The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 622: Stalemate (Part )

Chapter 622: Stalemate (Part )

“Third brother, if we fight a serious war, we won’t have any use for you.

Staying there, the spy camp will only be left to dry in the sun.

When I come back this time, I plan to get you a reinforced battalion, or a special agent brigade.

A full regimental structure may not be possible, but two battalions, or two reinforced battalions, is not a big problem.

The northeast, as compared to the north, is not conducive to the leap forward of large corps. The supply line in the west is shorter. The real confrontation should still be in the central and western regions.

Calling directly from the Northeast, with a little delay, they would have to sit on the wax in winter. "

The north is destined to be unwinnable, and the achievements of the secret service battalion are destined to be short-lived, but when Wu Xing joins the army, this short-lived effort is enough.

The battlefield of the spy camp is neither in the northeast nor the northwest, but in the southwest ten years later.

After ten years of development, it will no longer be a special agent brigade, but a special agent division or a special agent corps, or a few or a dozen.

Together with the other three tigers of the Ding family on the plateau, three or two regiment-level units, or several brigade-level units, this is the mission of the five tigers of the Ding family, the Xie family, and the Wang family in the next ten years.

If that event is done well, the Ding family's five tiger generals will be able to star, and the Ding family will become a true inheritance general.

It's just these words that are hard to say to the uncle in front of him. Ding Laosan is not a clean object. Li Shengli dares to say now that this grandson may dare to run for a military-level unit, but this Obviously it can't be done.

"Sheng Li, if I say this to you, we, Uncle Lang, should have a drink tonight."

Hearing that the establishment was about to be expanded, Ding Yong's face that had been solemn just now also turned into a smile. Although he said that the petition had a result, the reality was just like what his brother-in-law Li Shengli said, the people there ignored him at all.

This is not the time for hand-to-hand combat, where everyone behaves with a gloomy look. When it comes to field battles, no one will use the secret service battalion, it’s a shame!

"Third brother, Lan Lan and I have not consummated our marriage. This is just a gift for your family. Does this mean that your family has accepted me?"

Ding Yong never expected that his cheap brother-in-law would reply to him like this. If he had known about this earlier, his grandson would just go to the city and settle down.

"Man, after all, we are brothers who stir the pot, so it doesn't make sense for me to play like this, right?

The elders in the family don't have any objections. It's just that you saved Lan Lan's life, but the eldest and second eldest brother don't know this.

If I nodded, because of my status as brother-in-law, they would let you beat me, but you would have to risk your life to say hello.

If anything happens to you and Lan Lan in the future, I will be the first to be beaten.

If this matter is revealed, just pretend that you didn't say it and I didn't hear it, okay? "

Wiping the hot sweat on his head, he looked at the bastard brother-in-law in front of him bitterly. There were five tigers in the Ding family, and the fifth, Ding Kai, was a stick.

If the eldest and second eldest children really take the lead, and the fifth eldest brother decides to follow them, Li Shengli is too gloomy, and his sister is too delicate. I am afraid that the two of them will not be able to get together in the future, and he, the third brother, will be disappointed for the rest of his life.


Next, I'll tell you, listen. I'll put the wine at Madianji tonight. It's up to you, third brother, to decide whether to go or not.

The situation in the north has entered a stalemate stage since the T62 fell into the river. The fight can only be a small fight.

On the north side, there is no confidence at all in the invasion of large corps. They often resort to small operations and big bombs, which are nothing but weak-looking goods.

If they dare to advance in large groups, the result will be the total annihilation of the entire army. If they dare to perform an operation on us, even if the Asian part is lost, it is hard to say whether the European part can be saved.

As long as they dare to perform an operation, the hundreds of millions of soldiers and civilians here will dare to fight a war of national subjugation and genocide. In terms of the current month, almost all of them will be killed by winter.

Therefore, no matter whether anyone intervenes or not, there will only be friction and confrontation in the north. "

Hearing that his brother-in-law Li Shengli got back to the topic, Ding Yong also sat down with a solemn expression. This was almost the same as what was said in the Northeast.

Some people have already proposed the "Three Lights" policy for minor operations in the north. Once the operation is performed, the Northeastern legions will immediately advance with light troops. By then, the war will not be fought at all, but, as Li Shengli said, it will be annihilation. Revenge battles between soldiers and civilians or rural towns.

Ding Yong is not as ignorant as Wang Qianjin and Xie Fei. There are also deductions in the northeast. According to Sanguang's tactics, he will advance in and attack the countryside to surround the city. The north cannot survive a winter at all.


Go on!

Who wants to step in? "

According to the deduction from the Northeast and the current arrangement, once the fighting starts, one person will be killed and the other injured, and the one who dies will definitely be the North.

Because it is expected that minor surgery will affect the overall command, after the army advances, it will continue to attack places where there are people until it hits places where there are no people. The outcome is doomed.

Another theory is what Li Shengli said later. Someone intervened to mediate. The former theory is that both jade and stone will be destroyed. It is really defeated, and there is no improvement here. In the eyes of some people, this battle is simply unwinnable. Get up.


We have started to contact you. Didn’t we go to Hong Kong City some time ago?

Niu Bijian from Jardine has already started to contact powerful people in Southeast Asia. In the next month or two, there will almost be a business delegation to Hong Kong.

With the intervention of the United States, the small operations and big bombs in the north can only be used by deaf ears and purely for decoration.

Against a large army, they didn't even have half a chance of winning. Advancing and holding on were not the same thing, and they had no confidence at all in defeating them.

The tougher we are now, the more cowardly we will be next. In this battle, the north is destined to be defeated, and its toughness with the outside world may end here.

Ever since they mishandled the missile crisis in Lao Ka, the unipolar advance has been on the decline.

After we fell to the United States, the north should panic. If we were unable to advance or retreat, we would have to play the same trick as the United States.

Nowadays, apart from the ones in the north, the only ones in the surrounding area that can affect us are the southwest. As for the house lying in the northeast, we don’t dare! "

Although it is impossible to accurately predict the war ten years later, it does not prevent Li Shengli from giving Ding Yong an imaginary enemy.

Sometimes, military training requires imaginary enemies. Whoever brings it up first and puts it into action will surely have a few stars in his pocket if he can reap certain results in the future.

"A discerning person!

It seems that I have to go to Madianji tonight. "What Uncle Lang and Uncle were talking about just now was not about the real situation. In the final analysis, it was still a matter of whether Li Shengli, the brother-in-law or brother-in-law, was qualified.

When Li Shengli mentioned the port city, Ding Yong knew that he had to go to the Hongmen Banquet in Madianji tonight.

It is not difficult to explain the situation clearly, but it is difficult to be able to see the situation clearly and dare to take action, not to mention the southwest that Li Shengli just mentioned, which is obviously a project reserved for the spy camp.

Ding Yong didn't feel guilty for pushing his sister to go with someone he didn't know or like. He was not as pure as the eldest or second child in the family. The combination of interests was not a bad thing for his sister.

At the very least, Li Shengli is now one of the richest people in the city. When he went to Hong Kong last time, Ding Yong took care of his money and food stamps.

“I just have to go.

Lan Lan has been enjoying herself at Madianji recently. You are such a spoiled little sister.

However, I can afford it..."

Hearing his brother-in-law belittle his sister, Ding Yong didn't dare to hold his tongue. This was also true. Five brothers protected her, and the mother-in-law pampered this only girl. It was only right to raise her to waste.

Because of my sister's matter, the old couple in the family often quarreled. According to what the father said, when they graduated from junior high school, they planned to send their sister to join the army.

As a result, it was difficult to graduate from high school, and I was caught up in the storm. Many things may have been destined.

"If you have to go, then go. It's just the same knife. Let's talk about the southwest. Is it related to the expansion of the secret service camp?

Training for mountain warfare next?

This time, you have done something wrong. Uncle Xie's station is not as good as the mountains and forests in the northeast. "

Since the secret service camp has put up a "young and energetic" sign in the south, and after becoming famous in the battle in the north, Ding Yong is really ambitious.

His brother-in-law Li Shengli pointed out a way for him to quickly advance in the army. If he could quickly master mountain warfare and get results quickly, a serious regiment would be what Ding Yong had in recent years.

At this rate, by the age of forty, the possibility of becoming a general is very high.


The trip to the Southwest will not be possible within a year or two. We need to practice basic mobility first, and then adaptability. This battle has to wait for the United States to withdraw from the quagmire before they dare to provoke us. .

As far as the economy is concerned, Annan's economy has already collapsed since the war started, and now he basically relies on relief.

Once Lao Hu is gone, the next person's prestige is not enough, and once he loses the confidence to regroup, he will still have to continue to receive relief.

A beggar who begs for food will not care about kindness when he is really hungry. The allusions about rice appreciation and rice enmity are almost the same from country to country. Raising those can only breed white-eyed wolves.

In the eyes of others, we are still poor, and we are not as wealthy as those in the north. Once the north gives out more charity, it would be strange if they don't turn around and beat us!

If the southwest war starts, our side will definitely be in an undecided situation. The reconnaissance operation should be similar.

We also know the geography of the mountains over there. When the time comes, you, the Five Tigers of the Ding family, or the special agent brigade, if divided into multiple groups, can penetrate into their hearts as quickly as possible before both parties are clear about it. Land, shattering their center in one fell swoop, this achievement is boundless.

Just like on the Plateau in 1962, don't ask for instructions, just dig into their back door and take out their hearts and minds. That is an unparalleled achievement!

When the time comes, the front-line special agent battalion attacks and beheads, the forwards in the middle are interspersed to follow up, and the army behind tightens their pockets to fight their large corps annihilation battle.

That is really a grand scene where one general achieves great success..."

After throwing a big piece of cake to Ding Yong, his third uncle, what happened next was beyond Li Shengli's control.

Whether it is Lao Ding, Lao Xie, or Lao Wang, they are all veterans on the battlefield. After ten years of planning, the Ding family's five tigers were placed on the southwest front line. The old ones among them earned one or two positions as forward leaders.

With such a cover-up before and after, in order to be prepared and unprepared to attack, and to quickly advance to destroy the country first and then the army, we will not waste the assistance given to them over the years.

The spy battalion in the front was beheaded, and the veterans in the back followed up and interspersed. After that, it was a battle of annihilation of the leaderless army. Such a result was only worthy of a dozen years of experience, wasn't it?

As for disobedience, the saying at that time was: wartime communications could not keep up with the needs of the frontline troops, the enemy was too weak, and the battle was disrupted, but the credit was really there.

The battle to establish prestige must be bloody. In terms of their fighting will, they must fight to the last soldier. Otherwise, they will not be able to help and teach them.

At that time, the tougher the battle, the better. Once the special agent battalion takes the advantage and the front line loses command, there will be a slight pause, and the follow-up veteran will be more timely. When the army is pushed flatly, it will be a battle of annihilation of the entire organization.


Victory, this is a big deal. Are you sure that if we kill everyone, we won't go to military court for target shooting after we come back? "

When he said this, Ding Yong's lips trembled. When he was on the plateau, he thought more than once that he was the general who led his troops to the capital.

Now that it's reached that point, it's time to launch a burst of artillery fire, kill everyone in and out, turn around and leave a mess, and wait outside the city for reinforcements.

Maintain the pressure on the city with sparse artillery fire. As Asana behaves, at least we can fight a division-level annihilation battle. If not, several divisions will fall into the pocket formation. By then, there will be too many pigs. , can't catch it.

"Everyone is angry, what kind of military court are you going to?

You are the five tigers of the Ding family, so you must find at least five ways to break through.

We all have the map and route over there. Once we have the opportunity, it will be Huangcaoling during the Korean War. The fight was not a war, but the iron footboard we are used to.

Five routes are deployed at the same time. As long as two routes can break in, one can attack by force, one can close the door, and the remaining three can encircle them, where can they go?

Therefore, carrying heavy loads, concealment, and long-distance marching are the keys to training. "

Hearing his brother-in-law talk more and more detailedly, thinking that he had also explained the situation in the northeast in such detail when he went north from the south, Ding Yong's expression changed and he said:

"Sheng Li, we can't stay in this city anymore?"

Ding Yong is not a child with a pure mind. He uses the self-training class outside the city as a turnover station. In addition to convenience, he also has the idea of ​​​​first-come-first-served.

The status of the spy camp in Gyeonggi Province is completely different from that of the spy camp on the edge of Hebei Province.

Listening to his brother-in-law's detailed explanation, Ding Yong also thought about where they were going. There was probably no place for a spy camp outside the city.

"Are you kidding me?

You are a special agent battalion, a special agent battalion carefully selected from the army. No one will let you camp in the capital.

To put it bluntly, have the people in your secret service camp gone through three generations of political review?

Letting you stay here temporarily is nothing more than a way to express your attitude to some people and to confront them.

I really asked you to attack me. If I send troops again, will I be allowed to attack you?

This is the overall situation..."

(End of this chapter)

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