The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 576 Composite Formulation (Part )

Chapter 576 Composite Formulation (Part )

"Mr. Pu, it's hard to make a decision on this matter, so why don't we leave it to the higher-ups?

We are nothing more than three methods: upper, middle and lower.

The worst strategy is to use light drugs to focus on prevention; the middle strategy is to use combined drugs for prevention and treatment; the best strategy is to use excessive amounts of medication to block the spread of the epidemic.

Moreover, the right to make the future decision on this matter may not be on our side.

In the case of epidemics, we are just classifying them into different categories, preventing them when they are needed, and treating them when they are needed.

The epidemic is not only external, but also related to us. It is nothing more than a combination of prevention and treatment. If it cannot be concealed, then heavy drugs will be used to block it.

As for outsiders who have nothing to do with us, the rules are placed in front of them. We can’t decide how to use the medicine. We can only provide patent medicines or prescriptions..."

After listening to what Li Shengli and Xi Ni said, Mr. Pu could only press his eyebrows lightly and nodded in agreement.

Everything that can be said or not is contained in it. These doctors have said everything that needs to be said. As for whether to do it or not, as well as the subsequent responsibilities, they have been pushed away.

It's not that Mr. Pu doesn't know how to do this kind of charlatanism, but rather he doesn't bother to do it. But when it comes to epidemic control, the responsibility is heavy, and if there is an accident, the consequences are not easy to accept.

Making a choice is easy to say and do. What is difficult is how to face the unfavorable results.

Knowing that they and others couldn't dwell on this, Mr. Pu glanced at Lao Dong and directly asked Xiaojie about the prescription he had obtained.

"Xiao Dong, how are you exploring the patent medicines and prescriptions?

tell me the story……"

Seeing Mr. Pu asking about the Xiaojie potion, Master Dong glanced at Li Shengli first, and then slowly spoke after seeing him nod.

"Pu Lao, the way to use the medicine this time is to combine prevention and treatment.

For early stage prevention and treatment, Qingwen Baidu Yin plus Western medicine anti-inflammatory drugs is recommended. Traditional Chinese medicines such as Sangxing Yin, Sangju Yin, and Yinqiao Powder can also be used.

On the basis of preventive and therapeutic drugs, the dosage of cold medicine can be increased, and Qinghao Biejia Decoction, Sanren Decoction, Baihu Decoction, Baidu Qingfei Decoction, and Western anti-inflammatory drugs can be added.

For severe cases, the main recommendation is Baidu Qingfei Decoction with an increased dose of anti-inflammatory drugs and water.

First aid medicines are mainly Angong Niuhuang Pills and Dading Fengzhu.

This kind of medicine was planned by Master Li beforehand. Baidu Qingfei Yin was obtained by adding flavors and dosages of Maxing Shigan Decoction. The first overdose was gypsum to suppress evil heat and clear the lungs. It is specially used for moderate to severe cases of lung health. "

With more than ten old men, who were famous doctors in Beijing, Master Dong directly sold Li Shengli, the junior uncle.

After hearing the detailed measures to control the epidemic, Mr. Pu's brows did not relax, but instead furrowed even tighter.

This time, the southwest medicine trials were mainly based on medicines from the febrile disease group, which was what Li Shengli was targeting.

Thinking about the Five Luck and Six Qi, Mr. Pu can only classify it as this. If you talk about other things, it is more mysterious than the Five Luck and Six Qi. As for the prophecy of the future, you can't talk about it now.

"Shengli, let me ask you, what do you think of the first-aid medicine, this Angong Niuhuang Pill?"

Mr. Pu also has a clear understanding of the matter of Jiere Pills, but this matter is not his responsibility and he cannot control it.

Today's antipyretic pills cannot be equated with Angong Niuhuang Pills, but using Angong Niuhuang Pills purely for first aid is not only excessive but also wasteful.

Regardless of the secret plans, we still have to talk about the antipyretic pills.

“In mild cases, it can be antipyretic pills, and in serious cases, it can be Angong Niuhuang Pills and Dading Fengzhu. When using such medicines, a Chinese medicine practitioner should be involved.

At the same time, when you go up to talk, you should also mention the pharmaceutical matter.

This time, among bezoars, liver yellow and tube yellow can be used as raw materials for pharmaceuticals. As for yak yellow and camel yellow, some should be prepared, especially for camel yellow. "

After hearing what Li Shengli said, Mr. Pu no longer frowned, but his face became gloomy.

Yak yellow is barely enough, but as for camel yellow, it is purely a third-rate medicinal material.

"Sheng Li, don't say this..."

Using camel yellow instead of bezoar as the raw material will inevitably produce fake or inferior medicine, which is unacceptable to doctors.

"Pu Lao, if you are not of my race, your heart must be different!

Nowadays, a piece of camel yellow is worth at least more than ten cars, and some people cannot afford to eat.

As long as we are here, we can't let ourselves go wild. To outsiders, it's just a lesson to gain wisdom.

A piece of camel yellow may be the rations of more than a dozen villages. It can be cut off at a critical moment of life and death! "

Mr. Pu naturally didn't like using mana and deception on medicinal materials, but Li Shengli's rhetoric made him irrefutable.

This couldn't be stated clearly when the report was made, but as long as the word camel was mentioned, the cause and effect would naturally belong to the old man.


After sighing heavily, Mr. Pu was noncommittal, but the dozen or so old men behind him probably shook their heads. This matter must be a public case in the future.

"What about the Western Medicine section?"

Everyone shook their heads. After Mr. Pu sighed, he did not say anything, but once again pointed to the obscure Western medicine that Master Dong mentioned before.

"You can skip this section..."

In this regard, Li Shengli's answer is also very simple. Sometimes, there are choices between ups and downs.

After highlighting traditional Chinese medicine, we can no longer mention Western medicine. After the epidemic is cured, it is also the time when the dispute between Chinese and Western medicine resurfaces abroad.

It's just that this time Chinese medicine has four major foreign companies and Wall Street capital as lobbyists, and the promoters who focus on Western medicine preparations are no longer invincible in the industry.

If the suppression is really excessive, the four major foreign banks are not from a good background. They are also a den of countless dirty tricks, bad tricks, and bad tricks. After combining with Wall Street capital, the bottom line is no longer known to outsiders.

"It's a good plan. Let's discuss this later. This time we will follow what you said."

After having a taste of Li Shengli's overwhelming power, Mr. Pu's mouth felt bitter.

What Mr. Shi was worried about before, this old man has finally had a clean slate today. After today, this protector of the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine is no longer capable of fighting with Mr. Pu. It can be said that the danger level has risen rapidly. .

Although Li Shengli's approach is open to question, as far as the traditional Chinese medicine tradition is concerned and domestically, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This is the key to the general trend that can suppress people. No matter what you choose, you must always choose one end. This sentence also puts you in a dilemma of life and death. If you don't choose, it won't work. But when it comes time to choose, you will also find that there is only one end to choose from. Choosing from the heart is bound to be a dead end. One piece.

Randomly choosing to play against the person in front of him, others don't know, but Mr. Pu knows that he and the dozen or so old men around him are not capable of playing this kind of play, and the great heritage of traditional Chinese medicine is suppressed.

As for medication, for Mr. Pu and the dozen or so old men, that's all.

According to the experience of the world, it can be regarded as a monkey show when doctors consult with traditional Chinese medicine and prescribe medicine together.

Take an inflammation and suppuration as an example. Some are used to clear away heat and detoxify, while others are used to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness. Each has its own reasons, and they are all really useful. What a great result.

Should you use yours or mine? This is where a quarrel begins. This fight can change from the eight schools of internal medicine to the six schools of internal medicine or the four schools of traditional Chinese medicine.

It's just a matter of the public talking about the public's reasons and the mother-in-law saying the mother-in-law is right. A consultation with an unfamiliar Chinese medicine expert will directly become the scene of quarrels among the old men if things go wrong.

The reason is actually simple. It comes from the schools. The medical theories of these schools have also been verified in the field.

For example, those prescriptions that Master Dong just mentioned are not unreasonable to be said to be from the febrile disease school, but they are also said to be from the local prescription school, which also has its roots.

It is said that the medicines from the Typhoid School are not easy to use, but when they are actually used, they are really useful. This is empirical medicine that cannot be justified.

Li Shengli and Lao Dong didn't talk about over-dose medication. The flu prescription they just talked about is easy to use. There is no need to discuss this, and there is no way to tell what is right and what is wrong.

Traditional Chinese medicine consultation is like a negotiation in the political arena, which requires the introduction of people, sponsors, and venerable witnesses. There is no rules and regulations. It just brings together a large gathering of famous doctors and experts, and the result is almost a pile of chicken feathers after a quarrel.

In the past, famous Chinese medicine experts in the self-training classes consulted with each other. Now, the medical science in the mountain village has returned to its roots and can continue. In addition to Shi Lao and others taking charge, Li Shengli's domineering style also played a major role.

Don't let people quarrel, just let people compete with each other, which is the current trend in the mountain.

It was not impossible to quarrel if he wanted to. He packed his bed, took his family, and left the circle of Shanshan, Wali, and Madianji. Li Shengli didn't care whether they quarreled or not?

Li Shengli could pay such a price, but famous doctors and celebrities from all over the world could not pay it. For these famous doctors and famous doctors, he would not only not block the news, but would also take the initiative to give them information. This also forced the famous doctors and famous doctors from all over the country to be Ruziniu. A good idea, isn't it?

Regarding the use of medicine, Pu Lao and others really couldn't raise any objections. The medicine was suitable for the symptoms and the dosage was used. At that time, the efficacy would still have to speak for itself. How could such objections be raised?

In the remaining time, Mr. Pu and more than ten old men each considered the prescription and put forward their own opinions. These opinions were the summary of the life-long medical experience of these great doctors.

Whether it is easy to use and whether it can be used requires Master Dong to take it with him for clinical trials. Although the time is relatively short, there are three thousand years of traditional Chinese medicine medical guidance and two thousand years of medical books for comparison. Whether it is easy to use or not, it really only needs to be done. Just look at the efficacy.

In the end, Mr. Pu also gave a series of prescriptions proposed by Master Dong. A more appropriate explanation was that it was a compound prescription for southern influenza, which was regarded as support. Li Shengli did not talk about the small thoughts of combined medication.

The next year or the next year may sound very far away, but whether it is for traditional Chinese medicine to treat the epidemic, or for Western medicine to treat the epidemic, this time is very short.

According to Li Shengli's words, by the beginning of next summer, the new epidemic will rear its head, and it will take less than a year to fight.

It's now autumn, and the summer flu epidemic in the south is coming to an end. It's hard to say how many more cases Lao Dong will find after he goes down this time.

Without case-based medication, no matter how clever the prescription is and how wonderful the effect is, it is just a mirror image. When the time comes to use it, it really doesn’t work, then it will really fall apart!

After each of the more than ten old men gave their experience, they didn't say much to Li Shengli and Old Dong. Mr. Pu waved, and all the old men began to worry about what Li Shengli had just mentioned.

As far as the benevolence of doctors is concerned, this situation is absolutely unsupportable. As far as the livelihood of the people is concerned, this situation has a great cause. This is similar to what Li Shengli said before about consuming the external herbal stock. It is unethical and risky for the medical community. Smoking is a bad thing that helps a lot in the overall situation.

This situation is in line with what Xie Chan, the daughter of the Xie family, said about righteousness and ambition. The righteousness comes first and the hero’s means come later. As the old saying goes, the choice is to choose between the outer circle and the inner circle, or the outer square and the inner circle. For more than ten old men, this is really bad. Very caring.

"Let's go, why are you still standing there?

You're not qualified to speak on this matter, are you? "

Glancing at Master Dong who was still staring at the show, Li Shengli pulled him and the two hurriedly left the old men's office.

"Uncle Li, I'm still thinking of asking Mr. Pu to talk to me and get a batch of first-aid powder."

After leaving the office, Master Dong also expressed his thoughts. In today's medical community in Sijiu City, if Mr. Pu speaks, there is no emergency medicine that cannot be obtained.

"Come on!

You can do your own tricks, and the old man is annoyed!

Don't go looking for trouble. If I take you to the leader's office to report on your work, I'm afraid you and Lao Bai will be unable to move down there.

Regarding the emergency medicine, please contact me yourself. If not, I will call you.

Master Dong, remember!

After going down, there are some things that are not easy to interfere with, so don’t interfere with them..."

After taking a look at the old men scratching their heads gathered in the office, Li Shengli also gave Master Dong his entrustment.

Now the pattern of wind and rain has almost taken shape. After major changes, there are basically no changes. Even if there are still young people going to the countryside, the only thing left is perseverance.

This issue actually has nothing to do with most people. It’s just that some people want purity and some people don’t want purity.

There is no right or wrong in this matter, and there is a clear distinction between right and wrong. However, in Li Shengli's opinion, many things are difficult to do manually. If we really want to talk about this, we must start from the beginning of human beings.

Most of these are for those who are in office or have influence, involving brigades, communes, or neighborhood committees in the city. The greatest impact is on going to the countryside.

In Li Shengli's view, Master Dong's experiment has been completed, but Bai Sushan and others are still down there. If they go down further, firstly, they can gather the frontline Chinese medicine practitioners in Guangdong and Guangxi. Secondly, when the influenza comes next year, it will also be a matter of course. Wherever we act, we will not let the authority to control the epidemic fall by the wayside.

Fearing that Lao Bai and his people would really lose their way down there, Master Dong, who hurried back in a hurry, also contacted his previous connections in Beijing.

It was a little better when I contacted colleagues in the medical field, but when it came time to contact old connections, they were extremely sparse.

Of course, some connections were still there, but there were very few life-saving pills available, so Li Shengli had no choice but to give him more than a hundred Angong Niuhuang Pills from his own stash.

Even though Li Shengli had a personal stash of more than 10,000 pills, when he gave them out, he still didn't bother to press them for a while. After that, it was time for antipyretic pills to become popular. Using that thing to save lives was really out of the question.

"Master Dong, this time, the focus will change, and we will focus on the front lines in various places.

After that, I will arrange for a group of barefoot doctors to go to where you and Lao Bai are. After they arrive, you can try your best to take a look around.

If you encounter something down below, just report your name to the self-training class. If you suffer a loss, just give me a telegram..."

Looking at the young master uncle who had already achieved great success, Old Dong didn't say much and only sighed.

As a half-Jianghu, Master Dong naturally knew what it meant to send a telegram, but similar to Li Shengli's idea, some young doctors on the front line also had to help. If they didn't, the inheritance would be interrupted.

After packing up the life-saving elixir, Master Dong also worked non-stop. There was a train back that night, so he got on the train that night.

Looking at the black and thin old man surrounded by a group of well-fed and drunk young militiamen in the corner, Li Shengli could only sigh lightly...

(End of this chapter)

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