The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 639 Weng and his son-in-law join hands (Part )

Chapter 639 Weng and his son-in-law join hands (Part )

“Grandson, you really don’t miss out on the front and the back.

Don’t forget what we talked about in the car, your grandson. After I finish asking Lao Wang for instructions, I want to see what good stuff you have in hand. "

Listening to Wang Qianjin's direct cover-up, Li Shengli nodded. He would have to be lenient in confessing to his eldest sister Han Xiuqi this time.

There are not only advantages but no disadvantages to clinging to Wang Qianjin. Li Shengli used a small friendship to minimize the possibility of ruining his family.

Similarly, the eldest sister Han Xiuqi must be tolerant and tolerant.

Ordinary families and children's families are mostly very different. In the end, what they get through is money, but children's families call it benefits, to put it more nicely.

Li Shengli also envied a family that could truly make each other's vows, raise eyebrows together when raising cases, and sing harmoniously.

Maybe if he is rich and powerful, there will be various actors or glamorous people in the future who will play such a scene with him. If it were in reality, Li Guishou would not really believe in these things.

Once you enter a noble family, you will be as deep as the sea, and the poor and humble couples will be saddened by everything. This has been proven for thousands of years.

“I’m the one who decides.

Let’s stop chatting with you and get down to business first. Lao Wang and Lao Xie can reveal a little bit. Lao Du and his wife will be stable in two days. I will go check it out and you can give them the details.

Lao Du is back, and many things need to be planned before they are done. There are some things that can be left unsaid, so don't say them yet. "

During this period, Li Shengli often talked about Prince Du Ding and thanked the four families. He was the link and Lao Du acquiesced before going abroad.

But to really form the circle of Du Ding and Wang Xie, Lao Du must meet the other three parents. Without meeting, this circle will not be formed.

If when the time comes, Lao Du says that the children are fooling around, the other three families will just stare at them.

After Li Shengli's discussion, the three military families formed by King Ding Xie were now in a mess, and the marks on their faces were obvious.

After Li Shengli divorced Du Jiaoyang, Du Peng hooked up with the political commissar's daughter. In this way, the Du family would be clean and tidy, and Du Peng, who had a clean background, could go further.

Now that the Du family and his wife have returned, it is up to Du to finalize the relationship that Li Shengli talked about before.

Not talking, not meeting each other, and maintaining a tacit understanding to advance and retreat together is just a trick to fool children.

At the level of Du Ding and Wang Xie, it is useless to try to finalize cooperation without even meeting each other. This is not a tacit understanding under the overall situation, but a mutual advancement and retreat for the respective interests of several companies.

The other three families are all in the military, which gives Lao Du the opportunity to be the leader. After the relationship is finalized, the tacit understanding that the four families should have in doing things can be achieved, and the pattern of the three families jointly promoting the Du family can be formed.

For Li Shengli, establishing such a relationship is almost like playing a mobile game. Although it is not easy, it is not difficult either.

"Let's do it!

I'll listen to you. I'll unload the things in the car first and collect them in the store. Your sister is afraid of getting fat and won't eat snacks. If there's anything missing, I'll go over and get it.

I went to Xiaowangzhuang, did I see Lao Du and his wife? "

When it comes to doing serious things, Wang Qianjin's only thought is to ask his brother-in-law first. This is what Lao Wang and his second sister taught him. According to Lao Wang, his brother-in-law is top-notch in planning and layout.

"not see!

Keep the relationship straight and don't let people do whatever they want. This time you went to Xiaowangzhuang mainly to sell milk and to get tickets for cream cake supply. Isn't your wife pregnant?

The news that Lao Du brought back is related to the army. If you meet the couple now, it will have a bad association if people know about it.

This time I went over to see if I could connect with Xiaowangzhuang at Taipingzhuang.

I estimate that Lao Du will let me go there frequently in the next few days, especially if someone ambushes me on the way.

Even if Taipingzhuang and Xiaowangzhuang are separated from each other, you have to find a way to connect the two villages.

When I went over, I asked Dana to place militiamen there. "

The next period of time can be regarded as a period of high risk. The external news brought back by Lao Du is too stressful and can affect some people's plans.

This is a force majeure that cannot be calculated. The more you calculate, the fewer the cards will fall. In the rotation of victory and defeat, the methods may be a bit cruel.

Watching Wang Qianjin drive away, Li Shengli first took a look at the patients with radiation sickness. It was similar to what he had thought before. Because of the radiation, the disease was somewhat capricious.

A body that has been exposed to radiation is like rotten window paper in the winter. It is broken in one place and one has to be blocked one by one before it can start to get better.

It is not possible to paste such window paper in one step, and once the person is done, the medicine will be gone. Faced with patients with different symptoms and radiation sickness, Pu Lao and other great doctors are also scratching their heads.

But if there is no cure, then it comes back to the problem of getting rid of the disease. The masters of traditional Chinese medicine have to deal with radiation sickness step by step.

Now that the results of the report have come down, a group of patients with radiation sickness have come recently, which undoubtedly puts a lot of pressure on Pu Lao and others.

After spending two days in the self-training class, Mr. Du called Li Shengli at Xiaowangzhuang Farm.

After answering the phone, Li Shengli was not idle. He called Madianji first and then Taipingzhuang. Then he got into the Willys Jeep left by Du Jiaoyang and rushed to Xiaowangzhuang.

If he goes in and out of the city, Li Shengli will probably drive a jeep and pick up a few more people.

When walking between villages, there is no need to carry people in the car. Nowadays, in any village that can spare people, most of the entrances and exits of the village are guarded.

This season is the jointing and heading period of corn, which is a critical period for the corn harvest. Every village that grows corn will have militiamen patrolling the fields.

The corn at this time of year is also when there is enough sugar in the stalks, so I am afraid that some people will break it and eat it raw, or I am afraid that someone will cut it and take it home to feed the livestock.

Today's food is so expensive that even if a child breaks corn stalks in the field, he will be beaten up by the militiamen. In this day and age, even children must understand this truth, otherwise they will have to be disciplined.

Li Shengli first drove to Taipingzhuang and met with Party Secretary Guan Dana. Then he took a militiaman to show the way to Xiaowangzhuang Farm.

In the co-pilot, the militiaman who showed Li Shengli the way was not an outsider. Guan Qingyue's cousin Guan Hai had been following Li Shengli.

Today, Guan Hai is dressed in an old military uniform that has been washed white. He is holding a wave of sand in his hand, a Type 56 magazine belt hanging on his chest, and grenade bags on both sides of the armed belt. He is armed to the teeth.

This can be regarded as the serious dress of today's militiamen. After all, Xiaowangzhuang is the farm of the agricultural machinery station and is considered a public unit. Even the militiamen in Taipingzhuang who guide the way must be energetic.

When they arrived at Xiaowangzhuang, Li Shengli didn't face any difficulties. He successfully met Mr. Du who lived in the dormitory area of ​​the farm. It was said to be a dormitory area, but in fact it was the original courtyard of Xiaowangzhuang Village. It was called a dormitory area and was formal.

"Shengli, who is in the car?"

When Weng and his son-in-law met, the first thing Du asked was about the heavily armed Guan Hai on the Willis Jeep. As long as he was not blind, he would prick his eyes.

"Dad, I'm not familiar with the road here at Xiaowangzhuang. I asked for directions at Taipingzhuang. This comrade was very enthusiastic and followed me all the way."

Father Du is not an old man who has never seen the world. Hearing the nonsense remarks made by the wise son-in-law, he could only shake his head and laugh.

"Shengli, there is no need for this in the city and outside the city." Seeing that Father Du was too optimistic about the current situation, Li Shengli said with a serious face:

"Dad, do you know about Robert's matter?

Some time ago, Uncle Robert asked someone to find me, and the person in charge of the armored force also lived in Mr. Lu. "

Old Du really didn't know the current situation of the two people Li Shengli was talking about. After hearing what his virtuous son-in-law said, Old Du was no longer very calm.

The two recent trips back to China came and went in a hurry. I met my daughter Du Juan in Hong Kong City, and I didn't understand these situations. I was thinking about the tense atmosphere in the office during yesterday's report.

Father Du did not talk about business with Li Shengli. Instead, he sat seriously under the shade of the tree and listened to the wise son-in-law talking about the situation.

"Now it seems that there are still some gaps on the outside. Do you want me to go to the outside?"

Weng and son-in-law sat opposite each other under the shade of a tree. Father Du talked a little more. Although his heart was heavy, he still controlled his emotions.

"Dad, you'd better just be a promoter, so that you have both internal and external aspects.

The reputation of the outside world is abroad, and many things have to be said internally. "

Hearing that his good son-in-law wanted to arrange a future for himself, Father Du calmed down and smiled bitterly and said:

"Shengli, why don't you tell everything about your thoughts? There is no need for us to test each other.

Here on the farm, you are a promising young man, and I am just an old man, speaking freely..."

Seeing Lao Taishan showing his humility, Li Shengli simply stopped hugging him and said directly:

“Dad, what’s holding us back now is neither external disputes nor ideas, but problems with the economic structure we copied.

Whether it is food, supplies or unemployed youth, the only difference lies in the economy.

As far as the outside world is concerned, we can only make up for it a little bit internally. The real focus is on our own side.

Nowadays, our coal, oil, mining, and large-scale industries have a certain foundation, which is considered complete, but the production efficiency is too low.

I heard in Hong Kong City that a car factory in Europe and the United States has an annual output of more than one million. What about us?

Fifty thousand is the most!

This is at least a twenty-fold difference.

If our Shouqi Automobile Group produces 500,000 vehicles per year, it will revitalize a large number of upstream and downstream industries.

Similarly, our light industry foundation is even weaker than that of Europe and the United States, because the north does not pay much attention to light industry. Now their disadvantages are also revealed, right?

These disadvantages are also clearly stated in some reviews in Europe and the United States.

Judging from the current situation, the economy can still be deeply cultivated.

Du Peng has already installed three vehicles at the steel rolling mill. If there is sufficient supply and personnel in place, we can achieve an annual output of more than 50,000 yuan. However, the technology and quality will be somewhat unsatisfactory.

The technology you brought back, and the technology Niu Bijian sent, will take time to fully understand. You see..."

Simply starting with the automobile industry, Li Shengli's words made Du, who was already in a heavy mood, frown.


Very insightful statement. Can you give me a written report?

I want to think about this, and then you can tell me what you know about it. "

What Li Shengli gave was not something that Father Du could make a decision upon hearing. There were many things that he didn't want to know thoroughly, and a person like Father Du would not make a decision easily.

Compared with the future, there are many things in the present that Mr. Du needs to understand.

After listening to Li Shengli briefly describe the bad things that happened to him during his two years abroad, and then hearing some secrets about his good son-in-law that were not public, Father Du's mood became even more complicated.

The good son-in-law in front of him really gives him a different impression every time he meets him. His growth rate is unimaginable.

After listening to the general situation, Father Du had some objections to the honest son-in-law. Many things just need to be done, and speaking out would make things difficult for each other.

There are some things that even Father Du can only treat as if he has never heard of them. If he really has heard of them, this good son-in-law cannot be taken away. He must be sent to the relevant units to deal with him.

“It’s very bad of you to do this!

No wonder the office has to mention you to your face. There are some things that you can't do anymore. No matter what your reasons are, you can't do things so unscrupulously.

Okay, that’s all for today. Don’t bring anyone with you next time you come over. It’s outrageous. "

Seeing the look of feigned anger on Father Du's face, Li Shengli didn't show any fear.

Considering the situation on the street, it is possible that Father Du would not be able to use his tricks. What he said just now were only some things that were obviously suspicious. These things must be explained clearly to Father Du.

Otherwise, if someone asks about this in the future, Lao Du will be very passive. As for those things that have no trace, they all said that there is no trace. Naturally, no one will mention it, and no one will dare to raise the issue in the future.

“Dad, I’ll go back first and put what I want to say into a written report.

I brought some ordinary cigarettes and alcohol in the car. Can you use them here? "

In terms of the result of Du's first interview after he came back, it was pretty good for Li Shengli.

Because of the things that left traces before, although Lao Du was offended, he still accepted the cause and effect. After all, many things were done to help the Du family plan.

If Lao Du really denies it, he can't keep Lao Taishan. If this situation continues in such an unclear manner, it will inevitably end in the cunning rabbit dying and being cooked by the lackey. It's too miserable, and Li Shengli can't accept it.


Stay, you are considerate.

During the recent period, we have to tighten up what needs to be tightened. The announcement on July 23 will be fully rolled out later.

Stopping chaos, severely punishing bad guys, removing idle personnel, resuming production and work, and fully supporting the front line will be the focus in the coming period.

It’s best if you don’t get mixed up in it, you’ll have to come over tomorrow. "

Li Shengli nodded after hearing the inside information given by Du Lao. It seemed that Lao Du had attended the meeting in the past two days and it had an effect.

After putting down the bottles of wine and cartons of cigarettes he carried in the jeep, Li Shengli drove away from Xiaowangzhuang without meeting his mother-in-law.

After taking over the cigarettes, drinking and revealing the news, it was Du's statement. Li Shengli could not wait for Lao Du to nod and approve what he had done. He would talk about things here, and Lao Du would be angry over there. Many things would be regarded as It's past...

(End of this chapter)

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