, and he will not be qualified to be a barefoot doctor.

Nowadays, when young people go to the countryside, there are many difficult places that no one wants to go to, so this is where he goes.

The average ration for students in the self-training class is one catty and two taels per person, and for the students in the mountain villages, the average ration is two catties per person. This account still needs to be calculated clearly.

If you block him once, the student won't have to suffer, but his attitude will be slack.

After three times, I would either pay back my food and expenses on the spot, or go to the countryside in the most difficult place.

The few times you have been arrogant here may have ruined the student's medical career. You will have to supervise him more in the future.

Such disciples, more than ten disciples have already been removed from the mountain. Since ancient times, it is like killing one's own son..."

When Cheng Lao asked, Li Shengli naturally nodded in agreement, but as usual, he also stated his bottom line.

The students in the mountain village only consume about 700 kilograms of food per person per year. This is an average calculated by the veteran Chinese medicine doctors.

Although the food on the mountain is not necessarily much better than that in the self-training class, it does have some benefits, that is, you can eat enough.


There are always some students who are lovable but unwilling to study. They don't know our hard work.

They always want to take advantage of their master's skin to be lazy. They don't know the importance of accumulation and gain!

Shengli, among the colleagues here, there are twenty or thirty who are very good at choosing apprentices. You have requested to speed up the process. Can you choose another batch of apprentices to follow the master?

The previous batch has made good progress. In another half a year, we can put it down and get some preliminary experience. "

After lamenting that the apprentice didn't know the teacher's hard work, Cheng Lao finally couldn't hold back and set his sights on Li Shengli.

As far as the first batch of apprentices are concerned, the mountain village has also achieved certain results.

With a teacher by his side to give advice, in the past two years, not only has the energy of the veteran Chinese doctors not been consumed too much, but the apprentices have also made good progress.

This is also a new method of mentoring and mentoring that was discussed between Mr. Cheng and Mr. Shi. Normally, the students focus on memorizing the exercises, and the teacher gives concentrated guidance when he is free.

In the traditional way of master-apprenticeship, the apprentices have to learn while working. Now they are gathered together and teach these students using the method of master-apprenticeship. The original three to five years of study time has been solidified in about two years.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and teachers cannot become talented by following the master all the time, and experience is indispensable.

In the past, masters usually let their apprentices practice while sitting in class. Nowadays, the mountain villages do not have this condition, so going to the countryside to work as a barefoot doctor has become the only option.

"This is the best!

It just so happens that the higher-ups have recently planned to promote barefoot doctor training courses on a large scale. This batch of apprentices should not wait for another half a year. They can summarize in one or two months and prepare to go to the countryside.

Once this batch is over, you can select another group of apprentices here on the mountain. As for the number, you and Mr. Shi still need to restrict it, and it must not affect the normal return to one's roots. "

Although Li Shengli pays attention to some achievements in Shanshan Village, he will not monitor them. Mr. Shi and Mr. Cheng will communicate with him about many things.

The level of apprentices and students was a link that Li Shengli ignored, because it was difficult for traditional Chinese medicine to become talented in a short period of time. Only after Cheng Lao said it today did he know the benefits of apprentices and teachers.

This can be regarded as a pillow for those who are sleepy. The power of Barefoot Doctors at various nodes needs to be strengthened. This batch of apprentices following their masters can be regarded as the right time to experience.

"That's fine, but let's start with the dirty talk. It's best for this batch of apprentices to stay no more than one year. After their initial experience, they will be brought with them for another one or two years, so that they can simply sit in the clinic. .”

Li Shengli also nodded and agreed to the condition of becoming an old man. The great inheritance needs traditional Chinese medicine doctors, not barefoot doctors. It would be a waste of resources to train barefoot doctors by following teachers.

Things have changed for the better in the Barefoot Doctor Training Class. Old Man Youcheng said that these apprentices will provide support, and the report he gave to Father Du before has actual support.

In this way, the gap between the barefoot doctors in the self-training class and the local barefoot doctors will be even greater, which is conducive to the development of correspondence courses.

With something to do at hand, Li Shengli asked Ding Lan and Fu Yiqing if they would go back to Madianji. The Ding family daughter had been sleepy in Madianji for a long time and wanted to relax in the mountains. Li Shengli let her go and went back alone. Self-training class.

When he arrived at the self-training class, he first called his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, and then started to get busy in front of the medicine cabinet.

"Old Li, why don't you come to see me anytime soon?

I have a lot of orders on hand recently. Don't tell me, your guess before was really right.

Many of the people who traded with us have been unable to find them recently, and no one has bothered with the supplies we received on credit.

The people in the Northeast are so straightforward, they might just kill them, right?

Next, we will continue to cheat? "

The dangers of the official career and the dangers of the world are not just words. If you don't talk about the official career but the world, if you don't like the two, it's enough to kill you, let alone a conflict of interest. Whether things happen in the Northeast depends on whether there are many holes there, and now it seems there are quite a few.

“Don’t take advantage of me.

People are now worried about how to plug the holes?

I'm afraid that if you and Li Huaide get in touch with these new ones, they will really get into trouble. This matter is going to be a target.

You go ahead and make a phone call to inform Li Huaide. The next transaction will be unplanned and the payment will be made normally. You must not suddenly cut off contact.

After changing people, pay back the credit account in an orderly manner. You should also tell him the reason.

By the way, brother-in-law, is your godmother staying in Xishan or a hotel recently? "

With the help of the dark under the lamp, Li Shengli also wanted to see the reaction from the other side to obtain supplies from the northeast. Since the old customers were gone, the business with the new customers could not be done rogue.

Nowadays, between business units and enterprises, there are no requirements such as cash on delivery, payment first and delivery later. If the goods are needed in time, they will be delivered according to the goods. As for settlement and other matters, the conditions are relatively relaxed.

Although there is no such term for triangular debt now, there are still such unplanned relationships between units.

The person on the other side has changed, and Li Shengli has to settle the settlement according to the rules, otherwise he will be asking for trouble. If someone takes advantage of it and blocks the hole, it will be a fatal hole.


Are you having trouble again?

I went to Xishan some time ago, but it was not as comfortable as staying in a hotel there. I moved back to the city, and the hotel is currently being renovated into an air-raid shelter.

My godmother has also become quite worried-minded recently. She even learned to drive a while ago, and I heard that she hit a tree.

However, I have a good relationship with my godmother recently. She renovated two air-raid shelters in the hotel, and the office agreed. "

Listening to Wang Qianjin's introduction, Li Shengli shook his head. This was not a good relationship, it was just a matter of helping others.

In the north, although there is no war strategically, tactical precautions must be taken. Some basic civil defense projects are just taking advantage of the situation.

Nowadays, all the people are soldiers and dig holes, and the labor effort is also the lowest. With the civil defense fortifications, many times there is more confidence.

"Have you learned it?"

While dispensing medicine, Li Shengli asked about the results of learning to drive over there. This was an opportunity.

"The GAZ 69 we found for her over there is not easy to drive. How can we be surprised if we can learn how to drive it?"

By the way, the car you got in Hong Kong City is easy to drive. Can I go tell her about it? "

Listening to Wang Qianjin's cleverness, Li Shengli shook his head with a smile and said:

"She's not the one driving the car. Doesn't Li Huaide have a Volkswagen minibus over there?

When I called him later, I told him that the back row should be converted into an adjustable sofa seat, the interior of the car should be lined with flannel, and the bottom of the car should be covered with wool carpet. After the modifications were completed, he would send it to the hotel.

Here are life-saving medicines for trauma, the kind that were sealed with wax and stamped by Tongrentang before.

This is the anti-radiation medicine I got in the early stage. I have also marked the instructions for the use of these pills. This thing is a safe thing. Let me tell you, godmother, don’t take it if you can. It will cause diarrhea for a while. belly. "

Listening to his brother-in-law offering cars and buying medicine without saying anything about it, Wang Qianjin felt that something bad was probably going to happen.

"I said, Lao Li, did you tell me in advance that these things are not a trivial matter to you, right?"

You must ask for something when you are polite. My brother-in-law is a thief and he will not take advantage of anything. If he doesn't tell him in advance, it's not a big deal.

“I went to a mountain village today and scouted out a place to build a mountain base for self-training classes.

I don't plan to report this to your godmother, lest she keep an eye on the village over there.

Send the gift first, and if she asks about it in the future, she will tell her when delivering the car and medicine.

If she tries to argue with you, just say you forgot about it in the excitement, which will save you trouble in the future. "

At the base on the mountain, after Du Lao comes back, Li Shengli no longer needs to have the relationship with Wang Jinjin's godmother.

The mountainous area that Professor Liu is currently planning will have a question of ownership in the future. If you go to the leadership office, it will be a formal approval, without any beginning or end.

If the king goes to his godmother's side, there will be endless lawsuits in the future.

"Grandson, don't you want to change camps?

Let's take a rest as soon as possible. She is not a generous person. "

Upon hearing that Li Shengli was going to deceive his godmother, Wang Qianjin also gave a reminder.

It is not easy to offend a woman. If you offend her, there will be no end to it, just like the brother-in-law Li Shengli in front of you.

"I want to handle this matter secretly through Lao Du. Flowers never last forever, and people never last forever. This is also a way to guard against your godmother.

Recently, I asked the people on the mountain to select a group of apprentices from among the students in the correspondence course. You should mention their relationships separately.

To prevent the self-training class from being blamed later.

Also, you have to mention Lao Du’s previous report about the barefoot doctor to your godmother.

This is the friendship between our husband-in-law. Even if she knows it, it’s hard to say anything. After all, there are indeed some problems that need to be solved.

This time there is a group of apprentices on the mountain who need to go down for training, which just makes up for what they didn't say hello to before.

This group of apprentices, together with the veterans of the self-training class, are destined to excel in the barefoot doctor training class held by them. The previous report from Lao Du can be regarded as a guide for your godmother. "

After the evacuation, although the leadership office was the largest in the city, it was not without constraints. Wang Qianjin’s godmother was one of them.

The air-raid shelter was renovated in the hotel, and the leader's office nodded cheerfully, which may not mean there is any comfort.


This matter has become increasingly difficult and troublesome to handle recently.

Lao Li, when do you think this storm will stop?

One more blow from my godmother, and our youth will be wasted on these stupid things..."

(End of this chapter)

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