The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 632: There is a lingering fragrance in the hand (Part )

Chapter 632: There is a lingering fragrance in the hand (Part )

Listening to Li Shengli's shameless and dirty closing remarks, Zou Jin finally couldn't hold back and threw the glass of water he wanted to throw on his face on the ground.

Seeing Zou Jin's decisive attitude in seeing off the guests, Li Shengli did not dare to stay longer. He did this by plotting against the old man in the self-training class. Due to Xie Fei's reputation, he treated Lao Xie who was in the camp. There are only advantages and no disadvantages.

As for Xie Chan who was hiding behind the hall and listening to the wall, it was just like what Du Jiaoyang said, which destroyed her inner reserve and caused her to sink further.

In the self-training class, Li Shengli was able to see in all directions and listen in all directions; the same was true when he sat down to whisper secretly. Thanks to the advanced herbal identification given by Brother Tong, his five senses were still very good.

As for integrated circuit technology, it also benefits from Tong Ge’s medical device technology in the next thirty years. The analysis of integrated circuits in technology also starts from basic applications.

Even if the old professor doesn't master the basic technology, his students must understand it. It's similar to what Li Shengli said. There is no threshold for basic knowledge. What really counts as technology still lies in its application and development.

What Li Shengli mastered was precisely application and development. Nowadays, there are building block analog circuits in China, and the basic things are available. For Zou Jin, the threshold lies in the understanding of basic knowledge.

Li Shengli got up and went to the Wang family's old house to copy the technology. Zou Jin, who was sitting, coughed slightly to relieve his embarrassment, then opened his mouth and said to the empty space:

"You've heard it all, why don't you come out and prick my heart this time?

This time you are satisfied. Your wild man sold me and became an old man's wild woman, and I want to give birth to a child for an old man over seventy years old.

My face is being trampled under your man's feet, so you have nothing to say? "

Zou Jin's words were naturally addressed to his daughter Xie Chan. Seeing his daughter sitting across from him without any embarrassment, Zou Jin wiped away his tears.

"Mom, Sheng Sheng is right, you have ambitions beyond your control.

A small director in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine cannot satisfy you, and my father's identity limits your progress.

You are different from other aunts and uncles. You also want to make a career, right?

Now that victory has given you a chance, you have to take advantage of it, madam of academia?

Isn't this enough room for your ambition? "

After his daughter Xie Chan took away the cover, Zou Jin stopped wiping his tears and asked with some embarrassment:

"What should I say to your father?

I'm going to meet someone tomorrow. I can't wait until it's done and then notify him, right? "

"I see you're in a hurry. I'm just going to apprentice as a teacher tomorrow, and I'm not asking you to go to the door.

Mom, your problem is actually caused by my father. My grandpa taught you well, but it's a pity that you didn't meet a good man. "

Zou Jin was so angry that her daughter had skinned her again and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

What my daughter said is right. Now Lao Xie doesn’t have to dislike his eldest lady behavior. When the time comes, he will become a student and, under the pretext of taking care of his elderly teacher, completely distance himself from his relationship with Lao Xie. Everyone will be better off. Some.

"Mom, actually, Shengli is just like me. He can clearly see what people want. It's just that I speak directly to people's hearts, and he is more willing to lead people to do good."

Seeing that her mother had stopped talking, Xie Chan, who was not good at comforting others, said something like this that made Zou Jin sneer.

"You are a married woman.

Throughout my journey, I first divorced your father under his instigation, and now I have to remarry a seventy-year-old man and prepare to have a child.

Is this called leading people to do good?

I think I owe you the Xie family..."

Even if he admits to some things, even if it is really in line with what he wants in his heart, Zou Jin still wants to maintain the dignity he deserves.

"Mom, this is wrong.

Without the guidance of victory, how could you be where you are now?

How many people are still bending at 90 degrees to fly in a helicopter?

And what about you and my dad?

My dad still had the final say in the military camp, but you lived in the landlord's courtyard in the village.

I saw it with my own eyes when Uncle Robert was in trouble. His legs were broken, so he was carried to the venue in a flat basket.

If you were in the city, seeing how charming you still are, I'm afraid..."

Xie Chan looked down upon her mother's refusal to welcome her. If she could refuse, she would have more confidence in the yard next door.

Xie Chan's inner feelings now were similar to what Li Shengli thought. She felt that her mother's refusal to welcome her had given her a label of a loose nature, and she felt that she could no longer hold her head high in front of Li Shengli.

A person with clear logic sees things objectively and accurately. Xie Chan knew clearly that her own mother, Zou Jin, would refuse to accept her wishes, and from now on, in the circle, it would be spread that she would be a loose person.

If a good military husband doesn't protect his husband, he will find an old man after the divorce. If he finds an old man and uses the old man to get a position, he will naturally not get good reputation in private. Are you jealous?


Say no more!

I admit it, okay?

You wild man said that if you give someone a rose, the fragrance lingers in your hands. Why do you always want to reveal the evil in people's hearts?

Follow your wild man and learn how to lead people to be kind! "

Li Shengli did not mention many things during the storm, and Zou Jin, who was trapped in Madianji in disguise, was not unaware.

She had heard about many people's experiences, which always gave her nightmares at midnight. Her daughter Xie Chan opened the fig leaf on the street, and Zou Jin became hysterical like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

Talking about dignity these days is a luxury for many people who care about dignity.

Zou Jin reluctantly accepted Li Shengli's suggestion. What happened on the street was also the objective reason for her to bow her head.

Just like what my daughter said, her uncle Robert will continue to be put in the basket even if he is seriously injured. Compared with the experiences of those people, remarrying an old man is considered very lucky. In the wind and rain, his wife and children are separated. Too much, too much.

The couple next door broke up unhappily. Li Shengli also sat down in the study of the slightly lonely old Wang family house. He looked at Xu Xiaoya who was busy cleaning up and said:

"Xiaoya, there are fewer and fewer people in the courtyard, so don't be so busy.

Have an idea to learn something?

I heard that the big cafeteria invited famous chefs from the city to teach their skills. You can go there during the day and learn from them. "

Living in Madianji, Li Shengli is not afraid of rumors in the village, but for Xu Xiaoya, there are no opportunities that are particularly suitable for her now.

Sending her to a self-training class, Wang Xiaoya and Ma Xiaoya had to be found in the Wang family's old house. Keeping her by their side would be a reassurance for her brother Xu Zhengqing. Learning to cook could be considered a good career.

As for going to college in the future, for rural young people like Xu Xiaoya, such an opportunity can only be thought of.

The recommendation from the village will not fall on her. As for taking the college entrance examination in the future, it may be an opportunity, but her family may not agree.

Compared with young people in the city, Xu Xiaoya, who has to work early to make a living, opportunities are undoubtedly luxuries that are elusive. "Brother, don't drive me away, I don't want to marry an old man..."

Xu Xiaoya couldn't help but tremble after hearing Li Shengli's arrangement and witnessing the transformation of the Wang family's old residence from lively to deserted.

To the family, she was just an object that could be exchanged for money and food. If she really wanted to get married in the village, the only way left was to farm the land and have children.

"Don't cry, I just want you to learn cooking. You can talk to your uncle Xu Laoqi and tell him that I arranged for you to go.

When you are free at home, don’t just wash and wash. Take out the books from school and ask Xie Chan next door if you don’t understand.

Okay, go and ask, I'm going to be busy..."

Arrange it for Xu Xiaoya. Li Shengli feels a little ashamed because he arranged Zou Jin for that old gentleman.

But there is no way, the road in the wind and rain is still barely easy to walk, but the road in the future will be more difficult.

If you seize the opportunity brought by Master Yang by chance, the resistance faced by the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine in the future will be much smaller.

After sending Xu Xiaoya away, the old professor caught up with some of the technical skills given by Brother Tong on paper. Even if Zou Jin disagreed, Li Shengli would go to Fu Yiqing.

This also involves the implementation of many technological achievements. Medical equipment technology will almost cover the high-precision fields in the next thirty years. If done properly, this is not a matter of overtaking in a corner.

If we cut off the technological trees of Europe, America, Japan and South Korea midway and build insurmountable dams on their technological channels, many technological thresholds in the future will not exist.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not an industry that has nothing to do with technology. The Tiansheng Bronze Man of the Song Dynasty can be regarded as a complex of high-precision technologies of that era. It is a pity that future generations can only repair and not build new ones.

Although meridians, qi and blood, and the five elements exist objectively for traditional Chinese medicine, they must be combined with the times. In the future, if you want to prove something plausibly, you will still need highly sophisticated ones.

Whether it is scholars, peasants, businessmen, workers, peasants, merchants, or soldiers, from all walks of life, it is rare to find an industry that is not related to traditional Chinese medicine.

Since he told Zou Jin about the great cycle of traditional Chinese medicine today, Li Shengli had to work hard to implement the plan.

As far as integrated circuits are concerned, it has just crossed from small-scale integrated circuits to medium-scale integrated circuits.

In the field of medical equipment, imaging equipment and monitoring equipment are indispensable for integrated circuits.

The miniaturization and portability brought by integrated circuits can not only be used in instruments such as blood glucose meters and blood pressure monitors, but also in missiles. It is nothing more than the same function, but another place to work.

In the evening, Li Shengli wrote down the general idea and sent it to Zou Jin next door. This will also be the topic of discussion when we meet tomorrow.

After returning to the Wang family's old house, Li Shengli hurriedly obtained information on hand-washing circuit boards.

Integrated circuits really need to be simple and rough. Just punch a few copper sheets by hand, add some solder to a piece of wood, add a battery, and a small light bulb on a flashlight, and you can use it to illustrate the principle.

Zou Jin also seriously studied abroad. Although she ended up halfway, this can be regarded as luck. Before she completed her studies, it was difficult to find her information back then. In those days, regardless of men or women, most people who really wanted to study abroad had to study Science and engineering.

With such a reason, the reputation of the forgotten genius engineering girl can be added to the name of Aunt Zou next door.

Early the next morning, seeing Aunt Zou who was a bit shy, Li Shengli shook his head and said:

"Aunt Zou, I see that old gentleman is not suitable for wearing military uniform.

Don’t wear a Lenin suit, just wear the soap-colored slanted skirt that you usually wear at home. "

Zou Jin, who followed the locals and did not want to be too conspicuous in the village, did not often wear military uniforms or Lenin uniforms. After giving Li Shengli a glare, she went back and changed her clothes.

Looking at Zou Jin who had gone back and changed into a brown slanted shirt, Li Shengli shook his head. This outfit was still very good in the village, and it was not conspicuous when going out on the street.

The supply is really tight these days. It's already summer. There aren't too many women in the village who only wear a cardigan, let alone a small vest underneath. It's good to have something thin to wear. .

"You are very careful, but let's start with the ugly talk. If the old gentleman really can't stand it, I can't let myself be too wronged..."

On the way, Zou Jin also made his own conditions. Although Li Shengli's plan was dirty, in reality, it was very convenient for the old gentleman and the development of many technologies. But this Aunt Zou didn't know. That’s all.

"Will not!

The old gentleman is looking for style. You can't let an old man be as strong as a young man, right?

The old gentleman’s knowledge, cultivation, and experience will impress you.

As for you, you come from a scholarly and business family in the south, you have the experience of studying abroad, and you have unique insights on integrated circuits. You are not bad at all, so the old gentleman will naturally look at you differently.

For you, this is not about showing off your appearance, but purely relying on the ideas in your mind to make up for the regrets you had when you were studying abroad. "

Listening to Li Shengli's serious nonsense, if the root of this matter was clearly laid out in front of the old gentleman, he would be very angry.

But it’s really good to use it as a reason to comfort yourself.

"Slick and dirty thing, where will I live in the future?"

"There's no rush, take your time, let the old gentleman turn on the small stove for you first.

The classroom here in the self-training class may be due to the persistence of the old man, let’s take a look..."

After discussing all the way to the self-training class, they met the dignified and generous Zou Jin. Master Yang's face was full of joy. With Zou Jin's temperament, he could stand with the old gentleman.

Master Yang was trying to facilitate the situation, but the old man was aloof. When Li Shengli arrived at the scene, he also regained his composure as a doctor. He gently pulled Master Yang out of the circle and picked up an old man from science and engineering. For Zou Jin, don't Too easy.

Coupled with the hastily launched integrated circuit technology, if Zou Jin opens his mouth and doesn't come back tomorrow, the old man will come to his door. For the old man, technology is the real delicacy.

"Doctor Xiao Li, this..."

"Master Yang, you are just a down-and-out traveler from the end of the world. Will you tell others about your previous experiences now?

There are many things that cannot be studied deeply. If you study deeply, you will be disgraced..."

Master Yang wanted to get to the bottom of it, but Li Shengli pointed to the still wind and rain outside the hospital and gave up his idea. Many things in these years cannot be said or cannot be said.

Standing in the distance, watching the old man change from passive to active, Li Shengli knew that Zou Jin was talking about technology.

The old man has never married, so there is nothing better to do than to use technology to knock the old man down, simply and directly.

Integrated circuit technology has a direct and crucial role in the implementation of many things in the physics discipline today. If Zou Jin’s bait is spread, the old man will become a young man...

(End of this chapter)

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