The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 585 Going South (Part )

Chapter 585 Going South (Part )

Going south, while Du Jiaoyang was thinking about it, there was no news. After Wang Qian went to his godmother's place, he prepared overnight and set off the next morning.

Among the people who went south, the company led by Ding Yong was the largest in number. With Li Shengli's rhetoric, he and Wang Qianjin had only 61 people including him.

There are fifteen people in total including Pu Lao, Shi Lao and the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain. There are three apprentices each, which makes sixty people. Plus Li Shengli, there are sixty-one people.

There are more than thirty people on Du Jiaoyang's side. The eldest girl of the Du family has ten subordinates. Except for Xiao Changgong, Xiao Feng, Guan Qingyue and a few female bodyguards arranged by Madianji, the rest are all They are elite personnel assigned by the leadership office.

The remaining 20 or so people, except for a few in the leadership office, are considered to have ulterior motives.

There are three waves of people in three carriages. Except for Ding Yong's people who bear the responsibility of guarding, there are three carriages. The other two groups of people are also distinct.

No unrelated personnel were allowed to enter the carriage where Li Shengli and others were located. The guards not only carried guns, but also loaded them with live ammunition.

As for Li Shengli, the team leader, he can move around at will. This is the benefit of having a backer.

The people in the compartment on Du Jiaoyang's side really dared to break in, and the guards with orders were really brave enough to shoot. This was no joke.

Although he could move around at will, Li Shengli didn't move around. After getting on the train, he just sat in the car calmly.

He also knew clearly that the two groups of people were not only distinct now, but also received different receptions when they arrived.

Du Jiaoyang's side, except for those who went abroad with him, will basically be watched when they get off the car. When the matter is over, they will have to go back the same way they came. If they walk around casually, they will still be shot.

When it came time to get down to business, the seniors were also decisive and decisive, and the situation was unfavorable, so there was a little more fireworks.

Traveling between the north and the south in July is relatively comfortable, but traveling between the north and the south wearing a military uniform, even if the windows of the carriage are open, is not very comfortable.

The old men who were following them did not have this problem. They were older and the cold was heavier. They were dressed in military uniforms. They were not a burden to Mr. Shi, Mr. Pu and others. Instead, they helped them block the howling wind in the carriage.

Li Shengli was calm and cool, but that was not the case at all. Not long after the car started, sweat stains were already faintly visible on the military uniform. For young people, no matter who wears a complete set of sweatshirts, shirts, and military uniforms in summer, You have to sweat profusely.

In the carriage, Li Shengli, Shi Lao, and Pu Lao each occupied one seat. Li Shengli was considered the team leader and received normal treatment.

On the other hand, Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu are responsible for more than a dozen famous doctors, and they need space for pulse diagnosis along the way.

This journey was also an experiment in treating diseases from the north and the south. The dozen or so famous doctors from all over the country who came with us this time, apart from being old and suffering from old diseases, were all famous old traditional Chinese medicine doctors from the north.

Except for the Wumen doctors, there are not many famous old traditional Chinese medicine doctors in the southern sect in mountain villages. Most of them are similar to adults. For famous doctors and doctors in their prime, this is also a helpless thing in the storm.

Although there are only four words to treat diseases in the north and the south, it is still a big topic. The same prescription and the same medicine have different effects in different places. This is also a mysterious theory of traditional Chinese medicine, but it is similar to the difference between Gaoliang and Caihuo in Chenglao.

One person is the same, in fact, it is not a myth made by traditional Chinese medicine, or a derogatory word from others, it is just a real thing. This has to be linked to the living environment of traditional Chinese medicine in the past.

It’s still similar to what Li Shengli said. Traditional Chinese medicine is actually not a general profession. The ultimate goal was to serve the rich and powerful. If you don’t play one-on-one, you will not live a comfortable life.

After tracing back to the source, there is an explanation for the different effects of the same prescription in different places, but doctors with no skills are not qualified to play this gimmick. After all, it is a familiar pulse. Playing with the pulse with slightly changed doses, anyway, Li Shengli, a senior in internal medicine Not capable.

As for the patients of Shi Lao and Pu Lao, their diagnosis is basically the same. Cold drink in the lung syndrome is also called asthma syndrome, and cold and cold are the most taboo. In Western medicine terms, it is chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Cor pulmonary disease and the like.

According to Li Shengli's opinion, the drought and heat in the north are not conducive to lung expansion, while in the south it is hot flashes, which is beneficial to lung expansion. Using external hot flashes to enhance lung function may provide more room for medicine to be administered.

These days, when people reach seventy, they can actually live a long life. This group of famous old Chinese medicine doctors went south this time. Treatment of diseases is secondary. The most important thing is to use the extended life span to spread the Dharma.

The forty-five apprentices who followed this time are also smart and tough. How much they can gain depends on their lives and the lives of these famous old Chinese doctors.

The end of human life is approaching, and all the functions of the body have almost collapsed. The disease is not that there is no cure, but that the person cannot withstand the power of the medicine. Here, it is also appropriate to say that medicine is three-part poison.

People's diseases are in the lungs, but after the medicine is taken, the already collapsed spleen, stomach, liver and kidneys will be completely destroyed. Without waiting for the medicine to take effect, the person will die, which is also a pity for the doctor.

It is not impossible for patients to treat this kind of disease, but how to differentiate and treat it, as well as the subsequent medication, is very troublesome.

In terms of physical condition, the famous doctors from all over the country in the carriage are not as good as Wang Shengting, the old party secretary of Madianji.

If he could take Wang Shengting south, Li Shengli could basically survive the storm, but sometimes, insufficient external conditions limited a person's lifespan.

Today, Wang Shengting has no reason to go south, and he cannot go south. He has to stand as the last guard for Madianji.

If there is a chance in the future, Li Shengli can let him go south to the bamboo production area to make some preparations with the prescription and medicine. Now, the old party secretary cannot get on this train at all.

Li Shengli, Shi Lao, and Pu Lao also discussed the treatment process for the famous doctors and patients in the carriage. The first step is just to strengthen their own righteousness, but for some people, I am afraid that even that little righteousness cannot be sustained, and they will leave here. There is no way back.

Li Shengli wanted to extend the lives of the dozen famous doctors and experts in the carriage. While he was deep in thought, his train of thought was interrupted by Ding Yong who walked quietly.

Looking at his new third uncle, Li Shengli didn't speak, but just gave him a smile.

Ding Yong came here to express his gratitude. Seeing Li Shengli's smile, he sat down opposite.

"Shengli, thank you for everything at home..."

Although he was forced to sell his sister, and even though he was dragged into the cesspool by his new brother-in-law, Ding Yong still had to come and express his gratitude.

Because he dragged Ding Kai, the youngest member of the family, into the water, the situation of the Ding family and his wife who got there first was completely different.

The Ding family couple, who were originally in danger, are now slowly recovering, and it is only a matter of time before they return to the city.

The elder in the family is the backer of the Five Tigers. Ding Yong knows this. He can't stop the toughness of the old man in the family, so he can only let it go, if he doesn't have a cheap brother-in-law to help him.

It remains to be seen whether the tough old man in the family can come back. Anyway, judging from the previous situation, let alone coming back, it is hard to say whether he can last for two or three years.

"Third brother, if we don't talk to each other, how are things going in the camp?"

Although Li Shengli did not sleep with Ding Lan because his old friend was leaving, their marriage was destined to continue.

Ding Lan is very good-looking, which is Li Shengli's blessing. Although he chooses the person himself, it really has nothing to do with beauty or ugliness, but only the future power of the Ding family.

Similarly, regardless of whether Li Shengli sleeps with Ding Lan or not, as long as the two get a marriage certificate, Ding Lan will be the wife of the Li family for life.

As long as the Ding and Du families are still motivated, it is impossible for the two to divorce. If Ding Lan wants to escape from the bondage, she has no choice but to become the deceased wife.

If Ding Lan is gone, it might be Xie Chan's turn next, or it might be Wang Lan, Ma Lan or the like.

In addition to Ding Du, there must be another family. To put it bluntly, Ding Lan is the link, and Li Shengli himself is also the link. No matter how upright old Ding is, there are some things that he cannot control. To put it bluntly, how many years can Old Ding stay in office with his first military post? From now on, the five tigers of the Ding family will have the final say. If Old Dingtou cooperates, it will be a harmonious scene for the whole family.

If Lao Dingtou doesn't cooperate, he can't change anything, unless he can really kill his five sons.

When it comes to selfishness, this is selfishness, but when I think about it, the five tigers of the Ding family have really made great achievements. This selfishness can also be called luck.

Li Shengli and Ding Yong were not familiar with each other, so when they spoke, they naturally couldn't talk about his sister. Starting with these words might be like stabbing someone in the heart.


Really, Shengli, after having a serious talk with Wang Qianjin, I am really impressed by your vision.

I used to think that the True Legend of Martial Arts was just a boxing and kicking routine, but I never thought about it that deeply.

For more than half a year, if others don’t mention it, I will take myself as an example. With my bare hands, I can beat three or five of my former self.

Taking the prisoner's knife, it only took ten or eight people to take out the lighter from their pocket and light a cigarette.

Even if they changed their guns, the two before were no match for them now.

The eldest brother in the family seriously participated in the Korean War, and the second brother was almost scratching his tail. I joined the army as an adult by listening to the fairy tales on the battlefield.

I didn't believe in those battlefield gods before, but after learning martial arts skills, I believe in them. "

One person sees the whole world. As the chief officer, Ding Yong is also full of confidence in his own spy camp and the actual experimental camp.

The true martial arts is not difficult to say, but it is not easy to learn. Only after you really learn it can you realize how powerful the true killing skills are.

In today's secret service camp, people practice climbing on the trees and in the house, and they also practice dodges and leaps. Of course, the basic skills of martial arts are the top priority.

To an outsider, it looked like a kid playing around, but with the dagger in his hand, Ding Yong realized how deadly the dodges he had practiced were.

And these were all given by his cheap brother-in-law Li Shengli. After talking to Wang Qianjin, Ding Yong realized how scheming the former son-in-law of the Du family and now the son-in-law of the Ding family was.

After divorcing Du Jiaoyang, Li Shengli separated from the Du family's son-in-law, to put it bluntly.

That is the future of Forty-nine Cities. There is such a son-in-law of the Ding family, Li Shengli. As for the son-in-law of the Du family, the Du family's daughters are all divorced. What son-in-law is there for the Du family?

Such a blunt method of separation is of little use to those who know the whole story.

But many things today cannot be talked about in the future. Since Li Shengli has made a separation, it is a real separation.

There will be no Du family son-in-law Li Shengli in the future. There is only one Li Shengli who is also the Ding family's son-in-law. As for the previous Li Shengli, there are many people with this name across the country. The final result can only be overlapping names and some similarities.

To put it into perspective, Li Shengli, the son-in-law of the Du family, was from the city, while Li Shengli, the son-in-law of the Ding family, was from Wali, so they were almost completely different people.

As for the relationship with the Du family, after having children, they are still two sets of twins, which means they are truly connected by flesh and blood. The son-in-law is no longer from the Du family, but he is still a person.

Ding Yong also heard about many things in the city. The advantageous brother-in-law's method of separation not only caused trouble, but also separated many past events that had to be buried. This method was extremely superb everywhere.

This scheming power alone makes it worthwhile for Ding Yong to take seriously the lukewarm and cheap brother-in-law in front of him. To put it bluntly, this is the person who can really eat people.

Although Li Shengli is meek and does not have a serious position, there were many people who wanted to get rid of him before. There were some young people and some people who were in the limelight, but they were still sitting on the train meekly. Those people were just one of them. 's drifting away in the wind.

If nothing else, looking at Li Shengli who was at the Wang family's old house in Madian that night to teach Xiao Long his ideas, Ding Yong also knew that even if he had learned the true martial arts, he would not be an advantage in front of him if he were three or five together. My brother-in-law's opponent is a truly upright person in the world of martial arts.

“Third brother, hard qigong and horizontal exercises are the main ones, haven’t you ignored this?

Everyone knows how to do it. If it comes to a one-on-one encounter, what really determines success or failure is whether you can resist or not.

You can really beat someone to death, but what if someone else hits us first? "

With his third uncle Ding Yong in front of him, Li Shengli could also make some plans for the secret service camp.

The quality of soldiers is a very complicated topic everywhere, but for martial arts or martial arts, it is really not the case.

It's nonsense to leave the army in three to five months without any foundation, but in two to three years, the best quality of soldiers is cultivated. The things in the hands of martial arts are also things that have been passed down for thousands of years, and they can be quickly , Quick killing is actually the true meaning of martial arts.

As for the skill of grinding an iron pestle into a needle, aren't there two old sayings in martial arts, which are: boxing is afraid of young people, and random punches can kill old masters?

The stuff in Wu Xing Zhuan is almost the accumulation of battlefield survival experience. It’s a pity to throw it away...


It's based on this. Didn't the soldiers' bodies need to be recuperated some time ago?

So I started practicing the skills first. I started teaching hard qigong and horizontal exercises a few years ago, and the results are very good. "

The step-by-step progress was the result of discussions between Li Shengli and a group of famous doctors.

This has nothing to do with being a martial artist. It is similar to blacksmithing. Good iron does not need to be beaten excessively.

The secret service camp here is to develop a good iron rhythm step by step. Once the body is well-conditioned, there will naturally be more energy for training, and training will strengthen the body.

The medicines of traditional Chinese medicine are almost used, and the physical fitness of the soldiers will be much better than before. With the training of basic martial arts skills, the body will be stronger. With the foundation, and then practice horizontally, the results will naturally be much better.

"Third brother, this trip south is also a test of the soldiers' abilities.

It must not be taken lightly.

The background of the spy camp or experimental camp is somewhat shady, and it is inevitable that you will be made things difficult after you go there.

Is there any way to make things difficult for you in the military more straightforward than denying your training?

Therefore, when you arrive at the place this time, you must be careful about sending experts over there to invade the camp. "

Ding Yong, who thought it would be a small talk, turned very ugly when he heard the word "moying".

Going into the water is not without impact on the Ding family. Old Ding has many comrades in the family, so if he really encounters the situation mentioned by his cheap brother-in-law.

After people have ruined the secret service camp, let me say one more thing: try the quality of the old comrade’s dogs. If this is the case, there will be no need for the secret service camp to exist...

(End of this chapter)

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