The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 600: Set within a Set (Part )

Chapter 600: Set within a Set (Part )

Li Shengli spent his own money to get authentic medicinal materials, and some of them were obtained on credit from import and export companies and medicinal materials companies.

Although the two old men, Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu, have known for a long time that authentic or not will affect the properties of the medicine, they have never had the opportunity to experience the difference between Zhebai Shu, Yu Shu and Yu Ye Shu before.

With Ding Yong's spy camp here, they also have the manpower to test the medicine. The Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, which is a combination of wild ginseng and Yu Yeshu. The two old men did not care about the price. After trying it in person, the cubic medicine was the same as water. Yuye Shu.

Although Atractylodes is simple, when it comes to Yu Yeshu, even great doctors like Shi Lao and Pu Lao cannot explain it clearly. When it comes to discussing the properties and efficacy of the medicine, each ingredient needs to be carefully considered.

Not to mention wild skills, the internal price of a 30-year-old mountain ginseng here at the pass is at least thirty yuan. This has to be calculated based on the weight. The heavier it is, the more expensive it is.

The wild ginseng that arrived at the pass was all carefully selected, not to mention the quality, and the price of each ginseng was upwards of 30 yuan.

As the old saying goes, six taels of wild ginseng is worth eight taels of ginseng and is a treasure. Many dry goods of thirty-year-old wild ginseng weigh less than a penny. This is the only thing that has come out of the gate. It is also a top-quality product that can cost thousands a piece.

Someone from the import and export company said that some time ago, the Northeast received a treasure of 6 taels a piece, and the local purchase price reached 6,000 yuan a piece.

If such treasures are exported, their value will be immeasurable. However, the reason why treasures are treasures is that they are not easily exposed to others. Even if the import and export company knows the information, the wild ginseng with six liang upwards is not for sale. , as the old saying goes, money is hard to come by, and it’s not nonsense.

For the two old men, in less than five days, the bill for wild ginseng alone exceeded the thousand yuan mark, which not only embarrassed Li Shengli, but also made the soldiers of the secret service camp suffer. The import and export company also proposed objection.

Because Li Shengli not only bought wild ginseng and the like on credit, he also withheld the Yu Ye Shu stocked here. Even the larger quantity of Yu Ye Shu was pointed out by him and he made it clear that he was not allowed to send it out. goods.

According to the internal price, these medicinal materials are not worth a few bucks, but after passing the threshold, it is an increase of 279 times. Li Shengli is picking up good medicines, and it is reasonable for people to be dissatisfied.

For this reason, Li Shengli had to ask Mr. Pu to send a telegram to the leadership office to report. Although the matter was barely resolved, there were still some stumbling blocks.

If he wants to retain some authentic medicinal materials, Mr. Pu will have to show his results. Now that he has found a way to cure diseases in the north and in the south, trouble will follow.

Many people on sick leave would become an upcoming burden. Li Shengli had no choice but to bring in a group of old Chinese medicine practitioners from the mountains to mix in the sand as a cover.

In the village on the mountain, there are also a lot of old Chinese medicine doctors who suffer from cold drink syndrome. Taking this opportunity, Li Shengli can give them some care to extend their lifespan.

It's just that those who come are still troubles. Li Shengli can only hold his nose and admit the trap he set for himself.

Whether it is Chinese medicine or other industries, when certain ceilings are touched, it is bound to attract attention. The result that attracts attention is constant trouble. At this time, if you block the trouble, you will make further progress. If you cannot stop it, then There is no more.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not going smoothly, let alone Ding Yong's secret service camp. The "young and energetic" Hengpi is exposed, which makes Wang Qianjin's godmother blush, but it also slaps others in the face.

The military elites on the Guangdong Sea side are just appetizers for Ding Yong's spy camp. Now the elites from the northwest, northeast, and plateau are also gradually gathering at the guest house.

Yesterday, a few tough guys came from the northwest. The tallest one was over 1.9 meters tall and had muscles all over his body. He had also practiced martial arts and overturned the secret service camp in one morning. There are more than thirty people, just a tough guy who can't be beaten in the ring.

Ding Yong, the chief officer, was quite obedient. He went up and got slapped by two big mouths, and then he got off the beating with great satisfaction.

"Old Li, I really can't handle this. Those two mouths and eyeballs yesterday almost made me breathe out. It's really impossible to do this, you will be beaten to death."

He is unable to use the most deadly moves, and when faced with a strong man who is not lacking in physical strength and can also practice horizontal training, Ding Yong's person is somewhat ineffective. This is also a manifestation of his lack of skill in martial arts.

If Xiao Changgong were here, he wouldn't have to use dirty tricks or killing moves. The 19-meter-tall tough guy would definitely be no match for him, and the power of Baguazhang was no joke.

With one palm strike, the result is a ruptured internal organ, which is a reflection of the true martial arts skills practiced at home. Building bricks across tofu is the kind of penetrating power practiced. One presses the wrist and the other turns the wrist. If the skill is enough, use force. A change in direction can determine a person's life or death.

Looking at Ding Yong who was swollen into a pig's head, Li Shengli didn't follow his wishes. It was impossible to evacuate from the arena. This was also the place where the soldiers of the secret service camp quickly matured. Without the training of so many elites in the army, the secret service camp wanted to become successful. It will take at least three to five years.

"Isn't Xiao Long here yet?

When he comes, you will also have the Dinghai Shenzhen. "

Facing a 1.9-meter tall man, Li Shengli didn't know how to move. If he didn't use his killer move, it would be in vain. If he used it, it would be in vain, but he would be destroyed. A slight mistake would result in death. .

At this time, it was the time to do stupid Kung Fu. To compete with that tough guy, only Xiao Long, who was a master of martial arts, could do it.

"I asked, and they said the fastest I could get off the bus would be tomorrow night.

No matter how you calculate this time, it only takes a day or two. During this period, it’s not like you haven’t seen that these grandsons will not stop until they beat me up every day.

I was so afraid that they would kill me if they were not careful.

If I die here, you won't be able to serve Lan Lan, right? "

Thinking about the beatings he had received during this period, Ding Yong looked at the four words "Young and Vigorous" hanging on the ring, and he really understood the price of youth and vigor.

Yesterday, the tough man was still very particular. He only gave him two mouthfuls. In the past two days, he was beaten all over the ground deliberately.

Brother-in-law Li Shengli is right. The basic rules in the army are still there. Although he, Ding Laosan, hung up a "Young and Vigorous" face slap banner, the people who came to beat him on the opposite side did not use any tricks such as teasing or eye-gouging. greeted him.

Those who beat him were not unreasonable, but they were more capable than him, and they were just following orders when they beat him all over the place.

According to the martial arts he learned, after a person falls to the ground, life or death is not up to him. Fortunately, he listened to his brother-in-law and did not use the killing move. If he really used it, it would be an endless situation of retribution.

"Don't worry, you won't be beaten to death, nor will you be crippled. If you hit someone's face, they are just looking for reciprocal consequences.

If I really want to beat you to death, I don’t need people from other places, the local people in Guangdong will beat you to death long ago.

This period of time is considered good. After using Buzhong Yiqi Decoction and constant beating, the soldiers' energy and spirit have become somewhat restrained.

The secret service camp should have such requirements. From the soldiers to the chief officers, everyone is a master. "

After reassuring his third uncle Ding Yong, Li Shengli looked back at the "young and energetic" formula.

By the time Xiao Long arrives, the secret service camp has stabilized its position. Not only will Wang Qianjin's godmother continue to show up, but some of the stains on the secret service camp will also be slowly washed away by elites from all over the country. This is how it is in the military. After the basic conditions are met, military merit and combat power will speak for themselves. The special agent battalion has established a foothold in the south. It does not need to wait until next year to ask for help. When it returns to the north, it will most likely be sent to the northeast.

As for the reason, if such an object is left around Gyeonggi, it will also cause trouble for people, right?

As for the confidence in Xiao Long, it comes from the advanced gossip given by Brother Tong. Now Li Shengli is much more powerful than his third uncle Ding Yong.

If it were a life and death fight, that tough guy who practiced stupid kung fu would really be no match for him. In the world, only fast martial arts could not be defeated.

Xiao Long, who has been an artist since elementary school, has nothing to say about his skills. After so many years of experience in the military, he has improved all his qualities. Now is Xiao Long's peak period. If he really faced off against Xiao Changgong, a father, he would be in a battle. Being young and strong, Xiao Long has a better chance of winning.

With the martial arts passed down from his family and military experience, Xiao Long matured at least ten years earlier than other martial arts practitioners. Now Xiao Long is almost among the top group of beings in the martial arts true biography. The limit has been reached.

This is also the reason why martial arts true inheritance is suitable for teaching in the military. There is no need to hide it, and the upper limit is clearly set. The human body has its limits, except for a few people with extraordinary talents.

For most people, they become skilled in three to five years and reach the top in ten or eight years. This is the process of inheriting martial arts in the military.

As for the legendary enemy of a hundred or a thousand enemies, that's not to say that there is no such thing, but it really requires extraordinary talent, and natural divine power is not a legend. If such a person enters the martial arts, he will naturally refresh the upper limit.

"It's not you who gets beaten.

I said, Lao Li, if the medicine soup is not successful, stop it. If you take advantage of the medicine, you can't let the soldiers fly the flag every day, right? "

When being beaten, having Chinese medicine practitioners look after you is a good thing for others, but for the people in the secret service camp, it is torture.

It’s not like people in the secret service camp have never used Buzhong Yiqi Decoction. When they were recuperating at the station, they also used Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, but this time it was different. After drinking it, those who were beaten during the day were fine. .

Those who had not been beaten drank the authentic version of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, but they really couldn't sleep at night, and they were tossing and turning.

Everyone hangs the flag in the morning, drinks the new medicine prepared by the old men, and hangs it all night long. No one can stand it.

In order to sleep well at night, the business of beating and beating is now also a popular job in the secret service camp. Those who can't get their turn can only fight against each other to practice hard skills. Otherwise, please wait and hang out all night.

"You came here with a mission, and testing the medicine is also one of the missions. It was a mission given by the leadership office.

It's just Buzhong Yiqi Decoction. Drinking it does no harm to the body, and it complements high-intensity training.

During this time, if you go out more often and get some fish and rice, you still need to strengthen your nutrition. "

For Ding Yong, Buzhong Yiqi Decoction is a torturous medicine. For Li Shengli, these are all spent on his own money. Whether it is authentic medicinal materials or additional nutritious meals, it is all at his own expense. of.

These are also unreasonable expenses. Authentic medicinal herbs Shi Lao and Pu Lao need to test the medicine. These are experiences.

Although Buzhong Yiqi Decoction is harmless, it also boosts body functions. If the nutrition cannot keep up, harmless things can become harmful.

There is no scientific basis for these two things, and the expenses can only be reimbursed by yourself. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine is still not recognized by the legitimate authorities.

If you get a diagnosis from Western medicine, you can ask for leave from the army or the unit. If you have a diagnosis that you need to rest, the army or unit will accept it even if they don't.

But if you take the advice from a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and say this, it’s up to you whether they will recognize it or not. If you are missing an arm or a leg and you need to rest at first glance, you will naturally recognize it. If you have a stomachache or something that is unclear, others will not recognize it. Even if there is a diagnosis of appendicitis according to traditional Chinese medicine, it will probably not be recognized.

Let Western medicine go through it again before people can recognize it.

It is not that Li Shengli cannot push for this kind of recognition now, but the timing is still not right. Even if it is passed now, there may be more troubles in the future.

Regarding the overall situation of traditional Chinese medicine, Li Shengli's current thinking is to maintain the overall situation as much as possible, focusing on the training of barefoot doctors and the clarification of medical principles and medicinal properties.

These are the basis. As for recognition or not, it is not so urgent now. In fact, the barefoot doctors going to the countryside is a disguised recognition. It is just the prefix of barefoot doctor, which also represents the above attitude.

For a long time, Barefoot Doctor could only be regarded as a doctor, not a real doctor. This is one of the reasons why it can be cut off in later generations. Even when great doctors like Shi Lao and Pu Lao went to the countryside, they still had to be called For the Barefoot Doctor.

After getting rid of the resentful third uncle Ding Yong, Li Shengli was still angry. The cost of testing the medicine was not small. When everyone in the secret service camp came, the cost of medicine for a day would cost hundreds. Yuan, this money still needs to find a source.

If other people's money cannot come out now, they can only use Yihe's Lao Niu and New Bijian.

Ask him to pay a sum of money and transfer the medicinal materials from Hong Kong City in the name of researching influenza medicine. It is not only a profit, but also a good reason to leave Sijiu City for the current huge expenses. , many things are very troublesome for Li Shengli to do.

When Niu Bijian came over to negotiate again, the two settled the cost issue at the guest house and asked Yihe to cover it up in the name of researching potions. Then the two began to study the details of the package.

As Li Shengli predicted, due to the legality and acceptance of traditional Chinese medicine, the Chinese medicinal materials market can only be regarded as a very niche market in the international market. Although the demand is rigid, the demand is also Got there.

Domestic receivables have been collected, causing the production of medicinal materials to surge upwards, but the market is still the same as before. Not to mention last year's new goods, the four major foreign companies still have a large amount of unsaleable inventory here.

The only one contacted here is the Yihe family, which is also a reflection of the internal contradictions among the four major foreign companies. Yihe is used to buying and selling colonial local products, and knows that it will not lose money in the end, but most of them have already transformed, or have turned their attention to operating the three companies in other colonies. Dayang Bank is not very clear about long-term interests.

In other words, it's not that people can't see clearly, but they don't want to compete with the limited profits of the fixed market. Even with the flu, the four major foreign companies have almost fallen apart in the project of dominating the trading of Chinese medicinal materials.

The positions of Swire and Hutchison have already entered the negotiation stage. As for Wheelock, Newbie's idea is simple. Kick Swire and Hutchison away first. The weak Wheelock can be squeezed out at any time.

In exchange, New Bijian and his boss Henry spent a little interpersonal cost to turn the attention of Swire and HSBC to the Czech Republic, which was about to change.

In fact, there is no need to bother planning this kind of trap. The emergence of every new market will inevitably attract the attention of these capitals. With the direction and guidance from Jardine and a little bit of foreshadowing, Swire and HSBC will not wait for the medicine. After the matter was settled, he went directly to the new market.

When they get to the Czech side, there is a real trap waiting for them...

(End of this chapter)

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