The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 499 Husband and wife team (Part [-])

Chapter 499 Husband and wife team (Part [-])
  After taking over Brother Tong's task, he asked Guo Shihuai to pass on the message, hoping to take the opportunity to pass the [-]-fold increase in Chinese medicinal materials.

  The words came out of his mouth, and Li Shengli, who had a clear mind, sat in the Wang family's summer vacation home and talked freely with Mr. Shi and Mr. Cheng, completely ignoring Guo Shihuai, who was under great pressure and had hot sweat on his forehead.

  Doctors' chatting is not real chatting, it must be supported by the experience of sitting in a clinic.

  Guo Shihuai was sweating profusely, which had something to do with his inability to get a word in. Seeing Uncle Li talking eloquently with Mr. Shi and Mr. Cheng, Lao Guo was also convinced.

  This young master-like person can easily pick up the topic of Shi Lao and Cheng Lao, but if he replies, even Shi Lao and Cheng Lao will have to think about it.

  Because this young man of master level has a wider range of knowledge than the old man who has merged classics and time. There seems to be no one among the eight schools of internal medicine that he is not familiar with.

  Within the familiar field, Shi Lao and Cheng Lao spoke naturally without thinking. Li Shengli's transition from typhoid fever to febrile disease, to cold and cool, warm and tonic, and febrile disease was quite a big span.

  It is not easy to catch his words, and chatting is not just for the sake of chatting, but a competition between doctors.

  While chatting, not only Guo Shihuai was sweating all over his clothes, but Mr. Cheng and Mr. Wang who came from the south were also sweating on their foreheads. Only Mr. Shi, who was familiar with Li Shengli, could still come and go in a gentle manner.

  In the eyes of Mr. Cheng and Mr. Wang, Li Shengli fell into the category of white gloves, but after a small talk, it turned out that this was not the case at all.

  In Cheng Lao's view, Li Shengli's level is no lower than Shi Lao. It's shocking that a person of this age can have such ability.

  The seemingly irrelevant chat is actually determining the right to speak of everyone in the room. Many things need not be said, and experience in the world has the final say.

  "Mr. Shi, young people like these have already become famous as great doctors..."

  After chatting, Li Shengli and Guo Shihuai left. Looking at their backs, Mr. Cheng thanked Mr. Shi and then commented on Li Shengli.

  "He calls himself the protector of the great lineage. You have to understand many things from now on because he has the final say!
  He is also someone I recognize as a protector of traditional Chinese medicine..."

  Mr. Shi did not give any evaluation to Li Shengli, but prioritized Mr. Cheng. When it came to returning to his roots, Li Shengli said whatever he wanted to do.

  Contrary to what Li Shengli wanted, Mr. Shi didn't mind suppressing him. Compared with the big inheritance, the inheritance of one family is not very important.

  After seeing off Guo Shihuai, Li Shengli also saw Wang Zhi playing with his daughter Wang Su halfway. He waved and called him over. Li Shengli took his mother and daughter back to the old village.

  "There is a Mr. Cheng Jiuru coming from the south. What I mean is that you should follow him for a period of time to learn consultation and clinical practice.

  Ask Zisu to follow you, and spend your family's treasure. I have to continue the inheritance of your family no matter what.

  Bai Zhi, you have to be obedient. How can you talk to me in the future if you can't learn the inheritance of your family? "

  Wang Zhi is still unaware of the wind and rain outside, and the upcoming Madianji will not be a stable place for her to live.

  Li Shengli has been going to a free clinic in the city for the past two weeks, so Madianji is no longer suitable for the couple.

  Li Shengli used a lot of the Wang family's gold. Although it was used for the great inheritance, he was the one who asked for it. In order to reduce the cause and effect, he decided to push Wang Zhi and Niang to Lao Cheng from the south.

  This is a serious clinician of traditional Chinese medicine, and now he is about to retire. He can be regarded as a real master between the first and second lines. His rich clinical experience is no less than that of Shi Lao.

  Although his theory of distinguishing between "Yao Liang" and "Cai Liang" is different from that of the Wang family's inheritance, the theory of using "the body of Gao Liang" and "light use of medicine" is still in line with the Wang family's inheritance philosophy.

  It is not impossible to find another imperial doctor to inherit Wang Zhi. Guo Shihuai, who just left, is the one, and Guan Qingyue's Qing Palace bone setting can be considered, but in terms of system, no one can surpass Cheng Lao.

  After speaking, Li Shengli didn't give Wang Zhi a chance to refuse. He said Bai Zhi and said that he would be with him in the future, and Wang Zhi nodded silently.

  "Then you have to come and see me often. If I don't see you for a long time, I will feel uneasy again..."

  Wang Zhi, who didn't know the danger outside, was still immersed in her happiness, and Li Shengli didn't pop the bubble for her, so the peace was only temporary.

  "Study hard. If you don't learn well, I will beat you..."

  Leaving behind such a gentle word, Wang Zhi and his wife were entrusted to Mr. Shi and Mr. Cheng. With the guidance of these two elders, Wang Zhi's clinical level will inevitably soar in a short period of time.

  Because she has passed the test. She has a solid theory, and she memorizes medical books to rely on when she is in trouble. She has a thorough grasp of the contents of medical books, but what she lacks is clinical experience.

  Although the clinical experience he talks about is frivolous, but who cares, if Wang Zhi can get started under the guidance of his second elder, he can at least become a famous doctor. There is both talent and hard work, as well as the influence of family tradition. It is not too difficult to say. clearly.

  Although Wang Zhi is young, she can be regarded as a descendant of a serious medical family who has been influenced by her family since she was a child.

  Maybe a few words that the elders chattered casually when they were children, when they can be understood, are the key to breaking through the fog in front of them. With the key, whether it is getting started or understanding it, it will be much easier than studying medicine normally.

  Driving away from Wali alone, Li Shengli didn't care what happened next at the summer vacation party. The internal affairs were planned by Shi Lao and others. What he had to do now was to protect himself from the wind and rain.

  Anything sent from the leader's office is almost an order to Li Shengli. Of course, this order can be implemented or not, because there is no formal writing, so it can be like this.

  For Brother Tong's task and the price increase of Chinese medicinal materials, Li Shengli had to implement it. Of course, this implementation also came at a discount. The leader's office must have wanted all famous old Chinese medicine doctors from all over the country to participate in free clinics.

  But at this time, there is a price to pay for such a free clinic. Li Shengli cannot afford that price. Of course, many people don't want to see that price.

  A compromise solution is for Li Shengli to go to the free clinic alone, which can be regarded as a test to everyone and let them see if they need to pay the price. After driving to Madianji, Li Shengli went to where the Xie family's mother Zou Jin lived and found Du Jiaoyang. Without shying away from Aunt Zou in front of him, Li Shengli told her about the free clinic.

  "Jiaoyang, pack up and follow me to the city for a free clinic for half a month. I was told by the leader's office that I can't go.

  Think about the relationship at home in advance. In the name of visiting the relationship at home, we go to visit.

  We don't care about those who are at home, but we have to find people who are not at home, treat those who are injured, and treat those who are sick.

  Don't make phone calls, we'll visit directly. What's the procedure? First visit the people in the system, and then visit the people in the school.

  I'll pack up the medicines first. You hurry up and pack them up. Let's ride our bikes into the city. "

  After finishing his explanation, Li Shengli, who didn't want to talk much, was stopped by Aunt Zou.

  "Sheng Sheng, in this situation, wouldn't you cause trouble if you go to the city?
  I know you have prepared manpower in advance, but the situation is overwhelming! "

  Zou Jin's idea was that he overpredicted the situation. Sijiu City was different from other places. If a soldier didn't move, then the rules on the streets had the final say.

  With the back-up he had prepared before, although Li Shengli did not dare to make the trip, he could move around the city and outside the city as he pleased as long as he was prepared. No one could leave him behind. At this time, it was only possible to do this. That's enough.

  "Aunt Zou, some things have to be done, and justice comes first..."

  After giving Aunt Zou an answer, Li Shengli turned around and went out. Seeing Li Shengli's decisiveness, Zou Jin looked at Du Jiaoyang and said with some worry:
  "Jiaoyang, look at your man, he is lawless, don't cause death and injury everywhere."

  The trouble Zou Jin is afraid of is not that Li Shengli will be pressed, but that Li Shengli, a young man, does things too readily and regardless of the cost.

  Just like what she said to her son Xie Fei at the beginning, other people on the street might restrain themselves because Xie Fei is a disciple, but Li Shengli will not. Instead, he will use his status as a disciple to intensify his harm to them.

  Sun Qiang from the Sun family is an example. I heard after I came back that Wang Yue from the Wang family is the second example. For these two people, Li Shengli acted unscrupulously and cleanly.

  Others may not have thought about the murderous and heart-wrenching methods, but Zou Jin could see clearly that whether it was Sun Qiang or Wang Yue, their career paths were basically cut off. Even if their families paid a heavy price, their futures would be very limited. .

  Because Li Shengli destroyed their domineering attitude as his disciples. Without their domineering attitude, or the so-called ambition to make progress, even the disciples would be restrained like ordinary people when doing things. Two people whose hands and feet were tied up, no matter how good they are. , and how far can you go in your official career?

  "Aunt Zou, he knows what he is doing, and he shouldn't be too presumptuous."

  Du Jiaoyang's answer made Zou Jin smile helplessly. What he said was right. Li Shengli knew what he was saying and he really wouldn't be too presumptuous. But that was about him, Li Shengli, not the people he had gathered before.

  Li Shengli knows how to hurt others. He can cut off many people's future, or even their way of survival, without being too impudent.

  In Zou Jin's view, the young Li Shengli's methods were even more ruthless than those of Lao Xie at home. Lao Xie was a battlefield warrior, nothing could compare to this. After entering the city, he faced off against the gang. He's still not allowed to do whatever he wants to a child who hasn't grown up yet?

  Apart from anything else, he dared to arrange for Wang Qianjin to directly seize the delivered materials, which shows how courageous he is and how dark his heart is.

  When such a person came to the city, Du Jiaoyang said that he knew it well and would not be too presumptuous. He was afraid that those who faced Li Shengli would not think so of him.

  "Jiaoyang, you have to distinguish some things by yourself and learn how your man does things. He is right. Abroad is almost a world of money.

  The methods and methods he used can also be used by you after you get out..."

  He helplessly pointed out the somewhat confused daughter of the Du family. Du Jiaoyang was not stupid, but her enlightenment was a little late. Compared with her man, she was just an innocent little girl.

  Similarly, Zou Jin also wanted to see Li Shengli's ability. After all, things were arranged by the leader. No matter how unscrupulous the Du family's son-in-law was, he had to restrain himself.

  Zou Jin couldn't understand this son-in-law of the Du family who gave up the right path and took an eccentric approach. The more he looked at it, the less he could understand it. He could be said to be old-fashioned, but his actions were too ruthless. This has nothing to do with being old-fashioned. The more slippery you become, in the end your enemies will all be your friends.

  It would be wrong to say that he has no ambition. With the help of traditional Chinese medicine, how big a plate he has to leverage. Zou Jin also thought about it after going to the countryside. According to the current environment, the only ones he can leverage are individual Chinese medicine doctors. Traditional Chinese medicine is not Just having someone is enough is doubtful.

  As for money, there is no shortage of money now, and he still has the vision to collect some old items. Li Shengli will not be short of money in the future, Zou Jin can also confirm this.

  He doesn't recognize money or power. There are people who practice Chinese medicine one after another, and he can't control them all. It's hard to see and figure out the purpose.

  Zou Jin, who couldn't understand, also wanted to use Li Shengli's free clinic in the city to find out his real purpose, otherwise he would always be unsure.

  Xie's mother, who didn't dare to go out to Madianji, was making plans, but Li Shengli, who arrived at the village headquarters of Madianji, was making arrangements.

  On the surface, the people who use the cheap brother-in-law Wang Qianjin, but secretly the people of the mountain god Xiao Hu, the messy uncle Sun Wuyang, and the Xiao family's youngest Xiao Bao are also within the scope of his mobilization. Again, many things Be prepared and be prepared.

  After the phone call, Li Shengli put some of the medicinal materials sent by Tongrentang Lao Gao into his bamboo medicine box at the health center. He also put aside the leather medicine box that he had previously used as a cover.

  Let Huoshui Guan Qingyue take over the clinic at Madianji. Li Shengli took Xiao Feng and returned to the Wang family's old house. At this time of year, he went to the city for a free clinic. Guan Qingyue couldn't take items like this with him casually. It would be troublesome. source.

  After handing his and Du Jiaoyang's flower-kou lickers and several spare magazines into Xiao Feng's hands, and putting all the trivial items on his body into Xiao Feng's military shoulder bag, Li Shengli then entered the room and changed into those clothes. The old man in white and coarse cloth...

  (End of this chapter)

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