The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 521 Signs of Prosperity (Part )

Chapter 521 Signs of Prosperity (Part )


What kind of brain do you have? If you are given a chance, you can calculate the international market and international financial methods here.

Lao Li, practicing Chinese medicine is really a waste of time..."

Du Jiaoyang is a college student, so when I tell her about the situation, she doesn't have enough experience and may not be able to understand clearly.

Being able to go to a serious university in Forty-Nine City, Du Jiaoyang is not a loser. She has heard about some topics involving capital before.

A little bumpkin can talk freely about international trends when she sees him. After being cruelly taught in the morning and afternoon, she began to admire her man.

"I am also an expert in traditional Chinese medicine. Who dares to compare with me in the matter of Xingzhou?

Now that we have said this, the two people who participated in the Shanghai Financial War are now in the city. You, the younger one, need to pay a visit. You can quickly review the whole story of the Shanghai Financial War.

Tomorrow morning, go visit the young man first. He is currently idle at home. Ask Wang Qianjin to take you there and send him some medicine in the name of Lao Du. After the conversation, you'd better bring the letter he wrote. Probably, go to the leadership office again.

Wait a moment. Wang Qianjin and Xiao Hu are back. Let Wang Qianjin find an economics professor to talk to you. "

Du Jiaoyang can understand the truth. Where can I say this? It must be attributed to Father Du. Since it must be attributed to Father Du, then the words must be more professional. What is most lacking in the future is economic talents. If you add If you only have one skill, you can achieve great success.

"How do you know that uncle has a good personal relationship with Lao Du?

He has several daughters at home. Don’t you have a crush on her? "

Li Shengli was talking about business, but who would have thought that Du Jiaoyang's thoughts were so far-reaching that he suddenly turned to women.

"Don't be Hu Qin, it's inappropriate!

If that person has children at home, and they happen to be brought into the self-training class together, they will also be protected. Be careful when you speak, so as not to be overheard.

Since you have a good personal relationship with Lao Du, then you can bring my exact words and say that they were what Lao Du said at home before.

Don't talk about the whole story. When you get to someone's house, just talk about the proposal.

Don't talk about Yu Sheng and other trivial matters at all. "

After giving Du Jiaoyang a reminder, Li Shengli didn't say much more. For many things, it was good to have an overview, and to understand the rest in depth, even if it was different from what he had seen in later generations, it was still pretty much the same.

This is nothing more than business. After the high prices here, there is also a production trap. Naturally, the goods need to be released in batches to support people. There is no need for Li Shengli to elaborate on this truth.

It's just that Li Shengli didn't mention the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine, and if he did, it couldn't be used as a reference.

But after this, the emphasis on the cultivation and processing of Chinese medicinal materials will inevitably be raised to several levels. Even if the fishing industry is dry this year, it will definitely recover next year.

Now is the era when leaders can move mountains and reclaim seas with just one word. If we can follow Li Shengli's idea and fish in the lake, I am afraid that the transaction volume of Chinese medicinal materials this year will be at least a few small targets in US dollars.

Digging deeper, it may not be impossible to exceed ten. Although one billion US dollars is not a small amount now, it depends on who is involved. If some capital really enters the game for speculation, one billion to two billion is not a big deal.

After an increase of 279 times, and another explosion, the share should be about the same.

As long as the capital holds this year's medicinal materials, next year's market will be the same. If Gui Lao's capital can be tougher, it will last until there is a big flu in Hong Kong.

Li Shengli doesn't mind helping them. In that case, the dumping market for cheap Chinese medicinal materials will be breached. The capital hot money that has already ridden the tiger will have to fight for at least a while if it wants to get off without losing money.

There is a stage where, as long as they can persist a little longer, they will not only be able to make a lot of money and leave the market, but they will also be able to help open up the Chinese herbal medicine market around the world. It will definitely be a mutually beneficial business.

Even in the future, in order to take care of their business, we can also set up a franchise operation. In the final analysis, it is just a business, taking care of big customers...

We can't say these things now. When the epidemic in Hong Kong is about to send Du Jiaoyang out, going abroad to negotiate and become familiar with the market is also the best reason to go abroad.

After getting off work in the afternoon, Wang Qianjin and Xiao Hu came back. Li Shengli directly asked Wang Qianjin to take Du Jiaoyang to find the economics professor.

For those people, this is also a good thing. Now Wang Qianjin can be regarded as someone who can see them as he wants, and he can also pull them out. With his godmother taking care of him, things in school are no big deal at all. Wang Erlu can do whatever he wants. Acting.

But the person Du Jiaoyang wanted to see tomorrow was not available. Wang Qianjin also had to say hello in advance. Based on Wang Erluzi's previous honest performance, it was not difficult for him to beg, as long as he made it clear that he was going to visit a friend. .

There is currently no conflict between Wang Qianjin and Wang Qianjin's godmother, so if they meet once, there won't be much of a problem.

In this way, it paves the way for Father Du's return, but there will still be some time after his return. How to deal with it depends on Father Du's decision.

It is naturally best to follow the leader, but whether Wang Qianjin's godmother agrees or not, she has to talk about it separately. This matter will be blamed on Li Shengli.

There is no right or wrong in the official career, it only depends on what role it plays at what time. But these are not things that Li Shengli can control. It will still depend on what Father Du wants.

Just as Li Shengli thought, there were a few more residents in Madianji in the evening, but compared with the residents who came before, these residents came in a hurry and didn't even bring their belongings with them.

Just like the previous residents, those whose problems are not serious have their children attend self-study classes, while those who cannot leave the village have to temporarily study on their own in the village.

In a few days, it will be time for the veteran students at the idle military camp to move to Madianji.

The learning atmosphere in self-training classes also needs to be maintained separately. Old students cannot be together with new students once they have developed a habit. Otherwise, students and supervisors will spend unnecessary energy on maintaining study discipline. Nowadays, most people have plenty of time, but self-training classes are not available. Going to the countryside is already underway, but the number is smaller.

Within one year, students who memorize the Barefoot Doctor textbook must be well trained. This is also Li Shengli’s basic requirement for the students.

Nowadays, the students have to study and train for at least twelve hours a day, which makes the students miserable, but there is nothing Li Shengli can do about it.

Traditional Chinese medicine cannot be learned quickly. Although the teaching materials of self-training classes can be regarded as quick teaching materials.

But Li Shengli still wants most people to become barefoot doctors after getting started with pulse diagnosis.

An initial introduction to pulse diagnosis is, for most people, the door to traditional Chinese medicine.

After that, barefoot doctors in the north have a high chance of becoming TCM doctors as long as they work hard to study the Golden Mirror of Medicine.

Students going to the south will have a little more trouble. They have to add a note about febrile diseases to read this classic.

After learning about pulse diagnosis, having medical books, practicing with patients when I get down there, and putting in a little effort to become a qualified village doctor, there is still no problem.

If you can take the self-study class again through correspondence teaching, then it won't be a big problem to become a Chinese medicine practitioner.

After arranging the personnel, Li Shengli did not let Wang Qianjin eat at Madianji. Instead, he sent him directly back to the city. Tomorrow Du Jiaoyang went to visit the person who had experienced the financial war in Shanghai and had to find him. My godmother will report to you and get a note before I can go and visit you.

At this time, although there are no rules on the street, there are rules above and below. Just like the residents of the courtyard, they live their lives as they should, with just a few more taboos.

The wall posters everywhere are mostly read not by people in the circle, but by ordinary residents like the residents of the courtyard. The content on the wall posters, about the people who suddenly disappeared among the residents, are the same as the topics of conversation in the streets and alleys before. They are still talked about after dinner. A topic to relieve boredom.

The villages are even more similar. If they want to hold a meeting in the brigade, commune cadres will not choose large villages with mixed people like Madianji and Taipingzhuang.

Nor would I go to small villages like Wali and Shanshan with only two to three hundred people or five or six hundred people.

Instead, we will go to a medium-sized village and ask party secretaries and captains to line up each household before we dare to hold a meeting. Otherwise, please wait for someone to come out and speak out for justice.

There are places where wind and rain cannot reach, and of course there are places where they are prevalent. Among other things, the two boys from the second uncle's family and the three boys from the third uncle's family in the courtyard also have places to go.

Whether it's to join in the fun or pick up foreign food, no matter what you do, you can make a living.

These boys who live in Sijiu City are among the first ones to come back even if they go to the countryside. For them, the wind and rain are just wasted time.

But for those who are exposed to wind and rain, this is not the case. The low point of life is not enough to describe it.

Except for those descendants of medical families and a few of his disciples, Li Shengli only brought in the others after they fell out of power or lost power.

The purpose of this is very simple. Firstly, the personnel are easier to manage. Secondly, the wind and rain are both a deterrent and a reminder to them. As long as they don't want to get into the wind and rain again, they still have to work hard.

Most of these people that Li Shengli could contact casually and bring into Madianji were insignificant people.

If you really meet some key people, you must follow the procedures that should be followed, such as asking Wang Qianjin to go to the city to ask for instructions.

If you force yourself to see it, you may not be able to see it, but if you see it, you will give it to others, which is too risky.

With Wang Qianjin's foreshadowing, it was almost as expected by Li Shengli. The worldly world was roughly the same, the only difference was the circle.

There is not much difference between Siheyuan and Haizi in terms of human relations and sophistication. The person Du Lao and Du Jiaoyang want to meet is a fellow villager, and they have a good personal relationship.

At this time, when the children visit their elders, they can also ask Wang Qianjin to say hello, which is considered a great honor. Father Du is not in the country, so this matter is naturally a trivial matter, and you can nod and give a note casually.

Early in the morning, the female bastard who was busy until midnight and went to bed in the middle of the night, who was still very excited when she got up, followed Wang Qian, who had come early, into the city. After Li Shengli's morning training, he took a few people and strolled to the self-training class. .

Today's matter will not only formally finalize the 279-fold increase in Chinese medicinal materials, but also finalize this year's plan for overproduction of medicinal materials. At the same time, it will also change the current situation of Chinese medicine practitioners everywhere.

When playing with Chinese medicinal materials, in addition to pharmacists, Chinese medicine practitioners are also indispensable. The final say in the medicinal properties and quality of the harvested medicinal materials is the Chinese medicine practitioners in various places.

The words of pharmacists and medicinal material companies can only be suggestions or estimates. The quality of medicinal materials has to go through the test of Chinese medicine practitioners.

As for the deeper level, it is not only as simple as opening up channels for Chinese medicine to go abroad in the future. Likewise, the large-scale export of Chinese medicinal materials is also a good thing for Chinese medicine.

The classification of medicinal materials that has existed for a long time will inevitably become more refined after the production of medicinal materials increases sharply.

According to Li Shengli's plan, after releasing this year's medicinal materials bit by bit, the capital from various countries participating in the hunt will be in trouble. After the medicinal materials are sold out, a new round of negotiations will naturally begin.

Capital is not a philanthropist. After being put together, it will inevitably focus on next year's production and the export of medicinal materials here, and classify them into detailed grades. This is a method commonly used by others in harvesting colonies.

Nowadays, increasing the production of medicinal materials is just a matter of words. Hunting Capital must either decisively cut off the meat or have to continue to do it forcefully. As long as they enter the market, these problems are almost a foregone conclusion.

In addition to these benefits, there are also problems. The profits from Chinese medicinal materials will definitely make Li Shengli, who initiated the proposal, really fall into the eyes of some people...

(End of this chapter)

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