The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 502: Bringing someone along (Part [-])

Chapter 502: Bringing someone along (Part [-])
  There were three people in a car, running slowly down the street. When passing by Dong Laishun, Li Shengli saw a group of people hanging around on the street, so he patted Wang Qianjin on the shoulder and motioned for him to stop.

  "Old Wang, find someone to follow those grandsons. They probably have something in their hands, knock it out.

  What the hell are you doing to them? Praising them is to make them work, not to make them rich.

  If you encounter someone who gives up his life but not his wealth, then your people will have to risk their lives rather than their wealth. "

  Sitting astride the motorcycle, Li Shengli let Wang Qianjin get out of the car. He ran slowly, not just for chatting. He turned the accelerator to the bottom, fearing that the group of cyclists behind him would not be able to catch up.

  "Lao Li, aren't you busy?
  Does it bother you if you don't make a fortune? "

  Wang Qianjin was also a little annoyed when Li Shengli forcefully pushed him off his shoulder. He already had a lot of messy things to do, and it was really idle for his brother-in-law to find trouble for nothing.

  "Bullshit, if we hug things, we have spent money and people, and we have used our brains and taken risks.

  What kind of stuff are they? They are spending things that should be turned in, like us?
  If they meet, even if they are unlucky, aren't they trying to rob others?
  Going to make a phone call is nothing but fun. Watching them make a fool of themselves makes me feel better.

  Look, these idiots still dare to challenge me. They can also see my wife. They can find someone to do it to death. If such a mess is taken care of, it can be regarded as beautifying the environment. "

  Looking at the bicycle catching up in the night, Li Shengli didn't rush Wang Qianjin. He gave him a cigarette and waited for his cheap brother-in-law's arrangement.

  "Two people will follow me. I think they have embezzled the materials handed over, so someone will call Zhao Tiejun and ask him to clean up these grandchildren.

  Tell Zhao Tiejun what to do with the rest..."

  Feeling that what his brother-in-law said made sense, Wang Qianjin felt unbalanced as he thought about how he had to raid the formation on a hot day.

  He doesn't have to do it himself when making phone calls or taking care of packages. After he explains it, someone will naturally help him.

  As for the Zhao Tiejun he mentioned, he was the kid from the compound he had recently raided, and he was considered a relatively obedient one.

  After explaining the matter, Wang Qianjin got on his motorcycle and continued to drive slowly on the street.

  "Old Li, you have to watch some old things even if you don't like them. With your temper, you will be driven crazy every minute by doing the looting business, right?"

  Riding a motorcycle slowly is no fun. As his brother-in-law, Wang Qianjin felt that his brother-in-law Li Shengli was still a little cynical, so he began to teach his experience.

  "It's just a helper, these idiots, if they are really capable, I will recognize them.

  I don't have the guts to go out to a restaurant with the stolen items, and I don't mind eating them.

  The things that were shaken out are thirty-one and thirty-one, and you and I each have a copy, and we will point them to make a fortune in the future!
  Don’t forget to be filial to your godmother. If you come across good clothing materials, give them to her.

  It's her fault that she doesn't want it. It's your fault for not being filial to your godson.

  Where do these things come from?
  Who do we rely on to feed our staff?
  Don’t they all have to be snatched from the hands of those grandsons?

  It’s nothing but something that comes from the right way. Is there any difference between what they hold and what we hold?

  I think there is a difference. At least we are doing free clinics according to the leadership's wishes, right?

  When Du Jiaoyang goes to the leader to report on her work, you can act as her driver and report on her work and recent thoughts.

  Forget about extortion and cheating, your legs will be broken easily when you go home..."

  While chatting with Wang Qianjin, he gave him a way forward for the future, extorting money, and holding on to the family's wealth. For Li Shengli, it was really nothing but idleness.

  Thinking of Wang Qianjin's future troubles, Li Shengli gave him the best opportunity.

  Now is the time when all parties are scratching their heads. At this time, Wang Qianjin meets with the leaders, and from now on, there will be a serious speech.

  "You really don't want to beat me..."

  After hearing his brother-in-law's duplicity, Wang Qianjin replied, but he was also extremely happy to report work to the leader.

  The old man and the leader are the idols of most of the children. Let alone reporting on work, even a glance from a distance is enough for Wang Qianjin to brag about them since he was a child.

  “Just keep this matter to yourself, don’t go out and brag about it, it’s not good for your godmother to know about it.

  But I feel that even if you know, she will let you go, so during this period, I have to take my sister to visit her frequently.

  This is what I asked Guo Shihuai of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine to do for my nose. Some of them are refreshing and helpful for sleeping. This one is refreshing.

  If she likes it, you can go to Guo Shihuai and ask for some more..."

  I reminded my cheap brother-in-law that Li Shengli also gave Lao Guo a boost in pharmaceuticals. The ambergris-added nasal solution has a miraculous effect on calming the nerves and promoting sleep.

  Li Shengli knew the efficacy of the medicine without looking at the finished product. He also had a box of top-quality ambergris in Wali that was worth thousands of gold from the Qing palace's secret collection.

  "Although you are not a beating person, you still have a bad temper towards me.

  to the place!

  Just open the door and go in. They are not allowed to open the door at night. Don't make too much noise, I will keep a lookout for you..."

  After sighing with emotion, Wang Qianjin stopped his bag at the entrance of an alley, pointed to the small courtyard of the second house at the entrance of the alley, sat sideways on his bag, and lit a cigarette.

  "Let's go..."

  Du Jiaoyang, who was silent all the way, pushed open the door and entered the courtyard. He glanced at the two-story Chinese-style building in the courtyard. There were not many Chinese-style buildings like this in the city.

  Even if there is one, it is not easy to buy. There are no lights in the courtyard, it is dark at night, and the regulations of the small courtyard cannot be seen.

  After entering the hospital, I pushed open the door and saw an old woman sitting on an official chair in the room, guarding a blue glazed oil lamp. This thing was not an antique, but a craft for earning foreign exchange.

  Even oil lamps can be used like this, and this house is very particular about it. Maybe the owner didn’t expect to use it in times of trouble when he bought it, right?

  "People are upstairs..."

  After glancing at the military star on Li Shengli's chest, the old woman showed him the way without opening a word.

  Li Shengli didn't say anything and took Du Jiaoyang up to the second floor. "Lao Li, I know her, the one on the poster..."

  Reaching out for the medicine box, Li Shengli interrupted the female bastard's surprise with his movements.

  He stepped forward and looked at the patient next to him who was also lighting an oil lamp. After a few glances, he stretched his hands towards her legs.

  "A slight fracture is not a big problem. This is Tong Ren Tang's Elder Pill. It is best to dissolve it with warm water and take it. The medicine is more effective.

  This is a bottle of white medicine. You can take a little to relieve pain.

  Take one pill of elderberry every morning and evening. After you finish the medicine I gave you, you can go to the ground. It will hurt, but it’s okay. Just don’t stand or walk for a long time.

  It’ll be fine after three months…”

  After briefly looking at the condition of the injured, Li Shengli gave the doctor's instructions, took out the corresponding powdered medicine from the medicine box, and placed it on the bedside.

  "Sir, I didn't know your purpose of coming, and I misunderstood you.

  Nowadays, I have nothing to gain. The pile of waste paper in the corner contains a few paintings by Master Qi. Those people didn't know them, so they just threw them there as medical fees. "

  After putting down the bone-fixing pills and white medicine, the injured man lying on the bed spoke. After hearing this, Li Shengli didn't hesitate, got up, picked up the oil lamp, and picked it up in the pile of waste paper.

  In addition to a dozen unframed paintings, the rest were either newspapers, posters, or costume designs. He picked up a few costume designs and wrapped them up. Li Shengli glanced at the person on the bed, turned around and To leave.

  "Sir, can you take me out of here..."

  "Old Li..."

  After listening to the two people's appeals, Li Shengli didn't answer. He just waved to Du Jiaoyang, then went downstairs and left the courtyard.

  "Old Li, that person is..."

  "To shut up!
  Don't speak when you shouldn't, and leave! "

  Interrupting Du Jiaoyang who wanted to explain, Li Shengli led her onto Wang Qianjin's shoulder bag, signaled, and continued to the next house.

  "Brother-in-law, please check with the Mountain God about that family just now and send them to Madianji.

  When he was being treated for his injuries, he accepted a dozen of her good paintings, which was considered fate.

  Don’t get involved in this matter, let the Mountain God’s people handle it…”

  Knocking the roll of paper Du Jiaoyang was holding with his hand, Li Shengli also gave her an explanation.

  Without the patient's medical fee and these dozen paintings, Li Shengli was a free clinician. After receiving the medical fee from others, at the very least, he had to treat people's injuries.

  Sitting on his shoulder, he turned to the street in the city where there was no one around. After seeing the seven injured, Li Shengli patted Wang Qianjin, who was riding a motorcycle, and signaled him to go back home.

  Just because there's no one on the street doesn't mean it's safe anymore. Nowadays, when policemen at the police station encounter thieves who break into people's homes, they ask you to stop but they don't stand still, but they just pull out their guns and shoot them.

  When you meet someone who comes off the battlefield, it may be a hit in the legs or in the back. If you get it right, he may just hit you in the head.

  Along the way, Li Shengli collected three more medical fees, a mutton-fat jade pendant, an jade ring, and an Omega gold watch.

  For those who accepted the consultation fee, regardless of the severity of the injury, Li Shengli was still the same as the one who accepted the painting. Xiao Hu would take the patient to Madianji and take good care of him until the end of the consultation.

  After saying goodbye to Wang Qianjin who was riding a horse outside the courtyard, Li Shengli sighed softly and entered his and Du Jiaoyang's new home.

  "Old Li, those people..."

  Du Jiaoyang was interrupted several times by his own men along the way, and this time Du Jiaoyang could only finish half of what he said.

  "Let it go, I'll help those who have kind thoughts towards me. Of course, they have to be able to pull. I don't care about those who can't be pulled, such as Mr. Lu.

  Just watch these things, don't speak, and don't point out someone's identity. If you point out someone's identity, many things will be difficult to handle.

  Well, this is your errand fee. It should be genuine Hotan mutton-fat jade. Jade nourishes people. This thing is not cheap.

  This Omega gold watch is good, but it only paid for my errands, and it belongs to Wang Qianjin.

  We will keep half of the dozen or so paintings, and the rest, together with the costume designs, will be sent back to Madianji when she arrives. We will treat it as her personal money. It is easy for her to say Don't take action again..."

  Without discussing anything in detail with Du Jiaoyang, Li Shengli put the Omega gold watch in his pocket without being polite after dividing the things.

  "Lao Li, didn't the leader ask you to give a free clinic?

  Isn’t it bad for you to accept such valuable things? "

  Holding the mutton-fat jade pendant that another female patient took off from her neck, Du Jiaoyang did not dare to hang it directly on her neck, but asked with worry.

  “I’m just at a free clinic!

  The things are needed to protect them. When they come to Madianji, they will eat, drink, have sex, and sleep. If they don’t give me money, I won’t send them there easily.

  These are just deposits, half of which will be returned to the first house. That’s because she gave me a good start, calculated according to the actual value of the painting.

  A dozen paintings by Master Qi are not worth two thousand yuan now, which is about the same price as the Omega gold watch in my pocket.

  Later, I will also calculate the general ledger with them. There are some things that we cannot do with passion, and we still have to balance money and goods.

  do you know?
  If we do things like this, even if it's exposed, it's just our children's nonsense, rather than standing up to someone. Our purpose is just to make money.

  This is the benefit of talking about interests when things happen. When the time comes, we won’t owe anyone, and they won’t owe us anything. "

  Du Jiaoyang smiled when he heard his man's specious reasons. Men are still very cute sometimes, but they obviously do it because they can't stand it. They insist on saying that they are paid to do things.

  Du Jiaoyang also looked down upon those families who didn't give them anything. Before anything happened, he just said this was wrong and that was wrong. Who would dare to provoke such a person...

  (End of this chapter)

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