The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 532 Crash Course (Part )

Chapter 532 Crash Course (Part )

Li Shengli asked about the factional dispute faced by Chenglao in the mountain village, but decisively did not participate. He just left a message to Chenglao that typhoid and febrile diseases were the main ones, taking into account the rhetoric of other factions, and left in a hurry.

After hearing this, the old man couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't know the principle of giving priority to typhoid fever and febrile disease while taking into account various factions?

The key is that no one faction wants to be taken into account now, and each faction has something remarkable to offer. This is what really makes people embarrassed.

Seeing Li Shengli turning around, Mr. Cheng, who was experienced in martial arts, and Mr. Shi had a confrontation, and then they performed a trick of dividing the general into eight factions.

Taking consideration of both north and south of typhoid and febrile diseases as the general guideline, and then dividing them into eight schools of internal medicine by combining the various schools. This not only eliminates the disputes between schools, but also eliminates the barriers between schools, and also provides a way to consider both schools in the future. Traditional Chinese medicine physicians from the eight schools of internal medicine have laid a good foundation.

Because of the nonsense confession made by the young widow Yang Yulian, Li Shengli did not dare to stay overnight in the mountains and hurried back to Madianji.

Shi Lao, Pu Lao, Cheng Lao and famous old Chinese medicine doctors from all over the world have their work on hand, and the same is true for Li Shengli.

The older generation is clarifying the medical theory and properties of medicines, while Li Shengli's main concern is the self-training class.

It was also the first time for Li Shengli to hold a self-training class for traditional Chinese medicine. Although he had heard a lot about the experience of running the class, after all, Li Guishou was only a surgeon in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, and had no serious learning experience in the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

What I thought before was that after getting started with pulse diagnosis, even if you are reluctant to get started with traditional Chinese medicine, the feedback from the first batch of veteran students, who are mainly descendants of medical doctors, is not like this.

After pulse diagnosis, there is syndrome differentiation and treatment, and then there is cubic prescription of medicine. Currently, there are three barriers to entry into traditional Chinese medicine, each one more difficult than the last.

Syndrome differentiation and treatment, as well as prescription prescription, all require experience and grinding. A thorough pulse diagnosis cannot be mastered in a year or two. Adding syndrome differentiation and treatment, even three to five years is not enough.

After discovering the problem, you need to solve it. At present, it seems that the textbook of Barefoot Doctor is still a bit in-depth.

For the training of barefoot doctors, after the simple introduction of pulse diagnosis, it should stop. What is left to watch is the simplest skill, memorization.

The pulse condition of the back, the diagnosis of back syndrome, the prescription of the back, the addition and subtraction of the back and the addition of flavor, all the while, the barefoot doctor still can't escape from the part of looking at the doctor through books.

With such experience, the self-training class has no choice but to run a crash course just like the barefoot doctor training class.

Thinking that you can get started quickly and be able to diagnose symptoms and prescribe prescriptions on your own after going on, this is purely an ideal result.

It’s not that there are no such people among students, but the proportion is less than 10%, which is not enough to serve as a reference.

As a result, the entry-level barefoot doctor textbooks will have to be rewritten. The previous textbooks are not unusable, but the requirements for students must be raised.

Using the current textbooks as advanced textbooks, Li Shengli planned two sets of elementary and intermediate textbooks.

The intermediate textbook is simple. Just delete the original textbook slightly and add some memorization content. It can also be used as a correspondence textbook.

But the primary textbook is very difficult. Considering that the barefoot doctor training class heard in later generations has a learning cycle of at least one month and up to three months, the pulse diagnosis section can be regarded as an elective because time is too tight.

The training cycle of one to three months is also beneficial to Li Shengli, that is, the food consumed by each student in the self-training class will be greatly reduced.

But it is really embarrassing to ask people to cure diseases when they go down, and the study time is up to three months.

To put it bluntly, such a class is not an introductory class, it can only be regarded as a memorization class. It lists the diseases and medications one by one.

Sitting in the warm room, shaking his wrist that was a little uncomfortable with the brush, Li Shengli was also carefully pondering the content of the elementary textbook. This elementary textbook, unlike the intermediate and advanced textbooks, must be universal. , that is, we must take into account both the north and the south.

You can't just produce textbooks from the south and the north and teach people how to use them, right?

This introductory textbook for barefoot doctors should be as meticulously crafted and striving for perfection as the Wang family’s old house where we live now.

The construction of the Wang family's old house can be said to be very particular. In addition to the meticulous materials and workmanship, there are also underground fire dragons and flues spread under the houses.

And this is also complementary to the Wang family's gold cache. If you dig it in a conspicuous place in the bedroom, it will be a combustion chamber like a cellar. If you dig out this thing, most people will die.

Because the fire dragon's combustion chamber is similar to a fire pit, the beds in any bedroom are not placed above the combustion chamber, so there is a place to hide gold.

Wang Zhi pointed out the location of these fire dragons. In addition to the combustion chamber under the main bedroom and the second bedroom, there is also a combustion chamber in Wang Zhi's boudoir. The other rooms are all connected by flues. In the end, All smoke is discharged from the kitchen flue, which is very secretive and utilizes the thermal effect to the maximum extent.

A small cellar of tree roots and wheat bran can be used to burn for more than a month. Three or five cellars a winter, and three combustion chambers total no more than twenty cellars of firewood a winter. For a landlord's compound, It can be considered very few.

In terms of economic expenditure, burning fire dragons in the entire Wang family's old house saves much more than burning stoves and coal in each house. This can be regarded as the wisdom of the ancients.

Seeing Li Shengli shaking his hands, Du Jiaoyang, who was suffering from hunger, became sore.

"Think about Wang Zhi's stinky meat again, right?

If she ate meat, she might be missing you too much!

There is a ready-made big phoenix here, what do you want to do with that smelly meat?

But it’s time to think about her. I don’t care after the child was born. Today I went to see a child who pooped and peed very dirty. I have to wash diapers later. I can’t stand this..."

After hearing the female bastard's attitude towards the child, Li Shengli was helpless. This is how he pulls his child now, and it won't be much different in the future. It's just an extra diaper that doesn't need to be washed.

It's just that Du Jiaoyang lacks the experience that most sisters have today, which is to help their parents look after their younger siblings.

In some families, children have to do this job from the age of five or six until they are fifteen or sixteen. The eldest sister and brother in the family are like their own mothers. Now it is really not a lie. She coaxes, feeds, washes diapers, does laundry, sleeps with her, plays with her, and makes a fire to cook at home, which is the same work as a real mother.

There is a reason why Du Jiaoyang can go around the city. Knowing that Li Shengli is a bachelor and a young man, there is nothing he dare not do. Some people who are not deeply involved are pushed to him by the leadership office. A female bastard.

In this regard, Li Shengli also gave Du Jiaoyang the bottom line. Sensitive people must not be touched. The people in the office also knew the importance and would not just drop a bomb here.

"You have the same idea as Sister Yang on the mountain. She said today that she would help nurse the baby.

But as a widow who has been widowed for many years, where does she get milk?

If Bai Zhi is not successful, she is not a mother who takes care of her children.

I think this year's harvest of medicinal materials is almost finished. I'm going to quit my job in the leadership office..."

After chatting for a while, they got down to business. Du Jiaoyang has recently turned away from Wang Zhi and Yang Yulian. After seeing the big and small affairs in the leadership office, the female gangster has also become ambitious. She will be like this in the future. The boss's office was full of people.

Now she is considered a bastard who has her own heart. She doesn't care about children or women. She focuses more on Wuying's career.

Du Jiaoyang and Wang Zhi had a cold attitude towards their children, and they just followed the crowd. Although there is maternity leave now, pregnancy leave is not available in most places.

It's better in the city. In the village, there are more pregnant women who are giving birth to their babies and working on the stoves and pits. Among other things, during the autumn and winter harvests, there are also many women with big bellies who go to the mountains to collect herbs.

Li Shengli said this and wanted to stop him, but he was almost beaten by someone who formed a group. One day in the mountain was at least as much as five or six days of income in the brigade, so he was not allowed to go up the mountain.

Those women don't care whether Li Shengli has a backing like the old party secretary Wang Shengting. Even if the old party secretary is in front of him, he will be scolded if he doesn't get scratched. If those women really turn into shrews, the old party secretary will have to stop eating, so they won't follow You are reasonable.

"Old Li, I see that the leader's uncle has been looking gloomy recently. Are those people acting like monsters again?

There is no other way…”

Hearing Li Shengli's judgment of the situation, Du Jiaoyang did not listen as ignorantly as before. Instead, she talked about what she saw and wanted to help solve the problem.

"I see that you have been distracted recently. Could it be a trivial matter that makes the leader frown?

We have thin arms and thin legs, and if we don’t say that we will die if we don’t go up, it will be the same, and we won’t take it seriously if we risk our lives.

You should quit your job there as soon as possible. You just said that you have to go home to have the fetus due to fetal irritation. I think you are still very shallow in your studies. You have only scratched the surface of what Aunt Zou is capable of..."

After putting an end to the female gangster's unrealistic ideas, Li Shengli decisively gave her a reason to resign. This matter has made her unhappy for a long time, and no one can stop her.

Instead of going out to die with all your teeth and claws, it is better to stay at home and learn skills, or write practical teaching materials.

"You, you are so slippery, you are afraid of the easy, and you are lawless..."

Listening to the female gangster's comments that he had learned from nowhere, Li Shengli remained unconvinced and lowered his head to continue writing his own basic textbook.

In the next few days, the female gangster who successfully resigned in the name of having an abortion continued to receive re-education from the Xie family's mother, Aunt Zou. Li Shengli, in the self-training class, studied the basic teaching materials of Barefoot Doctor with Mr. Pu and others. .

"Shengli, this is not much different from your common people's earthwork, except for adding some basic acupuncture and bone-setting techniques, and moving the pulse diagnosis section to an elective course. Isn't it detrimental to talent cultivation?

Moreover, it is not known how effective such a barefoot doctor can be. "

Pu Lao's suggestion is undoubtedly professional, but Li Shengli also has difficulties. Not to mention the number of people, after one or two groups of students, the time alone is not allowed to occupy so many.

But it was hard to tell Pu Laoming, so Li Shengli could only talk about him.

"Pu Lao, after getting started with pulse diagnosis, there is also syndrome differentiation and treatment, which is also a step in getting started with traditional Chinese medicine.

Instead of letting students spend time in the self-training class on hard work such as memorizing exercises, we should let them practice and memorize at the same time.

Mr. Pu, what’s more, there are quite a few students in the city who are not going to school now. Even if only 10% of those who have graduated will flock here, it will take us too long, I’m afraid..."

What Li Shengli said before was professional, but what came after was the question. After hearing this, Mr. Pu who asked the question also looked solemn.

"It's just that letting these students go will not help anything!

I know you have a follow-up correspondence course. Where will the teachers come from in the future?

According to what you said, students are scattered like stars and encounter academic difficulties. We answer questions by letter.

This is a good way, but I’m afraid that those who will answer questions in the future may not be able to catch up..."

What Pu Lao said was true. He asked a group of barefoot doctors who had only learned a little about traditional Chinese medicine to go down and treat diseases according to what they had memorized, even if they encountered familiar diseases.

Whether it can succeed this time is a question. Even if it succeeds, what about the unfamiliar symptoms?

You can't just pretend to have medicine and see the patients die from illness, right?

Even if this level is passed, if the students who pass on, that is, the barefoot doctors, can improve academically, answering questions in the future will still be a problem.

The hundreds of veteran Chinese medicine practitioners from various places in Li Shengli's hands are not used to answer their questions. Even if they could, the energy of these veteran Chinese medicine practitioners is not enough. How many students can one person take care of?

The introductory textbooks in Li Shengli's hands are inherently shallow, and even if they are used for quick learning, they are of poor quality.

Traditional Chinese medicine is different from Western medicine. If you really want to practice it, it will not be possible in one or two years.

Combining self-training classes with correspondence classes sounds like a good idea, but if you think about it carefully, one teacher and one answerer are all in front of everyone, and it is difficult to cross...

(End of this chapter)

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