The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 587 Tongli Cooperation (Part )

Chapter 587 Tongli Cooperation (Part )

Knowing that without the order from above, it was impossible for a person to pass the test, although Du Jiaoyang was full of anxiety, he had no choice but to put on the military uniform full of sweat and alkali again and continue to rush for some less urgent things.

Pregnant women who have not yet shown their pregnancy are all busy. Li Shengli, who is still not used to the hot flashes in the South, can only accompany the hot flashes, turn on the fan, and write prescriptions at the desk.

Unlike Master Dong and the others, Li Shengli at least had a fan blowing on him and an upper floor to insulate him from the heat. Compared with some people in Hong Kong City, he was even more healthy and free from illness and disaster.

Du Jiaoyang, who came and went in a hurry again, did not take off his military uniform directly after entering the house this time. Instead, he looked at his man Li Shengli who was writing something at the desk.

"Have a rest!

Most of the prescriptions I wrote are fragrant and fragrant, and you can't touch them.

There is a phone on the table. There will probably be a meeting tonight. Ask them to put the incense box in the meeting room.

It's time for you to submit your customs clearance procedures. Maybe in the next two days, you should go to the luxury house in Hong Kong City to get some air conditioning.

Be careful, don't blow it directly, and don't drink the local herbal tea in Hong Kong City. I'll give you some prescriptions.

I don’t know if I can bring the medicinal materials with me. You should take the prescription first. You can also get the medicine over there, but it’s a bit expensive.

There are three books on the table. Please take a moment to read them. I have set some secret words that we need to read in pairs. "

After speaking, Li Shengli pointed at the three thread-bound books stacked on the table with his purple pen. This was the lifeblood of the female gangster Du Jiaoyang after she left.

During the more than half a year that he was holed up in Madianji, he was not idle either. He sorted out the economic trends and reviewed some technologies.

It's just that many technologies, based on the current level of the chemical industry, are too early to come out. Not only do they not have the conditions for scientific research, they are also easily traced.

"Old Li, this is..."

After hearing this, the female bastard sat down and flipped through a few pages of the book. She quickly discovered that it was not consistent with the thread-bound book. Although the content in the book read roughly, it looked like ancient prose.

But it seems to be talking about the Wall Street stock market in the United States on the other side of the ocean. If the typos and transliterations in the book are slightly corrected, some missing parts can be filled in.

Du Jiaoyang had seen a lot of this kind of writing in the leader's office. The three-volume thread-bound book Li Shengli gave Du Jiaoyang was also full of useful information.

The first few pages of this article talk about the recent short-selling stock market ideas, and specifically stocks such as General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, and Coca-Cola that can outperform the market even if they go against the market.

What followed were some stocks that went from heaven to earth, riding on the adverse effects of the American spring offensive in Annan and the destruction of an infantry battalion at the hands of Big Brother in Eastern Europe.

The negative impact of the war on the financial market will also be concentrated on the US stock market. It is a good time for Du Jiaoyang to go abroad and he will be able to catch up with this wave of short selling.

If done properly, not to mention a small goal, a dozen or twenty small goals are expected by the end of the year, because shorting against the trend can almost maximize the leverage and obtain the maximum benefit with the minimum investment.

The stock market, with no bottom and no top, is much more sinister than the human heart.

“The U.S. stock market information obtained by several special-line teams was not favored by the higher-ups, but it was obtained by me.

I have slightly changed the content, so I took advantage of my recent free time to read it again and ask me if there is anything I don’t understand.

After you go out, don't exchange the gold you brought with you in the port city. You must exchange it in the United States.

Now that the gold there is facing a run, the excessive amount of gold can minimize the monitoring of you there.

After that, let Guan Qingyue take the prepared token and go find someone there. It is best to use the physical object as collateral to borrow millions of dollars. This way you will have more capital to start and the income will be more.

I estimate that if you follow the above, you can expand your funds to tens or hundreds of millions of units in as little as one and a half months.

If you can be accurate every time, within three or two months, you will definitely exceed the country's previous foreign exchange reserves.

If you include the profits from the export of medicinal materials, it will almost be exceeded by the end of the year or the beginning of next spring.

These three books must be protected. If you encounter a really difficult situation, as long as they are sprinkled with water, the contents of these three books will be unclear.

After using up one volume and burning the other, I don’t need to tell you how important it is, right? "

Although there is a clear economic trend, without the support of the market, Li Shengli estimates that Du Jiaoyang's good market will only last until around the beginning of next spring.

When the market shrinks, no matter how much you invest, it will only affect the stock price in the opposite direction. In the next period of time, what Du Jiaoyang has to do is to take advantage of the market, rather than making profits against the market trend.

"Lao Li, is this accurate?

I heard that the stock market in the United States is planned by mathematicians and economists. I'm afraid ours is not that professional, right? "

Du Jiaoyang is a college student. Although Li Shengli's words are conclusive, the female bastard is not a stupid fool. If this thing is accurate, how can it be a bullshit medicinal herb business?

"Don't talk nonsense, this seems to be an internal analysis, but we just have doubts here.

Let’s try it first and then talk about it. It’s just that we have gold and objects as collateral, so we are not afraid of losing money. We still have some old gold at home!

If it's accurate, won't we send it out?

Remember, no one can say anything about this. If anyone asks, just say this is a manuscript of a classical Chinese novel. "

Li Shengli didn't have the ability to fool a female gangster for nothing. Although the contents of the three-volume thread-bound book were basically true, it involved an investment of dozens or millions of dollars.

The female bastard really doesn’t have enough brains, and she also knows that money is important, so she won’t invest blindly. Ten thousand US dollars is almost as much as Lao Du’s salary in ten years. One million, even someone like Lao Du has to earn it. A thousand years.

Li Shengli's first try is the ultimate trick to deceive the crippled female bastard. You will be right on the first try, and you will be accurate again if you try again. These three thread-bound books will be the standard for female bastards to infiltrate the American financial market from now on...

"Lao Li, can this be done?

We brought more than a hundred kilograms of Wang Zhi's gold treasure. Although it was for free, we must cherish it! "

The female bastard’s attempt was not easy to fool, so Li Shengli simply lowered his face and said:

"Some things always have a chance. Maybe we met because of this chance.

Du Jiaoyang, for the first time buying and selling, you must only keep part of the living expenses and the money for the return air and ferry tickets, and the rest, together with the loan, must be invested in the short selling of General Electric.

As long as you have about a million dollars of capital and the leverage of short selling, it may be possible to make over 100 million.

Promise me, and I will let you go abroad. If you don't, we will continue to live a small life in Madianji. "

Li Shengli also knew that this kind of thing was too mysterious, so he could only use threats.

Although Du Jiaoyang, the daughter of the Du family, was wandering on the street, she would probably do it if she agreed to his threat. Li Shengli, who had lived together for several years, still had this tacit understanding.

As for the funds, although the gold Du Jiaoyang brought out was only worth one hundred and eighty thousand U.S. dollars, the relationship between Hong Kong City and Qingyue, coupled with Lao Du's face, and some mortgages, could change to one hundred thousand dollars. One million, although it is difficult, it is not too difficult.

"All right!

But Lao Li, let’s make it clear that you can only use this risky trick once. If you lose this time, you won’t be able to interfere with my affairs like this after you make up your principal. "

Hearing Du Jiaoyang's promise, Li Shengli smiled and nodded. He would get it right once he tried, and try again and again. He was afraid that future female bastards would want him to interfere in all aspects of her life outside.

"Okay! A gentleman's word!"

“It’s hard to chase a horse!

Sigh, I really don’t know what you are thinking. If this is accurate, should we report it? "

After a seemingly high-five, Du Jiaoyang was also imagining what to do after success.


We cannot report this crop, so we can only keep it for ourselves and distribute as much as possible to the country in the future.

I have already read it, and it is just an estimate of economic trends in the past one or two years, and there is no important information.

It's accurate this time, I'm still thinking of getting the following information.

If you report it, the information will be easily leaked. Are you not clear about the situation in the country? "

Regarding the exclusive use of information, Li Shengli was more than enough to fool Du Jiaoyang. Everyone has a self-interested idea. If he hands it over or keeps it to himself, then allocate part of it to others. In the trade-off between the two, most people will choose the latter.

Du Jiaoyang must be the same. As long as the test is accurate, Li Shengli doesn't need to tell this information, the female gangster will also find ways to make him stay.

When a female gangster gets rich, her horizons will also increase. At that time, taking into account the interests of the Du family was the most important thing to Du Jiaoyang.

In this way, the information held by Li Shengli has a trader, and the Du family will not have exclusive access to it. This is a way to get the best of both worlds.

"Okay, I have to try it out first..."

Although he was more inclined to distrust the thread-bound book in his hand, his man Li Shengli almost never failed in his work. After weighing it, Du Jiaoyang decided to trust his man first.

As for losing money, it's just that the man in his family has a lot of money. According to what Aunt Zou, the Xie family's mother, said, the gold he took was just insignificant.

The two of them worked until noon and had a meal that was not meaty. The stir-fried seasonal vegetables were impeccable, but the texture of the rice was not very good. It should have been double steamed after being poured with water.

Double-steamed rice is normal, and there are also those that are steamed again with water, but that kind of rice cannot satisfy your hunger. Eating triple-steamed rice is no better than thick porridge.

After eating, Li Shengli originally wanted to find a guest house and talk about food.

He himself didn't care. People like Shi Lao, Pu Lao and others had also seen difficulties, but he was afraid that these famous old Chinese doctors who came would see the double-steamed rice and feel wronged by eating it.

Another point is that in addition to Shi Lao and Pu Lao, the thirteen old Chinese medicine practitioners need to be recuperated in terms of diet. Nutritious foods such as fish, meat and eggs still need to be provided a little.

But when passing by the room of the soldiers in the secret service camp, Li Shengli saw them eating small sweet potatoes with cold boiled water. After glancing at the pink-blue melon flesh, Li Shengli turned around and returned to his room.

Seeing this, I can't bring it up. The port is also responsible for supplying drinking water and food to the port city. Although there is also business between the two parties, food can only be squeezed out. Such a transaction It can be regarded as a kind of forced selling, but it is a bit hard to force yourself.

But there is no way, no matter it is definitely not possible, fortunately the current population of Hong Kong City is still within the acceptable level, otherwise it will be more difficult here.

After sitting in the room for a while, Li Shengli got up and took a stack of National Unity and a stack of national food stamps from his suitcase.

Whether it is a famous old Chinese medicine doctor in the guest house or a soldier in the secret service camp, there is always some nutritional supplement.

The port not far away is Laojiulong Pass, where there are rivers and seas, and there is no place for people to go hungry.

Nowadays, fish, shrimps and crabs are far less expensive than meat. This is also the area where Chaoshan fish and rice are popular. The leftover fish and rice may not be as valuable as sweet potatoes.

Li Shengli didn't know much about the rules here, but he had heard the legends from the Beijing and Tianjin areas back then.

In the early days, most landlords would prepare some salted fish and shrimp paste at home, but these were not for themselves to eat, but for their tenants and helpers to eat.

If tenants or helpers eat salted fish or shrimp paste, they will probably curse. Earlier, those things were worse than pickles.

Li Shengli had also heard that in some places, crabs the size of a plate are used to fertilize the crabs. The smelly fish and rotten shrimps caught at sea are not eaten but used for fermentation. He is somewhat confused about this.

Just like here in Chaoshan, the leftover miscellaneous fish are boiled directly in sea water or salt water. They can be left out for three to five or seven days and then dried in the sun. Aren't they just small fish?

No matter how small and salty the dried fish is, it is still meat. Although it cannot be eaten as a staple food, it is still very nutritious when mixed together.

There were some things that Li Shengli had not seen in person, so he could only take the money and food stamps and ask his third uncle Ding Yong's people to go out and give it a try.

This is not all about food. Li Shengli’s reminder to Ding Yong on the train may not be repeated several times.

People can touch into the camp, and Ding Yong's people can also touch out of the camp. The older generation has more experience and is thick-skinned. They are not afraid of being slapped in the face by the young people, right?

Furthermore, the older generation should also play the role that the older generation should have. There is nothing wrong with being willing to be a coward or a stepping stone.

It is different from the result when the older generation touches the younger generation. If the younger generation touches the older generation, it can only be said to be a tiger father and a tiger son, and the tiger son is acting nonsense.

Li Shengli found his third uncle who was cooking. While watching Ding Yong eat, he expressed his thoughts.

After listening to what his brother-in-law Li Shengli said, Ding Yong spat out the sweet potatoes in his mouth and laughed wildly:


I really can’t get used to eating this fucking choking thing. How is this thing made? Can it be so choking?

Some of my soldiers almost choked to death on these lousy sweet potatoes. Fortunately, someone had an idea and sent water down the river. I think this is a way to intimidate us men.

I know we don’t have this kind of vermicelli sweet potato, I want to choke to death!

Weeds, just do as you say, I will take people out to buy fish..."

After glaring at it and spitting it out, the sweet potato noodles scattered all over the floor, and Ding Yong also became angry.

What he said is true. Soldiers are in a hurry to eat. If they don't remind them, they are just waiting to see their jokes.

It shouldn't be possible to choke someone to death, but if you take a big mouthful of sweet potato and choke a few, it won't be safe.

“Third brother, you made a mistake, it’s your people who are going out, not you!

Something is wrong here!

If you go out, the commander will leave the team at will and you will be punished.

Your people go out to investigate the situation and solve logistical problems along the way, which is the reward of going on a company mission.

This time when we go out, at most one squad leader will lead us away quietly and then come back carefree.

Just be prepared to litigate.

But if your people can’t be touched out and are caught, then we won’t lose any face at all…”

After listening to what his brother-in-law Li Shengli said, Ding Yong closed his eyelids and nodded. This brother-in-law is really profound.

If there is a chief officer and a squad leader, things inside will be very different. If the chief officer goes out, it is called a violation of discipline. If the squad leader goes out, it means that the military quality is superb. This is a profound truth...

(End of this chapter)

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