Chapter 460 270 Nine
"Absolutely. Those grandsons who are qualified to practice medicine are disgusting. I can't make them feel comfortable anymore.

Don't worry about who made the mistake, we are fighting for our reputation in the front, and we should deserve it if there are people behind us who can't stand it.

But it’s wrong to make such a bad move. Since you don’t want to do it wrong, let them all work together..."

Li Shengli really didn't care about checking the medical license today. If he really did, he wouldn't just let Wang Qinjin go over and slap him a few times.

The real enemy is more often invisible. Those who can be seen and fought are mostly minions. They are used to disgust people and consume your energy. Instead of fighting a verbal lawsuit with them, beat them up. It's the cleanest thing to do.

Li Shengli is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, not an official, so reputation doesn't matter to him. Medical ethics may be an obstacle for him, but those people opposite him must have an intermediate level of internal medicine if they want to play this.

It's not that the insiders want to harm him, they can only think about it. The rules of the two sides are different, just like today. The other party probably didn't expect that Li Shengli would hit someone directly, right?
As for those in the industry who want to harm him, the first thing they have to consider is whether they and their family can pay the price for being discovered. Now, standing opposite Li Shengli, both Chinese and Western medicine are enemies of orthodoxy, and they have to use all means to deal with it. Extremely.

"Xiao Li, what's the trick?
Say it first to make me happy. "

To Wang Qianjin, admonishment was just a matter of whim. When it came time to watch the excitement, the excitement was still relatively important.

Li Shengli had no idea how to change Wang Qianjin's title from left to right. The man in front of him was really his brother-in-law and an important partner, so he could only let him take advantage of his words first.

“It’s simple, it’s just a price increase for traditional Chinese medicine.

Last time I talked with Guo Shihuai, a cardiovascular disease expert at the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, about Little Devil’s Heart-protecting Pills.

Those bastards are not just people to beat up. They took our Liushen Pill, modified the process, applied for a patent abroad, and then came to China to make money.

It's not that no one knows about this, it's just that they don't say what they know.

The prescription belongs to us, and the medicinal materials also belong to us. With just one prescription, the little devil has earned the entire year's export earnings of our pharmaceutical farmers. This is a shame for traditional Chinese medicine!
I was thinking about bringing this up after the free clinic. Since some people can’t wait to jump around, I’ll bring it out and let everyone have fun together. "

After giving a rough explanation to Wang Qianjin, Li Shengli picked up the phone and called Master Dong, Lao Bai, Lao Wang, and Guo Shihuai respectively.

As for Master Zhu, there is no need for the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to be deeply involved in this matter. Under the current situation, it is inappropriate!

"Xiao Li, please tell me carefully, how can Chinese medicine be related to little devils?"

Although Wang Qianjin also works at a health clinic, he is just dawdling around. He doesn't even know what Chinese medicine and Chinese prescriptions are, even what Heart-protecting Pills are.

I put down the phone and briefly told Wang Qianjin about Chinese medicine and Chinese prescriptions that existed abroad, as well as the herbal medicine sellers in the port city.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a field that can consume the energy of several generations. Although it has been passed down for 3000 years, this field is still new to Li Shengli.

Just like the Huxin Pills, you can easily harvest your year's export volume of medicinal materials with a prescription that has applied for an international patent. Not to mention, everyone is still struggling to make that hard-earned money. .

Once it's mentioned and solved, it's a different world. As for substitution, since the Tang Dynasty, countless doctors have been unable to understand it. Even if they are given hundreds of years, they will not be able to overcome the hurdle of authentic medicinal materials.

Although authentic medicinal materials are not absolute, they are also a marking line for traditional Chinese medicine. They can still be used if they fluctuate up and down. If they deviate too much, traditional Chinese medicine will not be useful.

After the source is locked, medicinal materials such as Huxin Pills will definitely be scarce, but not in China. Li Shengli wants to take action now and has told Guo Shihuai a substitute recipe in advance.

There are many prescriptions in China that can replace their so-called patents, but without authentic medicinal materials, it is hard to say how effective the Huxin Pills will be.

While the two were chatting, Master Dong and others arrived one after another. Looking at the young uncle chatting with Wang Qianjin with a smile, Master Dong felt that those who came down to check their medical qualifications today were probably going to get into trouble.

"Lao Guo, have you considered the Heart-protecting Pills we talked about last time after you returned home? Excluding the profit from the medicinal materials, how many times did they make our profit from it?"

Seeing that everyone was here, Li Shengli didn't look at Master Dong, Lao Bai and Lao Wang, but asked the question to Guo Shihuai.

"Based on the active ingredients of the Heart-protecting Pill, the rough calculation is nine times 270. If calculated based on the Liushen Pill, it is more than a thousand times..."

Although Guo Shihuai did some calculations on the approximate multiple, this data still cannot be taken seriously. In addition to the medicinal materials, there are also labor and machinery costs. The actual multiple may only be dozens of times.

If you calculate the multiples based on the pellets of Liushen Pill, then there is no cover or block. The so-called nine times of 270 is just an approximation.

It doesn't matter if it's 170 or 370. If someone really ignores the cost of labor and machinery and uses the price of medicinal materials to calculate it, 270 times is definitely not Hu Qin.

"Okay, let's calculate it as nine times the 270 you Lao Guo said.

Everyone, Chinese medicine is an extension of the great inheritance of Chinese medicine, and it is the survival experience passed down to us by our ancestors.

No matter what, we can't become an outsider, and we are still an outsider who has a blood feud with us, a tool for harvesting our medicine farmers.

Today, on a whim, I felt that I couldn't bear to express this matter in my heart. It happened to be a free clinic, and doctors from all over the country and famous experts from Beijing were there.

Let's jointly make a proposal and mention the price of Chinese medicinal materials. Of course, this price increase is not external but not internal. We can't sell our good things at a shabby price, right?
Today's construction also requires a lot of foreign exchange. After the price increase of Chinese medicinal materials, it will be better able to provide funds for construction, right? "

He knew that his junior uncle Li Shengli was not easy to beat, but Master Dong did not expect that just because someone checked his medical qualifications, he would trigger his vicious move.

This method is similar to the unity of traditional Chinese medicine. Now is the new society. The harvest mentioned by Li Shengli must be absolutely resisted.

If you bring this up, I'm afraid the ministry will be in trouble. If nothing else, it's a very pertinent assessment that you can't recognize the market and situation. For those in the official career, this will ruin their future. "Uncle Junior, the free clinic has just started. Can this matter be postponed?"

As Master Dong spoke, he turned back and glanced at the military camp outside the window. The only person who could barely suppress the young uncle in front of him now was his own teacher.

But since entering the idle military camp, Master Dong has not seen his teacher, Mr. Shi. If Li Shengli is allowed to come up with the so-called proposal to increase the price of Chinese medicinal materials, the face of many people will be trampled under his feet.

If we really follow what Lao Guo said and advocated a price increase of 270 by nine times, it would be an injustice.

Although the exported Chinese medicinal materials are all first-class and top-quality goods, exporting the original medicine at the current price is somewhat of a loss.

But from ancient times to the present, there has never been such a price increase. It suddenly increased by nearly [-] times. Selling this kind of medicinal materials for a price in the market, which belongs to medicine, is threatening human life and is inconsistent with medical ethics.

"Master Dong, Mr. Shi is chatting with some doctors in the cafeteria, please go over and invite them.

Lao Bai, you are the heir of Confucian medicine, so you are the one to write this proposal.

Our main focus is on five words: good products should not be sold cheaply..."

Master Dong got up and went to invite Mr. Shi. Li Shengli was not idle either and directly ordered Bai Sushan to write down a proposal.

"Uncle Li, although this is very satisfying, 270 nine times is somewhat outrageous.

Why don't we do it ten times first? "

While writing according to the words of his junior uncle Li Shengli, Bai Sushan could distract himself from persuading him.

Looking at Bai Sushan's small regular script, which is similar to Liu Ye's, doctors nowadays do not write prescriptions in a hurry. The names and dosages of medicines are written clearly, and confidentiality is not achieved by making people incomprehensible.

This prescription is proof that something went wrong. How could it be written so unclearly?

“Authentic Chinese medicinal materials, whether they are now or in the future, before the medicinal properties are clarified, there are only so many of them. To put it bluntly, they are as precious as the great inheritance of Chinese medicine.

We are practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, and one thing we pay attention to is that the minds of people who are not of my race must be different.

Talking about Chinese medicine without explaining our origins is nonsense. Those of us who defend Chinese medicine are just the pure hawks that some people say.

It is medical ethics to protect our people, but to the outside world, we should use traditional Chinese medicine to squeeze out the money they spend on their lives.

Like Master Dong, you are considered a senior physician. I won’t hold back on some of your words. Is Western medicine possible?
Of course it works, but if you want to seriously extend your life, you have to be a Chinese medicine practitioner.

270 nine times the amount of Chinese medicinal materials, you can’t accept it?
Where is this?
When I become an artist in the future and an outsider comes to me for help, and I ask for half of his wealth, I'm afraid there will be a long queue of people waiting outside the door. "

After listening to what his junior uncle Li Shengli said, Bai Sushan blinked a few times. It's not that the whole family doesn't belong to the same family. The heir of the Liu family that Brother Liu is looking for is exactly the same as the old man of the Liu family who has passed away.

In the medical field of the Republic of China, the Liu family's life-extending prescriptions were unique. Not to mention the life-extending medicinal wine, even the Four Seasons medicinal wine, the prices of each family were also different.

It is unimaginable that a jar of wine is worth dozens of yellow croakers, but the Liu family's skills are there. Using their medicinal wine, it can make the body feel comfortable and live a long life. However, this is also a discontinuity in the Liu family's inheritance. Buried the root of the disaster.

Although the Liu family lives among high-ranking families and has little reputation in the streets, the art of extending life is coveted by many people. When times of bad luck come to the door, it is normal for tigers and wolves to come to their door.

The current head of the Liu family is much more ruthless than the old man of the Liu family back then. He speaks half of his net worth. This time it depends on whether his life is at risk. If he is going to die, he has to follow his lead.

As for those who want money rather than their lives, there can be no intersection between the two.

"Uncle Li, the time is not right now, please be careful when you speak."

As soon as he started writing, Bai Sushan stopped trying to persuade Li Shengli. There was no way to persuade him in this situation. The two heirs and their families died in the inheritance dispute, and the old man of the Liu family was as hard-hearted as iron.

The current head of the Liu family is worse than Mr. Liu back then, and he cannot be persuaded.

It's just that the current situation is not good, Bai Sushan just reminded Li Shengli to pay attention to his words.

"For your sake, the descendants of your family should be sent to the military camp.

Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on inheritance, and there are many doctors gathering here. It is a good time to train future generations. If you work hard, in ten or eight years, you will be a famous doctor in the future. "

The best time for Chinese medicine is not now, but in the future. There will be ten or more years of ups and downs, and not much can really be done. It is better to study medicine than to be idle.

Including his own younger brothers, sisters, and even older brothers and sisters, if possible, Li Shengli would let them study medicine. This also included the children of people close to him such as Master Dong and Master Zhu.

After attending a large lecture hall for more than ten years, if you still can't get enough of Chinese medicine, then there is really a problem with your qualifications.

The market for Chinese herbal medicines is similar to that of traditional Chinese medicine. The sudden price increase will cause great trouble to the terminal production capacity and income. But if the price increase is overcome, Chinese medicine will be a foreign exchange earner within ten years. Rising Star.

The price increase of nearly 61 times is not a problem for people who need traditional Chinese medicine. According to the purchase price of ordinary herbal medicines, which is [-] cents, the price has increased by [-] times. It is only [-] pounds, which costs [-] to [-] US dollars or [-] to [-] US dollars. It is still acceptable to the market...

(End of this chapter)

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