The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 539 The Last Year (Part 1)

Chapter 539 The Last Year (Part )

Li Shengli delayed returning home until after the Lunar New Year, when it really started to snow on the 27th, and then he and Xiao Changgong and his son braved the snow and entered the city.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have a home, where are your brothers and sisters?

For those who don’t know, do you think our Li family is also an orphan?

I've been waiting for you since I was young, and it's a good thing that I'm already twenty-seven before I go home.

I have to tidy up everything inside and outside the house. Are you going to exhaust me to death?

A libertine like Sun Wuyang knows how to come and see me. What do you want? Do you plan to become a white-eyed wolf now? "

After entering the house, before Li Shengli shook off the snow from his velvet military hat or patted away the ice particles from his purple lambskin coat, he was greeted by his mother, Han Jinhua, who was scolding her with a gun and a stick.

It seems that if the haggis in hand is not delayed, the person who greets the grown-up son of the Li family will be a big-mouthed man with a big mouth.

"Mom, this year Jianshe and Yinghong can only celebrate the New Year at home on the first day of the 30th and the first day of the lunar new year. After these two days, they have to continue to attend self-training classes.

In the next year, a group of students from the self-training classes will go to work as barefoot doctors. If they don't study continuously, it won't be enough. I'm afraid they will suffer hardship when they go to the countryside. "

Seeing that my mother's hands were occupied by the haggis, Li Shengli took off his purple lambskin coat, picked up the clothes hanging on the washstand, and put them on.

This is the love between mother and child. Even if he is not at home, before going out and after returning home, I will hang up his change of clothes on the washstand and put folded cloth shoes at the door.

In this age, most mothers kiss in action, and as for kissing in words, most children don't want it.

"Going to the countryside?

What kind of country did they go to without even having a diploma?

Tell me more carefully, if you, as an older brother, use your younger siblings as a sign of your progress.

As a mother, I will not spare you. Things on the street are matters of the street, and matters of the public are the business of the public.

Go ahead, no one is stopping you!

But it is not possible for the eldest brother to help his younger siblings to advance. Your younger brothers and sisters can help you to advance, but you, the eldest brother, must be like an older brother. "

Han Jinhua's brows straightened up when she heard that the two younger ones in her family were going to the countryside. She came from the countryside, and her nephews and nieces had just escaped from the hard labor kilns.

Seeing that the family is getting better and better, Han Jinhua will definitely not agree to the idea of ​​sending his son and daughter back to the bitter kiln.

Only those who have experienced the countryside and factories know what a real bitter kiln is. In the factory, you just focus on the work in front of you. When you get home, you can eat and drink when you should, and tidy up if you work harder.

But in today's rural areas, people have to work in the collective during the day, and after working in the collective, they have to work on their own land, and at night they have to make shoes and do handicrafts.

You have to work under the stars and the moon, and you have to get up under the stars and the moon. When you get up early and there is no firewood, you have to go out to draw. After breakfast, you still have to think about what to eat at noon and dinner.

In today's rural areas, people are very busy. When working for the collective, even if they can take a break, it is not possible to take a break when they are engaged in work such as plowing the ground and picking manure.

If there are not enough clothes at home, you have to wear smelly clothes even if you have feces on your body, or you have to wear wet clothes.

After recent training at a food factory, Han Jinhua's speaking skills have gradually improved, but her experience of the rural kilns has become deeper. Compared with factories, they are really bitter kilns.

Look at it now, because of the sports meeting, it’s only half a month before the New Year, and there will be no work in the factory, and there is no news after the Chinese New Year. Although the salary is not enough, there are still more than 20 yuan a month, so if I don’t work, I can still How good is it to make a living if you have money?

Han Jinhua thinks that going to the countryside without waiting in the city when there is nothing to do is just a waste of time.

"Mom, this is also the situation. In the future, those in the city will definitely have to go to the countryside. There is no choice."

This time, Li Shengli's understanding was deeper than my mother's, and he had to correct his attitude towards going to the countryside. Going to the countryside was not just about enduring hardship and wasting time.

It is not uncommon for many young girls in the city who are 16 or 17 to marry bachelors in the village directly after going to the countryside.

As for a young man marrying a wife from the countryside, that would be difficult. If you are not a pretty boy like Xie Fei or Du Peng, you can only think about it. The bachelors in the village have not yet settled down, so can this good thing be left to the young man who goes to the countryside?

If you have a correct attitude and work hard and carefully, you will always gain something, and most of the gains will be substantial. This is also consistent with the original intention of young people going to the countryside.

But for many things, there is a big difference between what is thought out and what is done. Children who are 14, 15, 16 or 17 are mostly half-grown children, and their collapse may be caused by two loads of manure.

Once people go to the countryside and work hard, it is the beginning of hard times. In rural areas, if you have ideas and work hard, you will not be hungry. If you work hard, you can really starve to death.

This is the other half of the young people who go to the countryside. There are no jobs in the city, and they cannot afford to support so many unemployed young people. The countryside is a place where they can eat. If they don’t go to the countryside, the burden in the city is too great. It’s just for supply. , it will bring down the entire line.

"Then I don't care, if I go, I'm going to Wali!

Who makes you the elder brother in the family?

You are back. Where are your brothers and sisters?

If you can come back, they can come back! "

Looking at his mother who was starting to be unreasonable, Li Shengli could only scratch his head and laugh. At this time of year, if he was being reasonable with his mother, he would not seek medical advice.

"Talk to you?


Can your brother and sister come back today? "

The New Year is a major event, and reunion is secondary. What is more important is to show the neighbors the few good days in the year.

In fact, when Li Shengli entered the house, my mother, Han Jinhua, had already made it clear by saying "I am lonely old man."

“Mom, Jiaoyang is pregnant with children, twins!

I estimate that the baby will be born in April or May next year. If I delay it until June or July, I'm afraid I will suffer a big disaster..."

To deal with my mother who was already in a state of magical blessing, Li Shengli had already prepared the means.

After the old man finished speaking, Han Jinhua was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

"Bastard thing, didn't I tell you before to take it easy?

How old are you, and so is that girl Jiaoyang, why are you so unrestrained, such a good girl, how can you let you do what you want?

Get them home quickly, these are twins!

It must be provided with good food and drink, otherwise it will be difficult for people to live in the future if they fall ill, and it will also be difficult for them to have children. "

After being stunned for a while, Han Jinhua deliberately took the sheep intestines in his hand and beat the ignorant eldest son, but was afraid that he would waste the food in his hands. During this period of time, Han Jinhua became worried about his daughter-in-law. “Mom, how many people in this courtyard are perfect? ​​If I come back with my people, why don’t they wish me many disasters in the next year?

Furthermore, at my age, I still can’t explain clearly.

Why don't we just have a meal at my brother's place this year? "

After Li Shengli said this, Han Jinhua held her head and counted from the backyard to the front yard. She stopped playing with the haggis in her hand and only sighed softly.

You have to have a sense of proportion to live a good life. You are single, married for a few years without children, have no children in your life, have no men, and you are pregnant with twins from a good wife.

This is no different from throwing excrement at people's doors on New Year's Day. Your family happily eats and drinks, while others wipe their tears in sorrow. This is really not a happy new year.

Following the eldest son's description, Han Jinhua thought for a moment. She didn't want her eldest son and her daughter-in-law, who was pregnant with twins, to be pinned down on the table at home.

If someone holds another hospital-wide meeting, the entire Li family will be completely wiped out.

“How about your dad and I go to your place?

Forget it, you won't go there either, it will save them chattering in the courtyard.

Just as you said, your younger brothers and sisters are no longer in their thirties, and they can go wherever they want after the New Year's Eve dinner. We still have meat in our buns but not in the folds..."

Seeing that my mother understood the truth, Li Shengli stretched his legs and put his feet on the chair. He was also very nervous when my mother grasped the sheep's intestines just now.

Fortunately, he also has some cards now. It would be unpleasant to be beaten by my mother with a sheep's intestines.

He took out the bills and bills from his pocket, and then took out dried fish, dried meat, sausages, etc. from the small sack. When he came back this time, Li Shengli really didn't dare to say anything, lest he be sued again.

"Mom, don't treat yourselves too harshly this year and after. You should eat and drink when you should.

You also have to take care of the second brother and second sister. Don't let them talk too much. As long as you keep your head down and do your job well, you will always be able to keep your head down and do your job. "

After putting down his things, Li Shengli didn't dare to turn around and leave. Instead, he talked about his second brother and second sister who had just entered the city this year.

When the uncle and uncle left, even though they didn't meet each other, he prepared enough money and food stamps for them, which was enough for one or two years. In addition, the elder brother and sister would provide some support for the uncle and uncle who returned. There were good times too.

"Speaking of them, I see that your second brother has been restless lately. According to your style, shouldn't it be time for a beating?"

Speaking of relatives at home, Han Jinhua also has something to say. Recently, the middle child in the eldest brother's family may be old and has been flirting with older girls and younger wives in and outside the factory.

As long as her niece Han Xiuqi sets an example, Han Jinhua is still willing to listen to her eldest son's ideas when it comes to marriage.

"Well, let my dad go and slap him with a round blow. You can't let this happen. I'll find a good one for him after the new year.

As for my second sister, don't worry about whether she has it or not. You should also go over and give her a spanking. Tell her that if she has any problems, she will correct them and encourage her to do more. After you finish the punishment, ask her what she means.

If you don’t understand, just slap me again..."

As for the second brother and second sister, Li Shengli, the younger brother, is still not very kind, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Only when there are adults at home to remind them, will the children not make mistakes and make fewer mistakes.

In this day and age, it is wise to be cautious in what you say and do. If you go out on the street and let yourself go, it means that the stick at home is not thick enough, or the tree slivers are not wet, or the waistband of your pants is a little tired.

Li Shengli has also been looking for a partner for Xiao Hu recently. The main theme is a hero saving the beauty, a delicate and frail girl with not bad looks. In this age, it is also an injustice.

Shan Shenye, who often goes out to save beauties recently, also often fails. Through this, you can also know the quality of the girl opposite.

Ordinarily, there is no risk of losing the fortune when the mountain god goes out to do things, but the hero saves the beauty. The main thing is heroism. If you don't have any scars, you are not a hero.

This is not a drama about bandits fighting or bullies against bullies. If this kind of drama is staged, the feelings will not be pure. During this period, Li Shengli asked the mountain god Xiao Hu to pretend to be inconvenient and still move forward.

As for the second brother Li Ziqi, his combat power is definitely not as good as that of Shan Shenye, but he also has his advantages. He works in the tertiary food factory of the steel rolling mill.

After the New Year, we will support a few of the ones we like separately. What do you mean? People in their 16s or 17s can marry singles, but there are always unlucky official ladies. They like a down-to-earth and honest young man from the countryside, right?

As for the second sister who is good-looking and gentle, she is a hot commodity. Li Shengli doesn't dare to push her to a fool like Wang Qianjin, so he has to consider it carefully.

The kind of person who is suitable for the second sister is the kind of person who does not bend in strong winds and waves. Such people are not easy to find nowadays. If you want to find them, you will have to go to the countryside.

"Just keep in mind, your brothers and sisters are already a little older, so the years before and after are just right.

Then we and I have decided that on the thirtieth day, you will take your daughter Jiaoyang to your brother's place early, and we will eat early and leave early.

Save them from gossiping behind your back.

Sun Wuyang's side..."

Things at home are getting better. Han Jinhua also has a younger brother, Han Jinhu, and Sun Wuyang, a current college student, needs to be taken care of.

Thinking of her careless brother, Han Jinhua's brows rose again. According to what the grown-up said, he would have to give him a few mouthfuls year after year, otherwise he would have to fool around again.

"Mom, don't worry about my uncle. He recently got close to a teacher at school. This man lost his husband a few years ago. This is also the case..."

Li Shengli didn't want to talk about Sun Wuyang's affairs. His uncle was really a brother-in-law who only looked for prey from his elders.

The wind and rain are not traceable. The metallurgical expert from Su who is now eye-to-eye with his uncle Sun Wuyang is not actually eye-to-eye with him, but just helpless.

Sun Wuyang has already mastered some of the methods. He doesn't need Li Shengli to teach him. He has already mastered them. It's a pity that a good piece of meat was picked up by a dog again...

(End of this chapter)

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