The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 642 Migration (Part )

Chapter 642 Migration (Part )

As time went by, after the autumn harvest, it was time for the second batch of serious students in the correspondence class to come up.

Due to the evacuation during this period, the exchange of letters was also affected to a certain extent. The abundant supplies and convenient transportation allowed Li Shengli to increase the number of students in this group.

The veteran students of the self-training class who were originally planned to be assigned could not be assigned because there were not enough classrooms in the self-training class, so Li Shengli borrowed a yard near the unused military camp.

The unit to which the yard originally belonged was on the evacuation list, and had been evacuated long before Mr. Du. Taking advantage of the evacuation, Li Shengli asked Mr. Pu to go to the leadership office, and the yard was seconded.

The group of veteran students in the self-training class will be dispersed and returned to the correspondence class, otherwise there will be no one on Li Shengli's side to maintain study discipline. When people from the correspondence class come up, the most important thing is to endorse.

Only after passing the memorization level can you be qualified to be taught by famous veteran Chinese medicine practitioners. With this condition, Li Shengli has no time or energy to take any Chinese medicine examination.

A set of medical golden manuals is placed in front of the students. If they memorize it, they will have the opportunity to enter the inheritance class.

If you can't memorize it, then go to the countryside and continue to memorize it. To put it more bluntly, even if you don't memorize it well enough and you can't remember the teacher's instructions, how can you get started?

As for whether an individual is a genius in the profession of traditional Chinese medicine, and whether the talent is good or not, it has nothing to do with the correspondence class. Only if you pass the memorization skills can you have a chance to go to the next inheritance class. If you cannot memorize, no matter how talented you are, you will have to go to the countryside.

As for the classics that need to be memorized, the self-training class only provides three books, the Golden Book of Medicine, the Treatise on Febrile Diseases, and a large volume of medical analysis.

If you memorize all three medical books, you can go directly to the inheritance class. If you can't memorize them, you can continue to study in self-training classes or correspondence classes. Although going to the countryside is also an option, students who go to the countryside cannot go there with a brief analysis of medical theory. of.

Li Shengli will not let go of the achievements of returning to his roots. A brief analysis of medical theory is also the only medical book that is not allowed to be copied in the self-training class. Once copied, the result will be expulsion.

After borrowing a new yard, the original self-study class was disbanded, and only correspondence classes will be left in the future.

With Du Lao supporting him in the office, each student in the correspondence class was given a month's food ration, twenty-seven and a half kilograms. This was a good cover for Li Shengli.

Of course, this is not considered using power for personal gain, because whether it is the allocation of food or the exchange of personnel, the self-training class does not benefit from Father Du, but from the war dividends.

Judging from the situation, war not only requires all the people to be soldiers, but the demand for medical soldiers is also increasing infinitely. In addition to self-training classes being opened to the public, barefoot doctor training classes are also opening up everywhere.

The Barefoot Doctor textbook that Li Shengli has compiled several times is now being printed.

In mid-October, not long after Li Shengli received the 50,000 copies of the Barefoot Doctor textbook, a sports performance party was held at Shou Ti. Everyone who was invited also received an order to attend.

After that, these invitees began to evacuate along the Beijing-Guangzhou Line, and the real evacuation of people began in earnest.

For many older generations, the evacuation process is secretive and hasty. It is normal to receive notification that night and leave Beijing early the next morning.

Mr. Du, who participated in coordinating the evacuation, could really see their corner of the storm. Some people evacuated, that is, evacuated. They got on the bus and left Beijing when notified.

During the evacuation process, Mr. Du also wanted to give some support to his superiors and colleagues just like his son-in-law Li Shengli.

But when he really wanted to do things, Lao Du discovered that his previous way of doing things was really useless for this kind of thing.

Even if he is one of the handlers, all he can do is take the list from his superiors and submit it to the next level. If he makes suggestions and opinions, no one will listen to them, and there is no channel for suggestions.

Nowadays, Lao Du also has a serious master. When he is undecided, he naturally seeks advice from his master. After a family banquet was held at the Xiaowangzhuang residence, Li Shengli, a good son-in-law and master, was invited as a guest.

"Dad, this is simple. Just say hello to the leader. The people at the head can't move. For the middle and lower-level people, just change the new list.

As for who should be changed and who should not be changed, the general argument can be made by assessing the physical condition.

After checking, find out those who are really not in good health and report them to the police. As for the others, the police can't look at all of them, right?

After the people on the list are detained, they will definitely not be able to work anymore. At most, like you, they can find a farm in the suburbs of Beijing and become a senior ginseng or something like that.

Xiaowangzhuang is good here. It can be used as a personnel base to move out the disobedient ones. "

Li Shengli could solve the problems that Lao Du couldn't solve by just opening his mouth. The methods used were nothing more than overt and covert means, which were not normal means.

To be honest, it's similar to him robbing people in the city. It just depends on how courageous he is.

"Victory, this..."

Li Shengli's words are really simple. It's not that he can't do it, but if he does it, there are many hidden dangers in his official career.

How can there be so many innocent people in the world? They are just learning from the mistakes of others and making mistakes before them. Only when it is your turn will you know what people endured back then. It's just that no one can say this.

Looking at the good son-in-law who did not hesitate to do evil things, what Father Du wanted was nothing more than an explanation and peace of mind.

"Dad, the higher ups need to be evacuated. In the future, the leader's office will be the largest in the city. The leader will be there to support you. Just do your work and follow the orders in all your actions.

The result of these things is to make friends with most people, and the position of leader is irreplaceable. He can't bear such responsibility. Even if someone is held accountable, he can't lead, and the superiors don't allow it!

And you are about to take on the great responsibility that reality has entrusted to you. In the future, things will still need a backbone to do things. You can't leave it to those inexperienced people, right? "

Listening to the wise son-in-law telling the cause and effect without hesitation, this really touched the depths of something. There was no choice between doing it or not.

At this time, there is no wavering. If you do something, you will be firm. If you don't do something, you will be complicit. There is no way for Lao Du to follow the path of Li Shengli. If he is not upright, he will do the opposite. There is no choice.

He has not participated in the ups and downs before, and has not withstood the ups and downs, let alone the future. Now, Dad Du feels alone and hanging outside many circles. If he doesn't do something, he will face the people he shouldn't face. .

There is no need to make a choice whether you make friends with most people or become the one on the opposite side.

"Where are the other leaders?"

Father Du knew he shouldn't ask this, but he had to ask. Since he chose to be friends, he naturally wanted to find someone older.

"We might as well make a fuss about Du Peng. When everyone is about to leave, Du Peng has caused such a mess. Is it understandable that you contact some leaders to deal with the mess at home... As for how to make a fuss, just Du Peng's wife has to give up her face and say that Du Peng is forcing her. In this case, you'd better let Du Peng ventilate first, before it really becomes a deadlock and then be arrested and executed."

Listening to the virtuous son-in-law's extremely unethical tricks, and thinking of the bad tricks he used on the Xie family member, Father Du had no choice but to smile bitterly.

Zou Jin's family was destroyed and Lao Xie was saved. Now Zou Jin is together with a senior in the academic world. They were all painted by his virtuous son-in-law. The matter is a bit dirty, but the result has to be said well. .

Nowadays, tampering with the list and making good friends is almost a job, and the theory of truth is really not on the table.

The Du Peng incident at home seems to be nonsense, but in the nonsense, there are not only hidden opportunities for the future, but also hidden murderous intentions for some people.

If he wants to mediate the trouble caused by Du Peng, as a father, in addition to finding an explanation from the owner of the suffering, he always has to find a few important people to make peace and witness.

On the surface, it is a farce of his own children's ineffectiveness, but on the inside, they are colluding to protect themselves. This trick is also evil to a certain extent.



Please contact Du Peng..."

There is simply no time for Mr. Du to take the exam for this kind of thing. Achievement means success, failure means failure. The general trend is ahead and there is no choice.

As for the parties involved, Du Peng and his wife, they always have to pay for the country and the family. Du Peng's wife is treated the same way and is given a choice, but the only one she can choose is that fixed option.

As for taking the right path and making suggestions for correction, no one has done it. What happened in 1958 continues to this day, how can anyone have any good results?

There are many people like Lao Dingtou who choose to resist and watch, and there are also people below who speak up, so what will be the result?

It's nothing more than strangulation by both sides.

In this day and age, the only thing that can exist besides good and bad is the evil on the streets, and anything else is not allowed by both parties.

After leaving Xiaowangzhuang, Li Shengli called Du Peng in the self-training class. He, a brother-in-law who was not considered a brother-in-law, spoke very straightforwardly to the young couple who had not yet produced evidence.

The process, results, and requirements were all laid out in front of the two of them. For Du Peng, who was mean, unkind, and shameless, this matter was not a big deal.

But for Du Peng's wife, there are too many things to give up. Now that it involves the dignity of life and death, she can't take away any of it.

The choice was given to her before she spoke. She had no choice. If she chose, she could keep her family and continue to work. If she didn't choose, the child in her belly would still destroy her dignity in less than three months.

She made her choice passively and silently. Apart from using her tears as a weapon to accuse the two dirty things in front of her, Du Peng's wife could not do much.

"There is an old gentleman in your school who has opened a new integrated circuit laboratory here.

Now there is a shortage of capable laboratory personnel there. Afterwards, you go over and talk to Aunt Zou from Uncle Xie's family. She is the actual person in charge of the laboratory. I have already said hello. You go over and take a look first.

Life is not all about the immediate things. If you don’t mark your current predicament yourself, who can hurt you with these things?

Besides, who dares? "

Ignoring the surprised look in Du Peng's wife's eyes, Li Shengli pointed to her where Zou Jin's laboratory was, which was her future.

Li Shengli and his brother-in-law Du Peng watched the unfortunate man go to Zou Jin's laboratory with tears in his eyes, and then his brother-in-law Du Peng gave him a thumbs up.

"Brother-in-law, you still have the means to control her easily.

If I really want to make a fuss, it won’t have much impact on me in the future, right? "

Glancing sideways at his brother-in-law, Li Shengli snorted coldly and said:

“As the old saying goes, death penalty can be spared, but living crime cannot be escaped.

This time Lao Du will inevitably perform a drama of tying someone up to plead guilty. Don't worry, you will be slapped with a slap in the face.

This time it has happened, find a place to live in a house with a harmonious relationship, learn to suffer losses, learn to be tolerant, and have to put on a good show.

Your father-in-law will definitely face Lao Du coldly this time, and Lao Du will eventually give you a hard, bloody blow.

Remember, no matter how hateful you are, you can’t look up at Lao Du and the others, otherwise they will really beat you to death. This is a drama. Don’t force those two to get off the stage with just one look.

If you really can't get off the stage, you will have to use your life as a stepping stone.

Remember, this is acting for people..."

Du Peng is still thinking about the future, and Li Shengli feels that either today or tomorrow, Du's father will have to put on a good show with his son.

It is definitely impossible to reconcile the couple's affairs. If they are reconciled in the city, how can they contact them after they get there?

If it doesn't make sense, there will be a price that doesn't make sense. The drama of tying a child to plead guilty has been performed before. Li Shengli also reminded Lao Taishan that no matter what happened this time, Du Peng would have to show his embarrassment with a broken head and blood. Otherwise, how can we win people's trust?

This kind of drama is really difficult to master. If Du Peng can't stand it and says something he shouldn't have said on the spot, beating him to death will probably not happen, but Lao Du is determined to kill him in order to keep the drama going. .

Therefore, the insurance Li Shengli left for Du Peng was to be beaten honestly, otherwise the play would not work if he was really beaten to death.

After Du Peng's daughter-in-law saw Zou Jin's laboratory, many things fell into place. She had a place where her spirit could rest. There are really not many things that she cannot accept in these days...

(End of this chapter)

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