The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 504: Helping others (Part [-])

Chapter 504: Helping others (Part [-])
  When the cheerful Father Li and the frowning mother came home from get off work, Li Shengli had already prepared tree slivers soaked with hot water.

  "Dad, Mom, my brother or my sister, whichever one lives in a more secluded place, let's go there to eat tonight.

  Dad, bring me a bottle of Prairie White. You can still drink the rest. "

  Han Jinhua, the mother of the Li family who was already feeling unhappy, glared at her niece fiercely after hearing her son's remarks, said nothing, turned around and went to pack the food.

  On the way to his brother Li Ziqi's house, Li Shengli shook his head as he looked at his younger brother Li Jianshe, who was carrying a tree sliver and shaking his head. He was also a stupid boy, and he didn't know if he could walk home tonight.

  The second brother and the second sister live in the nearby Jingyang Hutong, which is similar to Mianmian Hutong. Although they are not connected together, they are not far apart.

  The small courtyard where the second sister Han Xiuyun lives is not bad. Although there is only one east wing room, for a family, having a small courtyard is a very good living condition.

  The second brother, Li Ziqi, suffered a little loss when buying a house because he was a man. Although the yard was not small, it was separated from the back garden of a large courtyard.

  The house has an upside-down door, a crooked courtyard, and a half-buried Taihu stone. The house is also a bit awkward. It looks like it was either a pavilion or a corridor.

  When entering the courtyard, Li Shengli also walked around. The main body of the courtyard had long since disappeared, leaving only a few houses on both sides. They did not open the door to the alley. Looking at the barbed wire on the wall, it was probably the courtyard of some unit. .

  This area is quite secluded, and the place is large, not as big as two courtyards, but at least one and a half courtyards.

  While others were setting up the food, Li Shengli pulled my mother to the Taihu Stone in the courtyard and said:

  "Mom, my eldest sister is with Wang Qianjin all day long. She beats others no matter what. Sometimes they start scolding and fighting in the street. This is not a good way. You need to give her a good beating.

  What's more, eldest sister has no plan to live her life, so you have to teach me more and continue to smoke if you don't listen.

  As for the second child in the family, one mouthful is not enough. I have already soaked the note in water. If I don’t draw his blood, it will make him wet. I’m afraid I won’t be able to control that kid’s evil thoughts.

  Also, you wait until they finish eating before calling..."

  Ignoring my mother's raised eyebrows, Li Shengli bluntly stated what he would do to the two of them.

  Again, in this day and age, there is only one reason why children are disobedient, and that is because the beating is too light. Looking at the angry look of his younger brother Li Jianshe, I don't know if this note can calm him down.

  "Don't talk about them, what about you?

  I see that girl Jiaoyang doesn’t look like a girl anymore when she walks. The street is a mess. Please restrain yourself. How about I slap you too? "

  Seeing the old woman with many white eyes and few black eyes glance at him sideways, Li Shengli raised his hand to suppress the hairs on his neck and explained:
  “Mom, am I taking over a mission from the Health Bureau to conduct a free clinic in the city?
  You give us a "babo" mouth. When I go out tomorrow, others will think that I am not good at my craftsmanship and I was beaten by the patient!

  If the patient gives me another beating tomorrow, I won’t be able to make a living as a traveling doctor..."

  After hearing the eldest son's reasonable explanation and knowing that there was a free clinic in the city, Han Jinhua spared her eldest son who didn't know the details and thought about the messy things at the food factory.

  Thinking about her second son who was holding her neck, and then thinking about her niece who beat up a man in the street, the Li family woman's voice was instantly filled with anger, and she ate a tasteless meal with a dull face.

  While the two nieces were clearing the table, Han Jinhua pointed his hand, and Father Li, Li Shengli and his wife were sent outside the house.

  "Shengli, are you suing your younger brother and sister again?"

  After leaving the house, without taking the filter handed to him by his eldest son, Mr. Li took out the Albanian camel that he didn't want a ticket for, took a sip and coughed, and then pointed out his eldest son's insidiousness.


  The idea of ​​​​building is to cause trouble to the family, and it will be impossible if you don't take care of it. "

  Smelling the smoke coming out of his father's mouth, Li Shengli also coughed lightly. Materials were so bad when they were exchanged for materials. There were only a few people who smoked Albanian camels without coughing. They choked!
  "That's true. I see you already have a medicine kit on your back. When will your younger siblings be ready?"

  Hearing his father's earnest question, Li Shengli couldn't help but roll his eyes and pointed out that it would take at least ten years for those two guys to succeed!

  This is an optimistic result of the younger siblings being able to enter self-training classes after suspension of classes, and then go to the mountains to receive the influence of famous veteran Chinese medicine practitioners from various places. Maybe they may not be able to graduate in fifteen or twenty years.

  Listening to the Li family's father and son talking at night, and hearing his brother-in-law who could no longer howl in the house and could only make a "squeak" sound, Du Jiaoyang finally understood why his man was willing to beat her. It was a family tradition. craft.

  Li Jianshe in the room could only scream, followed by the cry of pain from his eldest sister Han Xiuqi. Listening to the sound of tree branches snapping, Du Jiaoyang also felt awe towards his mother-in-law. .

  "Shengli, aren't you going to persuade me?"

  Hearing the eldest aunt's voice inside turn into a muffled groan, Du Jiaoyang pulled Li Shengli's sleeve and timidly persuaded her.

  "Xiao Du, don't worry about this. Children from rural areas are tough.

  Don't be afraid, even if you are really disobedient, he won't beat you, he will only try hard to win. "

  Listening to his father's unkind persuasion, Li Shengli was not idle, and took his hand to check his father's pulse. He found that there was nothing serious wrong with him except spleen deficiency.

  Father Li has a spleen deficiency, so he doesn't need to take a cube. As long as he eats better, he will get better gradually. This is a spleen deficiency caused by hunger before.

  When the second brother, second sister, and sister who had been killed to scare the monkeys opened the door, the younger brother Li Jianshe was already lying on the ground. The eldest sister Han Xiuqi was also holding on to the table to wipe her tears. Looking at the broken strips on the ground, Li Shengli felt that this time she should be able to Achieve what you want.

  On the way back to the courtyard, Du Jiaoyang supported his eldest sister Han Xiuqi, who kept wiping away her tears, while Li Shengli carried his younger brother Li Jianshe, whose tears had long since dried up. At this moment, the younger brother should be more comfortable than the elder sister, wailing after wiping the white grassland. , it should probably be painful now.

  When I got home, I first asked my mother and Du Jiaoyang to give Qili Powder to the eldest sister, and then Li Shengli gave his younger brother a pill before giving Qili Powder.

  After taking the medicine, his younger brother Li Jianshe bit his pillow and howled out, "Bang Chi, Bang Chi."

  "Don't cry so much. Classes will be suspended in two days. I'll find a place for you. There is a self-training class for studying medicine over there. Once there, our mother won't be able to beat you.

  It’s done, keep crying, it won’t hurt if you cry, I have experience…”

  After drinking his younger brother, he introduced him to the self-training class with his tearful eyes. In this class, younger brothers and sisters must also go. Li Shengli must also set an example for famous doctors and celebrities from all over the world.

  He left his younger brother alone in the room crying to relieve the pain, and asked his father Li and his sister Li Yinghong to go out to watch. Li Shengli then sat in the main room with his mother and Du Jiaoyang. As for the eldest sister Han Xiuqi, she could only stand holding the table. On fire.

  "Sister, when you get back, tell my brother-in-law how you were beaten, and tell him again. If you still don't obey in the future, let him come to my mother. Remember this beating, and be sure to give it enough when you go out. If you lose Wang Qianjin's face, he can beat you outside, but you can't beat him. As for if you feel aggrieved, go home and deal with him.

  From now on, if you don’t work in the factory, you will come to my house every week and let your aunt teach you how to run a household. "

  After restating the reason why the eldest sister was beaten, Li Shengli stopped talking and waited for my mother to ask questions.

  After revealing a little about what happened between him and Du Jiaoyang, he also talked about the arrangements for his younger brothers and sisters. When my mother asked where they lived, Li Shengli told the truth and they lived in Jixiang Hutong.

  "That realm is not good. The place where the eunuch lives is very yin-y, making it difficult to have children.

  Besides, we are not in the same neighborhood committee there, so you will be bullied if you are new here.

  Your younger brothers and sisters are all going to that self-study class. If you have nothing to worry about, just go back to live in the courtyard next to them. Everything is sorted over there. "

  The Li family’s mother’s more than ten years in Sijiu City was not in vain. As soon as she heard about Jixiang Hutong, she knew where it was and also knew some legends and taboos.

  As for the yard on the side, it is the livestock yard. In front of the daughter-in-law, it is natural to say this with a hug.

  "Mom, I'm here with Jiaoyang. There are a lot of messes, and there are people I've offended. I'm just afraid of causing trouble for the family."

  Father Li didn't care much about family affairs. When Li Shengli faced his mother, he simply explained part of the reason. His younger brother and sister went to self-training classes. Li Shengli was not only afraid that his rivals would come to his door, but also that he had no children at home and that his neighbors would bully him. Come.

  He is also a little hesitant about whether he can live in a courtyard house or not. He can't help but worry. He will still worry if he lives in a courtyard.

  "Then it's even more important to go home and live. What's the point of living in Jixiang Hutong?

  If something really happens if you live here, how dare your neighbors not protect you?
  Listen to me and move back in tomorrow! "

  What my mother, Han Jinhua, said is also true, let alone east city, west city, south city and north city.

  In the area of ​​Sijiu City, even if they don't live in the same alley, there are people who look down upon them. Those in large courtyards look down on those in the suburbs, those in courtyards look down on those in large courtyards, those in independent courtyards look down on those in courtyards, and those in Tongzilou look down on those in independent courtyards.

  There is an invisible chain of contempt between courtyards, alleys, neighborhood committees, and streets.

  If it were a normal fight, Li Shengli could only greet people he knew well in Jixiang Hutong, but if he said hello in the courtyard, a large group of people he knew or didn't know would come out to help. Even if they didn't take action, they would scold and fight on the sidelines. Just call the neighbors around.

  Although the intrigues in the courtyard are fierce, there is still a basis for unanimous cooperation with the outside world. Even Xu Damao and Silly Zhu have to fight side by side when they are bullied by outsiders into the courtyard.

  If not for anything else, just so that when someone bullies me in the future, the neighbors can stand up. The time when the third uncle's house lost a wheel is a good example. Every household in the same courtyard has to have someone to catch the thief.

  What's more, the courtyards here are much cleaner than the streets in Jixiang Hutong, where most of the people live in courtyards. Houses are bought from units, or divided by units, but in Jixiang Hutong, most people live in rented houses, so the situation is relatively complicated.

  "Come on!
  But there is no rush for the next day or two. My free clinic is just over Jixiang Hutong. It’s a lot further away if I live here. When the free clinic is over, I will go back to live in the courtyard next to it. "

  Listening to the elder's explanation being reasonable, Han Jinhua didn't say anything more.

  Han Xiuqi, who knew that her brother was talking nonsense, felt her butt hurt like a needle, but she didn't dare to expose his lies. She could only give him a look like you were waiting for me, and pushed herself hard to endure the pain.

  "Now that we've finished talking and done our business, you should go back quickly. The streets are not peaceful either. If you can avoid causing trouble, don't cause trouble. If you do cause trouble, then come back and live as soon as possible.

  Xiuqi, be polite when you get home, and let me know that you are so unreasonable, watching your brother's construction, right?
  I will beat you to pieces next time..."

  Before going out, he gave his younger sister Li Yinghong a cautious look, and then Li Shengli and Du Jiaoyang led their eldest sister out of the courtyard.

  "Li Shengli, you are really just like your brother-in-law said, you are not beating me up, how can you be so deceptive.

  The same goes for your mother. She was really pumping hard. I touched her just now and it really bled. "

  Although Han Xiuqi said that what she was scolding her brother for was not a beating, she still admitted that she was wrong. She knew that the beating was not unjust and she did not dare to slander her own aunt.

  "Sister, the victory is also for your own good. Wang Qianjin is considered a loser in the industry, and those who are less popular than him are all living and drinking outside.

  You also have to be careful about Wang Qianjin. Men in the circle are just one-sided, but you really have to save some respect for him outside. You can't scold him when you open your mouth or hit him when you start. "

  This time, the female bastard knows the inside and outside. Being able to say this means that Du Jiaoyang has a correct understanding of the circle of disciples.

  After helping Wang Qianjin take care of his wife and taking care of his younger brother, Li Shengli felt that everything at home was basically in order, and he felt relieved.

  Thinking about his second brother and second sister who have not settled down yet, Li Shengli is not in a hurry. This matter will have to be done next year anyway.

  The three of them stumbled all the way back to Jixiang Hutong. Wang Qianjin, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, became angry when he saw that his wife was being carried back.


  Li Shengli, you really are not beating me up. You went out to quarrel with my wife, but you two came back together. What happened to my wife?
  Old Han, are you okay? "

  Before Li Shengli could explain, Wang Jinjin spoke up, thinking that the man who protected him was the culprit, and Han Xiuqi didn't give him a good face.

  "Go away and sit down, isn't it because of you?"

  Seeing that the eldest sister was showing her teeth and claws again, Li Shengli didn't tolerate her and scolded her directly. He didn't give the idiot any help, and he was only afraid of the eldest sister. That was not a good thing.

  "Sister, be careful, I think you beat me lightly.

  Wang Qianjin, my mother and her aunt Han Xiuqi whipped me.

  As for the reason, I think your reputation for being henpecked has been a bit outrageous recently. When I went home to see you, I helped you take care of your wife.

  If you want to avenge your wife, go directly to the courtyard. You are not unfamiliar with the road...

  (End of this chapter)

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