Chapter 406 Placement

“Director, jobs are scarce now. I think it’s better not to engage in this kind of tertiary industry. If you do, I’m afraid the people who ask for help will squeeze through the door.

If your ideas for doing things come into contact with these relationships, when it comes time to implement them, things may be delayed and your relationships may be offended.

With the existing workers in the factory and their enthusiasm, many things can still be solved. "

Li Huaide wanted to cooperate in setting up a factory, but Li Shengli directly pushed for it. Madianji could have an intersection with the steel rolling mill, but there could be no overlap.

In the fight to introduce the steel rolling mill to the village, people with a family name like Xu Zhengqing will find a backer, and the hearts of Madianji people will be easily divided.

Nowadays, setting up factories does not rely on capital, but on various indicators and approval slips. It is impossible for the steel rolling mill to sell land. Without this foundation, the disadvantages of attracting Li Huaide to the situation will be too great.

"That's fine. When the prefabricated panels come out, remember to leave some more for the factory.

I can contact the cement factory in the village in advance. "

Seeing Li Shengli's direct refusal, Li Huaide didn't go any further. It didn't matter.

If Madianji wants benefits, he will give them. If he doesn't want them, that's it. The land still belongs to the factory, and maybe it can be used to build dormitories in the future.

"Director, can you contact the paper mill in the city? Some waste newspapers may be used for template demoulding."

Listening to the coming and going of the cheap brother-in-law and Li Huaide, Du Peng smacked his gums on the side. My cheap brother-in-law, my father is really discerning when choosing people. He is so thorough in his conduct and work. I cannot help but admire him.

He said that the tractor would be more useful if it had a shed. Not to mention, the design of this old shabby vehicle was really impressive. According to what the mechanic said, with some modifications, it would run as fast as the big Dodge on the street.

This has to do with the paper mill again. With this big deal, the cheap brother-in-law's network will become even bigger.

The general framework is in place. This is Madianji Village. Li Huaide is the deputy director of the steel rolling mill. Naturally, the old party secretary will come out to receive him.

Li Huaide followed the old party secretary into the village headquarters. On Du Peng's side, Li Shengli naturally wanted to provide some follow-up planning.

These things are also simple. Li Shengli just took a look at them.

Although what is produced is industrial waste, Haolai cannot only have one steering wheel and three pedals, otherwise it will be passed down and easily criticized by others.

As for the console, dashboard, and engine cover, anyone who has seen a later-generation van can tell you that the design on the surface is rough and not very fine work.

"Brother-in-law, an older female engineer in the factory made eye contact with me. Some time ago, her family was sick, so I helped advance some money.

The other end is somewhat moved and wants to come closer. What should I do? Do it according to your wishes? "

Sitting on the garbage heap, Li Shengli was about to talk about the follow-up design, but Du Peng, the grandson, opened his mouth and asked for a seal in front of him.

"What are you...

Grandson, although you are my brother-in-law, you must still be a human being!
Why are you, a young, older woman, so busy outside? Is this all my idea for you?

When Lao Du comes back, you and your sister will push me into a cesspool. Isn’t this a little bit ungrateful?
How old are you?
If you find a young woman in her forties or fifties, tell your sister yourself and don't harm me.

What object..."

Du Peng is also a little clever, but his cleverness is used in the wrong place.

It's only been a few days?

An older female engineer appeared, and it was just when Luo Guo was going up the mountain. Li Shengli didn't believe what had happened in the past few days.

Du Peng was probably picked up after entering the steel rolling mill. Thinking about Yu Haitang, whom his grandson had mentioned before in Tongzilou, Li Shengli took a look at his brother-in-law's Xiasanlu.

It seems that I said the wrong thing that day in Tongzilou. This grandson is probably similar to Xu Damao, a rotten person.

"Brother-in-law, didn't you tell me to find a female engineer who understands technology?
I did what you said, why don't you admit it? "

Listening to Du Peng's advances, Li Shengli sneered, took out a cigarette from his pocket and gave him a cigarette, and then said:

"Grandson, have you forgotten that I am a Chinese medicine doctor?

Stretch out your hand, I will hold the handle..."

"What the hell, your grandson just slept with someone else?

The Yang in Kanzhong moves, and the Chi pulse is large and slippery, but weak when counting.

Why are you acting like a dog? It's all your work. You did a lot of work last night, right?
three times?

You are playing like this at such a young age, be careful and have no future! "

Li Shengli spoke twice in succession, which really shocked Du Peng. The cigarette he had just lit fell on his pants, and the guy didn't even notice.

"Hey, it's smoking. If you don't pounce, the eggs will be cooked."

Seeing Du Peng puffing away his cigarette in a panic, Li Shengli glanced at his grandson. He was really a two-faced guy, good material for his career.

"Brother-in-law, can you get the pulse?
Didn't you send someone to monitor me? "

After putting out the cigarette butt and looking at the big hole in his pants, Du Peng asked angrily.

"Spying on you?

Does your grandson deserve it?
What I taught you before was to help you quickly develop connections. Why the hell did you just turn around and use the methods I taught you to play with women?
You are a real grandson!
I just told you that I am a Chinese medicine doctor. Not only can I tell you what you have done by taking your pulse, I can also prevent you from doing that thing in the future.

Your grandson is quite neat, and he just wants to sell me out. How can you tell the difference now? "

Du Peng didn't feel embarrassed when he heard the cheap brother-in-law's question. He just smiled and that was it.

"Brother-in-law, I always feel a little unsatisfied. Can you please?"

After seeing Du Peng's thick skin, Li Shengli was also happy. This grandson was pretty good, but thick skin and a black heart were just a thing.

“The purpose of teaching you those things is to make you do things in a controlled manner and to advance and retreat in a controlled manner.

It’s not easy to make up for losses at a young age. If you play this way, you will be disappointed when you are around 30 years old.

If you are not happy now, you will be even less happy in the future. Maybe you will not be happy at all.

You have to be restrained in your life. If you really don't succeed, I won't help you.

When the time comes, I will ask you to leave as many wives as possible for the Du family. Castrated pigs will grow meat, castrated dogs will look after the house, and castrated cats will stop causing trouble.

As for people, after castration, they will concentrate on their careers. Are there no eunuchs from ancient times who only took power?
Having said that, whether you indulge or exercise moderation is now up to you.By the way, I forgot to tell you, you have some congenital deficiencies. Although the kidney yang is released externally, it is weak internally. If it is too strong, it will break easily..."

Although Li Shengli's words were slightly exaggerated, they did not scare Du Peng. Just like traditional Chinese medicine, which is divided into upper medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and lower medicine, the human body is similar, with less people who are average and more people who are yin or yang.

In order to prevent illness, superior medicine is to make the balance of yin and yang reach the middle level. Traditional Chinese medicine and inferior medicine adjust the excess of yin and excess of yang.

Du Peng heard this. Although he felt that the cheap brother-in-law was bluffing him, he still needed to listen to what he said about doing things in moderation and advancing and retreating in a controlled manner.

Thanks to Li Shengli's previous reminder, Du Peng also took up military training, which was why he felt unhappy.

A young man who is well-nourished, has no congenital diseases, and is diligent in exercising is expected to be in good health.

"Brother-in-law, I know it well and won't do anything random.

Like me, she lives in a factory dormitory, and her home is inconvenient. Can you give me some advice?
Oh, by the way, she is 32, and she said she doesn’t like children, so she doesn’t have to marry me.

Also, she is an international student, the kind who studied in the Soviet Union, and came back when her studies were almost finished. "

After listening to Du Peng's introduction, Li Shengli curled his lips. Such mavericks will also be unlucky in the future.

Those who can study abroad are mostly college students in Beijing, and their families must have good conditions. If they were in good conditions before, it means there is something wrong with their composition.

It would be easy to place such a person in the future. Regardless, Du Peng's luck was not bad, which was also an important factor in his career.

“Sometimes, what you say is not the same thing as what you think.

First, buy a house through the factory office in her name. Don't believe such nonsense as applying for marriage and then applying for a house.

If someone tries to push you along, you will be blind. Single and divorced are completely different in a well-matched marriage.

Talk to Lao Li about this and buy her a yard directly. In addition, your sister has been following Aunt Zou to sell houses recently. If you go to ask for a private house, quietly put her name on it.

I'm afraid you told her where you came from, right?

People should hang out occasionally, and don't follow other people's rules.

That’s it. Let’s take a look at what to do next. Do you have anything to say about the car? "

Arranging a woman would give Li Shengli more options. There was no need to tell Du Peng in too much detail. The grandson was just waiting for him to take the initiative to top the cylinder.

You have to file a case with that female bastard Du Jiaoyang when you get back. Don't be fooled by Du Peng, your grandson.

Although the Du family's father is lively, he still has something to do with it. Li Shengli raised Lao Du's son to be a rotten person. I'm afraid that no matter how well-educated Lao Du is and no matter how lively his mind is, he will be very unhappy in his heart.

If Du Peng's bad things cannot be covered up, it will affect the relationship between his good son-in-law and the Du family. The whole family also needs to have an explanation for some things.

"Che, there's a lot to talk about, this is not a fucking thing!

Driving from the steel rolling mill to this place, Lao Li stayed away, the exhaust gas was so loud that it made my butt black.

No need for that cigarette just now, my damn eggs are almost ripe. Those grandsons of the mechanic are afraid that they knew I would test the car and deliberately set a trap for me! "

Du Peng was filled with resentment when he talked about the broken car in front of him and the industrial garbage in his brother-in-law's mouth. He was afraid of being crushed to death by the diesel engine next to him during the short drive.

From what I could see with the naked eye on the road, many of the welds on the car had cracks. It was really dangerous to drive this thing!
Regarding Du Peng's remarks, Li Shengli also understood that if the master didn't take Qiao, he would no longer be a master.

If we are both laborers, but we have superior skills, how can we show them off? The contrast will be greatest after we take Qiao, so most masters are good at this.

Over time, it has become a habit and a rule. As the old saying goes, this is called self-respect and self-respect. Some craftsmen with unique skills develop into a sect. The so-called doctor does not knock on the door, which is almost the same principle.

Furthermore, this was also the trick Li Shengli had set on his brother-in-law before. The mechanic team was doing this openly, but the engineers were still going to target him later.

But Du Peng has finally made it inside, and the older female engineer studying in Suzhou might be able to protect him.

“Whether it is a toy or not is not up to you.

What you have to do is find the problems and shortcomings and then solve them. "

For Li Shengli, the convenience brand that has been created and opened in Madianji today is half the success.

According to Li Huaide's idea, if it can be presented in time for the October Festival, then whether this thing is industrial waste or not really a thing, it will be considered a temporary success.

Come rain or shine, maybe this convenience brand, and the subsequent workers and peasants brand, will really become popular.

By then, Li Huaide will still be Director Li by borrowing these two cars, and tens of thousands of people in the entire steel rolling mill may have to join the team working overtime to promote production.

In this way, the steel rolling mill, a large factory with ten thousand people, will be stable. In the storm, it can still bring the people of the first factory to contribute, and Li Huaide can make further progress.

When Lao Du comes back, letting the meticulous Lao Li become the Du family's son again may be a good way to break the situation.

It is related to the follow-up of the Du family. The industrial waste was designed by Du Peng. Although he just pieced it together, it is not impossible to reluctantly take the title of chief designer.

Therefore, the industrial waste in front of you must be carefully examined. Some problems still require frequent test runs to check. Otherwise, if it really becomes industrial waste, the waste will be huge.

“The first thing is that it’s too bumpy. Driving this thing is like driving a gun barrel. Sitting in the driver’s seat, the engine seems to be going to blow me out at any time.

From the steel rolling mill to here, we walked on asphalt roads. Only a nearby section was a dirt road. Look at the cracked welds on the car. It's so scary.

The second thing is that the car door is so scary. It bumps so hard that sparks fly out of it. My crotch is so scared that my crotch is wet. Plus, the exhaust pipe is hitting my butt, and I almost boil an egg.

The third item is the cooling water of the diesel engine. The exhaust pipe is stuck under the buttocks, and the face is covered with boiling water!

That idiot Lao Li is not afraid of the car exploding in the middle of the road. I was really scared anyway..."

He suppressed his laughter and stretched out his hand to suppress his brother-in-law's resentment. The second one was not included in the three items he mentioned. Just replace it with a sheet metal door and that would be it.

As for shock absorption and cooling, they are all within Li Shengli's knowledge circle. Shock absorption requires steel plates and springs, and cooling requires a water tank. He can still solve this problem.

"I just took a look at it, and the question you asked is a good one.

The position of the engine is a bit high, and it can be lowered slightly by twenty or thirty centimeters, which can also shorten the transmission distance.

There is no shock absorbing mechanism on the diesel engine. The simplest thing is to add springs. Now there is no need to make new ones. Just find some old ones to make do and continue the test run.

As for the cooling device, you still need a water tank. Although the speed of this car is not fast, it still needs a console and an instrument panel.

One steering wheel, three pedals, somewhat unsightly..."

(End of this chapter)

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