The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 620 Attitude (Part )

Chapter 620 Attitude (Part )

Once you realize the problem, it's time to solve it. If you really want to provoke such a dispute, even if Li Shengli is a little person, he is not that naive.

Overturning the table or breaking the net is most effective when it is just lip service. If you really want to put it into action, then you are either a table or a fish.

Cleaning up the mess is also the mess of barefoot doctors and the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. How should we clean up such a mess?

The self-training class here is really going to become a battlefield. According to the current mood, there will probably be a zero added after the thousand and eight hundred to fill up this battlefield.

This kind of scale of death may be commonplace for some people. But if this is really going to happen in the self-training class, then there will really be no enemy or friend on Li Shengli's side.

This is a fundamental conflict of interest, and the person who can really rise to power at the expense of the barefoot doctor should not be a good person no matter what.

Seeing that Mr. Pu and the others had gone back, Li Shengli picked up the phone on the table and called his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, asking him to call Xie Fei and come to the self-training class together.

There are only two ways to block people, hard block or soft block. At this time, hard block is definitely not possible, only soft block.

Soft block, naturally, let the results speak for itself. He has done a good job here. It is wrong for anyone to interfere randomly. Producing results can be regarded as shirking responsibility in advance.

Once the self-training class is disrupted, then Li Shengli is nothing more than a victim. No matter how high the price is, he will be one of the victims.

Wang Qianjin is not in the self-training class recently, and is also helping Xie Fei get familiar with the hills in the city.

There are students, workers and civil servants who are not familiar with these relationships, and it is difficult to move around in the city. You never know, and it is possible that you will not be able to come back after a trip.

He drove Xie Fei to the self-training class. After hearing what Li Shengli said about the incident, Wang Qianjin raised his eyebrows and said:

"Lao Li, if they want it, just give it to them!

During this time, the people who asked them to cross-examine me lost their temper. These grandsons wanted to trick me into talking about all kinds of nonsense.

Lao Xie, you are a pretty boy too, so be careful and don’t do anything fancy, or you might get yourself killed. "

Hearing what Xiao Wang Jinjin said, Xie Fei rolled his eyes at him helplessly. In these days, he was afraid of causing trouble. Only a fool like Wang Jinjin and a ruthless guy like Li Shengli dared to step into two different boats.

Li Shengli's side is better. Everything is based on interests, and the troubles don't get to the point of life and death, and there won't be chaos in the house.

Wang Qianjin, a fool like him, does things without thinking. To put it bluntly, those who want to rely on him now either want to gain protection or want to take advantage of him. The purpose of both is actually the same, they all want to use him.

It would be strange for a relationship like this, in these years and years, not to cause problems.

"I found that your grandson has not made any progress at all, and he cannot give up his talents lightly.

Lao Li didn't tell you the price of giving up his choice because you didn't understand.

You two have given up, who has the final say in the self-training class?

At least two forces have to fight for it. If your godmother is unwilling, it will be a three-way fight. Do you know how many people will die?

If you just tell them, there will be more troubles in the future, and these troubles will have to be borne by the two of you. "

After receiving Li Shengli's wink, Xie Fei didn't even hug him, but directly gave Wang Jinjin a slap in the face.

Mr. Xie also knows that in this day and age, if you go up, you can't come down, unless you are driven down.

Once you are kicked out, you will have to wait for waves of people to settle accounts with you. This will be endless. Some positions are very important, and occupying them is a sin.

Isn't it because Wang Qianjin is being criticized in turn because his little sweetheart is out of power?

If you think about it more deeply, people may not have been eyeing the self-training class run by Li Shengli and Wang Qianjin, so they took turns to trouble Wang Qianjin. It’s just that now Fa Xiao Wang’s idiot has a solid backing. Without ironclad evidence, they can only dare to question him. .

If Wang Qianjin has no backer and he is given the means to do so according to the rules, even a tough guy will confess. But if you are really tough, someone will help you confess. This is the process of handling cases now. There is no such thing as a trick, one by one. Not to plead guilty?

"Brother-in-law, that's pretty much what Lao Xie said.

It is impossible to give it away. If someone really wants to grab it, we can only give it to them first, and then lead the people from Madianji and Wali to sweep everyone out.

And between retreating and advancing, we have to get a few big ones. This move will be a sin now and in the future, and we have no way to retreat.

The result of this quarrel is that you will still have to listen to your godmother in future self-training classes, but this world is probably going to be soaked in blood.

How many of your little sweethearts have you got?

When the time comes, the self-training class will be full, and the cause and effect will not be so easy to connect.

You two are asking around in the city, let me see who has taken a fancy to our self-training class?

This time comes secretly, don't make a big show of causing trouble for others, otherwise the trouble will still fall on us.

Lao Xie, do you want to increase your burden? "

After explaining the inner story to his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, Li Shengli didn't want to say anything more on this matter. Some things were not so easy to inquire about.

The purpose of asking around this time is to remind the other side. If you don't think there is anything there, you will have to inquire in a big way. When that time comes, it will be time to start a dispute directly.

It's already the beginning of spring, and many things have been spread out as they should. After facing the north, it is also the time when the blockade is loosened. Naturally, the Du family should get a share of this credit.

It's just that there are risks in operating this matter now. The risk is not for Father Du, but for Xie Fei and the Xie family.

Judging from Father Du's attitude, he won't come back for most of half a year. If he delays outside for another year, many things will be almost settled, and it will be peach picking season when he comes back.

Although it is risky for Mr. Xie or the Xie family to increase the burden, Li Shengli is also repaying the Xie family. Today's transportation, both internal and external, is connected to foreign countries. In fact, the difference is only in one statement, and the credit is still there.

Although Xie Fei cannot be directly transferred to Xie Fei, who has really contributed to the internal and external aspects of transportation, for the short term, Xie Ke is still enough.

What the Xie family can eat in China is only scattered. The ones who can really eat a fat man in one bite are the Du family and Xin Yihe's Niu Bijian.

Needless to say about the Du family, these will be Du's qualifications in the future. As for Niu Bijian, he will be sent to the other side of the ocean in the future.

New Bijian was born in Yihe Foreign Trade Company and was familiar with various relationships in the colonies. Naturally, it would be better for him to take shortcuts and follow the old path for his future political and business resources. The resources of the colonies are also resources, and they are very important resources.

Being close or hostile is one of the resources, but in terms of merit, as an icebreaker, Lao Niu will win more this time. Although he will be shackles in the future, he can't do it just because of his background. President, if you can win these things, it can be considered a big profit in life.

"Lao Li, how heavy is this burden?

Can't you crush me to death?

Or can the Xie family handle it? "

Before speaking or doing anything, the first thing that comes to mind is the risks, and the first thing to weigh is the pros and cons, which is why Li Shengli said that disciples like Xie Fei and Du Peng were impure.

Those who are pure, no matter where they stand, can make the impossible possible little by little.

Disciples like Du Peng and Xie Fei can only contribute their efforts under the protection of their family background and after seeing the results clearly, and their efforts are not their best. For people like them, stability is stable, but their future is also limited.

It is also difficult for them to get rid of the shackles of their family background, and their positions can only sit lower and lower. Those who are pure will naturally leap up and surpass them as slippery people as long as they have the opportunity.

"It is also a law to gain wealth through danger. How can anyone earn credit while lying down?

If this trouble is going to happen, it means that there are connections with foreign countries..."

Hearing the words "Li Tong Foreign", Xie Fei also looked resentful, but if Li Shengli didn't elaborate, he couldn't tell anything, so he could only test it again.

"Old Li, why can't you tell me first and let me think about it?"

"It can be said that this situation belongs to a child without a mother. It's a long story. The current situation is actually closely related to the north. The Czech Republic some time ago, the Big Brother before, and the Yugoslavia earlier.

This series is connected together. Lao Xie, do you understand? "

When it came to the details, Li Shengli really had to give Xie Fei some guidance, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain it when he got to the leadership office.

"Lao Li, what do you mean by this? I've been studying this recently. Can you please explain it to me in detail?"

Seeing Mr. Xie beating snakes with his stick, Li Shengli smiled helplessly. If this guy was really that high, he would not stay in the depression, but would have gone to the northwest long ago.

Mr. Xie has no shortage of slickness in words and brains. Now Xie Fei, because of his sister Xie Chan, has also risen in the market with Li Shengli, and is similar to Du Peng.

If you can help, you still have to help Xie Chan. This will also be useful in the future, but if Xie Fei gets involved in this matter, in the future, you will have to find acquaintances at the health port.

"This matter should not be started too early. We have to start with the congratulatory message on the founding of the country. We from the Yugoslavia followed it, but there was no response.

The reason is that they were too close to the United States and were boycotted by Big Brother. We lacked external support and Big Brother's attitude was very important to us, so we ignored Lao Tie's congratulatory message.

The old iron back then was in a similar situation to us now.

Big Brother didn't like Lao Tie's behavior, so he led a group of subordinates to boycott Yugoslavia. Both Lao Tie and us had to find a way to survive after being boycotted, right?

At that time, there was no other way for Lao Tie to go, but to take the road of Lao America.

We are in the same situation now. The people in the north keep clamoring about minor surgeries and the like. They are trying to force us to death!

The enemy of our enemy is our friend. Blockade from the south and resistance from the north are extremely unfavorable situations for us.

There must be a connection between the north and the south. Now, there is no hope of connecting the north, so we can only go south.

Regarding the matter on the southeastern peninsula, Lao America has been guarding against us. If we can make our plans clear now, we can boost Lao America's confidence.

For Laos and the United States, the Southeast is also a quagmire, and behind the quagmire, we, the predator, are also facing a crisis-ridden situation.

The olive branch we extended is exactly what the United States has longed for. Now the economy in the United States has been affected by the Vietnam War and is in urgent need of a boost.

As for our entanglement with the North, with the participation of the United States, they would not dare to even talk about the minor surgery in the North, let alone perform it. If the two families work together, the shit will come out..."

In the future, many people will not be able to understand what Li Shengli said about current affairs, but now the relationship between China and Southern Jiangsu is a very profound and popular topic in the circle of disciples. Those disciples who can really talk about it will naturally You can get a share in the circle.

Xie Fei understood most of this, but it was related to the current situation, and he couldn't quite figure it out.

"Lao Li, I didn't quite understand what you heard. Can you tell me more?"

Glancing at his brother-in-law Wang Qinjin, who was sitting upright, and Mr. Xie, who was sitting upright, Li Shengli shook his head. This was the difference in tutoring.

It's not that the tutoring of the old Wang family is not as good as that of the old Xie family, but Mr. Xie's tutoring can help him go further in his official career. If he is in the army, Wang Qianjin's character will undoubtedly be lovable.

If he had joined the army at the same time, Wang Qianjin would have been promoted two years earlier than Xie Fei, but the follow-up path would still not be as good as Mr. Xie's, and Wang Qianjin was a typical example of normal education among his disciples.

And Xie Fei is a typical example of purposeful education. Different from the past, in today's circle of disciples, more than half of the disciples like Wang Qianjin have received normal education, and Xie Fei belongs to that small group.

"A few days ago, the Czech Republic was settled by the north because there was no foreign aid. The Czech Republic was still good, with only a few people dying. In Hungary before, two to three thousand people died.

Earlier, Lao Tie led his people and got involved with Lao America early, so the north side took action.

Now our side can refer to the Czech Republic in the near term and the Yugoslav Republic in the far term. Only by introducing hawks and dogs can we deter bears.

Without big bombs, if the north really dares to cross over, the entire army will be destroyed.

What you are asked to do is to serve as a mouthpiece for New Bijian in the port city, so that the leadership office can contact the other side of the ocean.

Jardine is considered a private business organization. Niu Bijian knows many powerful people in Southeast Asia. Let's introduce them to each other, starting with business cooperation.

As for how far we can connect, let’s see as we go along…”

Xie Fei's mind immediately exploded when he heard that his cheap brother-in-law Li Shengli was using strategies and tactics to communicate with foreign countries.

I didn't even dare to think about this in my dreams. I thought I had contacted Mr. Niu Bijian, who had a Beijing accent in Hong Kong City, and I would just do some business and be done with it.

But now according to Li Shengli's grandson's opinion, this is a proper beheading deal.

Xie Fei is different from Wang Qianjin, who is young and enthusiastic. He has a reputation as Xie Caiyuan in the circle, and he was also famous for being wilted and bad before the storm.

It was too risky for him to handle the deal that Li Shengli was talking about. Now Lao Xie and his mother could not protect him. If something happened, the family might be implicated by him.

Suddenly, Xie Fei felt that the staff in the leadership office were no longer doing well. For Xie Fei, the job there was also precarious.

If it hadn't been for the pressure from the north, the general consensus was that he wouldn't have wanted such a job.

"Lao Li, isn't this burden a bit too heavy? Can't you find an adult to help me bear it?"

Seeing Xie Fei's death, Li Shengli glanced at Wang Qianjin one after another. There must be someone who takes the lead in this matter.

Wang Erluzi is also not welcomed in the leadership office. Now he can only give up this incredible wealth to Mr. Xie.

"Lao Xie, this is such a good thing!

Your grandson, don’t be a wimp in front of a battle, where are you?

Lao Li and I have been through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. How come we are here and we dare not do any good things? "

As a child, Wang Qianjin could see Xie Fei's timidity at a glance. In Wang Er's eyes, just talking and running errands was a rare job.

With a ruthless guy like Li Shengli sitting in charge, he is not afraid of life and death. Why should he be afraid of being a matchmaker?

"Old Li, are you really doing this because you want to send three troops down?"

Xie Fei didn't listen carefully to what Li Shengli told about the self-training class. He just listened briefly. Xie Fei just took it easy and didn't think deeply about the venting and three-way wrestling.

At this point, Mr. Xie, who has never experienced wind and rain, is much worse than Wang Qianjin.

"I think your grandson just keeps his mind on things that have nothing to do with him and doesn't care about your sister. Do you think I'm so willing to take care of you?

Grandson, I say it again, listen very carefully.

Today's self-training class is the only place in the city that can communicate between urban and rural areas on its own.

What is the situation now?

Didn't you see that the five or six cents issued to me were hanging behind me? "

Speaking of the five or six months since he got up, Li Shengli was also helpless. It was no joke that all the people were soldiers.

Since the introduction of large-scale militia training, places like self-training classes have not only required carrying guns with you, but also built a new gun room near the classroom.

The weapons inside are not separated from the bullets, but the ones with bullets pressed and bullet bags hanging on them, so you can shoot them when you pick them up...

(End of this chapter)

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