The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 569: One Medical and Military Family (Part 1)

Chapter 569 The Medical and Military Family (Part )

When it came to the whereabouts of the personnel, the three of them did not speak blindly. Instead, they thought about it individually and then pressed their ideas.

Now that the project has just taken shape, and the people are still far away from where they want to go, it is not only too early to say this, but also for fear of not thinking carefully, saying the wrong thing, and indifference to the already unstable relationship.

Next came the chat between everyone. Wang Qianjin, Ding Yong, and Ding Kai were in a group of three; Wang Yu was in a group with Xiao Long; Li Shengli and his wife chatted word by word with Xie Chan.

At this time, it is not necessary for everyone to gossip around the big table. It is more important for everyone to be familiar with each other.

"Lao Li, this matter was a little hasty. Is there something wrong with it?"

When the matter came to a close, the female gangster was still a little hesitant. Although the spy camp was not big, there were too many relationships involved in the follow-up, which were not easy to clarify.

Seriously speaking, the Du family really shouldn't be involved in this kind of thing. After all, the military and civilians are divided.

"It's just the right time.

Lao Li's plan is good. If this is done, Lao Ding can take over from Lao Shuai.

If they really achieve results, King Ding and Xie Sanjia will be the iron triangle in the future army.

Lao Li, the three families have taken advantage of your plan, and your purpose is just to get the manpower for your eldest sister to go abroad, which is not worth the gain. "

A woman with clear logic not only deduced the future, but also disgusted the eldest sister in the family.

After listening to what Xie Chan said, Du Jiaoyang rolled his eyes at the Xie family daughter first, and then looked at his man.

“We are all relatives, with broken bones and tendons, so I will naturally help them if there is a chance.

There is no saying that the gain outweighs the loss, there are opportunities and risks in this matter, and naturally everyone will be happy if it works out, right..."

Now that things have come to a point, if you logically deduce many relationships, you can almost see the results.

But Xie Chan's broad vision still made Li Shengli a little wary. This thing was like a computer monitor. If she said anything in front of her, she would be wrong.

"Old Li, you are simply not telling the truth. The fate of many people is doomed and cannot be changed.

As long as the three families follow your ideas, if something happens in the north and the secret service battalion takes action, the credit will not belong to one person, but to the big guys.

Based on the number of Ding brothers, if they can be supplemented with mountain warfare training on the plateau, it may not be useless in the future.

If you see it and don’t say anything, I’m afraid it will take a long time in the southwest, right?

Use small wins to accumulate big wins. When the structure of the secret service battalion is stabilized, it will be dragged to the northwest and southwest, and it will become the shelf of the secret service regiment or secret service division. "

Xie Chan's analysis made Li Shengli feel a little embarrassed. On his side, the Xie family daughter was talking about experience, but on Sister Chan's side, it was real intelligence analysis.

This is the benefit of clear logic. With a little exposure, you will become more professional than a professional.

"Ha ha……"

He smiled softly and covered this section. It is really too early to say this now. It will not be too late to say this after some things have settled down.

"Are you really qualified to sleep with me tonight?"

Glancing at Du Jiaoyang provocatively, Xie Chan also showed her feminine side and was good at fighting.

"What are you looking at? You're still half-baked, you're just short of a legitimate son!"

Du Jiaoyang's counterattack was so sharp that it made Xie Chan's face darken, but the same could not be said for Li Shengli. There were still people around, so it was difficult to say these words in front of so many people.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Shengli knocked on the table and ended the dinner. Today's dinner was basically about explaining and getting acquainted with each other. Many things still depend on the follow-up.

After sending everyone away and leaving Xie Chan behind, Li Shengli kept his word. The Xie family daughter's logic was so clear that it was really scary.

Although she did not guess what Li Shengli was thinking, she was thinking further. Li Shengli's purpose was nothing more than to introduce Chinese medicine practitioners into the army and further enhance the status of the great heritage of Chinese medicine.

If he could think of big things, he would do them casually. If they were beyond his ability, such as large-scale mountain battles or jungle battles, he would have to let it happen.

In fact, his eyes are always fixed on the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, and most things are based on interests. This is the vision and starting point of a little person.

For many things, Li Shengli has nothing to do with him. If possible, he will try not to participate.

Even if you participate, it is for the purpose of weaving a network of relationships for the future. For both good and bad things, you have to have a starting point to convince yourself to do it.

The next morning, after the morning training, Xie Chan wanted to follow Li Shengli to the self-training class free clinic, but he stopped her.

"Not taking me?"

Xie Chan asked as she blinked her eyes that were still shy.

"I'm a little unhappy, let's learn from Sister Yang how to serve others.

Du Jiaoyang and Ding Lan both learned it. "

Looking at Xie's daughter, whose feelings were not very clear, Li Shengli's suppression was also very direct.

"Take care of me?

Tame me?

Enslave me? "

Listening to Xie Chan's straightforward question, Li Shengli nodded directly. This person was not a person who could talk about love. His logic was too clear, and it was almost as if he was ruthless and unjust.

"Roughly the same.

I feel a little uneasy if I can't hold you.

Try not to do anything that could threaten me, or I will make you disappear.

Sister Chan, there is no turning back after many things have been done. Don’t force me to do things I shouldn’t do. "

After finishing the explanation, Li Shengli turned around and left. Xie Chan, who was left in the courtyard, curled her lips and cursed:

"A timid man..."

After saying that, Xie Chan didn't stay at the Wang family's old house, but went directly to her mother next door.

For Li Shengli, Xie Chan can only be regarded as a family matter. If the Xie family girl really wants to do something bad, it is not too easy to deal with a woman who has no power to restrain the chicken. Many things are determined by fundamental interests.

When he arrived at the self-training class, the first person Li Shengli found was Mr. Pu. He didn't talk about the secret service camp, but talked about the details of how the Chinese medicine group's first aid team entered the military camp.

"Sheng Li, this is a good thing. It's just acupuncture to stop bleeding. The location is unknown. If you want to be able to use it, it requires very high skills.

Compared with banding to stop bleeding, acupuncture is still more complicated, which is not conducive to front-line rescue. "Acupuncture to stop bleeding and relieve pain is the main topic between Li Shengli and Mr. Pu. This is also a major advantage of traditional Chinese medicine compared with Western medicine to stop bleeding.

Of course, in addition to acupuncture, Chinese medicine has other unique skills, but acupuncture is simple to use, has clear effects, and has a strong signature.

Of course, simplicity is also for those who know acupuncture. The question raised by Pu Lao now is whether it can be done quickly.

The co-author cannot spend five or ten years specifically training medical soldiers and health workers in acupuncture techniques, right?

"Pu Lao, if acupuncture is used properly, it can reduce the disability rate on the battlefield to a great extent.

We can't do it ourselves. Why don't we join forces with Mr. Lu and study together whether military doctors can learn more knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine? "

It is very simple to introduce traditional Chinese medicine into the military, just add it, but it is difficult to enter the system with traditional Chinese medicine techniques. In the final analysis, the problem is simple, that is, if you want to achieve a certain effect, you must have a certain level. To achieve a certain level, you must study Chinese medicine for a long time.

This is a question between cost and probability of use. Spending ten years just to train a battlefield ambulanceman, although the benefits are not small, the effort is also not small.

"Shengli, do you want to pull Xiao Wang out of that pool of water?"

Alliance means bringing in people, and Pu Lao, who was entangled by Li Shengli's purpose, has a clear understanding.

Nowadays, the situation of former President Lu and President Wang is not very good. Li Shengli wants to pull an acquaintance.

It was also Li Shengli's habit to talk in circles. Seeing Mr. Pu's face drop, he explained:

"Pu Lao, in many things, one must have a rightful place."


Or should I, this old man, report it? "

Mr. Pu glared at Li Shengli angrily, and Mr. Pu didn't delve into anything. Being scheming is a good thing for this young man, especially now.

Mr. Pu dared not think about what the current medical world would be like without Li Shengli's help from many veteran Chinese doctors.

"Pu Lao, don't worry about this in advance. I told you before that we should lead the troops into the army.

When a martial artist enters a military camp, Chinese medicine medicine must also be provided. Have you considered the name of the medicine? "

Hearing Li Shengli go around in a circle again, Pu Lao didn't show any displeasure anymore. This kid is also used to it and it's hard to change.

"Success, this matter naturally depends on the person's cube. There is a general range, which is nothing more than some prescriptions for strengthening the Qi, strengthening the muscles, strengthening the bones, and unblocking the meridians and activating the blood.

As for topical medication, if you are an expert, you don’t need to ask me. In traumatology, I am not that good at it. "

When it comes to cubic medicine, the two traditional Chinese medicine doctors can talk a lot together. Li Shengli and Mr. Pu talked about it for a while, and also delineated a rough scope.

This is similar to what Pu Lao said, because the human cube is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine. In the early stage, it is similar to that in Wali. Pushi Buzhong Yiqi Decoction and other things regulate the spleen and stomach. This is also a problem that more than half of people have now. .

After giving Mr. Pu a head start, Li Shengli continued the free clinic. During this period, he basically stopped cheating, although there were no problems.

But Li Shengli always feels like he can't make ends meet. He knows it's memory sickness, but he still has this sense of crisis.

But in this day and age, there is basically no business that can be done, and the self-training class is different from the village. Although Li Shengli has many businesses in mind, for the self-training class, he can only think about it.

As for going to various units to beg for alms, the food they received was not delicious and the quantity was not large. Taken together, there was almost two-thirds of the gap that Li Shengli had to make up for himself.

If the manpower assigned to carry food from above is better, after excluding those who are not working hard, there will basically be no gap in food.

Nowadays, most of the people in the self-training class were recruited by Li Shengli himself. Food for three thousand people is a burden everywhere, and the food account is not included in the front. Once there is a shortage of food, in these days and months, it can be It’s really impossible for the heavens to respond and the earth to be ineffective.

The self-training class was a head-scratcher, but things in the secret service camp were surprisingly smooth.

After Wang Qianjin took the lead and introduced Ding Yong and others, the affairs of the spy camp basically went smoothly.

The station was set up in Lao Xie's jurisdiction, close to Hebei Province. Ding Yong's chief officer also came down. Naturally, Ding Kai and Xiao Long were fine, and the other personnel were screened by the military.

It also takes a while to select personnel. The most important task for Ding Yong and others in the near future is to coordinate all parties and transfer relationships.

The marriage between Xiao Long and Wang Yu has also been decided. With this relationship, the Xiao family will have a solid foundation in the future.

As for whether the Xiao family can make the leap, it all depends on Xiao Bao, the youngest member of the Xiao family. He is similar to his uncle Sun Wuyang. He mainly focuses on making good friends with all parties and accumulating future connections.

When the time comes and I am admitted to college, the connections I have accumulated now, when they are spreading, can be more effective than thousands of chance encounters.

After Xiao Long and Wang Yu got married, things between the families were sorted out, but the secret service camp was left with a loose end.

After all, we stepped on someone else's plate. The term "Special Agent Camp" was just a term used by Li Shengli and the others. Nowadays, the official name is "Experimental Camp", an experimental camp without prefixes or supplements. The derogatory meaning is obvious.

Wang Qianjin's fellow recently also got the nickname of Third Prince. Such a title is not very good for the Wang family.

Experimental camps and the like are nothing more than names. Today's military is more interested in military merit. Although there is no place to earn military merit now, those who are going up are those who had military merit in earlier years.

Even at this time, there are very few people in the army who are lucky enough to join the army. There is no other reason. In the army, military merit is the first priority.

Without military merit, not only will colleagues be dissatisfied, but even the team under them is not so easy to lead. If someone with poor qualifications and no military merit is promoted, they may be overrun by the top soldiers with military merit, and they will be unable to step down.

Li Shengli had planned the military exploits of the secret service camp for them. By then, the ordinary soldiers in the Northeast would be no match for them, and it would be a real deal to find the martial arts masters in the army to help them.

With the spy battalion here, there is no need to recruit people everywhere. Ding Yong and Xiao Long are just waiting to receive awards for their meritorious service.

But Wang Qianjin's title as the 'Third Prince' is not that simple. To put it bluntly, this is a reminder of his future.

It's okay to pass it on in private now, but if it is really put on the table, then Wang Qianjin will have no way out no matter where he is.

After the name of the 'Third Prince' came out, Li Shengli also made an appointment with Wang Qianjin and the newlyweds Wang Yu and Xiao Long. To do this, he had to bring Wang Yu, the second sister of the Wang family, with him.

Because Wang Yu and Xiao Long were newly married, the matter was delayed for a few days. When the newlyweds came in with Wang Qian, Li Shengli naturally congratulated Wang Yu and his wife before getting down to business.

"Second sister, brother-in-law, the title 'Third Prince' is really hard for us to accept because we are so young.

The 'Second Prince' over there is a genius in science and an elite in the military. Let's not use this false reputation to gain power.

If the difference is correct, the second prince will definitely find trouble with you, brother-in-law, recently..."

Sitting across from the Wang family siblings, Li Shengli's title has also changed. The second sister is naturally Wang Yu's subordinate in the Wang family. It means they are as close as one family.

As for the brother-in-law, he was called Wang Qianjin, but Xiao Long was not worthy because his current status was that he was the son-in-law of the Wang family, similar to Li Shengli.

Speaking seriously, Wang Yu and Xiao Long cannot be called the Xiao family couple. They can only be called the Wang family couple or the Wang Yu couple...

(End of this chapter)

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