The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 637 Weng and his son-in-law join hands (Part )

Chapter 637 Weng and his son-in-law join hands (Part )

"Old Li, you have to change your habit of hating people to death. That's what happened this time. You can't do it next time.

If you get supplies for this truck or the whole truck, those involved in the incident will be targeted in the future.

After this matter is settled, there will be more people in the northeast who hate us. "

After refilling his brother-in-law's cigarette, Wang Qianjin calmly accepted the next scam.

Both he and Li Shengli could feel the pressure of the self-training class firsthand. Li Shengli managed the general ledger, while Wang Qinjin moved around to pull supplies.

In this day and age, speculation on a sack of grain can lead to someone being shot, let alone a wagon or an entire train.

Today's Wang Qianjin is not a person who is ignorant of hardships. He often goes to Madianji Village. When preparing and plowing the land, the adults and children in Madianji either pick it up and throw it into their mouths, or they cherish it. Put it heavily in your pocket.

And in areas like the station grain depot, if you walk around, you will get a few grains of grain under your feet. If the members of Madianji saw this, they would have to scold each other after picking up the grain.

Wang Qianjin, who has eaten farm food and seen big scenes, does not like people on the black market either.

These grandsons knew the pain but turned a blind eye. He also liked to see such people fall into his brother-in-law's trap.

Those who wasted food these days would not be considered unjust if they were killed directly. He and his brother-in-law were in the self-training class. Aren’t they eating whole grains and vegetables like the other students?

In the self-training class, the only people who can eat Xiaozao are veteran Chinese medicine doctors. Food is hard to come by. Wang Qianjin realized this through buying and selling.

Trying to get enough food through formal channels these days is just like joking.

Without food, the self-training class will have to break up. According to my brother-in-law, self-training classes and correspondence classes are the two people’s life-saving careers in the future. There must be no mistakes in food.

Today, Wang Qianjin is not only familiar with various farms in the suburbs of Beijing, but also with any unit that can obtain food.

Once you are familiar with it, you will have a clear understanding. In Wang Qianjin's view, his brother-in-law's method of making profits out of chaos is really effective.

Wind, rain, and external pressure have caused chaos beneath the seemingly orderly surface. The train hedging on the Tongpu Line two months ago is a good example of this chaos.

Material transfer is even more time-intensive and the tasks are heavy. The busier and messier it is, the more errors there will be.

Wang Qianjin also knows that most of the food on this line is not available to ordinary people, so he does not have any psychological burden when doing things.

"Hate us for not dying?

They also dare, if we don’t mess with them, it will be considered a blessing to them.

In these days, there is nothing to say about people who care about themselves, block our way, and have bad moral integrity. All that is left for them is: kill them! "

Looking at his brother-in-law who was squatting against the tree and blowing out his cigarette butt into a ball of sparks, Wang Qianjin's scalp tightened, knowing that his teasing just now had caused trouble again.

Li Shengli, the grandson, was angry at the Du family's mother-in-law, so he turned around and looked for someone to entertain himself.

According to the grandson's usual petty behavior, he kept talking endlessly. As his brother-in-law, he had just stopped irritating him, so there was nothing more to say.

"Grandson, that's it. Don't look for trouble.

Is what you just said in the car true?

Do I still have to hide it from my godmother? "

Wang Qianjin glanced around, ended his gloating, and talked about business with his brother-in-law.


Why didn't you say it?

If you don’t talk about it, wouldn’t it be just a useless junk snack?

You are the third prince, and you always have to be the first to shout for many things. Isn't this the best opportunity?

Lao Du's return today, including the content of his report, will be tomorrow morning, let alone tomorrow morning. It's already past twelve o'clock, even if it's early today.

When you finish taking care of Lao Du and his wife, put some cigarette ashes on your eyes and go to Haizi to tell the truth.

Remember, when you meet your godmother, you'll stagger first. You must have enough drama.

After talking about the north, remember what I just said in the car that she is the next successor.

We have benefited a lot from her, and we should be rewarded with something in return. Let her gradually clear up the relationship with that family. This period of time may be long or short, and she must be prepared.

Don't be afraid that she will wipe it out immediately. There are many things that cannot be wiped out. She is the one who is holding the bag for the old man, and there will be no results.

As for where the news came from, just say that it was analyzed by Lao Du for you. When Lao Du and his wife come back, they must show off.

But you have to have a good attitude, not only to take the credit for everything, but also to bring out Lao Du's alienation from her.

Otherwise, if she happily goes to find Lao Du, she is afraid that she will be kicked back, and this is purely a matter of enmity..."

After roughly speaking, Li Shengli started his acting training class for Wang Qianjin.

If the storm changes again, it will be the godmother's turn to play the role. If Wang Qianjin doesn't make corresponding improvements, he will become a burden and waste. A business like feeding tigers is actually not easy to do, even if you are not careful. Will even transfer the book to the warehouse.

Similarly, Wang Jinjin also has such a sense of urgency, and he learned acting skills in a disciplined manner. He knows better than Li Shengli what the consequences will be if he loses his role in the team above.

As Li Shengli said, nowadays, taking medicine, saying nice things, and acting like a loving mother and a filial son are already a bit low-end. As time goes by, when the children grow older, they will become annoying things that the grandma does not care about and the uncle does not love.

Facing the godmother who was just okay, Wang Qianjin knew that it was only a matter of time before he would be eliminated if he didn't learn something new.

Uncle Lang and his wife were struggling against mosquitoes in the field, and the Du family's mother in the car felt all kinds of things in her heart. On the way back, the Du family and his wife had communicated many times. Except for the things that couldn't be said, Du's mother could tell them all. said.

Even if she couldn't tell, Father Du wouldn't reveal a word to her. Even if the older generation didn't say that all of them were excellent in terms of basic quality, they would be about the same.

Seeing Li Shengli and Wang Jinjin smoking cigarettes on the left and right outside the car, Sister Fu wanted to let them get in the car, but she was blocked by something in her heart.

It wasn't until daybreak that Father Du came back in a small jeep. The small jeep parked in the open space beside the road just like Wang Qianjin's jeep, but it was a little farther away.

"Why are you two here...

Victory, give me a cigarette..."

He walked quickly to Uncle Lang and saw the two young men squatting on the ground around a pile of cigarette butts. Father Du didn't show any restraint either. After squatting down, he also lit a cigarette.

"Dad, I will ask Wang Qianjin to report to his godmother about today's affairs later.

This is going to be done in your name. This is the reporting process we just rehearsed.

Lao Wang, please start your performance..." Knowing that Lao Du wanted to smoke a cigarette to clarify his thoughts, Li Shengli was not idle and asked his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin to start reporting on the performance.

Father Du, who was squatting on the ground, glanced at his good son-in-law complicatedly after watching Wang Qianjin's vivid performance.

I just went to the leader's office to report, and Lao Du was embarrassed because of his good son-in-law. Many things were not secret to the office.

In the past two years, brothers Li Shengli and Wang Qianjin have caused a lot of troubles in the city. Because there is no reliable evidence for many things, the office can only make weighing decisions.

Because of the rush of time when I came back last time, these things were not mentioned. Now that Lao Du's work abroad has been handed over clearly, many things need to be mentioned.

There is no evidence for domestic matters, and the office just clicked on it. For foreign matters, the evidence is conclusive, and the manpower was prepared for Du Jiaoyang by the office.

What has been done, how it was done, how it was arranged, whose idea it was, who executed it, as long as it was handled by Du Jiaoyang, the office has no clue.

After a little speculation, the business tragedy that started in Hong Kong and ended in Europe and the United States has a real target. Although the office did not mention Li Shengli's little actions, they also reprimanded Du Jiaoyang's actions. After all, these things are inconsistent with the principles.

"Victory, is it the beginning or the end on Du Juan's side?"

After watching Wang Qianjin's performance, Lao Du refilled a cigarette and did not comment on the drama between the two. Instead, he asked Du Jiaoyang confusedly.

"Dad, it's just the beginning. The rule of thumb for Jiaoyang outside is: those who owe us blood debts will be exterminated!

The spy camp that I planned with Ding Yong, the third oldest member of the Ding family, will also be included in the training for urban assault in the future, and elite veterans will be added to the team of Jiaoyang.

Jiaoyang can't make money outside without the protection of forces. I have told Jiaoyang before that she has to rely on these people to unite the world related to us.

In the end, together with Niu Bijian, who put aside Xin Yihe, they wanted to establish an interest group on the other side of the ocean that could influence the direction of many things. "

Li Shengli's answer was definitely not what Father Du wanted. Old Du didn't know many things, but just pretended not to know.

After asking, Li Shengli answered so directly that Du Lao was stunned. After saying this, there was going to be a showdown between the father-in-law and the son-in-law.

"You brat, the drama of forcing you to have a baby is really slippery. We don't have much time. Your mother and I will accept your suggestion and go directly to Xiaowangzhuang to go to the countryside.

Although a group of people went down before, the backbone is all in the city. There may be evacuation in the future. The office asked me to think about it.

Victory, tell me. "

After laughing and scolding, Father Du revealed something with a serious face, while Li Shengli looked gloomy after hearing this.

“Dad, since you know you can’t fight, there’s no need to go down.

Going down, for many people, is also...

The most dangerous place is also the safest place. Wherever the office is, you are there. After all, leaders also lack people around them. "

Li Shengli's hesitant words made the cigarette butts fall from Du's hand. There are many bad things in and outside the city.

"Can you make some suggestions..."

"Dad, you know the whole story. This may be an opportunity for them. There is no way to get involved in such a thing..."

"There is a difference between knowing whether to tell or not knowing..."

"What do you know?

You can only know nothing..."


Please pay attention to what you do and don't always let others criticize you. Don't go to Xiaowangzhuang today and tomorrow. Wait for my call..."

Wang Qianjin watched the Du family, the father-in-law and his son-in-law talk in a foggy atmosphere, and saw Lao Du's cigarette butt falling on his leather shoes, but he really didn't understand what the father-in-law and his son-in-law were talking about.

Seeing Lao Du and his wife carrying their luggage and getting into the small jeep, he turned to his brother-in-law and asked:

"What did you just say?"

After coughing and clearing the turbid smoke from his mouth, Li Shengli said:

“I, a country bumpkin, know how to take advantage of the chaos to pull things, but how can I take advantage of the chaos to kill him?

Brother-in-law, we are still fighting life and death below. Do you think those people who are in the rain and wind will do well if they go down?

You can’t go home and tell Lao Wang about this, I’ll just pretend you’ve never heard of it, otherwise Lao Wang will have to explain it directly when he goes down..."

After hearing what his brother-in-law said, Wang Qianjin gave himself a chance. He could only hide this question from his family, Lao Wang.

He used to make a living by raiding formations. He had seen many such things, and it was just an excuse for the people below to control them.

Seeing his brother-in-law Li Shengli picking up cigarette butts from the ground, breaking off branches and slapping them on the ground, Wang Qianjin sighed like Lao Du who had just left.

There are many things that you simply don’t dare to participate in. Just like what Li Shengli said, if you dare to get involved, you will be dead.

After Li Shengli finished cleaning up the scene, Uncle Lang and his uncle returned to Madianji. The sky was still dim. When Wang Qinjin saw his brother-in-law, he lit up his cigarette again and said:

"Old Li, after all, Lao Du is your former father-in-law, and your current father-in-law, Lao Ding, is still eating dirt in the countryside.

I think now is an opportunity. Why don't you ask your ex-father-in-law to stretch out his hand and drag your current father-in-law up from the countryside?

Many things must be settled on the same level. After all, we still have cooperation with Ding Laosan. Ding San and Ding Wu may not be unaware of things in the city.

Don’t you still want to introduce Han Xiuyun to Ding Wu?

If people know about the fierce fight between you and your former father-in-law, Lao Du, it is probably unjustifiable for you to ignore your current father-in-law's life and death. "

Brother-in-law Wang Qianjin's suggestion that the family talk behind closed doors is naturally a good thing.

What he just said to Lao Du was explained to Wang Qianjin, but Wang Er still didn't understand it.

"Brother-in-law, if someone has a lot of fish and meat, someone has to eat the roots. This situation is determined by attitude.

Needless to say, Lao Du's side, Lao Ding's side, I'm afraid it won't be able to be adjusted back. There are many things that Lao Ding still doesn't understand.

In other words, Lao Ding understands but just doesn't accept the current result.

It is easy to bring him back, but it will be difficult to send him down if the situation changes again.

The eyes over there now don't take into account Lao Ding. There are more important people than him who need to be dealt with.

Your reminder is also in place. Although we can't bring him back, we can still send people to follow him to avoid any accidents.

I'll select a team of suitable people from the patrol team and veteran students, and you can arrange for them to come there in the next two days. "

The former father-in-law and the current father-in-law are also a bad debt for Li Shengli. Now attitude determines everything. If Lao Ding's side is not targeted, it is the best outcome.

According to Wang Qianjin's suggestion, if Lao Ding is transferred back or transferred to another position, it will be purely harmful to people.

Although the results are very similar, many people's paths are different. Lao Du chose to go abroad and return, Lao Wang and Lao Xie stayed in the city and outside the city, and Lao Ding ate dirt in the countryside. This is a manifestation of the different paths... …

(End of this chapter)

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