The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 526 Offering prescriptions and medicine (Part )

Chapter 526 Offering prescriptions and medicine (Part )

Compared with the previous days when they were trying to rip off people and only do things behind closed doors, whether it was the increase in the price of Chinese medicinal materials, the matter of finding books, or the matter of dealing with Yu Sheng, they were all put in the open.

Li Shengli's side has also been noticed by interested people, but with Wang Qianjin's relationship, the self-training class for medical soldiers, and some messy and unflattering claims, although he has been noticed, there is no substantive The action fell on him.

At this time of year, some people are destined to be afraid of being kicked off the table, and Li Shengli's unscrupulous behavior is obviously more likely to happen.

As mentioned before, after Li Shengli relied on the rules of the world to stand on the street, no one could sweep him off the table without using public power.

They were playing charlatanism, and the only person who made a small fuss was to deliver food to him. If they really wanted to fight, they would have to worry about whether such an action would overturn the table.

After having worries, things are not impossible to handle, and there are many ways to pester people. For example, Wang Qianjin now brings a task that makes Li Shengli scratch his head: sorting out prescriptions and medicines.

"Old Wang, brother-in-law!

Is there a hole under your nose?

Is this really going to kill me?

Do you know how many prescriptions and medicines there are?

Let’s say tens of millions at the least, or hundreds of millions at the higher end?

To sort this thing out, it’s just me in this camp, and it’s not enough exercise. "

Although Li Shengli had ideas about giving prescriptions and medicines before, he was the leader of the idea rather than participating in it.

The mission Wang Qianjin brought back this time was not a stumbling block for Li Shengli, but a bottomless swamp that he couldn't get out of if he got stuck in it.

If you think about it, for a small county unit to donate prescriptions and medicines, it would cost more than 10,000 yuan. If we consolidate it across the country, hundreds of millions would be a small amount. With 600 million people, one prescription per person might be enough.

"Old Li, you can't push this job away. If you do, please wait until trouble comes.

You are not taking the lead in this matter. Vice President Pu of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine is taking the lead, and famous doctors from Beijing and China are participating. You are not allowed to play alone, so just be content.

People have also said that some things are difficult to handle, and everyone can understand that, but you have to say hello in advance. If you just get things done without saying hello, isn't it a bit lawless? "

Wang Qianjin's statement made Li Shengli scratch his head. He didn't handle the matter directly before, but now he doesn't talk like that.

To put it bluntly, in the courtyard house or the neighborhood committee, families with five or six half-grown children can walk sideways.

People like Xiao Hu and Da Liu who were just hanging out on the streets were surrounded by more than a dozen people, so it was not something that ordinary people could do casually.

As for Li Shengli and Wang Qianjin, they are among the small and medium-sized bosses. There are people who can fight very well. They don't need public power and there is no definite evidence. They are just dog-skin plasters stuck on their bodies. They have to endure any discomfort.

Speaking according to the rules of the street, Li Shengli has the final say. No matter how high his status and background are, if the public does not dare to use public power to clean him up, then Li Shengli has a stubborn disease and there is no suitable medicine for him.

Cuo must be able to crush him on the street, otherwise he has to prevent him from killing everything and overturning the table.

Assigning the task of sorting out prescriptions and medicines, it will be impossible not to do it, and it will not work if it is not done well. The consideration of prescriptions has a great impact on the energy of Chinese medicine practitioners.

After accepting this evil move, Li Shengli was helpless, but his opponent seemed to really underestimate his ability.

In the eyes of many people, Chinese medicine prescriptions are similar to numbers and can be arranged infinitely.

But for real doctors, or TCM doctors with advanced levels of internal medicine like Li Shengli, they never deviate from their original teachings.

Just like the kid who was sent to Mr. Lu before, the kid from Wang's father's superior's family, who was hit with a stick and suffered a craniocerebral injury, and laughed wildly.

Li Shengli solved the problem with a dose of Bai Zhi. The prescription Li Shengli gave him borrowed the guiding effect of Bai Zhi on the head and face, and supplemented it with the blood-breaking and blood-stasis-removing decoction, which pulled him out of hell.

Although there was an element of luck in this, luck was for the boy. The stick only caused bleeding and did not damage the brain tissue, and the subsequent medicine had an obvious effect of removing blood stasis. After he was discharged from the hospital, the boy's examination showed no signs of abnormality. Yu, has gone to join the army.

This can be regarded as an isolated case among traditional Chinese medicine cases. Li Shengli may only encounter one such injured person in his life, but there can be countless patients who use Poxue Zhuyu Decoction with Angelica dahurica as the guide or medicinal guide. of.

It can be used for brain trauma, cerebral hemorrhage, embolism, and vascular abnormalities. This can be regarded as a medicine that can cure all diseases.

In the same way, although such a prescription is indispensable for removing blood stasis, the focus of this prescription is on Angelica dahurica. Without the guiding, directing and targeting functions of Angelica dahurica, simply use the Poxue Zhuyu Decoction. Less is useless, but too much may cause blood in the stool before the blood clot in the patient's skull is eliminated.

It is not unreasonable to say that a prescription is established based on the disease, and one person in Chinese medicine has a prescription.

Comparing with this kind of medical cases, sorting out prescriptions and medicines is completely the opposite.

Traditional Chinese medicine requires symptomatic treatment, and the compilation and presentation of prescriptions and medicines requires broad spectrum. As in the case, pharmaceuticals based on Angelica dahuricae are not impossible to appear in the compiled prescriptions, but this kind of pharmaceuticals, in the end, are It is best to use it when the disease is clearly identified.

Otherwise, if you use the wrong medicine or take it for a long time, the toxic side effects on the human body will be higher than the therapeutic effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not without broad-spectrum Chinese medicine. Antidiarrheal, antidiarrheal, and tonic drugs are all broad-spectrum.

This type of medicine is also commonly referred to as commonly used medicine. Although he said that the number of prescriptions was too many, Li Shengli knew that in the final analysis, if these prescriptions were put together, two, three thousand, five or six thousand would be considered a lot. .

Many of the prescriptions and medicines are actually similar, but the medicinal materials used are different.

Just like Bai Zhi plus Po Xue Zhu Yu Decoction, it is not impossible to change to Si Wu Decoction, then change the substitute medicine, and slightly change the monarch, ministers and envoys. There is also a prescription for treating cerebral hemorrhage. It is a combination of three medicines, plus alternative medicines. Li Shengli can write hundreds or thousands of prescriptions just sitting here, but whether it is effective or not is another matter for another time.

Talking about prescriptions apart from syndrome differentiation and treatment is almost like a joke. Just by combining five or six kinds of medicinal materials, the number of prescriptions that can be formed is endless. If you compound the prescriptions, the number will be endless.

Among the prescriptions and medicines offered, most of them are this kind of prescriptions. It does not mean that they cannot be used, but that they can only be used if they return to dialectics.

Of course, excluding such repetitive prescriptions, there are still a large number of available prescriptions among the prescriptions and medicines.

Depending on the region and the medicines produced, the same prescription may vary in many ways depending on the region or the main medicinal materials produced there.

And this diversity is also the essence of donating prescriptions and medicines in addition to the composition of medicines, which is related to clarifying the properties of medicines.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been practiced for three thousand years, and there are countless practitioners. Due to differences in regions, the prescriptions improved by supplementing traditional Chinese medicines with local medicinal materials are doctors' clarification of the medicinal properties of local medicinal materials.

But if you want to extract these things, it is really a huge project, and it cannot be completed in three to five years, or ten or eight years.

The medicinal materials in each place also change from time to time. For example, rhubarb is common in the fields today, but will be less common in later generations. This is considered a variable.

From this point of view, it is very difficult to sort out the regional prescriptions and medicines and fix them for local use. This matter is not easy to do in a coordinated manner. It is best to send the donated prescriptions and medicines back to the local government. It would be more appropriate to make a report after the local Chinese medicine practitioner compiles and summarizes it.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the task of sorting out prescriptions and medicines that Wang Qianjin brought back. This kind of thankless task is probably what Li Shengli is wanted to do. If he really wants to finish this, he is afraid that he will have to follow It's the same as Mr. Liu said. You need to have a life span of one hundred and two years before it can be completed.

It is much easier for Li Shengli to produce results alone. This matter can also be related to the self-training class. The barefoot doctor's teaching materials, coupled with the practical combination of symptomatic prescriptions, can be regarded as a complete set of medicine and medicine. .

But for now, Li Shengli still has no say in this matter. Perhaps because they are afraid that he will act arbitrarily, they also sent Pu Lao, a master of traditional Chinese medicine.

Although the qualifications of Vice President Pu Lao Pu are slightly lower than those of Shi Lao, who was born in one of the four famous doctors, they are actually quite high. Seeing that Pu Lao Pu is still serving as the vice president of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is the result.

There is no comparison in terms of medical skills, but in terms of current influence, Mr. Pu is definitely higher than Mr. Shi. Mr. Pu took the lead in handling meningococcal meningitis before. This incident alone is enough to make Mr. Pu famous all over the world. Inside and outside.

For emergencies, Angong Niuhuang Pills were used, and for mild cases, Baihu Decoction was supplemented with dehumidifying agents, and Western medicine was used to reduce inflammation. Pu Lao took action to treat the epidemic. It is not an exaggeration to say that the disease was cured by the medicine. How could such an ability to treat epidemics be achieved? Every generation should be called the master of Chinese medicine.

As for sending Mr. Pu over there, in addition to restraint, it also has a protective effect. No one with brains would think so about suppressing the hand of a master of Chinese medicine like Mr. Pu.

Storms tend to spread, and people do some contradictory things internally. As long as you see the starting point clearly, you will know that it is targeted.

Li Shengli estimated that the people who came with Mr. Pu this time were probably the elites of famous people in Beijing. Those who were not related to the elites of famous people would not enjoy such preferential treatment and care.

The matter of donating prescriptions and medicines could not be discussed until Mr. Pu arrived, so Li Shengli talked to his cheap brother-in-law Wang Qianjin about shrinking the stall.

Storms are about to spread, and many things will no longer be the same as before. First of all, the people in hand now still need to make arrangements.

Everyone is just a fan, and there is not much emphasis on what kind of work they do. As long as they have a job, it doesn't matter what kind of work they do.

Since the arrangement of prescriptions and medicines will fall to the self-training class, taking the opportunity to expand the territory must be started directly.

Now is the time for the autumn harvest of medicinal materials. Neither Madianji nor Taipingzhuang can spare too many manpower to build houses. So setting aside a group of masters and letting them lead a group of young people to build houses is the best option. .

In this way, the cost of raising people will have a legitimate reason, and Li Shengli can also take the opportunity to give them more income.

By bringing those who are willing to work or endorse to the self-training class and leaving those who are really unable to work on the street, you can achieve both ends.

From now on, this group of people who are really unable to do anything and just want to hang out on the street must be properly dealt with, otherwise they will be in trouble in the future.

"Old Wang, this is not impossible, but the corresponding expansion procedures, as well as the money, food and materials that should be supplied, must be in place, right?

I don’t have many people here, maybe tens of thousands of people, right? "

Li Shengli dared to take advantage of anyone. As his brother-in-law, Wang Qianjin was also convinced. There was really no way to reason with this ruthless guy.

"I'm talking about grandson, even if you rip off someone, you're going to get someone off your back!"

Knowing who decided this matter, how dare you say that you have thousands of people in your hands?

If you really offend that person, why don't you deal with it without even saying a word? "

After listening to the persuasion of his cheap brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, Li Shengli smiled casually and said:

"If I were really that easy to deal with, I wouldn't be trying to trip me up by offering prescriptions and medicines.

That was really just one sentence, and it took care of me.

It's not like they haven't tried it before. It's just because it didn't work after they tried it that they used it as a dirty trick.

Do you know why you were asked to release information about the Ministry of Armed Forces warehouse?

People care about this kind of thing. They will keep an eye on you as soon as you make a move. This is because they are afraid that we will play fish-to-death tactics.

Now that we have retreated, how can one step be enough?

I have so many ways to spend my money. I am poor but short of ambition, and my horse is thin and hairy. I am such a barefoot poor guy. Who dares not take advantage of me?

Have you forgotten that I asked Du Jiaoyang to go to the leader's office to ask for money?

Don't they have to pinch their noses and allocate another batch of medicines and supplies to me? "

(End of this chapter)

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