The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 528 Offering prescriptions and medicine (Part )

Chapter 528 Offering prescriptions and medicine (Part )

The test resulted in all the old men sitting on the wax together. Knowing that Li Shengli was deliberately disturbing people's emotions, Mr. Pu stroked his beard and said:

"Boy, Mr. Shi said that you are the overlord of the medical world, and it is true.

You kid is not only domineering but also arrogant, but as a young man, you should be like this.

Tell me, what should we do when we come here? What you did, Mr. Shi told me before, if you face it seriously, it is really annoying..."

What Mr. Pu said was because his own child was hurting him. Whether it was Li Shengli convening famous people from all over the country or the matter of famous people in Beijing, Mr. Shi had communicated with Mr. Pu before and after.

In the traditional Chinese medicine community in Beijing, Mr. Pu is respected in terms of position, and Mr. Shi is respected in terms of seniority. Although the two have different medical paths, they have the same goal. At this age, there are not many things that cannot be ignored.

Furthermore, what Li Shengli did would not have gone so smoothly without the approval of these elders in the medical field.

And most of his actions are based on the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. Although there are occasional flaws in his life and work, it does not harm the great righteousness.

As the saying goes, there is no filial son in a poor family, and Li Shengli is dedicated to safeguarding the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. Naturally, Mr. Shi, Lao Pu and others will protect him wholeheartedly.

One of them is over eighty, and the other is close to eighty. They are considered indifferent to fame and fortune. Even though they were teased by the young man in front of them, based on his ability and what he did, the teasing was just a joke.


Since Mr. Pu said this, let me talk about how we should sort out this vast sea of ​​prescriptions and medicines.

Students in the self-training class go down to work as barefoot doctors. If you want to talk about this skill, it will not be better!

In addition to the barefoot doctor textbook for self-training classes, it would be better to add a book called "People's Earthwork".

That is to say, among the prescriptions and medicines, there are local prescriptions available in various places, which are used to treat simple daily diseases such as toothache, eye inflammation, sores and boils.

This common folk prescription can be used as a prescription textbook for barefoot doctors. Its content can also enable common people to treat such minor problems themselves. "

After listening to Li Shengli's "People's Earthwork", Pu Lao stroked his beard and nodded, whether he should say it or not, as Mr. Shi said, Li Shengli, this kid, still has enough footing.

Don't underestimate this kind of folk medicine. Some simple diseases can be solved with stove ash, loess, oil, salt, soy and vinegar, green onion, white ginger and garlic.

This kind of illness cannot be called a disease in simple terms, but a toothache is enough tormenting people.

Today's dentistry is not yet popular. Some herbal medicines for dispelling fire and reducing inflammation are still very effective when applied. If the medicine does not help, then the tooth should be extracted.

"Yes, although the prescription is simple, it can also relieve the pain. What about more serious diseases?"

Seeing that Mr. Pu returned the favor, Li Shengli smiled again and scattered a circle of cigarettes, only five. Even though these old men are among the great doctors, they smoke when they should smoke and drink when they should drink. Isn’t it self-medication?

"The second book is called Qian Jia Miao Fang, which is aimed at joint clinics and health centers in townships. Qian Jia Fang covers thousands of diseases. We also have to combine the experience of Western medicine with this prescription book.

After sorting out the common diseases in the hospital, they are displayed in the prescription book in the form of simple prescriptions.

This book does not focus on prescriptions. It is intended to guide Chinese medicine practitioners in various towns and villages to follow the diagrams, consult medical books and classics to familiarize themselves with the diseases, find pharmacology from medical books, and add, subtract and add flavors on their own according to the medicines found in thousands of prescriptions.

The prescriptions contained in this book should be based on classic prescriptions and local prescriptions! "

Hearing that Li Shengli's Fang Shu had a master, Mr. Pu looked back at the old men behind him, and his meaning was very clear, "Look, the successor of our family is definitely going to get it!" ’.

"A good method is also a good idea. Mr. Shi told me before that you are interested in encrypting the recipe. As I expected, it is not bad. Your third book is nothing."

Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu explained many things in detail. Although Li Shengli's method of encrypting the prescription was not very advisable.

However, although the reputation of the Huxin Pills in the previous paragraph is not well known outside, it has also caused waves in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. It is also an old tradition of various sects to keep the prescriptions secret. From this, it can be inferred that after a hundred thousand, there will be ten thousand. The Book of Ten Thousand Prescriptions, If you want it to be really useful, it will take a lot of effort...

"Pu Lao's candle shines thousands of miles away. As you said, this third prescription book is called 'Wanying Lingfang'.

This year, we have facilitated the price increase of Chinese herbal medicines. After that, Chinese herbal medicines will definitely open up the international market.

Among the prescriptions and medicines offered, there are too many prescriptions for monarchs, ministers, and envoys, and for the meridian distribution of nature and flavor that need to be verified.

The formula is not yet clear, so it would be a bit cruel to test the medicine on humans. It is also difficult to know the dosage when testing the medicine on rats, dogs, pigs and rabbits.

After the large-scale export of Chinese medicinal materials, countries outside the region will inevitably seek to seize the medical prescriptions, and they will most likely use espionage methods. Since they want to seize them, we should be prepared.

A batch of 'all-purpose prescriptions' are engraved on ancient paper, ancient ink, and ancient methods to prepare for the needs of those who seek to seize the prescriptions.

At the same time, using Wanyingling recipe as fragrant bait, they caught several groups of spies from various countries. Didn’t they all say that the good medicine tastes bitter, but after all the hardships, the rewards come?

Fishing, killing or catching a few batches can not only establish authority, but also understand the international situation and the reactions of various countries through them, right?

It's hard for me to do this because I'm so humble. You go to the leader and ask for permission. Giving such a good thing to the person who asked you to restrain me is also my certificate of surrender, isn't it?

I am a small country bumpkin who lives in the village. I am not good at fighting and killing, but I am not good at killing people. I am also very proficient in traditional Chinese medicine methods of killing people.

Young people don’t have a sense of awe, but there is no one who cannot be killed..."

At first, Mr. Pu thought he had guessed what Li Shengli was thinking, and he was very pleased with himself.

But who would have thought that the more he listened to these words, the more unpleasant they became. When the prescription was not yet clear, it would be cruel to test the medicine on others. His hand stroking his beard began to falter. By the time he finished listening, his slightly trembling hands had already had more than a dozen A long beard.

Previously, Mr. Shi mentioned that Li Shengli, a young man, was not only decisive in killing, but also vicious and troublesome. Mr. Pu, as a great doctor from Pao Ge's place, had not seen anything in the world.

Who would have thought that the world he heard about was completely different from the world he saw. The world described by this young medical overlord sounded like bones. Not only did this little kid use a forged prescription book to lure and kill the spies of various countries, but the most sinister thing was the prescription book itself. Using people to test fake prescriptions shows no trace of the benevolence of a doctor.

As for the threats to the superiors, Mr. Pu pretended not to hear them. This boy was so vicious that threatening the superiors was nothing more than casual remarks. This was not the same as scolding or hitting others when the children at home got angry.

After Li Shengli said these words, the dozen or so old men were really old men, and all of them looked deaf and dazzled.

To put it bluntly, any great doctor over sixty who has never experienced war and rivers and lakes can still get the name of a great doctor today. In addition to not being bad in medical skills, he is also good in mental skills.

If you are not smart enough, you will be lost in the sea of ​​​​history just like Mr. Liu's two senior brothers.

"Ge Lao Tzu!

He is not a big man, but the world is vicious.

Since this matter involves spies, I don’t think we, the medical community, are allowed to make arbitrary decisions. As you said, please write a letter to speak out! "

Why did he say that? His own child was in pain. Seeing Pu Lao's vicious words, he covered up Li Shengli's words that he didn't even want to be benevolent as a doctor.

The dozen or so old men behind him also looked at Mr. Pu with contempt. As this old guy got older, his ability to protect calves also improved with age.

However, for the vicious Li Shengli, more than ten old men did not show any contempt in their eyes. Who among you has not earned a life in the world of mortals?

Doctors are the enemy of Hell at the gate of hell.

He is used to seeing life and death as well as viciousness. With the skills Li Shengli just showed, his age, and what he is doing.

What the current Chinese medicine community lacks is such a white-faced villain. Without the protection of such a villain, the current Chinese medicine community would probably be difficult to achieve stability.

In addition to protecting famous old Chinese medicine doctors from various places and in Beijing, more than ten old men came here and paid 279 times for the Chinese medicinal materials.

The old men don't understand economics, but they know how big a multiple is two hundred and seventy-nine, and they also know what it means to collect all receivables. They also have a rough idea of ​​the output of the domestic medicinal materials market.

After all the receivables were collected, an increase of 279 times was added. Li Shengli was helping the country. He collected at least three hundred years' worth of medicinal materials in a year. How could he have facilitated this if he was not a vicious person?

Mr. Pu spoke, and all the old men in the world nodded, and the matter of donating prescriptions and medicines was sorted out from beginning to end, naturally in the order of thousands.

The all-in-one recipe involves state affairs, so it should naturally be given top priority. The common people's folk remedies involve barefoot doctors going to the countryside, so naturally it comes second. As for the thousand-name recipe, it is nothing new. Since 1958, there have been prescription books with the same name. If you don’t have ten or eight copies, you still need three or five.

The so-called writing of letters was just a matter of Mr. Pu taking the lead and exchanging a few sentences with Li Shengli on the details. After writing, he then changed it into his own words to cover up the unruly light of Li Shengli.

After the discussion, Li Shengli stood up, bowed to more than ten famous doctors in Beijing, and said sincerely:

"Thank you, seniors, for being considerate of the junior's helplessness."

Thanks, Li Shengli also sincerely expressed his gratitude. Except for Mr. Liu and half of the elders, no one had ever tried so hard to protect him after seeing his vicious thoughts.

The reason why he is said to be half an old man is because Mr. Shi still has reservations after seeing how ruthless his little person is.

"You still know how helpless you are, and you are not a person who cannot be cured by medicine. You do extraordinary things at extraordinary times. Even old people like us can't say anything.

There is always a time when the wind and rain stop, and what I want to talk about after that is the kindness of doctors. It does not matter about anything else, but because you can stay alone in Xingzhou Field Hospital for five days and five nights, and we will recognize your medical ethics.

But young people are restless and should do less things that are straight forward. Doing too much will affect your xinxing.

I heard that you prepared golden silk nan materials for Lao Shi and wanted to bury him in the Yaowang Temple near Huyu.

Regarding this matter, I wonder if the old man and others can occupy a coffin? "

Listening to Mr. Pu and others who fully understood him, Li Shengli felt a little blocked in his heart. I am afraid that these seniors in the medical field, like Mr. Shi, had foreseen the shortcomings of the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. However, people are old and weak, or... Due to the situation, we can only wait and see.

As for longevity materials, 99% of the famous old Chinese medicine doctors want to get a bite of them. When they return to their hometown, they will inevitably have to go through dire straits. There is no one among these old-school people who dislikes longevity materials.

I heard that doctors over there on the mountain had long started allocating longevity materials according to body length. For Li Shengli, this was a trivial matter.

It's really not enough. There are a lot of big trees in the deep mountains and old forests in the Northeast. Although the craftsmen who make longevity materials in Beijing are almost withered, they are in the Fourth and Nine Cities. You can always find them if you look for them.

"The other courtyard in the mountain village naturally welcomes Mr. Pu and others to stay, but in addition to offering prescriptions and medicines, Mr. Pu also needs to bring some words when he goes to see the leader.

This time, we have to prioritize all the crops that should be harvested. There is no distinction between vegetation and fields. It is just a matter of selecting the best from the best.

In this way, plant-based medicinal materials are spread all over the mountains, forests and fields, and the yield must be huge.

After harvesting the grass and other plants, we will harvest the roots and stems. There is also a winter harvest before the Chinese medicinal materials.

The Medicine King said that the medicine picked in winter is of high quality, and those foreigners from abroad will definitely be timid after eating a large amount of vegetation.

Let's give him some authentic medicinal materials collected in winter and let our colleagues in the port city brag about it. This will surely calm the anxious hearts of those foreigners.

When picking in winter, you have to pay attention to it. Picking the big ones and leaving the small ones is the rule.

Once the harvest is clean, if the standards are not good enough, it will also affect the next year's harvest. Although there will be a phenomenon of drying up the lake for fishing during winter harvest, it should be avoided if possible. "

Listening to Li Shengli's complete set, Mr. Pu nodded. According to what Mr. Shi said, the person who protects the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine is none other than Li Shengli in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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