The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 519 Since ancient times, money has moved people’s hearts (Part )

Chapter 519 Since ancient times, money has moved people’s hearts (Part )

Yu Sheng, who pushed the door open and walked in, was caught off guard by Li Shengli's warm words. He just wanted to find someone, and he never thought that the person opposite him would be a tough guy.


Damn, are you trying to play tricks on me?

Do you know who I am? "

He glanced at it twice and smeared it, and then he dared to confront the tough guy. He had the same temperament as his cheap brother-in-law Wang Qianjin. Li Shengli smiled sinisterly and said:

"Man, this door cannot be opened casually. You don't know whether it is the door of life or the door of death, but you dare to open the door and come in. How arrogant!

Go back, thinking about telling the adults at home that the family was reunited because of greed for other people's money.

Let’s not talk about it. This is not the place where you should come..."

The arrogant Yu Sheng, like Du Jiaoyang, was in a dilemma when he heard Li Shengli's words.

He also asked someone about Li Shengli's origins. He heard that a son-in-law in the compound had done a few bad things, but the family members were not in the country. He was also a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. In his opinion, such a person could not be bad. Where to go.

Unexpectedly, I almost got punched by this guy when I walked in. The harsh words this guy said sounded like he had touched his roots. In this way, I might have inquired about the wrong person and offended the wrong person.

"Man, let's talk about it seriously.

My surname is Yu, and my name is Yu Sheng. I spent some time in Jinmen earlier. Our family must have been comrades-in-arms.

If you have something to say..."

Seeing that Li Shengli remained silent, Yu Sheng, who had just wanted to make friends, immediately gave in. It seemed that he had encountered someone who really didn't follow the rules today.

"Jiaoyang, go call someone, fork it out, and fill it with two spoonfuls of shit when you leave..."

Seeing how serious Li Shengli was, Yu Sheng reached out and touched his waist, but he stopped halfway.

"Man, if you have something to say, I'm convinced..."

Seeing Li Shengli sitting there with a gun pointed at his eyebrows, and looking at him expressionlessly, Yu Sheng felt the same as Du Jiaoyang in the morning, his mouth felt bitter and disgusting for no reason. The feeling came over him, making him want to retch.

This is a truly lawless existence. Looking at the still new lines on the flower-kou brush, Yu Sheng knew that the person sitting in front of him really dared to shoot here.

A brand-new flower-mouthed gun is definitely a rarity on the market, and only a skilled person can get it. Unlike an old gun, it is completely traceless.

Yu Sheng had been a soldier. Because his family members had lost power and died, he knew that there was no future in the army, so he switched to criminal investigation. Knowing that everything depends on his ability, he had strict requirements for his own skills.

So he just noticed Li Shengli's movements with his peripheral vision and stopped his movements. Li Shengli's movements were calm and capable, similar to his. Such a person is very dangerous.

The mainstay of the family has disappeared prematurely. Yu Sheng has experienced too many ups and downs, and he is very good at grasping people's hearts. He knows that if he wants to make progress in the future, he can only rely on the connections left in his family. If he wants to connect with these connections, empty words are not enough. of.

Who would have thought that an already lonely Jianghu family could involve such an extremely dangerous person.

Looking closely at Li Shengli's calm and emotionless eyes, Yu Sheng was also frightened to the point of sweating profusely. I'm afraid things won't go well today...

Seeing that his man was holding a gun and keeping silent, Du Jiaoyang had no choice but to open the window and shout. In a short time, a group of people gathered outside the door.

"Two people came in, and the others blocked the door for me.

The scorching sun is squatting behind me. "

When people arrived, Li Shengli spoke in a deep voice without saying a word to Yu Sheng in front of him.

After Du Jiaoyang squatted down, Yu Sheng raised his hands decisively, originally thinking of snatching him out with his own skills, but now it seemed that the person sitting opposite, resisting the gun, must be a master of the training family.

In this way, you can't move. These practitioners are not easy to talk to. They dare to shoot even if they are slightly threatening.

Take it out for at least two or three seconds. If you delay a little, it will be enough for the opponent to finish a round of bullets.

Facing the consequences he had caused, Yu Sheng also showed a panic expression on his face. Once he was caught, he was afraid that he would be a mermaid.

"Another person came in, discharged his gun, and touched the whole body again."

Seeing Yu Sheng being restrained with a backhand, Li Shengli remained cautious and called another person in before beginning to disarm Yu Sheng.

Yes, even if he is armed, this guy is also cautious. In addition to two large 54s on his waist, a 64 in his trouser pocket, and a delicate chrome-plated revolver on his left calf.

In addition to these, there are four Type 53 prisoner knives, one on the waist, one in the pocket of the tunic suit, one on the right calf, and one hidden in the cuff of the left hand.

In addition to these, Yu Sheng, like Li Shengli, also has two American grenades hanging on his waist.

"Two more people came and hugged his legs."

After squinting his eyes and scanning the weapons on the examination table, Li Shengli called two more people. Seeing them hugging Yu Sheng's legs, he slowly said:

"Take the medicine and pound it, first hit his knee twice, don't smash it too hard, then hit both ribs a few times, and hit the collarbone a few times with less force.

When you strike, you have a good idea. You can hit it a few more times without breaking it..."

Hearing Li Shengli's cruelty, Yu Sheng became anxious. As soon as he struggled a few times, he felt a sharp pain in his knees, and then in his ribs and shoulders.

"Man, this is the first time we meet..."

This time Yu Sheng was really panicked. According to Li Shengli's words, he would be bad at it for the next ten days. No matter how good the skills he had honed before, if he couldn't get enough energy, he would be in vain. Practiced.

The man opposite, Li Shengli, did this not to teach him a lesson, but to incapacitate him, and then he would definitely have a killer move.

But who are these people!

He came here just to find Zhang Song and his daughter. It would be over if he had to expose the Zhang family. He didn't even think about killing himself. As a result, Li Shengli, who was almost unrelated, was so arrogant that he would die if he disagreed with him. of.

"Put it out and give him a few spoonfuls of shit..."

He didn't give Yu Shengfen a chance to say anything. After Li Shengli stopped talking, he really didn't talk to him. After watching him being forked out, what happened next was exactly what he said.

"Jiaoyang, people are knocking on your door. You see, these things are all prepared for us!

There are so many things messed up on this object, so he is definitely not a good person. Who is a good person who carries four guns and two grenades when he goes out?

This is just like me, I'm afraid I've done something bad.

You can send these things to the leader's office tomorrow. Whether they will be approved or not will depend on the day after tomorrow.

Jing Gong is bound to involve a lot of things, and these things on the table are not without roots. Jing Gong, whether he is here or not, you have made a group of enemies for Lao Du.

If Ma Zuomin is used as a citizen, it is private. This is the cleanest thing for us. Their job is called love killing. As long as Ma Zuomin leaves a confession and a letter of remorse before leaving, the matter has nothing to do with us.

This is the business of being a dandy, taking things by force, forbearing wives and daughters, and forcing people to die. This one move will make their entire family doomed.

Your hesitation and Yu Sheng's quickness made things get out of hand. Originally it was just a matter for Yu Sheng's family, but after Ma Zuomin escaped, someone was bound to make a fuss about this matter.

That would affect all the roots of his family. If his family was big enough, it would almost be Guamanchao.

At this time of year, the grandson is a good deceiver when it comes to such troubles. With this one, no matter how great his achievements are, they will be turned into ashes. No matter how many achievements he has, he cannot protect the family.

It is an adult's fault to teach his son poorly. If his son behaves like this, there must be something wrong with me. Nowadays, if he makes such mistakes, I am afraid that many people will like to hear about it. This is a free meal!

Those with ulterior motives will naturally make a big fuss, and those who are hesitant will also use this to escape. What a life-saving straw Yu Sheng created?

He gave many people a place to vent their hesitations. Why not let yourself become a street rat?

Jiaoyang, you decide, whether to protect the foundation of his family and family, or to create such a group of enemies for Lao Du. "

Li Shengli's analysis made Du Jiaoyang retching directly, because the few words she said casually led to such a result, which was really not her intention. After Li Shengli’s analysis and what she saw and heard during this period, Du Jiaoyang knew that this matter was no longer Zhang Song’s family matter.

Even if Ma Zuomin did the cleaning, what Yu Sheng did would be watched by countless people, just like what Li Shengli said.

Many people who were not prepared in the early stage did not know what to do to protect themselves. Yu Sheng's plan to seize family property and forbear his wife and daughter gave many people an outlet for their depression.

Facing such evil disciples, isn't it the best time to take a stand?

Take this opportunity to express your stance and then wait and see. Even if you know that it is just Yu Sheng's personal misdeeds, this is at least a cover-up. Even if you know that the things behind you are wrong, the things in the front are right!

For some unknown reason, Du Jiaoyang's mind was spinning very quickly while he was retching. Many questions that he had not been able to figure out before were immediately figured out.

Seeing Du Jiaoyang retching violently, Li Shengli picked up her wrist.


Jiaoyang, you are afraid that you are pregnant, that is, you are pregnant with a child.

You calm down, and I'll confirm again. "

After getting started, Li Shengli was stunned and said something casually. Seeing that Du Jiaoyang didn't understand, he added something.

After letting her calm down, Li Shengli carefully performed a pulse diagnosis on her.

"My pulse is like running beads on a plate. There is no doubt about my happy pulse. My pulses are both weak in both hands. I am afraid I am a boy with twins."

Jiaoyang, I can confirm that you are pregnant now, but whether it is twin boys, you need to wait a few months before taking a pulse check. Maybe it is a twin twins, or maybe it is twin girls. The twins can almost be confirmed.

I'll give you a prescription for miscarriage, and you can think about how to make a decision. "

Du Jiaoyang is pregnant with a child, so she has only one choice. Ma Zuomin can only solve Yu Sheng's matter by himself.

After the marriage, the Ma Zuomin clan could not escape. This could be regarded as a mistake that would lead to eternal hatred, and no one could do anything about it.

Moreover, this matter is private, and the only ones who can be saved are Zhang Song, his daughter, and the Ma Zuomin clan. No one else can escape.

The fact that Du Jiaoyang was pregnant only made Li Shengli feel happy, but he no longer had any exciting emotions. There were too many things in his heart, which were suppressed.

Du Jiaoyang's side was similar. After biting her lips a few times, she also made a decision.

"Lao Li, thank you for showing me my weakness and incompetence.

For my family, I worry about gains and losses; for us, I am absent-minded; for my children, I abandon my husband and my son, and I am heartless.

Send me abroad quickly. I will remember the experience you gave me.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize what you had done and what you had to bear.

I will keep your kindness to me firmly in mind. Just like what Lao Du said, I will always be the daughter-in-law of the Li family.

After I go to the leadership office tomorrow, I will find Ding Lan and teach her to be your wife..."

Looking at her man Li Shengli with tears in her eyes, Du Jiaoyang thanked him from the bottom of her heart and felt sorry for him from the bottom of her heart.

Today's persecution, before Yu Sheng came, she was full of resentment. After seeing Yu Sheng's arrogance and domineering, and seeing Li Shengli's calmness and decisiveness, she just had an epiphany.

Everything I learned from Lao Du at home was taught by Li Shengli along the way, taught by Xie's mother Aunt Zou, and learned from chatting with famous doctors from all over the world.

She saw things that she couldn't see before, and also saw that Li Shengli was in a difficult situation. He was so cautious that he did not dare to play with women casually in order to ensure his energy. This was the reason why he did not accept Wang Zhi, Guan Qingyue, and Xiao Feng.

Staying in bed after sleeping late is not to sleep in, but to maintain your energy.

With this kind of understanding, if Li Shengli knew about it, he would tell Du Jiaoyang that she was wrong and that he just didn't want to cause trouble. The long-lasting energy given by Brother Tong was not in vain.

"Oh, I also had an epiphany. In the field of Chinese medicine, this is called Qianersuitong. What a qualification!

Don't make any fuss about Ding Lan's matter. You have to look at it carefully before making a decision.

Otherwise, I'll accept it.

Remember today's scene firmly, otherwise people like Yu Sheng will appear in front of you frequently.

Remember, after you go out, you have money and status, and the only thing left is to be brave and fierce.

Whoever dares to steal your money, kill him; whoever dares to suppress your status, kill him too.

Remember the background behind Yu Sheng. If we want to avoid trouble, our ancestors have taught us a long time ago, Guamanchao.

If you want to be clean, remember, use people, use others, use enemies. If you are not in an extreme situation, remember not to end up on your own. "

After rejecting Du Jiaoyang's idea of ​​arranging for the successors, Li Shengli reinforced it for her.

It's not about the sudden enlightenment or enlightenment, it's about what Du Jiaoyang just said. Although she is still a little behind when going abroad, she will definitely be able to do it in the future.

"Lao Li, where did you learn these skills?"

After carefully remembering her man's teachings, Du Jiaoyang remembered that she was pregnant. When she looked at Li Shengli, her face became more tender.

Wang Zhi's bad taste is really good. She is really happy to have such a man standing in front of her to protect her from the wind and rain.

Today, the man just turned sideways, and the storm he faced almost suffocated Du Jiaoyang.

Du Jiaoyang also sneered when Li Shengli commented that Yu Sheng's wealth had moved people's hearts since ancient times. The men in his family had more money leaking through their fingers than the Zhang family's wealth that Yu Sheng was worried about.

For a few bad bucks, he even wore it all over his body. With stuff like that, giving him a tank would be no match for his own man.

"That's a nice sneer, it's charming, but it's a pity that you're pregnant, otherwise you'd be so happy tonight.

As for my ability, do you believe me when I say it comes from hunger?

Before going to Wali, my family could only eat one steamed bun per meal, which was like watery polenta, but it was enough to keep us full.

When I was eating steamed buns, I didn't dare to finish them all at once. I had to save some in case I was so hungry that I couldn't sleep at night.

I'm doing pretty well, but my mother only has one steamed bun for three meals a day.

Of course, my family is not like this all year round, because my dad has a bad back in winter, and I can heal that kind of injury by stretching my hands now.

But it didn't work at the time. The hospital didn't understand, and the painkillers didn't work well. So they had to get painkillers from Mr. Liu, which were made from corn and millet husks. That stuff was addictive!

Ever since I met Master Liu and inherited the Liu family, and before I met Xie Fei, I just wanted to make some money and have fun.

As a result, one thing followed another, leading to what it is now.

I also want no one to be hungry, and I also want no one to be hurt, but this is difficult!

If you want to be pain-free, you have to help teach traditional Chinese medicine; if you want to make more money, not only have you just raised the price of Chinese medicinal materials, but the leaders are still not grateful.

It’s really hard to be a human being, and it’s even harder to be a good person…”

(End of this chapter)

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