The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 594 Predator (Part )

Chapter 594 Predator (Part )

Li Shengli showed Niu Bijian his true sincerity in cooperation, and Lao Niu also showed full sincerity.

Although German technology during World War II may not be advanced, it is not necessarily obsolete.

In fact, many domestic factories continue to use German technology. Li Shengli asked Mr. Du to go abroad to pursue this kind of technology.

In these days and months, even if we have obtained high-tech civilian technologies, are they really not necessarily able to be implemented in China?

There is a connection problem with technology. Whether Soviet-style technology can be compatible with German-style technology will probably take a long time of experimentation.

If a small part of the technologies promised by New Bijian can be used, then the goal of the struggle within seven or eight years will be achieved. If these seven or eight years can be used well, perhaps many things will happen. Changed.

Seeing the excited Niu Bijian going to the dining table to pour champagne, Du Jiaoyang pulled Li Shengli hard and said:

"What you just said, if Niu Bijian comes to Sijiu City and says it, you have also had your faults. Are you stupid?"

It's not like Du Jiaoyang has never seen the dirty things said by his man Li Shengli, nor can he accept it.

What she couldn't accept was that Li Shengli wanted to introduce Nu Bijian to Sijiu City, so that after Nu Bijian came to Beijing, it might not be good for the Wang family's old residence in Madianji.

"Who said I would introduce Lao Niu directly to Sijiu City?

He is a fat cow. If he doesn't eat his belly full of fat, or if he doesn't eat this beef to death, how can I let him go to Sijiu City?

Jiaoyang, don’t be too naive. If I say this, does it mean I was the one who introduced him to Sijiu City?

Check with Lao Niu in the next two days and prepare to go to Hong Kong City. First, let's secretly report Lao Niu's matter to the leadership office here.

Just tell the leadership office that we have something to look forward to. Let Lao Du, who is in the Czech Republic, come back to eat this fat cow. That is what we should do.

If Lao Du doesn't take advantage of Lao Niu, who would dare to bring such a thing to Beijing at this time of year? Wouldn't that make him unhappy?

As for the matter of Henry, the boss of Lao Niu, let Xiao Feng handle it. Xiao Changgong cannot be used.

Let Xiao Feng do the dirty work, you should pay attention to her emotions during this period..."

When he heard that Li Shengli was doing something good, he immediately thought of Lao Du and glanced at Niu Bijian, who had been eaten by a cow. Du Jiaoyang could only express his deep sympathy to Lao Niu who came happily with three glasses of champagne. , this old cow is really a good cow.

As for the dirty work, this was what Li Shengli had agreed upon with Xiao Feng. He had previously wanted Xiao Feng to keep the child before going abroad, but he hesitated again and again and still couldn't bring himself to do it.

Xiao Feng is different from Guan Qingyue. There is always an uncle-nephew relationship.

When Lao Niu came back with the champagne, the two of them took it and touched it with Nu Bijian.

Lao Niu's glass was dry, but Li Shengli and his wife raised their glasses after touching each other to indicate the matter, without even putting a drop of wine into their mouths.

This kind of behavior is completely normal for Niu Bijian.

Lao Niu still needs to go back and prepare some medicinal materials or Yihe matters. Once we have an idea, there will be negotiations next. As for the treatment of the epidemic, it is still the same as mentioned before. If the influenza does not spread, the Hong Kong government will not pay attention.

Li Shengli will not let Chinese medicine practitioners pass easily, and will not pass a bill legalizing Chinese medicine in Hong Kong. Li Shengli is not in a hurry.

To put it bluntly, gypsum tea and anti-inflammatory drugs are enough to keep Hong Kong City going until winter with minimal casualties.

With an infection rate of about 15% and the raging Type A-3 influenza, a bowl of gypsum tea can be enough to turn a person's life around if there are no underlying diseases.

There are too many underlying diseases, and even if they are prescribed Baidu Qingfei Drink face-to-face, they may not be able to save their lives.

Gypsum tea is similar to Chinese medicine prescriptions. As long as it is type A and III, gypsum has special effects when used as medicine. With the addition of anti-inflammatory drugs, the number of deaths and injuries will not be higher than the influenza in the suburbs of Beijing the year before last.

However, the population base of the port city is large, and it is normal for the influenza to cause casualties. Even if Li Shengli brought people there, there would be no casualties.

Because gypsum tea with anti-inflammatory drugs is free, Li Shengli's point of view is that the flu can only spread in Hong Kong City, causing a large number of casualties, and it cannot overcome the gypsum tea.

After Lao Niu goes back, he will also implement this matter. He will also take Yihe and order a large batch of Western anti-inflammatory drugs.

Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, today’s Western anti-inflammatory drugs are much cheaper.

After roughly talking about some details of epidemic control, Li Shengli talked about Du Jiaoyang going abroad.

Asking for help is like swallowing a three-foot sword, let alone borrowing money abroad. Li Shengli's previous idea was to let Du Jiaoyang use his physical goods and background as collateral to go to the United States for private financing.

Now that I have Lao Niu, it’s not that troublesome. I can find HSBC through Lao Niu and ask Lao Niu to act as a guarantee to dismantle US$500 or US$10 million. There is no problem at all.

This also saves Du Jiaoyang the trouble of opening an account in the United States. If Lao Niu can take advantage of this opportunity to stab HSBC and merge into the HSBC in the main port city, then Du Jiaoyang will have one more bank account in the United States. protection of capital.

Li Shengli estimated that with HSBC's uncapitalized guaranteed funds, the female gangster would be able to do whatever she wanted when she got to Wall Street.

As long as there are enough funds and the leverage is adjusted to the highest level, according to the current upward trend of U.S. stocks, there will definitely be a large amount of funds betting against Du Jiaoyang. With a new home, the female gangster's first transaction profit will probably be It shattered the outlook of many people in the leadership office.

Seeing that everyone had almost eaten, Li Shengli shook hands with Lao Niu and said goodbye. The first negotiation was considered a successful conclusion.

When Lao Niu left, he was very generous and said that the silver tableware was given to the medical team for reception. Looking at the flattering eyes of the director of the guest house, Li Shengli did not follow his intention and handed over the entire set of silver tableware. Tableware is donated to the guest house.

This thing is now qualified to be sent to Haizi. Although the food Lao Niu brought is sloppy, the tableware is not sloppy. It is a brand-new high-quality product, because the pretentious thing that I planned to bring back will naturally Use quality products.

Du Jiaoyang arranged for Du Jiaoyang to pack the entire set of tableware and give it to Wang Qianjin's godmother. Li Shengli couldn't deliver the goods at a genuine price, but he could still send some tangible items to help Wang Qianjin please the grown-up man.

After cleaning up the trivial matters and returning to the room, Du Jiaoyang's problem arose.

"Old Li, can this be done with Niu Bijian?

Are our methods a bit underhanded?

Can we use the technology promised by New Bijian?

Can Lao Du contact Niu Bijian?


Facing a series of questions from the eldest daughter of the Du family, Li Shengli knocked on the table and pointed to the pastel teacup on the table.

Given the current conditions, the guest house uses all teacups in pastel colors. They are beautiful and cheap. Although they are a bit out of date, the guest house where we live now has limited conditions. Although we have ordered a batch of fashionable tea cups, we still have to wait. It will take a while to be transferred from the supply and marketing cooperative.

As for why Li Shengli knew, it was because he spent three hundred yuan to wrap these pastel tea cups and pastel porcelain in the guest house.

This is also the reason why the director of the guest house gave him a flattering look when he saw Yang Luo. Are they familiar with him...

As for why this deal was possible, it was because the porcelain here did not keep up with the fashion. The director was afraid of Li Shengli's reproach, so he came over to explain it in person. Li Shengli also took the opportunity to use his own money as public funds in the name of the medical group to give The guest house solves the problem.

After the eldest daughter of the Du family made him a cup of tea, Li Shengli opened his mouth. "New Bikin is a descendant of the colonists, so he was able to join the Royal Navy, and then join Yihe Trading Company.

This is also a channel for Yihe to cultivate talents. It has been used for more than a hundred years, ensuring that Yihe has a smooth journey.

This method of cultivating talents is also consistent with the plundering blood flowing in Niu Bijian's blood. Niu Bijian serves Yihe, which is like an old bachelor meeting a beautiful widow, making a fierce fire!

Although this is a bit of a lineage theory and is out of date, from a scientific point of view, he has been exposed to colonization since he was a child, so he has a habit of predatory in his character, so he can rise to a high position in Yihe.

It is also inappropriate to say that today's Yihe family members are pirates, because they have been practicing good behavior since their ancestors.

But Niu Bijian is a real pirate at heart. Yihe no longer has the blood of pirates, but he still has the sins of pirates.

When I met Lao Niu, a real pirate, I just blamed the Keswick family for their lack of virtue...

We have too many enemies, otherwise I will have to spare time to deal with the Keswick family.

Let me free up time, and I will make this family the most miserable family in the Guinness Book of Records. It's a pity, there are too many things.

We can only let Lao Niu carry out a raid on this family..."

After finishing his analysis of Nu Bijian's character, and seeing that Du Jiaoyang had no reaction, Li Shengli continued:

"This matter was planned by Niu Bijian, whether it is done or not has nothing to do with us.

This is a conflict between colonial bloodlines. We are just fiddling with it based on our interests.

Think about the Korean War, when our ancestors used their flesh and blood to resist their napalm bombs. Do you still think you are doing something to the Keswick family?

Without Lao Niu’s technology, we would have to continue to scratch the legacy of our ancestors and descendants to support industrial development.

What a huge deal the four major foreign banks have done. If they eat it, then it will be people like Lao Niu and others who will be scratched.

If you really give me the four major foreign banks, I will chop up the old cow and eat it alive in front of you.

If we want to rise, we must either look outside or look within. Whether to scrape the bones and blood of old cows or scrape the grease of old farmers. This is a question.

In the leadership office, most people ask for things from within, but I just want to ask for things from the outside.

If we want to ask outsiders, let's not think about it being clean and tidy. This is just the beginning.

Du Jiaoyang, remember, every dollar you earn in the future will be of flesh and blood.

Every dollar will be filled with violence, filth and flesh and blood. Where will this go?

Now, if you contact Lao Du in the past two days, you need to make it clear to him. I think Lao Du should be able to agree with me. Asking outsiders is the fastest and best way. "

After Li Shengli said this, Du Jiaoyang's tense little face relaxed. In fact, after this turn, he still has not transcended the current situation.

Ask Du Jiaoyang now whether she supports Feng Yu or not. She must support it because some enemies are more terrifying than North Korea's enemies. The truth is clearly before our eyes.

If you want her to go through hardships and go to the countryside, it's impossible, it will drive her crazy.

People are so contradictory. It sounds easy on the lips, but it is extremely difficult to do it in practice.

Li Shengli knew from the look on the female gangster's face that she just lacked the ability to correct her attitude when she went to the countryside. If she was hungry a little longer, she would understand.

But after correcting her attitude, she cannot plunder unscrupulously on Wall Street. This is contradictory.

The things Li Shengli and Nuo Bijian did were not something that pure people should participate in.

This is also the reason why Li Shengli bluntly said that the leadership office will seek help from within and not from outside. Many things will inevitably be stained with blood.

The only thing is that in order to suppress the effect of traditional Chinese medicine preparations, Li Shengli asked Lao Niu to deal with Western doctors or participants who knew about it, which was not acceptable there.

And this is directly related to the flu in Hong Kong City. As Mr. Shi thought, gypsum tea combined with anti-inflammatory drugs can save lives, but it cannot cure the flu.

Without the prescription, or without the Baidu Qingfei Drink for Type A and Type III, cure will be a problem.

After the disease progresses, the influenza virus will mutate or mutate according to Western medicine. The bitter cold of winter is when this Hong Kong influenza is really difficult to deal with.

Li Shengli's medicine must enter Hong Kong City. To put it bluntly, it is just like how it is difficult for traditional Chinese medicine preparations to enter Hong Kong City now, allowing the Hong Kong government or ghosts to know the special effects of traditional Chinese medicine prematurely.

Even if medicines like Baidu Qingfei Drink enter the port city, they will not be used on the people of the port city. In the eyes of those people, they are not worthy of occupying such good medical resources.

This is just like Du Jiaoyang who doesn't want to go through hardships and goes to the countryside. Are all people contradictory?

Li Shengli would not report such an approach. It was of no use. Even if he reported it, the result would still be the same, and it would delay the epidemic control in Hong Kong City.

Among the doctors, Li Shengli chose to be a Chinese medicine practitioner. Naturally, he had to keep his prefix when doing things. As for the ghosts, let them wish for themselves.

When it comes time to use traditional Chinese medicine preparations, the Hong Kong government still has to go through a hurdle: when will the Traditional Chinese Medicine Act be passed, and when will Yihe be able to open a warehouse to release medicines.

This has nothing to do with whether Niu Bijian is in office. Whether the Traditional Chinese Medicine Act is passed or not involves the legality of Yihe's medicinal business. If this bill is not passed, Yihe will not care how many people die in Europe and the United States. They will only die to the bill. If you pass, you will be saved.

Yihe's foreign colonization is similar to its domestic routine. This is also the essence of a pirate group like Yihe. Between legal and illegal profits, people will also pursue legality.

"Lao Li, can Lao Du come back because of this?"

From Du Jiaoyang's point of view, although the matter planned by his man is not trivial, before there are actual results, Lao Du at home should not come back and make plans before taking action.

"Don't you read books or newspapers?

I am afraid that the situation in the Czech Republic will also change, which is not a good thing for us and will cause the storm to spread. "

Speaking of Lao Du's destination for going abroad, Li Shengli shook his head helplessly. Feng Yu was not without hesitation, but when he was hesitating, a former ally came to give such a real-life lesson, which promoted the youth's going to the countryside. , the spread of wind and rain.

There are examples of the problems that we are worried about, and this can be regarded as a reminder internally and externally...

(End of this chapter)

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