The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 510 Victory Clinic (Part [-])

Chapter 510 Victory Clinic (Part [-])

  After the clinic opened, Li Shengli used fumigation of herbs to suppress most of the paint smell, and the clinic's business gradually increased.

  Most of the people who came were young people from the industry who came here because of its reputation. But after the two unlucky guys were chased into the clinic and someone helped to block it, the style of Shengli Clinic, which Li Shengli and some people had high hopes for, gradually became distorted.

  There was a fight at the door of the clinic. After the fight, Li Shengli gave medicine to the wounded on both sides to treat their injuries, and then they dispersed. This was not the first time this happened at the intersection.

  Li Shengli doesn't care about reputation. He only cares about two things, his own safety and the continuation of the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance. One of them is the foundation of his life, and the other is his career. As for the other things, he just does it casually.

  If he really cared about his reputation, he wouldn't use a dog-beating stick to extort money, let alone stand there waiting for the bloody time to turn.

  In the face of wind and rain, all he wants is profit, or to make some profits to support famous doctors and experts from all over the world. Although the trauma treatment on the street is notorious, but if you really get to know it, Li Shengli is also involved in all parties. Associated.

  If a king advances, he will be able to get everything in the city. As for extortion, in the eyes of some people, it is not much different from a child's fooling around. It is also his way of survival not to touch the fundamental interests of others.

  The entrance to the clinic has become a place for fights, which touches on Li Shengli's fundamental interests. This will affect his own safety, and he will also be affected.

  Among other things, the residents in the courtyard now keep a distance from him, which is one of the symptoms.

  No one is blind. Who came to the clinic? In a few days, the news not only spread throughout the hospital, but also spread in the surrounding areas.

  Unless there are very special circumstances, surrounding residents would rather go to other clinics or free clinics than come to this Shengli Clinic with the sign of a free health station for fear of trouble.

  To resolve the quarrel at the door, Li Shengli didn't need to step in. His cheap brother-in-law Wang Erluzi, who was sitting opposite the clinic table and was once again full of tears, was enough.

  Brother-in-law Li Shengli was banned in disguise in the city and was trapped in the Shengli Clinic outside the quadrangle. However, Wang Jinjin continued to maintain his reputation as a specialist in trauma treatment.

  After being reprimanded by the leader's office, the two of them no longer tried to rip off people, but more directly collected their share of the money.

  Of course, this is directly related to the money. The parties involved only received verbal notification. As for whether they want to pay it or not, that is their own business.

  Li Shengli only cares about the amount of his own income. If there is more, they will be fine. If there is less, Xiao Hu and Da Liu will go out to rectify the share market.

  It was still the same rule as before. Li Shengli didn't even look at the materials handed over, except for those directly deducted by Wang Qianjin.

  But he set a very high commission on the things he pocketed secretly. Li Shengli's purpose was still the same as before, taking advantage of things under the lights.

  As for whether people give him or not, it all depends on their intentions. After changing people a few times, Li Shengli felt that the money market below was still very sincere.

  This time, Li Shengli doesn't care whether there is any difference between the old and the new. He is not a big man when it comes to carrying things in his pocket. At a high level, he can barely reach the middle level.

  Everyone has Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts. Whether it's Li Shengli's blackmail or his share of money, those people have reasons why they have to pay.

  As the backer of the molecular money market, Wang Qianjin was not greedy for money from beginning to end. His pursuit was actually more childish and just wanted a side.

  In the recent period, the uneasiness at Li Shengli Clinic is closely related to Wang Qianjin's reputation. It is nothing more than a new generation replacing the old, and the decline of the insiders has been clearly revealed.

  Wang Qianjin's prestige and face were also affected, but what really made him furious was what Li Shengli said before, which was related to the warehouse of the Ministry of Armed Forces.

  "Old Li, don't you have any other options?"

  Looking dizzy at the fire-dispelling silver needle still trembling on his arm, Wang Qianjin helplessly asked how to solve the current predicament.

  "Brother-in-law, there is an old saying that wealth and safety can be found in danger. It is not unreasonable. Isn't that how the elders in the family came to be?
  My words, many times, still work well.

  It's not too late to use that trick now.

  Just like us, the reason for making them obedient is very simple. When we are ruthless enough to take away their lives, who dares to disobey?
  Those people are not clean to begin with, so their fear of us is the same as what they carried in their wombs. They are also afraid of exposing themselves, right?
  When you were gossiping, you revealed the location of the Armed Forces Warehouse. It was not a warehouse opened by you, so what does it have to do with you.

  Furthermore, those grandsons have been biting their noses and faces during this period. How dare they do anything at the door of my clinic?
  The person who took the lead said that if anyone dares to take action in this three-acre area of ​​the neighborhood committee, I will kill their leaders.

  If you can't control your subordinates well, what kind of world are you messing with?
  How about I get a few first and give them proofs? "

  Li Shengli was also aware of Wang Qianjin's dilemma, but that was just the way it was. If you wanted to avoid being beaten, you either had to have a strong foundation or you had to have something to deal with.

  Seeing that summer has passed, people in the circle have been in a hurry for a few days. They either change camps or hide themselves tightly. Other than that, they can only fight head-on.

  The embarrassment of cheap brother-in-law Wang Qianjin has just begun. Now he is looking at others. When winter comes, he may have to look at himself in the mirror.

  What Li Shengli said was to give him more confidence.

  "Forget it.

  When the leader's office reprimanded you before, they just didn't find any evidence, and no one cared about it.

  If you mess with those big guys and they won't let you go, things will be difficult.

  Lao Li, you have many ideas. I really don’t dare to do the work in the Armed Forces Department. Lao Wang at home also has a toothache recently, and he doesn’t dare to come up with such bad ideas.

  Bring me some medicine for toothache later. The nasal passage you got is good. I asked Lao Guo to get me a hundred and eighty tubes, but he didn't listen to me. Why don't you give him a call?
  Also, give me a tip quickly, let alone the unreliable Armed Forces Department, do you know what equipment is in it? "

  Regarding Li Shengli's dirty trick, not to mention Wang Qianjin, his father, Wang, a decisive and powerful general, had been thinking about it for more than a month, but he didn't even dare to utter a "squeak", and he also suffered from toothache. Something wrong.

  "Here, this is medicine. Tell your father, don't take too much, it will cause diarrhea.

  It's not that there are no tricks, but if you use this trick, you have to really step up and take charge.

  Didn't we have reports about barefoot doctors before? We still have a group of people at the idle military camp. Think about their armbands. You asked the old man to inscribe the word "medical soldier" or "medical soldier" on them, and we also made armbands.

  As long as you wear our cuffs, you are ours. Since they are ours, it is the old rule, whoever touches you will die! "

  Li Shengli struggled until the end and gave Wang Qianjin a compromise. This was the real way of planting a flag and setting up a stick, and he was about to become a force.

  It would be fine if others didn't care. If Li Shengli's vital interests were really affected, he would be an orthodox enemy of the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. By then, it would no longer be a matter of a warehouse of the Ministry of Armed Forces.


  Lao Li, have you been waiting here for me?

  When you called me Boss Wang in the military camp, I knew you were not easy to beat.

  If you come up with such a thing and make me hold my head high, aren't you just changing the soup instead of the medicine?
  Are you going to end it yourself? "

  After cursing, Wang Qianjin looked at his brother-in-law with fear. Although he was not his brother-in-law, he really wanted his life.

  Wang Qianjin had been raiding the formation for several months, and there were all kinds of people there. Wang Qianjin also met people of all ages, but none of them could really compete with his brother-in-law.

  His ruthlessness is lawless. In his eyes, there is no one who cannot or dare not strike.

  The reason why the specialist in trauma treatment is so famous is not just a boast.

  With a simple move, he can be linked to the warehouse of the Ministry of Armed Forces. Wang Qianjin, who has grown a lot of wisdom, knows that if his brother-in-law ends up personally, the outcome may be unmanageable.

  He doesn't care about your rules and regulations. He only cares about whether his own path is smooth. He dares to attack anyone who blocks his way. Moreover, he destroys the evidence before doing anything. If he wants to deal with him, he can only use black hands to fight against black hands and follow the right path. Tu, you can't find anything wrong with him.

  Many things were done by him and Xiao Hu. Even with the methods used by the police station, Wang Qinjin could not brag about any of them. They would not be able to find any clues.

  "That's not possible. According to my style of doing things, if I leave the game directly, I will be in big trouble.

  What I just said, you can try it at home, it will almost work.

  When all parties are fighting, there must be someone who is wary of each other. It doesn't matter if it's a small fight. If it really breaks my muscles and bones, I won't be able to end it.

  But when the time comes, you will have to go abroad with me, otherwise you will end badly..."

  The matter of the Barefoot Doctor has reached the most critical step, and Li Shengli didn't think much about it. The step has been decided, and it depends on whether he takes it or not.

  If someone really wants to be serious, then there is really no other way, and they will have to do it again.

  Furthermore, Wang Zha's power has almost been released. Now it's time for the lurking minions to endure it. If they can't bear it, they will die, if they can bear it, they will live. Many things that follow will have agreed-upon rules.

  Using lawless means to disrupt the situation, Li Shengli wouldn't dare to use it unless he was in an extreme situation.

  "Okay, let me ask.

  I'm afraid my godmother won't agree. "

  Asking Li Shengli to pull out the silver needle from his arm was acceptable to Wang Qianjin, a medical soldier, but he had some doubts compared to the destructive move like opening a warehouse of the Armed Forces.

  "No, she will agree directly and will praise you very much.

  I just told you that when competing, all parties need to be wary of each other.

  Now that the trouble is like this, it's because she didn't have a back-up plan before.

  Because our previous reports were also handled by your godmother, and the medical soldiers were her back-up, so this can be considered a continuation.

  As long as we restrain the personnel, it shouldn’t be a big problem..."

  Head-to-head confrontation is not the way to do things. What Li Shengli hopes is for all parties to compromise and promote the popularity of barefoot doctors. If this is the case, then he can be relatively restrained in the future.

  After making an agreement with Wang Qianjin about the medical soldiers and warning some people, the fight at the door of the clinic stopped.

  But the number of medical consultations on Li Shengli's side has begun to increase. Many things are closely related to the situation, and the same is true for the increase in the number of medical consultations.

  Similarly, the severity of the injury is also directly proportional to the timeline. From simply applying medicine and suturing, to practicing Li Guisheng's specialty of bone setting, Li Shengli only added an undershirt to his shirt.

  The neighborhood committee where the Shengli Clinic is located, or the Shengli Clinic under the jurisdiction of the neighborhood committee, has become the quietest area in the neighborhood.

  Even if they were still fighting each other a moment ago, they must stop in this circle, and there is no need to verify this matter.

  Almost no one on the street knows that Li Shengli specializes in treating trauma, but everyone in the circle knows that Li Shengli specializes in treating trauma.

  In the face of numerous irrefutable evidence, no one wants to try the method of specializing in trauma treatment. The major stocks are all warned by strangers waking them up in the middle of the night. Li Shengli has no serious business here, so he can do whatever he wants.

  Those who received the warning were all serious businessmen. Even if they were dissatisfied, they would not dare to take action against Li Shengli, who specialized in trauma treatment.

  The progress of the medical corpsmen is the same as what Li Shengli told Wang Qianjin. The progress is going smoothly. Li Shengli, who is now attending the Shengli Clinic, is also seriously wearing the armband of the medics...

  (End of this chapter)

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