The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 598: Set within a Set (Part )

Chapter 598: Set within a Set (Part )

"Old Li, you don't mean to want me to carry out assassinations in the United States, do you?

This is inconsistent with the principles, please take it easy here. "

Today's female bastard is neither a regular nor a newbie, combined with some of what Li Shengli said before, plus what she has to do for Nu Bijian recently.

Du Jiaoyang also made a similar summary of what he just said. He united his own forces and found someone to settle accounts. This was a bit nosy.


How can this be such a good thing? Just like New Bijian's side, people can't leave any money behind when they want to clean up their property. There must be a reason for doing things.

The Ma family in the northwest must be eradicated. The money in their hands belongs to us. How can we let them take our money and continue to live and drink?

Raising people requires funds, and these families have to provide the upfront funds.

Jianghu is not a place where ruthlessness is played, but ultimately it is a place where money is played.

Xiao Changgong cannot be used against normal people, but Xiao Changgong is also best used against Jianghu people.

After making money for the first time, we have to let Xiao Changgong reach a consensus with the Hong Gang and use money as a force to cleanse the rivers and lakes forces that are unfavorable to our immigration.

This Jianghu force does not distinguish between internal and external forces. We must eradicate all those who target us. We must take both sides into account when integrating and establishing authority.

This time also happens to be a time when many Korean War veterans are out of service, or when junior officers are retiring from the army and changing careers.

After you make your first money, you can first exchange the price per head for a battalion of men and horses from the leaders, and let the old cows from the port city serve as cover so that these people can go over and try their hand first.

The Ma family is as bright as a candle, so let’s do some surgery on his family first and try blowing out the lamp and pulling out the wax..."

After hearing these not-so-detailed things, Du Jiaoyang couldn't help but shudder. This man of his own was unparalleled in his sensitivity to interests.

The linking of rape and money-grabbing gives you a sense of initiative. As long as you can get past the leader's point of exchanging people with a beautiful knife in the future, many people who ran away before will probably have no way to survive.

As for the backlash, to put it bluntly, people cannot compete with the country. No matter how powerful and powerful a family is, it can survive it once or twice, but countless times?

As for the methods of Jianghu, the official forces in the United States cannot intervene. In the outside world, Jianghu is also protected by law, which makes no sense.

Between public and private affairs, Li Shengli, his own man, cut off the livelihood of countless families through profit.

Du Jiaoyang also recognized this situation. It has not been more than a generation, and many blood debts are still steaming. What do some people do if they don't die?

Official ladies also have their inherent enemies, and those are the people Li Shengli mentioned.

"Lao Li, let's do this, Wanwan over there..."

But I'm not a fool. If I really want to do this, that group of people will have a backing, and the world will be a battlefield between the two sides.

"The purpose is to let them participate. Now that the war in the southeast has not stopped, we must use the Hong Gang to store a batch of heavy weapons as much as possible.

When disputes between rivers and lakes reach a fever pitch, they will inevitably affect the lives of ordinary people.

We are blocked from the north and the south, and if something goes wrong, we can only blame it on the people over there.

So in the past few years, the more chaotic the world, the better. It would be better if cannons could be used.

No one pushed before, so we could only endure and suffer. Now we are moving, and the movement is big. I want to see how they resist? "

After hearing what happened to the rightful master in the future, Du Jiaoyang was convinced. This swordsman was very powerful. According to Guan Qingyue's words, it would be fatal to run down three roads.

Such a series of traps has been set up, and even if there are people organized to fight in the United States, the result can only be that the people they want to protect cannot be protected, the things they have to do cannot be done, and if they fail, they have to carry a big shit basin home.

"In the future, when we are no longer blocked, do you have to perform again to save people in danger?"

Thinking about the current tricks, Du Jiaoyang also came up with ways to clean up the mess in the future.

"As our father said, children can be taught!

On your side, if you have nothing to do, you have to direct and act in some dramas directed at yourself, two or three times a month. If you have opponents, you can just deal with them while acting.

Are they all victims? It’s just that you have good luck, but your opponent has bad luck..."

Li Shengli's methods are basically one method for one movie. There are many tricks in this thing. When you get tired of playing, you can just follow these self-directed and self-acted plays and go to Hollywood to make movies, which saves you the trouble of writing a book. .

It's just that it's hard to explain these words to Du Jiaoyang now. The work here is even dirtier...

Du Lao and Niu Bijian had a long secret talk, and the couple basically reached an agreement. Li Shengli began to imitate the movie, checking various facilities in the house, trying to find one or two things like eavesdropping. Equipment, but obviously this matter can only be thought about.

"It has been checked and there are no eavesdropping devices."

Seeing that Li Shengli's inspection points were similar to those sent by the leader's office, Du Jiaoyang couldn't help but think of how she was beaten for talking about being a spy when they first met.

Time flies so fast, and now it’s three children, and Li Shengli, a bitch, still looks like a spy.

By the time Old Du and Niu Bijian's secret conversation ended, Li Shengli had already been leaning on the sofa in the room with some idleness. When Old Du went out, he used a gesture to suppress the wise son-in-law who was about to stand up and straighten his posture.

Therefore, when New Bijian came out, what he saw was Mr. Du standing with a box containing a gold watch in his hand, Du Jiaoyang making tea for Li Shengli, and the principal leaning on the sofa with his arms and legs spread out.

"Shengli, you talk, Du Juan and I will listen."

Putting the gold watch that Nu Bijian donated for the second time on the coffee table, Mr. Du also gave Li Shengli some advice after sitting down.

"Old Niu, should we talk seriously, or should we be more casual?"

Li Shengli knew clearly that Du Lao's method was just to keep Niu Bijian from figuring out the real details. The principle of power is easy to use wherever it is put. Now, the most important thing is to win over Lao Niu. Completely in the water.

The matter of Henry, the boss of Lao Niu, still needs an opportunity, and this period of time is also very delicate. It will definitely not allow New Bijian to find out the true relationship between Weng and his son-in-law.

"Mr. Li, as you said, what we are doing is a major event to revive a five-thousand-year-old country, so we naturally need to talk about it seriously."

Not seeing the small movements of this powerful man, Du Lao, Niu Bijian was really confused by Li Shengli's paralysis. He felt that behind Li Shengli, there was someone more powerful than Lao Du.

"Oh... Seriously, the child has no mother, it's a long story...

Then let’s just sit down..."

Seeing Lao Du acting with his men, Du Jiaoyang felt that Li Shengli was criticizing Sang Huai when he heard the child's motherless words, so he slapped him frivolously. Niu Bijian naturally noticed this action, and Lao Niu was also well versed in domestic culture. The relationship between these three people was very subtle if you look closely.

When talking about business at home, the most serious place is not the living room or the study, because these two places have clear priorities.

It's different in a restaurant. Once you sit across the table, it's a negotiation-style fair scene.

"Old Niu, I'm afraid it won't be clear if I make a long story short, so we have to take things slowly.

What we need to do, starting from traditional Chinese medicine, is to boycott and ban traditional Chinese medicine. Do you know Rockefeller’s Concord?

Even if this person is the first person to explicitly ban Chinese medicine, many things must be based on profit.

He is a predator in the United States. The sky is high and the water is far away. We can't touch him now.

But companies like Taikoo and HSBC are engaged in the business of Chinese herbal medicines, and then go back to dig up people's graves. Isn't this not good?

Just like you use color to block us, and you use race to suppress black people.

When we talk to each other, we should be more dignified. Did I just tell you the reason why Mr. Du returned from the Czech Republic?

Now, let’s nail the people like HSBC and Swire under the knees of the people from the north, okay? "

Li Shengli started by banning traditional Chinese medicine. He did not target a certain group or foreign firm, but targeted a group of people. Du Lao, who was watching, frowned.

This sounds like a high-level suggestion, but only a person in a position like Du Lao understands that this is not a high-level suggestion, but a desperate strategy to draw firepower from the bottom of the cauldron. Improper operation will involve an entire clan of people.

Before doing something, it is good to have such a common ground, but the purpose and results are questionable.

"Mr. Li, they are loan sharks and loan sharks, and I have no good impression of them.

Many times, it is not money that speaks. Without strong partners, money can never speak for itself.

Mr. Li, we are all powerful people. If they talk to us about money, we should talk to them about whether the knife is sharp or not.

I think the effect would be better if we just get rid of some people..."

Niu Bijian was really able to discuss this matter with Li Shengli, but after his true nature as a pirate was exposed, his brain was somewhat exhausted.

It's not like it was earlier, people are not so easy to kill, but Niu Bijian, a collaborator, has a good temper towards Li Shengli. Although he looks like a foreigner, he understands everything at the first listen, which saves him a lot of trouble.

“Old Niu, these words may sound encouraging, but this is not how you do things.

We have an old saying that goes: 'If the name is not right, the words will not go smoothly, and if the words are not right, the things will not be accomplished.' If they want to disrupt traditional Chinese medicine, we have to disrupt the foundation of their country.

This matter depends on the attitudes of your country and the United States.

It is not easy to annex HSBC and Swire. Only by making things bigger and muddying the water can we have a chance, right?

The Czech incident is destined to end in an anticlimax, but for this group of people, it is a good trap.

They still have some influence in the north. Do you think the people who are blocking the traditional Chinese medicine bill can be asked to lobby in the Czech Republic?

Obviously they are asked to promote things in the Czech Republic, but this thing is destined to fail. If things fail, someone will have to bear the consequences. Isn't this group of lobbyists just right?

After the incident happened, if you organize public opinion, the battle in the desert will raise the price of oil. Now all parties do not want to see them.

You make people directly question the 181 policy of the United Nations General Assembly, and then slowly push forward. There will be no stability in the desert. When we fight again next time, let's see if we can give them a slap in the face. "

After listening to Li Shengli's plan to wipe out the family, Mr. Du stood up several times to leave, which was exactly the opposite of what the leader's office wanted.

As for Niu Bijian, he listened to Li Shengli's words honestly. It is also customary to talk about big things before lobbying. If the prospects are not laid out, there will be no way to talk about the small things below.

Now it sounds like this is also a desperate plan against HSBC and Swire. In order to calm some public opinion, these people are willing to pay the price, which is similar to what Mr. Li in front of them said.

When the time comes, if they can really pull off a trick, then there is a high chance that HSBC and Swire will be able to get it without any bloodshed.

"Sir, this is okay. Whether it is our homeland or the homeland of the United States, there are a group of people who are contrary to their interests.

As long as we have a common starting point, what you said can be easily achieved. "

Guiding public opinion is not a big deal for Niu Bijian. It is not yet to the point where some things cannot be said casually. Many forces are in the game and disrupt the situation to make profits. For Yihe, it is also a good thing. Mature business.

Unlike other groups, they have some powerful people escorting them in each of Gui Lao's colonies. It is not too difficult to do what Li Shengli said.

Especially in Africa, if you look at the relationship between the Gallic Rooster and question the 181st of the United Nations General Assembly, ten thousand US dollars is enough, maybe less.

Seeing Niu Bijian pushing the boat along, Li Shengli knew that Lao Niu had heard the story, but was not enthusiastic about it. He said that the general trend was unprofitable, and the pirates were more interested in profit.

"In the Chinese medicine market, you are almost riding a tiger. Can you take advantage of the failure of the Chinese medicine bill to sweep Taikoo and other companies out?

Of course, the American forces on the other side of the ocean cannot be swept away in this way. It is enough for one company in Hong Kong City to make a profit. Otherwise, where will Jardine get the money to acquire the other companies?

After this transaction, Lao Niu, you, the top class at Yihe, will also have to sit in advance. "

When the general trend fails, it is self-interest, and when it comes to self-interest, it is naturally best to monopolize it. After Li Shengli said what he said, Nu Bijian's eyes sparkled.

According to the established steps, the interests of today's Niu Bijian and Yihe are still consistent, because the future Yihe will be his.

With the help of the huge profits from Chinese medicinal materials, he rose to the position of Taipan of Jardine in one fell swoop, and then used the continuous accidents at home to drag down the Keswick family, waiting for the accident-prone Keswick family to come to an end.

According to the arrangement of Mr. Li in front of him, if he controls Mrs. Henry, Jardine Group will be his. As for the other shareholders, follow this idea and just eat them slowly.

"According to what Mr. Wang wants, after profiting from the Chinese medicinal materials, can we let Swire and HSBC get rid of some people in the name of revenge? This would be justifiable.

The Keswick family is entangled in family affairs, and I will have the greatest say in Yihe. "

After listening to Nu Bijian's suggestion, Li Shengli felt that self-interest can indeed stimulate people's initiative. In this way, the internal cycle against the Keswick family will be self-consistent.

"Yes, now it depends on your friend Henry, whether he dares to risk his wealth and make a big gamble?

The power of Wall Street also needs to introduce powerful families there. Financial strength and ability are secondary, and family strength is the first choice.

As for the forces related to HSBC and Swire, let them get lost.

For this internal negotiation, it would be best to bring along Wheelock or Hutchison. For many things, there must be someone who can give an insinuation.

If we take over, we can't let them leave with a profit. One or two companies object, but Yihe insists. In the end, each company passes the blame and watches Yihe make a joke. Is this a reasonable show..."

(End of this chapter)

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