The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 551 Flowing Water Camp (Part )

Chapter 551 Flowing Water Camp (Part )

After giving Wang Qian the dirty trick, Li Shengli didn't hide it from the eldest sister who came to check his pulse later. Although the words didn't sound good, she still wanted to cling to the family.

This is not a problem of one generation, but a problem of three generations. The Han family has Han Xiuqi. Even if the second sister cannot find a suitable one, the eldest sister can still lead three generations of the family to live a good life. .

Although the eldest sister Han Xiuqi didn't mean it, she was not a cute young lady raised in the city. She knew the whole story of some things, and she had actually been in a miserable kiln in the countryside. Coupled with the current situation, she had to bow her head.

This is the difference between men and women. It’s okay for a man like Li Shengli to cling to you, but women inevitably have to pay more.

Even the second sister Han Xiuyun and the younger sister Li Yinghong are similar when they want to find children.

It's not that Li Shengli sees people as inherently evil, but in many cases, that's the reality. An identity can determine your wealth for three generations. In fact, it's simpler to see things this way.

There are very few pure people in this world. Li Shengli is not one of them, and neither is Wang Qianjin. Being pure does not mean being pure.

The purpose of clinging must be clear, which is to protect the camp you are clinging to. Li Shengli's work here has the same clear purpose.

After one performance at Wang Qianjin's place and then his godmother's place, the correspondence course was complete. Every now and then, a truckload of study materials was delivered to the post office, laying the seeds for future personnel to come to Beijing.

When the people from the correspondence course arrive in Beijing, the signboard of the medical corps can be hung up.

With the distribution of correspondence class textbooks, veteran students in the self-study class have an additional task of copying books.

I had been copying before, but it is different now. Correspondence courses can cover a wider range. Whether a student enters a self-training class or a crash course, in one month, he must copy at least one additional textbook and one additional textbook. It came from a set of medical books.

For students in the crash course, Li Shengli's requirements are not high, but for students in the self-training class, the requirements are relatively high.

In addition to copying books, the handwriting in the copied books should not be scrawled. Traditional Chinese medicine is a profession that requires sitting. Copying books can not only deepen the impression, but also sharpen the temperament of the students.

I can’t say anything about the crash course, but the students in the self-training class can now be considered to be able to sit still. It’s no big deal if they can’t sit still. Scribing and making mistakes when copying are just like memorizing and not working hard, they will also be beaten. .

After taking the correspondence course, Li Shengli didn't have much to worry about except for the free clinic.

Because of last year's winter picking, there are no serious spring picking tasks in the mountains or valleys this year. The rhizome medicinal materials in the mountains are basically done. This year's spring picking can only start with wormwood.

When the mountains were green, Li Shengli asked the barefoot doctors who went to the countryside to build a net, which also brought back the first batch of correspondence course students.

It's not that these people are talented, but that they have the family heritage of the village doctor below.

When it comes to village doctors and rural doctors, Chinese medicine, a profession that is said to be difficult to get started, has become easy again. Many village doctors and rural doctors can practice medicine at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and they can work for a lifetime. Very common.

This reason, in addition to the relatively narrow scope of study, is also related to the inheritance of several generations of family members and the pulse diagnosis and medicine cabinets that they have been familiar with since childhood.

Sometimes, inheritance becomes a mess, and the difficulty of passing it on is relatively small.

It cannot be said that all of these descendants of village doctors and rural doctors specialize in one subject or type of disease. Among village doctors and rural doctors, there are also descendants of real doctors, but the relative proportion is very low.

This group of people who came to Beijing were also sent by the local commune after being found by barefoot doctors who went to the countryside in accordance with Li Shengli's request. Since they were also the first batch, the requirements were relatively higher, and everyone had experience in medical treatment.

Li Shengli treated the 70 or 80 new people the same as the students in the crash course and self-training class. When they entered the camp, they first learned the skills.

Although most of these people are considered beginners of traditional Chinese medicine, they can only be considered as such. Village doctors and rural doctors are not orthodox traditional Chinese medicine, and their inheritance has both advantages and disadvantages.

Needless to say the advantages, the main disadvantage is that the range of diseases that can be treated is slightly narrower and the medication is relatively casual.

This group of people are easy to teach but not easy to teach. Once their disadvantages are corrected, they are easy to teach. They cannot change the things they have been exposed to since childhood. What they have been taught is just a village doctor or a rural doctor with a relatively broad range of knowledge.

Although the use of medicines in traditional Chinese medicine seems to be random, the laws of the emperor, ministers and envoys are also strict. If a life-threatening lawsuit arises because of the use of medicines, and the emperor, ministers, envoys and envoys are wrong, it will be a lawsuit caused by quack doctors.

It’s easy to say that you can’t understand the four qi and five flavors, as well as the meridian distribution of nature and flavor. If you don’t understand the monarch, ministers, and assistants, not only is the risk of practicing medicine very high, but it is also not accepted by orthodox Chinese medicine. Without the monarch, ministers, and assistants, the use of medicine is not traditional Chinese medicine in the eyes of many traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.

What is in harmony with the emperor, ministers, and assistants is Chinese medicine, and what is not in harmony is not Chinese medicine and not Chinese medicine. Although this distinction is a bit rough, that's basically what it means.

Of these seventy or eighty people, after being screened by memorizing skills in the self-training class, Li Shengli felt that at least half of them would be able to study in the inheritance class in April or May.

There shouldn't be too many of these people. If you can gather two to three thousand people, the structure of a correspondence class will be ready.

Today's correspondence courses also have a big problem when it comes to correspondence.

Although the previous plan was to answer questions among students, the current level of the veteran students is indeed worrying. Some of the questions and answers according to the teaching materials are acceptable, but once they go beyond the scope of the teaching materials, they will not be able to do it well.

The number of barefoot doctors who are now going to the countryside one after another is between six and seven thousand. This number of people has already made the self-training class's correspondence Q&A cycle longer than a week.

Although the effect of cross-question and answer is good, the question and answer cycle is a bit long.

This is just the beginning. As the number of people going to the countryside increases, as a steady flow of people go from self-training classes to their respective villages that need to be responsible, and as barefoot doctors go to the countryside, correspondence classes expand.

Without suitable Q&A personnel, that is, teachers in correspondence classes, the Q&A cycle will continue to lengthen.

Today, Li Shengli, in addition to daily free clinics, is faced with a thick pile of questions and answers, filling the gaps of missing personnel. Mr. Pu and other more than ten old men also spend a lot of energy on answering questions.

Li Shengli didn't care. If he did something during the free clinic, he could do it at home. It was considered a spare time activity.

However, Mr. Pu and others answered questions for the correspondence class, which was a bit overkill, because the answers to many questions were too superficial and not worth the energy of the great doctors. They already had limited time and had more important things to attend to. Do.

"Lao Li, you still have to give me accurate information about Da Fenghuang and Guan Mingyue. They are both good, and I plan to take them both.

You also need to pay attention to rest. I heard from Zhang Ying that you have been busy working until midnight recently. "

At the Wang family's old house, Du Jiaoyang, who was already potbellied and had difficulty moving, also made his own request.

Because she had secretly opened her mouth before, she and the twins were also growing together. There was still more than a month until the due date. Li Shengli estimated that the two boys were about seven pounds.

No matter how old you are, you will suffer a serious crime when you give birth. Du Jiaoyang, who is suffering from dieting, does not want the man to have it easy. Even if he is answering questions at the desk, the female bastard is not idle. As Li Shengli said, Guan Qingyue is already pregnant. The female gangster who has never forgotten Xiao Feng's control of Guan Qingyue also wants Li Shengli to give an explanation.

Because every time a woman becomes pregnant, the time for her to go abroad gets closer, which is also foreseeable.

"Guan Mingyue is not successful. She is too unruly. If you take her out, she will be fascinated by the prosperity in front of you. She will easily repeat herself. If you take it out hard and want to get rid of it because she is disobedient, it will be a waste of energy. Guan Qingyue will no longer be able to use it. .

As for the Great Phoenix, Zhang Ying’s matter hasn’t come to an end yet, so I can’t bear it..."

Putting down the Zi Hao pen in his hand, Li Shengli looked at the thin gold calligraphy on the Q&A, pinched his brows, and replied.

Li Shengli also practiced calligraphy many times, and finally changed from small regular script to thin gold. He did too many dark things under the lamp and took too many sideways, and the more he wrote in small regular script, the less smooth he became.

As Mr. Liu said before, the slightly flamboyant thin gold style makes writing much more enjoyable. This can be regarded as the original vision of the old man Mr. Liu. This is the ready-made person's character, which is also often said to be a person's temperament. Changes due to work habits.

Li Shengli didn't do anything to shirk Guan Qingyue's pregnancy. For women, some restraint is necessary.

But Li Shengli was still a little unsure about Zhang Ying and Xiao Feng. As for Zhang Ying's close disciple Guan Mingyue, he was not among the candidates at all, so there was no need to suppress them.

"I don't see you so hesitant when doing things in normal times. As you said, isn't it just a few times?

I don't care, what do you care about?

Others don't care either?

Do you care about the feelings of Xiao Changgong and Xiao Hu?

What they don't care about is that they are all just following the crowd. Doesn't their family rely on you to support them?

Without you reaching out to pull and restrain her, Xiao Hu could have found a woman like Luo Yun. To put it bluntly, even if she was in trouble, Xiao Hu was not worthy of her.

Zhang Ying said that you are worried about Xiao Long of the Xiao family. I asked someone to find out, and he is still in the position of deputy platoon leader.

If you don't help him, he will have to change his career in the next two years. With his abilities, he should be a professional soldier.

When this is presented to you, you know very well what he should choose.

Although I don’t know much about Zhang Ying, I probably know what she did.

Once you have done many things, you cannot let them go. Aunt Zou knows a lot about some things, so if you have the opportunity, you cannot let them go.

I have been learning and thinking about what you have taught me. For women, when it comes to things like that, as long as your heart softens a little, you have to do whatever you want.

I wanted to use Xie Chan to restrain my teacher before, but now it seems that the stubborn girl is really not a good choice.

Furthermore, what good future can Xiao Feng have if he stays in China?

Aunt Zou analyzed that it would be impossible to recover and get back on track in this state within ten or eight years.

In ten or eight years, the best choice for Xiao Feng is to marry a good man. In her eyes, you are the best man, but you will not choose her.

You are a man, don’t be like mother-in-law and mother-in-law, just be more neat..."

Glancing at the female bastard who was so evil that she wanted to attack the teacher, Li Shengli didn't scold Du Jiaoyang. Her analysis just now was relatively accurate.

But for Aunt Zou, the mother of the Xie family, there was no need to take action. Li Shengli was targeting Xie Fei in this matter. For Zou Jin, the future of his son Xie Fei was more important now.

What she said about Xiao Long was also very timely. Platoon leader was almost the normal position for ordinary soldiers to be transferred to another job. When they were transferred to another job, it would be good to be promoted to another level. If there was no wind and rain, it would be good.

But now, for Xiao Long, as Du Jiaoyang said, he still has a better future as a professional soldier.

"Well, not bad, I've made some progress.

Tell Da Fenghuang about this and ask him to visit relatives in Xiao Long's army. It is still very convenient for her to walk now.

It's a good time to talk about things at home and give her a chance to take a look and relax. If you still have no choice, just let her follow you out.

You see, I sacrificed my life all for you..."

Seeing the man who was getting a good deal and being obedient, Du Jiaoyang supported her stomach, which made it difficult for her to move.

This was the reason why she didn't want to stay in the country before. In the eyes of men like Li Shengli and Lao Du in the family, the role of a seemingly glamorous girl from a well-established family was more instrumental.

In their opinion, she did not deserve the right to choose. The choice they gave her was the right one. Although it was indeed right sometimes, Du Jiaoyang just couldn't accept it.

Now she has gradually become one of them. This place is similar to the Wang family's old house or the unused military camp of the self-training class. The camp is always there, but the people are like running water. The house at home does not move. But the people inside have to follow their own interests.

Xiao Feng, a big phoenix, is actually a very good girl, and she is also very suitable for her husband Li Shengli. If she marries her, she will definitely be a good wife and mother who will obey her every word.

But interests have determined that this big phoenix can only be the running water passing by in the camp. Sleeping with her and giving her a child is the care of the people in the camp. The seats in the camp, even for a moment, do not belong to Xiao. Phoenix only belongs to women who are related to interests.

Moreover, when making the decision, the man Li Shengli gave her a reason why she had to do it for the sake of her family. She was slept with, used as a tool, had her feelings suppressed by her own children, and was even swept abroad. She will have to deal with this in the future. How sad is it for a man to be grateful for his whole life?

But these bastard women are enjoying it. She is like this, Wang Zhi is like this, Guan Qingyue is like this, and Xiao Feng is like this. Just look at Zhang Ying who is sorting out the paperwork for her man Li Shengli, and you know that he doesn’t need to touch this woman. Already enjoying it.

This is also the norm for more than half of the families in the compound. Du Jiaoyang couldn't understand it before, but now she can see many things clearly. Even the father and mother at home are the same. They leave their children and go abroad for the so-called career. , that’s without stuttering at all.

"Old Li, you are really not a human being.

Xiao Long is not married yet, and I think Xie Chan is good. My teacher lives next door. When the divorced Xie Chan comes back, Aunt Zou may want to set you two up.

You said that Xie Chan has a good outlook on life, and that Xiao Long is also a natural-born soldier. The two of them are a perfect match. With this relationship, Uncle Xie can just promote a new son-in-law to prevent them from burning down our backyard. "

After scolding Li Shengli, Du Jiaoyang was also trying to eliminate hidden dangers for himself. That day, his own man commented on Xie Chan, saying that they were not suitable for each other.

Du Jiaoyang asked Xie's mother Zou Jin about this. This was her own idea, but she didn't know that it was her own daughter Xie Chan who was plotting...

(End of this chapter)

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