The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 573 1 Dollar Plan (Part )

Chapter 573 One Dollar Plan (Part )

Regarding the small handicraft industry, Li Shengli is not talking nonsense. Although there is no standard term for the international labor market, today's port city is almost like this.

Although industrial workers in Europe and the United States are still there, they have already entered the mid-to-late stage of transformation.

Foreign trade exports and handicraft products from all over the world are all based on the same principle, with cheap labor markets converging on developed countries.

Li Shengli just pushed ahead. The one dollar he talked about is now almost astronomical.

Even if the grass is carved into silk, and even if it is made with exquisite workmanship, in terms of today's rural wages, the labor cost condensed on a single product is only a few cents at most.

Of course, this is only for small products that are consumed in large quantities. An ordinary straw plate cannot be the same as a wicker suitcase.

One dollar is just an approximation. The actual operation can only be done after Du Jiaoyang reports and the leadership office comes out with the results.

"Old Li, these are similar to industrial products. Why do you only mention small handicrafts in rural areas?"

Xie Chan, who wanted to confuse Du Jiaoyang's train of thought but was blocked by Li Shengli, was still a little panicked and put forward another opinion.

This statement is a bit profound for Li Shengli. Just as he did not stay in the city, going to the countryside or the rural market is still worth exploring.

Regardless of whether production is divided or not, urban industry has not even been delayed for ten years, while rural areas have remained at the same level for at least twenty years.

If the city is compared to the Red Sea, then the vast countryside is now the boundless blue ocean.

The Madian market selling sheep, building cooperatives, growing and collecting medicines in valleys and mountains, and the small handicrafts we are talking about now will all be industries worth tens of billions in the future.

It's just a sheep seller in Madianji. If Li Shengli were more focused and if there were fewer restrictions from above, it wouldn't be difficult to make dozens or even millions of people in this day and age.

"Sister Chan, do you know that you are bad at scissors in industry and agriculture?

Go back and explain to Jiaoyang.

People will naturally develop industries in cities, but not in rural areas.

Going to the countryside will definitely have an effect, but it's hard to say how effective it will be.

For barefoot doctors, the vast rural areas are their place of experience, so allowing rural commune members to have money for medical treatment is to protect barefoot doctors.

In addition to barefoot doctors, there are also traditional Chinese medicine clinics in towns and villages. The vast land in the countryside is the basic base for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, and it must be well maintained.

As a member of the youth who went to the countryside, if I don’t mention the small handicraft industry in the countryside, should I mention the big industry in the city?

This is inappropriate! "

After Li Shengli said this, the panic on Xie Chan's face disappeared. Although her movements as a man are a little crooked now, her consciousness is still fine.

As long as she doesn't offend him too much, depending on the condition of the Wang family's old house, she still has a place here.

"Lao Li, do I follow your wishes?

If the boss asks about a specific product, how should I reply? "

Different from Xie Chan's tangled context, Du Jiaoyang is more pragmatic, and this statement is also in line with Li Shengli's statement.

Seeing Li Shengli nodding in agreement to Du Jiaoyang's question, Xie Chan rolled her eyes and almost felt the pulse of the man halfway, which was similar to the righteousness and ambition she mentioned.

There is an inherent conflict between justice and heroism. If you use heroism for the sake of justice, you will gradually become a hero. The man who seems to be sitting calmly is also struggling in his heart.

"Let me tell you some simple hats that are white, delicate and breathable.

Wicker or straw bread trays, wicker trash baskets, straw shopping bags, women's satchels, and handbags.

There are also some wooden children's toys, which do not use precious wood. New boards with a log smell are best, such as pine. This must be mentioned, otherwise some foreign slaves will not know what good things to get to please them. Where is their foreign master?

These are just small items. When it comes to wicker suitcases, suitcases, or wardrobes, we need to design them carefully.

This not only involves the design of the product, but also the stacking of export goods. Exports are based on wardrobes, and a container cannot hold much.

What if the closet could be filled with everything big and small?

This way, we will also save a lot of money on shipping costs..."

Li Shengli's plan involves transportation. Du Jiaoyang has no problem with such details.

After sorting out her man's suggestions and asking Xie Chan to help modify them, her task was almost completed.

After getting the results of her work, the female bastard waved her hand at her dog man, which was considered to be an advantage for Xie's daughter.

After tossing Xie Chan for the second time, Li Shengli's view of her also changed. The Xie family girl was considered a highly educated girl, and she originally thought it would be difficult to regulate and control her.

But what Li Shengli didn't expect was that even if this intellectual daughter of the Xie family surrendered completely for the second time, her degradation would be much worse than that of Du Jiaoyang, and even worse than Wang Zhi who was on the mountain. Not to mention more concessions.

When he got up early, Li Shengli looked at Xie's daughter who was clumsily helping him tidy up his clothes, and asked:

"Sister Chan, why did you surrender your gun so early?

I thought we still had to grind for a while? "

Looking at Xie's daughter with a clumsy look in her eyes, Li Shengli was really puzzled, so he asked bluntly.

"Afraid of you!

It's that simple, because you are a mountain that I can't climb, so I have to obey you. "

As soon as Xie Chan said these words, Li Shengli had a clear understanding, and it will be similar in the future. After many high-minded women went abroad, they saw the prosperity and their past persistence was directly shattered.

Once they feel that they can't catch up, they give up on themselves, and their bottom line is gone.

Looking back now, the Xie family daughter also has a silver-like pewter spear head, so she is overestimated.

"The export of medicinal materials, the small handicraft industry in rural areas, and the pursuit of the capital blood of HSBC and the four major foreign banks in the future.

When you meet Du Jiaoyang, don't leave written records. Just give them to me orally.

Ding Lan, don't relax, you still want her to integrate into the yard as soon as possible. "

With his evaluation of Xie Chan, Li Shengli directly regarded her as his secretary.

The relationship in the Wang family's old house is chaotic, which is good for men, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Many people have interests in it.

In these days, whether you are out or at home, if you want to restrain a woman, the easiest way is this kind of relationship. It is better to have chaos at home than chaos from outside, right?

Once Du Jiaoyang takes away Guan Qingyue and Xiao Feng, and once Yang Yulian takes the children back to the mountain, this place will be much cleaner.

As for breaking shoes and being targeted, Li Shengli didn't care at all in Madianji. Unless the old party secretary Wang Shengting and his son died, and they had to take more than 20 captains and deputy captains from Madianji with them, otherwise there would be no such thing something happened.

To put it bluntly, poking Li Shengli in Madianji is not much easier than digging up the ancestral graves of the commune members. At this time, if someone could really hold him down in Madianji, Li Shengli would also admire him. In a large village of 7,000 people, it is not that easy to kill everyone.

He arrived at Madianji Health Center in a good mood. After listening to the daily routine of the self-training class that Ma Xiaobao brought back early in the morning, Li Shengli also made some adjustments in a timely manner.

Because of Wang Qianjin's relationship, the area from the self-training class to Madianji, Taipingzhuang, Wali, and Shanshan Village was almost the territory of the owner. To put it shamelessly, it was the territory of the third prince.

The people in this commune and the district all know the details. Except for public food and unavoidable voluntary labor, no matter what the matter is, these villages will not be found.

Although this is a suburb of Beijing, Wang Qianjin can persuade everyone to retreat with the tiger skin of his 'godson'. Now that he has the nickname of 'Third Prince', this land has almost become an ownerless land. No one dares to come.

If you have an owner, you are talking about it to Wang Qianjin; if you have no owner, you are talking to the commune, district, or city.

This is also one of the few places where Li Shengli and Wang Qianjin are famous.

Sitting in the clinic in Madianji, Li Shengli felt a lot more relaxed. There was nothing he could do about it. There was no 'third prince' like Wang Qianjin in front of him, even though the reputation of the son-in-law of the Du family was good.

But in order to clear his reputation in the future, Li Shengli doesn't dare to go to the self-training class for medical treatment, because if he doesn't have enough protection, something will happen.

As for what happened if he wasn't around, it would be considered a relief. Anyone who dares to fight can just arrange for someone to fight back, and the result will have nothing to do with him.

Although these words are a bit deceptive, if he is not present, he will have nothing to do with Li Shengli in the future. Regardless of whether the owner of the suffering recognizes it or not, the person who handles it must recognize it, otherwise the money he, Du Jiaoyang, and Wang Qianjin will all waste. out.

After sorting out the materials for the self-training class, Du Jiaoyang came back in the middle of the morning on the Volga Golden Deer. It seemed that not only was things going smoothly, but it was also an urgent matter.

Looking at the straw products that Du Jiaoyang and Xiao Feng placed on the table one by one, Li Shengli shook his head. The things looked good at home, but were a bit old-fashioned abroad.

"Old Li, this is a sample from the import and export company under the Light Industry Bureau. Can you take a look at it?

I'm in a hurry to get back to the leader's office. "

Du Jiaoyang also took the opportunity to get samples and asked for help halfway. Looking at the things on the table, Li Shengli simply picked up a pen and paper and drew a dozen samples at random.

Today's Light Industry Bureau will be the Second Light Industry Bureau in the future. Although they have different names, they manage roughly the same business.

While doing the design, I listened to Du Jiaoyang's general introduction. The import and export companies under the Light Industry Bureau are basically found in all provinces and some prefectures and cities, and their products are also diverse.

Straw and bamboo weaving are undoubtedly the broadest category. There is not much problem with these items in terms of craftsmanship and product quality. The only difference is the design.

The design of this thing was too simple for Li Shengli. He had never eaten pork, but he couldn't stand the fact that he had seen so many pigs.

With a quick swipe, there were more than a dozen designs, but the drawings looked a bit abstract, which made the female bastard frown.

"Lao Li, please be careful and don't improvise. I want to show it to the leader."

Du Jiaoyang raised his opinion, and Li Shengli naturally had no problem with it. He found Party Secretary Wang Qingping and asked him to go find a few people in the village.

Today's Madianji, there is not much else, but there are still a lot of professional talents. It is the autumn harvest of medicinal materials. Except for some strong and healthy people who went to the mountains to fool around, most of the professional and technical personnel still have to stay in the village. .

Drawing a simple design drawing, whether it is for professors or teachers studying architecture or industry, is really easy to pick up a pen and draw a hundred and eighty drawings, and it does not take much time.

According to Li Shengli's one-dollar statement, sketches of straw shopping bags with handles, straw plates, straw fruit baskets, and some simple storage baskets and baskets used in supermarkets or markets were quickly drawn.

Because it was done by professionals, the dimensions were clearly marked based on Li Shengli's drawings.

As for wicker bread baskets, clothes baskets, various satchels, handbags, suitcases, wardrobes, hats, hemp and straw slippers, etc., they are not included in the one dollar plan. The more they are handmade, the value of the goods will naturally be different.

"Lao Li, you are really good. There is nothing you can't do. Then I'm leaving."

After finishing the design drawings, Du Jiaoyang rolled up dozens of drawings on the table and was about to leave, but was stopped by Li Shengli.

"With so many drawings, how can you explain them clearly once you take them out?

Don't leave in a hurry. Let's go find Aunt Zou and Xie Chan. We have to explain the origin of these designs. Some ideas are not something you can come up with just by tapping your head.

The first thing I took with me today was my shopping bag and hat.

Firstly, the shopping bag is simple in design and easy to use; secondly, leaders are familiar with straw hats. "

After thanking the person who drew the picture, Li Shengli took Du Jiaoyang back to the Wang family's old house.

Sitting in the main hall next door, Zou Jin, the mother of the Xie family, glanced at her slightly submissive daughter Xie Chan. Instead of sighing, she let out a long sigh of relief.

My daughter, Xie Chan, is sometimes too clear-minded. She speaks straight to her heart without saying anything, and she doesn't cover up her words regardless of the occasion.

To put it bluntly, there was no man to control her. Now that she was suppressed, Zou Jin, who was familiar with Xie Chan's temperament, knew that her daughter was really suppressed this time.

This also saved her from disaster. According to her daughter's analysis, her good student Du Jiaoyang was also planning to let Li Shengli beat her up. If that happened, she would no longer be a human being.

The source of the design drawing was a couple of women, and Zou Jin was also knowledgeable. To put it roughly, Du Jiaoyang had an excuse when he went to the leadership office.

Du Jiaoyang was asked to keep most of the drawings and return with only a few. Zou Jin drove away his daughter and left Li Shengli alone.

"Shengli, Xiaochan's matter..."

"Aunt Zou, I can't say anything about this. Please forgive me."

"You should be kind to her. She had poor taste before. Try to give her a place to go in the future..."

Before leaving Li Shengli, Zou Jin had a lot to say. After being stopped by Li Shengli, Zou Jin also knew that it was not easy to bring his daughter's affairs to the table.

He vaguely talked about his daughter's future, and all that was left was a long sigh.

Encountering such a situation is both a blessing and a misfortune for her daughter Xie Chan. In times of stability, she will always find a good home.

But now, many girls in the compound are living a precarious life. She is living a very good life with Li Shengli protecting her.

Although there was some reluctance and hatred in his heart, Zou Jin couldn't get out of the house, so what's the use of being unwilling?

According to her analysis, this problem will last at least a few years. In addition to recovery, her daughter's youth will be gone in ten years, and the future can only be discussed in the future.

Although Li Shengli's family affairs were a bit messy, the actual planning was still going smoothly. The franchise rights of the One Dollar Plan, except for the share originally belonging to the import and export company, were all taken over by HSBC.

Unlike the follow-up export companies, HSBC has many foreign trade customers, so it has control over many business routes in disguise.

From transportation to sales, they have professional channels. They account for almost half of the profits from the sales of a country's handicraft products, which is much more profitable than the previous domestic banking business.

With the capital behind it, the inventories of import and export companies in various provinces were almost directly packaged and remitted. As for the blockade, it was for domestic purposes.

For HSBC, when it comes to local handicrafts from Hong Kong City, who will set a threshold for similar products like them?

(End of this chapter)

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