The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 583 Going South (Part )

Chapter 583 Going South (Part )

"The handicraft company said it was an incense box, but the old master there said that this thing was originally spherical, and the ancients hung it on a hanger to scent their clothes.

An old tailor in Shanghai said that ancient brocade cannot be soaked in water, so apart from spraying it with alcohol, it is best to use incense.

The master craftsman has never made a spherical shape. This is an export handicraft based on the style of a pocket watch.

I also found it according to the old tailor's recommendation. I don't care what the use is, it's almost done.

Lao Li, don’t you want to wear this thing on your body?

Didn’t you say you should be particular?

If you wear this thing on your body, if you meet someone who knows something, they will say that you are neither fish nor fowl, or that you are just wearing clothes..."

Li Shengli also understood Du Jiaoyang's introduction. To put it bluntly, some of the items now being exported to earn foreign exchange are still selling culture, but they are just sold to people who don't know how to do it. A random stack of them is enough.

It's just that Du Jiaoyang said it shouldn't be worn on the body, but Li Shengli still disagreed. Sachets and sachets are at least a thousand years old. There is no need to go any further. A thousand years is enough for the current mainstream. .

Going further, to them, it’s just theology, not scientific.

Thinking that the mutton-fat white jade that would be sold at sky-high prices in the future was now just an accessory for exported bookcases and tea sets, Li Shengli could only sigh helplessly. It was a bit of a waste of good stuff, but the market was just that, and the conditions were just that. Such a condition.

It is not without reason that the export of medicinal materials and small handicraft products are valued. The country is in urgent need of foreign exchange, and the situation of blockade in the south and boycott in the north means that if you want to earn funds for development, there are really not many things that cannot be sold.

In Li Shengli's view, the current age is the most important time to sell ideas. At least the current ideas are full of positive energy, unlike in the future, which will be thousands of things.

What Li Shengli inherited is the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, which is a cultural inheritance that should be engraved in his bones. Nowadays, even if it is a traditional Chinese medicine inheritance that can be said to be muddy and untainted, he cannot do it completely.

We can only speak based on the results. Maybe this is the old saying that the heart is not the trace, right?

"When I go south after the New Year, I might have to go with him, and the leadership office will probably use this opportunity to involve you in some things.

It's related to the export of Chinese medicinal materials. If I mention it, you can just respond.

This kind of silver incense box can be made by a handicraft company for thousands of dollars. The inlay must be made of glass, so it doesn't need to be too expensive.

The accounts are hung first, and when the time comes, someone will naturally handle the accounts.

Let them make a batch of silver bowls, silver spoons, etc. With your current reputation, Miss Du, you won’t be able to go through the leadership office this time.

It’s just that money is worth nothing…”

There are some things that Li Shengli can only think of when he sees them. Once he thinks of them, he can almost do such small things.

When it comes to really big events, he is no more resistant than ordinary people. Some wheels cannot be stopped by human power.

After Du Jiaoyang's incident, Li Shengli diverted his attention and helped her get dozens more drawings, ranging from small handmade products to exported handicrafts.

In many things, what is lacking today is not technology, but vision, or the commonalities between different cultural heritages. Li Shengli has many such visions.

With a slight adjustment, there is no need to export any cultural relics in exchange for foreign exchange. General handicrafts are enough to meet the current level of demand.

With these dozens of drawings, the status of the eldest daughter of the Du family in the handicraft company and the import and export company has naturally increased. Even in this day and age, some units must be pragmatic.

Those who can exchange for foreign exchange are the famous ones. If they cannot exchange for foreign exchange, they will naturally be labeled as incompetent.

Externally, people in the city are still very consistent, and some units cannot be controlled by just anyone.

The eldest daughter of the Du family has gained a higher status, so credit is no problem. Li Shengli also took the opportunity to ask the import and export company to secretly order a batch of rhinoceros horns. As for the settlement of accounts, it is still the same, let's hang it first.

Camel's horn can be used externally, but rhinoceros horn must still be used internally. It is purely used to relieve high fever. Rhino horn alone is enough. Add bezoar or camel's horn, and most people will not be able to tell the difference.

Hiding in the village, making secret plans, although it is more comfortable, there are also times when things don't go well.

For example, during the New Year period, although Li Shengli and his wife had a child, due to their age and the situation in the city, they did not stop fighting this year and did not go to the city to experience it.

The Li family's parents in the courtyard only took a quick look at their two eldest grandsons on the Sunday at the end of the year. The year without the Spring Festival just passed by in a blur.

Now that the wind and rain are spreading, the Li family's parents can really feel the turmoil outside. Although they have regrets, they have to accept it reluctantly.

After spring started to warm up, Li Shengli sent a quarter of the self-training class's senior students, more than 500 to 600 people, to the mountain village as the first and last batch of apprentices of famous veteran Chinese medicine practitioners.

After this group of people left, the living conditions on the mountain side became a little tighter. Fortunately, the students could live together, and the housing pressure would not be directly reflected back.

This year, the main task of the construction cooperatives in Madianji and Taipingzhuang is to build houses in mountain villages.

This time Li Shengli didn't need to ask his husband to read Feng Shui to make plans. Professor Liu in Madianji had no shortage of such talents.

There will be no opportunities for demolition of mountain villages in the future. Systematic planning and taking advantage of the demolition of city walls to create an ancient village that is livable and travelable is also one of the future directions.

Now let the members of Madianji and Taipingzhuang go into the city to pick them up. Not only are they participating in the sports meeting, but they are also preserving something for the future. It is better than these old objects being landfilled as construction waste in the future, right?

The days of shrinking were uneventful and passed very quickly. Du Jiaoyang, who had some premature birth in May and unloaded the goods early, just wanted to take the opportunity to get back in shape and order a cheongsam, but Li Shengli, a bitch, took the opportunity to make another order.

Fortunately, according to the pulse, it was the first child this time. If there were twins again, Du Jiaoyang would beat this bitch to death.

After the two jade locks of peace and joy, Master Liu gave him wealth and health. Du Jiaoyang, who was a little helpless and frightened, didn't wait for anything to get back in shape.

I made a dozen sets based on my current body shape, and a dozen more sets based on my approximate body shape when I was pregnant with the child. I said I didn’t want to stay in China anymore.

The female bastard now also wants to understand that this bitch of hers really treats her as a tool to have children. If she doesn't leave, no matter how many jade locks Master Liu has, they won't be enough.

It was just an opportunity to go south and go abroad, so the female gangster didn't come until July, even though she knew that Li Shengli asked Mr. Pu to remind the leadership office.

The leader's office also coquettishly gave a reminder to the Hong Kong City side, but until July came, the opportunity the female gangster wanted didn't come.

On the other hand, Li Shengli, who was lying in the Wang family's old house to enjoy the cool air, had received a telegram from Master Dong two days ago. Now Master Dong and Bai Sushan are waiting near the port.

Influenza is very violent when it comes. It is not impossible to delay it. Half a month is the best. If it exceeds one month, there will be death or injury.

Of course, you have to deal with this well. If you really don't care, let alone half a month, it's hard to say whether you can last for a week under the combined attack of hot weather and high fever.

Because he had foreseen the epidemic, Li Shengli also gave Master Dong a solution that was not a solution. There was a habit of drinking herbal tea in Hong Kong City, so he also gave him two simple tea recipes, namely gypsum tea and yellow wattle tea, to relieve high fever. , evil heat. According to the news, Dong Shilaobai's side had already taken risks and started operations as early as May and June. They asked someone to bring the tea recipe over and reached a consensus with their Chinese medicine colleagues there. Once problems arise, they can only The Chinese medicine practitioners over there are dealing with it first.

With Master Dong's telegram, Li Shengli knew that Mr. Pu would soon be unable to sit still. The leader's office would naturally ask Mr. Pu to inquire about the situation.

There is no need for Mr. Pu to look for him, Li Shengli has also prepared a list of people going south in advance.

Among the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain, there are more than ten famous old Chinese medicine doctors who have lung problems and are resistant to heat and cold. In addition to the two who were bedridden last year, Li Shengli will take these more than ten famous old Chinese medicine doctors to the south.

Staying in the north, these elders have also survived this year and not being able to survive next year. When they go to the hot south, they may be able to survive for two more years. Maybe they can take advantage of the hot weather in the south to recuperate. There is a slight chance that they can survive forever. Outside the gate of hell, one or two people were dragged out.

Li Shengli, who seemed to be lying on a bamboo chair and fanning himself to cool off, was actually filled with lawsuits in his heart.

As for whether he would be needed when going south, Li Shengli was determined. Master Dong and Bai Sushan, who had experienced the Southwest Flu, were already paralyzed there.

The disease is coming fiercely, and treating the epidemic with words and treating it on the ground are two different things. Treating the epidemic is not that simple without a vicious and vicious intention to kill.

An overdose of medicine can kill those two famous medical experts. The prescriptions they prescribe can really kill people, and they really have to take responsibility.

At this time of year, it is really not a trivial matter to eat people to death in the port city. Neither Pu Lao nor Shi Lao can catch this, and Li Shengli can't catch it either. But when he goes there, naturally There will be someone who can pick her up.

The days of pretending to be leisurely were broken in a short time. Looking at Mr. Pu who came to Madianji alone and sat opposite him in the courtyard, Li Shengli asked with a grimace:

"Lao Pu, it's not allowed over there?"

Listening to Li Shengli's knowing questions, Mr. Pu stroked his beard and rubbed his face and said:

"After all, we are separated, and we can't have the final say on matters over there.

The issue of the herbal medicine seller over there had already been approved. Who would have thought that there would be trouble again, and someone from nowhere would disrupt the situation, so the matter was shelved.

Now the office has negotiated several times, and the Hong Kong government has not relented and promised to allow our people to participate in the epidemic control. "

And because of the epidemic in southern China, he faced off against Li Shengli. Mr. Pu was convinced by the overlord of the medical field and the protector of the great lineage who was good at fighting.

Just surrounding a Chinese medicinal material outlet allowed him to perform so many tricks.

Although the people in the port city were trying to shirk, the orders for the seasonal medicinal materials had already been handed over. Mr. Pu had seen it and the largest quantity was undoubtedly the medicinal materials for treating the epidemic.

It would be wrong to say that people don't work hard. The recipes that Li Shengli mixed randomly before were among the list.

For experts, the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine can be known at a glance. The range of medicinal materials has been determined, and there are only so many prescriptions that can not kill people. They are all recorded in medical books.

Mismatching is mismatching, but the source must still be there. This kind of mismatching is more attributable to the inconsistency between the medicine and the disease, rather than the random combination of medicine formulas.

“Our people went to treat the epidemic, but I don’t think it’s necessary.

As you said, after all, there is a separation between people and land between us and the other side. If there are casualties in the past, will they be regarded as deaths due to epidemic disease or due to ineffective medical treatment?

Mr. Pu, no one can bear such a burden at this time of year.

Our people just came up with ideas. I don’t think it’s necessary to participate..."

Seeing what Li Shengli said clearly, Mr. Pu shook his head helplessly. There was a big difference between suggesting from the air and treating the epidemic on the ground.

Without the ability to see, hear, and inquire about patients, treating the epidemic from a distance is no different than nonsense.

The effects of epidemics on the human body can be said to be unpredictable. An epidemic has not only one symptom, but also thousands of people. How to judge and make decisions is a great test for the doctors who are directly involved.

After giving instructions from a distance, Mr. Pu admitted that he was not capable of this. He was not familiar with the symptoms of the disease, and he did not dare to make random cubes.

After glancing at the confident Li Shengli, thinking about his targeted prescription, and consulting the telegrams sent by Lao Dong and Lao Bai, Mr. Pu still shook his head.

Although there were not a large number of patients, Pu Lao was still unsure about the prescription of medicine. There must be a reference for excessive dosage of medicine, right?

Without saying anything more to the confident Li Shengli, Pu Lao came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Many things, even if you have seen them with your own eyes, are hard to believe, just like Li Shengli's performance in Xingzhou. Mr. Pu has led people to deduce it several times, but no matter how he deduce it, it is not a job that one person can complete.

It's hard to say whether a group of people can complete it. It's just what President Lu said that acupuncture can relieve intracranial pressure. It can't be done by just looking at it and feeling the pulse.

Not long after Pu Lao left, Du Jiaoyang, who had just become pregnant and was holding back her anger, was also called over from the leader's office.

As for the reason, you don't need to guess. It's just going south. The outcome of the negotiation is not important now. It's more important to be prepared.

Similar to Mr. Pu, Du Jiaoyang also came and went in a hurry when he entered the city. When he came back, he sat opposite Li Shengli.

"Old Li, the leader wants to assign you to Hong Kong City to treat the epidemic, are you sure?

Although you asked Master Dong and others to pass on gypsum tea and yellow wattle tea before, as far as the illnesses reported by the two of them are concerned, although the tea is effective, there may have been casualties there.

If we go there this time, won’t we also catch the epidemic?

If it really doesn’t work, how about I delay leaving for a year? "

Du Jiaoyang, who was sitting in front of Li Shengli, just mentioned the tasks of the leadership office in one sentence, but what he said next was about personal safety.

This is also human nature. There is no need to pay anything personally, and there is still merit to be gained. Naturally, public affairs come first.

Once personal interests are compromised due to official business, it is unreasonable not to let others weigh the pros and cons. People will not be pure. If everyone were pure, there would be no disputes at all.

"A year?

Do you know how many people are going to die?

This is a case of doing something knowing that it cannot be done, whether it can be done or not, it has to be done.

The usual righteousness and benevolence of doctors should be shown at this time.

Small things are seen as trivial, and big things are seen as important. Although our divorce certificate has been issued, I still have something to do with the Du family's son-in-law.

If this matter is not handled properly, Lao Du will inevitably be criticized..."

(End of this chapter)

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