The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 496: All for Benefit (Part [-])

Chapter 496: All for Benefit (Part [-])

  Li Shengli's idea of ​​using ancient medical books as inducements was not a good idea, but now he didn't have many methods at his disposal.

  Using prescriptions as a means, after nearly ten years of offering prescriptions and medicines, even prescriptions with clear ingredients and dosages such as Shexiang Baoxin Pills, for many famous experts, it is just that, what they can access There are so many prescriptions that it’s outrageous.

  Not to mention money, any famous doctor over sixty years old is basically not short of money. Doctors like Master Dong and Master Zhu, even if they don't get [-], their salary is [-] upwards of.

  There may be doctors whose families are in financial difficulties, but Li Shengli also knows that such doctors can only be regarded as a handful.

  What he can use now is Shi Lao's lifelong reputation and many old medical books in Wali's warehouse. Thinking about it again, there are no other tricks.

  "Okay, that's an excuse. I'll make a list for you and look for some legendary and lost classics.

  I will handle this summer vacation together with the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors. This matter is so noisy that it will inevitably attract attention. "

  Mr. Shi has made the decision, and all that's left is to wait.

  As the wheat harvest progresses, the grain output of both Madianji and Taipingzhuang has increased this year. Madianji has benefited from the guidance of agronomists, while Taipingzhuang has benefited from the grain that should have flowed to Madianji. of paper mills.

  Wang Shengting, the old branch secretary of Madianji, and Guan Dana, the branch secretary of Taipingzhuang, met and decided to conceal a small part of the output for the sake of future convenience.

  After hearing the results of the old party secretary, Li Shengli shook his head and rejected the two people's decision. Concealing output is not a trivial matter. It is not of the same nature as the amount of private land.

  After all, ensuring supply is the main prerequisite. Speculation can be done, but concealing grain output cannot be done.

  If we all play this way to ensure supply, wouldn’t it be just like nonsense?

  But in this matter, the old party secretary had been with Guan Da from Taipingzhuang before, and he was the one who nodded. The capricious Li Shengli, at this time, was just pretending and standing up.

  It’s just that the outcome of the matter has already been decided. When speaking, the words should be more beautiful. Many things are just said in different ways. When you truly compare the results, in fact, the good and bad are all the same. It’s just that the perspective and starting point of looking at things are different. .

  "Shengli, I calculated that if the two villages concealed their information, they could save more than [-] kilograms of grain.

  This is not within the share of public grain. It is not the commune that is hiding it, but the village members. "

  Wang Shengting and Guan Dana are both old party secretaries in the village. They are clear about what they can and cannot do.

  Hiding the output and paying less than the public grain was simply courting death. What he discussed with Dana Guan was to make a small account of the grain distribution without telling the village members, which was equivalent to increasing the retention rate of the brigade in disguise.

  "This is even worse. You can't hide it from anyone. How much food you harvested from the members of the brigade, many of them have their own plans.

  We can take things from the hands of commune members in exchange for food, but we can't do it directly. This doesn't make sense.

  Let's put it this way, whether it's grain from Madianji or Taipingzhuang, I'll charge twice the going price. Nowadays, the black market's bulk price is the same, neither higher nor lower.

  Old party secretary, we are not short of money now. Although we have decided to purchase more grain, it will also be subsidized by food stamps. We cannot directly take away the members' territory. This cannot be done. "

  After listening to the thoughts of the old party secretary and Dana Guan, Li Shengli disapproved even more.

  Nowadays, the business in Madianji is about the same, not to mention making a lot of money every day. Saving money is of little use after that. Many things still need to be allocated.

  Converting the grain you get into money is also a good idea for commune members in the suburbs.

  If the old party secretary and Dana Guan play like this, the people in the two villages will sooner or later become separated.

  "Victory is still your boy's benevolence.

  Aren't I afraid that our business won't last long?
  In addition, as mentioned above about preparing for war and preparing for famine, we have food in hand and don’t panic. Regardless of anything else, it is still necessary to increase the retention of two villages.

  The commune also said this..."

  After praising Li Shengli's benevolence and righteousness, the old branch secretary didn't say anything more. Although it was unreasonable to conceal the report, in the end, it was nothing more than good meat rotten in a pot. This was nothing more than rhetoric.

  "Old Party Secretary, this matter is not a trivial matter. Matters involving interests must be made clear.

  The members of the commune have been working hard for a year, not just for the little money and food. If the food is insufficient, we can use money to make up for it and keep it quietly. The members should have opinions.

  I think the business in the big cafeteria is good, so we can combine two benefits and one benefit. When the wheat harvest comes out, we will use part of it as dividends. The whole family must have ten yuan.

  I'll get some thin cotton and floral fabrics. I see that many people in the village are still wearing long sleeves while working. "

  It is said that all the bustle in the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. This is an objective law. The members of Madianji worked hard for a year just for the little money and food.

  Although he didn't know the specific income from the cafeteria, Li Shengli had a rough idea, that is, if he paid ten yuan per person, the cafeteria could also pay for it.

  "Shengli, I'm still thinking about saving up money to buy some tractors."

  Wang Shengting, the old party secretary, did not agree with the dividend. Good steel should be used on the blade. Although Li Shengli got a batch of agricultural machinery, there was still a gap in Madianji. Wang Shengting wanted to get a few more.

  "Those things are just enough for use. Don't spend money to buy them. I'll see if I can get another batch in the future.

  Let's distribute the dividends first. The members have been busy recently. Although they all have their own income, the village's money is still the most satisfying. "

  Regarding the purchase of property in the village, Li Shengli was noncommittal. Compared with dividends, it was less important.

  Furthermore, Madianji, located on the outskirts of the city, is destined not to be an agricultural village. A few agricultural machinery is enough. Farming will gradually become a sideline. When the main business of making money becomes stable, it will not be necessary to purchase agricultural machinery. Late.

  After giving benefits to the members of Madianji, Li Shengli also sent troops to the valley and the mountains.

  Both sides looked similar. The harvest from the spring harvest was divided once on the mountain, and the profits from the second harvest in the valley were all withheld by Zhao Mankui and Yang Yulian. The money deducted from Wali and Shanshan was the same as that of the old branch in Madianji. They wanted to buy property. Peace of mind was the most important thing at this time. Li Shengli ignored Zhao Mankui and Yang Yulian's reluctance and directly asked them to spend their little money. The profits were divided.

  These two villages will have to raise nomads and rat women in the future. Without any hope, the members of the commune will easily become discouraged.

  After the busy work of the three summers, it is not a slack season for farming. It is the time to plant melons and vegetables. The members of the three villages began to work on their own private plots again.

  Li Shengli is also traveling around the village and city. The teaching materials from the self-training class have been submitted for review, and it is only a matter of time before they are published.

  After the one-month adaptation period, the self-training classes will also start to be divided into classes. The initial screening is so simple and crude. No matter how talented you are in medicine, it only depends on your memorization skills.

  If you have memorized enough skills, you can continue to memorize the Golden Mirror of Medical Zong. If you have not memorized enough, you can only continue to memorize the new textbooks of the self-training class.

  Those who memorize the Jinjian of the Medical Sect have a great chance of becoming a Chinese medicine practitioner. As for those who memorize the self-training class textbooks, Li Shengli estimates that close to [-]% of them can only become barefoot doctors.

  This is the so-called opportunity in life. If they seize it, Li Shengli will push them to become Chinese medicine practitioners.

  If you can't catch it, you can only follow him to the countryside after a while and experience the real survival of the fittest.

  Barefoot Doctors selects them again, and the remaining ones can basically become qualified Chinese medicine practitioners. If you want to go further, the screening criterion is still memorization.

  There are so many classics on traditional Chinese medicine. It’s hard for Li Shengli to decide what to memorize in the next medical book. It depends on each person’s opportunity.

  Those who go to the countryside to the south naturally have to memorize more classics from the febrile disease school, while those who go to the north have to follow the treatises on typhoid fever. This is similar to the eight schools of internal medicine and cannot be generalized.

  Aunt Zou's journey to the countryside was also smooth, and the number of famous old Chinese medicine doctors from all over the country who came to Beijing was already equivalent to the number that came before.

  It's just that the later group of people are much older, and they must be from Zou Jin's side. They talked about the consultation at the idle military camp, and it often works well if the doctor does not treat himself.

  Although Mr. Shi said that people like them have reached the age where they can see through life and death, it is also a lie. For most people, the older they get, the deeper their obsession becomes.

  This kind of obsession is actually a good thing for Li Shengli. As long as his health is not too bad and there is mutual consultation, many veteran Chinese doctors can extend his life by three to five to seven years.

  As people get older, they rely on recuperation and comfort. In addition, with the grand medical event of returning to one's origins, the famous old Chinese medicine doctors from all over the world are obsessed with it. Just based on this obsession, they should live a lot longer. Year.

  If you live a few more years, you may be able to leave your name in the history of the medical field. Fame and wealth do not distinguish between families, and the obsession with fame is the best life-extending drug for them.

  In the other hospital on the mountain, the fallen leaves in the hospital have also begun to be cleared. According to the number of famous old Chinese medicine doctors coming to Beijing, the number of other hospitals is somewhat insufficient.

  In terms of allocation, Li Shengli had to carefully consider the distribution. The largest few courtyards would be used for public use, and the rest would depend on their contribution to returning to their roots.

  Li Shengli provoked competition among famous old Chinese medicine doctors to intensify their obsession. Although this was not done in a very authentic and decent manner, the effect was still good.

  After this year's autumn harvest, we have to build another batch of houses on the mountain side, otherwise there won't be enough.

  Not long after the Three Summers, Wang Qianjin also became busy, and Li Shengli also sat firmly in Madianji. He knew that the real storm was coming.

  Wang Zha, to Li Shengli, it doesn't matter to traditional Chinese medicine. The ones who are most frightened are the disciples like Du Jiaoyang, Du Peng, Wang Qianjin and Xie Fei.

  Xie's mother, Zou Jin, also came back from down there soon. Now Zou Chu also stays here in Madianji every day. In addition to teaching Du Jiaoyang foreign languages, he has also cut off contact with the outside world.

  While some were dormant, others were busy. Wang Qianjin, who was helping others plunder the formation, found Li Shengli's side that day.

  "Lao Li, can you extract the blackmail you mentioned?"

  Looking at Wang Qianjin, who had blisters on his lips, even a simple-minded fool could get angry, which only meant that the situation was really bad.

  "Don't be anxious, speak slowly if you have anything to say, these are Bezoar Shangqing Pills, take some, and the anger in your mouth will dissipate.

  As I said before, plundering formations must have the benefits of plundering formations. Don't let those who eat in and out of things be spoiled. It's divided into two parts.

  Those who dare to bargain will be killed. Who will take over the task of transporting things?
  I think you can take this one, the truck is easy to handle, it’s just a matter of opening your mouth.

  Shan Shenye and Ma Xiaobao both have a few people who know how to drive. Look, there are some useless things, including goods and cars, so just drive them to Madianji.

  There are paper mills everywhere that deal with old books. Just give me a call and I'll have someone cut them off. "

  Hearing how bold and evil his brother-in-law Li Shengli was, Wang Qianjin was also a bit arrogant. This grandson was so evil that he even dared to detain a transport truck.

  "Grandson, please don't hurt me. I've been peeing so much in the past two days. Those things are under special supervision."

  When it comes to custody, Wang Qianjin himself has nothing to say. There are people watching over the custody, but no one keeps accounts before transportation. There are really loopholes in this.


  At this time, it just depends on who is bolder. Don't ask for money, treasury bills, gold and silver antiques, etc., even if they are given to you.

  But books, calligraphy, paintings, furniture, etc., it doesn’t matter. No one cares if there is one more car or one less car.

  Also, remember that those people with evil intentions are not your godmother's fault. Look for opportunities to provoke them and let those who want to climb up kill them.

  It would be a disaster to keep these people around, so it would be better to let them digest themselves.

  Your people must not take action now, but there is a prerequisite that no one provokes you. If someone provokes you, you don't need me to teach you what to do, right?

  Our previous preparations were for what we are serving now. The prestige on the street is both built and killed, but rumors can exist, but we must not do things blatantly. There are many things that are important to others and are suitable for doing at night... …”

  (End of this chapter)

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