The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 384 Creating Conditions

Chapter 384 Creating Conditions
After the communication was completed, Zou Jin also explained to Li Shengli.

There are three Big Dodges being adjusted, all of which look similar. This one has just been partially dismantled, and the other two cars have already been dismantled.

If you want one that can be driven away, the Agricultural Machinery Bureau can exchange three vehicles for one, but delivery will take time, at least three months.

This is to be allocated to the Grain Bureau after the bus is decommissioned. As for why it is allocated to the Grain Bureau.

Because the passenger cars currently imported are all purchased from outside with grains. The main ones are Ikaros from Hungary and Nisha from Poland.

In addition to gold and foreign exchange, food is also a very important export material. Tightening your belt is no joke.

This is also why it is difficult for mountain villages to convert dry fields into mountain fields. The supply is already tight, and they have to save money to save money. It is not easy to be the leader of any country, let alone the home of a country.

There are also city buses in Sijiucheng. In many places, trucks like Laogas are used to connect urban and rural areas, and the number is also very small. In the city, let alone the convenience of public transportation...

"Aunt Zou, ask them if they can use these three big Dodge buses and replace them with frames and wheels?
The wheels must have axles, don’t let them get into trouble with broken tires..."

The retirement of Big Dodge is not done all at once, but in batches based on the condition of the cars.

Li Shengli has also seen the Big Dodge bus on the road. It is estimated that the speed of the bus is only around [-], maybe less than [-]. The speed is faster than a horse-drawn carriage, but it is faster than people walking.

When Zou Jin heard that Li Shengli called the broken car in front of him a Daqi passenger car, he understood the business of the Agricultural Machinery Bureau.

Cars are worth hard money everywhere, and despite the dilapidated condition of the big Dodge in front of you, it can be used as a new car after an overhaul.

Compared with trucks, passenger cars are even scarcer. One renovated Dodge can easily be replaced by two or three old Gass.

When it comes to vehicle overhaul, you can only think about it if you don't have any skills. The Agricultural Machinery Bureau just threw them three broken vehicles. This is clearly a choke point, and it is also clearly a deal with you.

As he got closer, he heard that Aunt Zou didn't know much about cars, so Li Shengli picked up the conversation.

“Don’t be careless, you have three big Dodges with engines and five sets of frames, you are really evil.

Ten sets of frames, beams, axles, and steering gear transmission are also indispensable. The tires must have tire tread. In addition, each vehicle is given an extra set of axles.

We only need these large structures, and we don’t need any of the carriages, carports, or pipelines above.

If you have these bits and pieces, it’s still a business. The frame needs to be a truck. Don’t use the frame of a Willys Jeep to fool people. "

What Li Shengli said is something that people at the Agricultural Machinery Bureau's yard want to say but dare not say. Most of the scrap cars in the yard are collected as scrap metal.

Don't even think about the engine. If you have a complete axle, it is considered a good thing from scrap metal.

The one with the engine has been overhauled inside and out, and it looks like a new car when it comes out. Regardless of how shabby the Dodge is, after it is repaired, it will definitely be a hot commodity among various units.

Nowadays, although the supply is tight, the overall level is getting better year by year, and Canglin knows etiquette.

In various factories, mines, enterprises, and government agencies, it doesn’t matter how young you are, as long as you have a carriage to stand in. But for those who sit and work, although they don’t dare to expect cars and jeeps, most people can travel together with a passenger car. idea.

Although Li Shengli was tickled, the other party did not dare to agree to such a deal casually. This was a business-to-business arrangement, and if something went wrong, you would be jailed.

Especially since the Agricultural Machinery Bureau has taken advantage of it, we need to be more cautious beforehand.

"Shengli, you really have a broken car and a lot of cargo. Tell me, how do you plan to get a frame instead of a car?"

Glancing at Li Shengli who was trying to answer her question, Zou Jin was still probing him.

Zou Jin could tell the temperament of the young man in the courtyard without saying anything, and that was about the same.

But the young man in front of him is different. The stubborn old Xie in his family is not as deep as him. As for the Du family, Li Shengli's Lao Taishan usually looks upright and upright. Although he is deep, he doesn't reveal much.

As for Li Shengli, he is not deep and gloomy on the outside, it is his fickleness that is truly elusive.

Apart from anything else, he looked like two people when he put on his old couple's coat and his Chinese tunic suit. When he put on his sportswear in the morning, he looked like two different people.

Although Zou Jin is said to be well-informed, he really doesn't see many people like him.

“Changing a car is just a matter of skill.

Aunt Zou, aren’t I familiar with the steel rolling mill?
The masters there are good at repairing cars and all kinds of ironwork.

Furthermore, the steel rolling mill only had the iron plates and sheets to modify the cars, so asking the Agricultural Machinery Bureau to modify the cars would have cost them two cars. I'm afraid the cars that had been overhauled would not be in very good condition. "

After listening to Li Shengli's explanation, Zou Jin shook her head. She was not a young person like Du Jiaoyang who could excuse herself if she had reasons.

Although this reason is reasonable, it is still somewhat untrue.

"To be honest, you are not a very young kid, but you are quite clever.

Can you tell me your opinions and help me gain some knowledge? "

Looking at Li Shengli in front of him, he compared it with his son Xie Fei. He really had to compare things...

"I heard that the buses in the city are all replaced by grain. Although we can build large buses, the production capacity is too small and cannot meet the demand.

Difficulties are in front of us. It is nothing more than creating conditions and overcoming difficulties for customers.

If we build a passenger car step by step, I don’t have much idea, but if we want to make a motor vehicle that looks like a passenger car, I have some ideas..."

The automobile industry is now properly classified as a heavy industry. The technology and system provided by Big Brother are naturally no problem, but pursuing too much systematicity is not a good thing.

Even the eldest brother failed to survive, and the automobile industry of his successors also suffered a severe decline.At this point, the country is really not as good as the Bati brothers who build serious buses. Li Shengli has no idea, but he still has some ideas for building less serious buses.

"anything else?"

Zou Jin had finally realized that Li Shengli was not truthful. This guy was full of evil intentions, and he had no idea how much private goods he had hidden!
"Also, Li Huaide from the steel rolling mill is not a very good person. He is not a good person, but he is not completely bad so far.

It is our purpose to avoid past mistakes and avoid future ones, and to treat illnesses and save lives, which is also in line with my profession.

If he could take the lead and develop a simple passenger car, I think he would lean towards the good guys. "

After listening to what Li Shengli basically said, Zou Jin rolled his eyes at him. This young man is really not big but has a lot of burdens on him. He can carry the banner of traditional Chinese medicine.

I'm still pulling this one and that one, but I haven't done anything yet. I have to build a car, and it can also be linked to learning from past mistakes, treating illnesses and saving people. He is definitely not a young man who is easy to mess with.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Du Jiaoyang said that he looked like a hungry wolf when he showed his teeth. Even though he was modifying cars and making cars, Zou Jin couldn't tell his depth. Such people are often scary.

"Are you, Aunt Zou, and I also included in this list?"

Xie Fei's mother in front of her made a joke, and Li Shengli didn't dare to answer the question, so she ran out of the house. Although she protected Xie Fei and the Xie family, there were some things that no one could look back on.

What if this Aunt Zou was beaten at an age when her ambition was at its peak? How much resentment would she have in her heart?
Men are ambitious, and so are women. The Aunt Zou in front of her was obviously worried about what she was doing. As for what she was worried about, Li Shengli couldn't tell.

People without ambition will not turn around and devote themselves to their career after deciding to break up their family.

"I contacted your department and agreed in principle, but our unit needs your signature..."

Not long after the two chatted, the person in charge of the Agricultural Machinery Bureau's parking lot gave a reply.

There was also a lot of wrangling between government agencies. Although the department agreed with Zou Jin to dispose of the three big Dodges that had been transferred, the Agricultural Machinery Bureau did not dare to deal directly.

Fortunately, there are three passenger cars. Although the parking lot is choked, there are still three cars.

If someone pays more than ten yuan for an axle, it is the fault of the Agricultural Machinery Bureau.

"Signing and signing is not the condition. How about doubling it?"

The Agricultural Machinery Bureau's calculations started, and before Zou Jin could ask, Li Shengli doubled the amount.

When it comes to negotiations, it's not easy to reveal your cards in advance. If the person in charge of the car park asks for a signature when picking up the frame, the matter will be settled.

Now that I say it without any conditions, I really feel sorry for his sincerity.

"It's not impossible, but they can't all be large trucks. Bring some mid-sized Jeeps. If not, there are half-tracks without engines.

Furthermore, our parking lot doesn’t have that many truck axles, so we can just add a few more axles and tires for you to choose from, okay? "

Being blackmailed by Li Shengli, the parking lot didn't matter. There were plenty of axles and frames, and they could even get the tank shells from earlier.

But the engines are different. The engines of the three Dodges are basically intact. With a little investment in work costs and materials, they are three popular passenger cars.

The frame, to be honest, can only be exchanged for some steel bars, but with three regular buses, there is a lot that can be exchanged for.

"Then you have to wait a moment. I'll pick up the next person and see what their requirements are..."

Seeing a real person and a ghost playing tricks on each other, Zou Jin smiled slightly, which was regarded as recognition of Li Shengli's climb.

She broke up her family without hesitation. In addition to wanting to protect the Xie family and her son, the Xie family now also became a shackle for her progress.

The trend of traditional Chinese medicine copied by Li Shengli now gives Zou Jin hope of progress. Although the situation is not good, as long as he continues to follow traditional Chinese medicine, the prospects are still very good.

It is said that it is not possible for a family to stay in the same family, and it is impossible for a person without any ambition to be with Li Shengli.

Lao Ding, who also lives in a small building, is not afraid of wind and rain, so he adopts a wait-and-see attitude towards Li Shengli, who is promising.

The relatively young Father Du dropped his chips early. Although Zou Jin was late, he also threw all his chips on the table.

There are some people and things that Li Shengli can't take too much into consideration. They are all calculating. Who loses and wins depends on the size of the cup.

When he called the steel rolling mill, Li Huaide answered the phone as quickly as before. As long as he called during working hours, most people would be in front of the phone.

I want to help Li Huaide again. Li Shengli is also going to school. This guy has a lot of secrets. In order to prevent him from backlash, it is better to let him see more prospects.

Building a car, even if it is a monkey version, cannot be completed in a day or two. Once Li Huaide gets into the game deeply, it will be difficult to turn around.

Of course, there is still something to be said about treating illnesses and saving people. Saving a bad person is much more effective than saving a good person. Especially at this time, at least he will not harm more people, right?
While Li Huaide was waiting, Li Shengli was not idle and took a rough look at the assets accumulated over the years at the Agricultural Machinery Bureau's parking lot.

Scrap steel, mainly used vehicles, cannot be purchased by ordinary units. The Agricultural Machinery Bureau is also a very important unit now. Otherwise, how would there be allocation quotas for retired passenger cars?

Li Shengli also saw the tracked vehicles and tanks that the person in charge of the depot mentioned just now. They were just things to fool people.

Several tracked vehicles were all bombed-out bodies, and the tanks were also kid's toys. Not only were they riddled with holes, but they were also filled with yellow mud inside and outside. They might have been dug out of rivers or fields.

After looking at the thickness of the steel plate of the tracked vehicle, Li Shengli was optimistic about the old and American items. The quality of this thing was much better than that of a tank.

Hearing that Li Shengli's destination was the Agricultural Machinery Bureau's parking lot, Li Huaide arrived at the scene very quickly. Before he could see the details of the family at the parking lot, Lao Li was chatting with Zou Jin outside...

(End of this chapter)

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