The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 379 Sinking Boat and Diseased Tree

Chapter 379 Sinking Boat and Diseased Tree

When Li Shengli opened his mouth, he was somewhat arrogant. The leaders of the department were listening, and because of his previous use of power to suppress others, it was difficult for Zou Jin to speak first.

After glaring at Li Shengli, who was full of nonsense, Zou Jin looked at Wu Zhan and Wu Ang's uncle and nephew with a smile on his face. Since he was expressing his stance, he had to speak actively, right?

“Zou Chu, Brother Li’s plan is an urgent problem that needs to be solved in the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Using prescriptions to relieve symptoms, deducing medical theory from back to front, and unifying the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine are also the joint efforts of all branches of traditional Chinese medicine.

The Wu sect, including those with febrile disease, all support this important event..."

Wu Zhan stood up to express his position. Except for the order of goods at the beginning, the rest was all Chelulu talk.

Similar to Master Zhu, Wu Zhan is also the dean of the medical college, and he always speaks clichés.

After receiving Wu Zhan's statement, Zou Jin said a few polite words, and the matter was finally resolved.

After listening to the two people's performances, the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine gave Zou Jin a wink. After Zou Jin caught it, he handed it to Li Shengli.

Today, Li Shengli is not only a troublesome figure in the compound, but also in the department.

Although there is no direct interaction, Si Li has had several secret discussions with the Army General Academy. No matter in terms of craftsmanship or identity, this young man is not easy to handle.

Without the status of the Du family's son-in-law, Si Li recruited him forcefully. Although his skills were powerful, he could still hold him down.

But with his status as the Du family's son-in-law, and his craftsmanship being the only one of Scorpion's, and coupled with the unruliness he has shown in recent days, talking to him about his enlightenment and contribution would probably be a waste of time.

The Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine was wary of Li Shengli's identity, and Li Shengli was happy that no one was interviewing him. He stood up and left the conference room, with Du Jiaoyang naturally following closely behind.

Mr. Shi and Mr. Liu no longer have this freedom. The people in the conference room are now truly talking behind closed doors.

"Lao Li, is this the end?
How is it done? "

Du Jiaoyang, who was considered a witness, didn't understand the twists and turns at all. Li Shengli threatened a few words, and the Wu family doctors said a few polite words.

When people from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine arrived, everyone was happy. This was very different from the initial tension, but it was very different.

"This is called using one's strength to overwhelm others, and it is also called taking advantage of others with one move.

Xingzhou's craftsmanship is unique to me in China. If I want to achieve results, my leaders must follow my ideas.

There are only a dozen doctors from Wu Sect who treat febrile diseases, but the portions are far different!
Unless famous figures from all over the country join forces to attack me, Si Li will still follow my lead.

This is the principle of a big fist. Power is a strong fist. If you can't hold it back, you have to be obedient.

Si Li is involved in this matter. When Sun Qiang puts on a plaster, I have to go back to Wali.

In addition to looking for a house these days, you have to quickly prepare for whatever you lack or lack when living in the city.

It just so happens that Aunt Zou also has to buy a house near Andingmen, let's go together..."

Seeing that things were almost the same and developing in the expected direction, Li Shengli had dealt with Sun Qiang and it was time to hide in the village.

The water in the city is not as deep as usual. Li Shengli is directing Du Jiaoyang, Wang Qianjin, Xie Fei, and Xiao Hu to gather manpower to support his uncle Sun Wuyang and Xiao Bao, the youngest member of the Xiao family, in managing personnel in the school, all for the sake of wind and rain.

Similarly, some people are also looking for this kind of people. Why did Sun Qiang step on Du Peng? Li Shengli immediately retaliated, just for Du Jiaoyang to prevent this female bastard from being taken advantage of.

After Sun Qiang's incident, Du Jiaoyang and Du Peng, brother and sister, were basically stable.

As long as they are looking for someone, they can't find Li Shengli, and no one of the Du family dare to use it easily, because Li Shengli doesn't play by the rules, and people like him are not easy to control.

As for Wang Qianjin, he now has a backer. He is also a well-known fool in the circle, and he is also difficult to command.

As for Xie Fei, he is just a person who can make suggestions. He is not of much use if he stays in the district and is not good enough.

It's still the same as what was said before. After finishing the attack on Sun Qiang, Li Shengli had to run away as soon as the matter was almost over.

The Du Jiaoyang siblings didn't dare to worry about it. Even though they didn't play according to the rules, they could do amazing things as long as they were pressed.

There are some people, not to mention Li Shengli, even Lao Du can't offend them, and the Wang family, Xie family, and Ding family can't offend them either.

In the city, people are very powerful, but Li Shengli is just a little bumpkin. To press the button, he just raises his hand to make a phone call.

But things were different for Li Shengli when he returned to Wali. In Wali, Shanshan, and Madianji, he was the one who was really not easy to mess with.

The person who really wanted to hold him down in Wali was someone that Lao Du couldn't offend. In the village, Li Shengli could afford to offend him, and he wasn't afraid of causing any trouble.

Forty-nine cities are the most virtuous place, and there is no room for random things...

Li Shengli also had some considerations in choosing a location near Andingmen for the placement of doctors from various places.

It's only two miles away from the big canteen in Madianji, and five or six miles away from the village center in Madianji. If you say hello, people from Madianji will be there in an hour or three.

As for the big house in the city, it is just for selfish reasons. If you borrow it from the Secretary and keep it in your own hands, it may also be used as a temporary stronghold, and its value will be high in the future.

Li Shengli couldn't tell Du Jiaoyang these thoughts. Female bastards can't hide things. If they leaked, it would be troublesome.

After listening to her man's arrangement, Du Jiaoyang didn't ask any questions. She also looked forward to ending the Sun family's affairs as soon as possible, otherwise she would always be remembered and frightened.

The meeting in Mr. Lu's small hospital was not very formal after all. The Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine had a brief chat with the Wumen doctors, and there was not much resistance.

After roughly writing down what Li Shengli just said, he hurried out of the conference room. Before leaving, he nodded to Li Shengli and his wife in the courtyard, but didn't say a word.

"Just take a look.

Now our Du family is just a thorn in their eyes, and we don't even dare to say a word.

Jiaoyang, remember, this is how you will behave from now on, no matter what happens inside or outside the circle, let alone hitting you, even if your tone of voice is wrong or your eyes are not good, don't let them get used to it, just say hello with a big mouth.

Anyone who dares to explode the thorns will be summoned by Wang Qianjin to have their legs broken.If you dare to stalk you in secret, call me and I'll find someone to deal with it. "

After emphasizing the rules of conduct again, seeing Aunt Zou coming out of the conference room, Li Shengli greeted Mr. Liu at the door and ignored the people in the room.

"Shengli, you boy, I just tricked your Aunt Zou.

Si Li has said that you should do as you say. Buying a house and land, Si Li needs to tell the higher-ups.

What you think is really right, Si Li also made it clear that no real estate will be allocated here.

We are currently checking these, and I can dispose of some of the properties in the department to you, as well as the ones in the ministry.

As for Andingmen, Si Li can also say hello to the relevant units.

Let the property be in Aunt Zou's name. The less trouble you have, the better.

Also, the leader's office asked me to send you a message. When you go to the countryside, go to the countryside well, and don't spend three days fishing and two days drying nets. "

Regardless of the difference between what he did with Li Shengli, Zou Jin almost stayed up all night last night and first made a general report to Si Li.

In the middle of the night, she went to the leader's office to report again. Although she was extremely busy, she also saw hope for improvement.

At the same time, she also saw Li Shengli's status in the department and the leadership. Now this boy should be regarded as a arrogant child who wants wind and rain, and is loved by all kinds of people.

Not to mention anything else, Li Shengli asked her to be the link, but Si Li didn't have a problem with it. The work was the same as the previous secret line work. She and Li Shengli now had a single line of contact, and other people in the Si Li were strictly prohibited from getting involved.

This is also related to Sun Qiang's incident. Some time ago, two young men in the department had a conflict with Wang Qianjin and had their legs broken.

At that time, Lao Du came forward to help negotiate. Although Zou Jin knew some inside information, he really did not know that Li Shengli was behind the operation.

In conjunction with Sun Qiang's incident this time, Si Li went to ask the two young men. After asking, the result naturally came out. The cause was that the two children from the compound told Mr. Liu in the house in Wali. Things you shouldn't say.

These things cannot be hidden from discerning people. After doing such a big thing, the leader only said to go to the countryside well, which is considered to be extremely arrogant.

"Aunt Zou, Sun Qiang's matter is not over yet. I have to put a plaster on him before I can leave.

You should hurry up and contact the department again, bring the official seal or a blank letter of introduction, and hurry up about the house.

If you want to live in the city after the scorching sun, a single room in a compound is inconvenient, so you have to find real estate.

There are also some daily necessities that I need to prepare in large quantities. I am not familiar with some of them, so I will call Xie Fei and Wang Qianjin, and we will just buy a house and stock up on supplies these two days. "

Li Shengli said the words lightly, but when Zou Jin heard it, it was extraordinarily heavy.

It sounds like it will take a long time to reserve supplies. Her estimate of the situation is far less bad than Li Shengli's. Maybe this is the difference between Lao Xie and Lao Du?

"Shengli, can Xiaofei get a house for him?"

When there was a cognitive deviation, Zou Jin did not stick to his own opinion. Instead, he referred to Lao Du and decided to act according to Li Shengli's judgment.

She was about to leave the house because of Lao Xie's inspection. She had nothing to worry about, and her only concern was her children.

"Aunt Zou, I told Xie Fei and Wang Qianjin before that I wanted to buy a property. The current yard is not expensive, but they haven't bought it yet?"

Li Shengli also knew the reason why Xie Fei and Wang Qianjin did not buy a house. It was simply a misunderstanding of wind and rain.

Although Li Shengli had beaten Xie Fei because of the channels for going to the countryside, Mr. Xie still relied on his family's understanding.

According to my family, the situation is not that serious. Unfortunately, if it is as they analyzed, there will be no storm.

"This kid, why don't you go home and explain such a big thing..."

He complained about his son Xie Fei, but Zou Jin was equally arrogant towards his children.

Not to mention his son, the family boss Xie is still waiting and watching. If Xie Fei was brought home to take up a post, although he was still operating, it was only one of the alternatives.

Now it seems that Lao Du's retreat is really a retreat for progress. Before breaking up the family, Zou Jin decided to give Lao Xie another hand. After all, the father is his son's real supporter.

"Aunt Zou, there are some things that should not be taken lightly. Are you coming with us, or are you going elsewhere?"

After a gentle reminder, Li Shengli didn't want to say any more. This was a matter of decisiveness. It didn't make sense before. If you can accept it now, you will be able to do so in the future. If it's too late, it will be your fate.

"Jiaoyang, take me back to the office first, and I'll hand over the situation."

Knowing that the family's previous arrangements had gone awry, Zou Jin directly let Du Jiaoyang drive, while she and Li Shengli sat in the back seat of the small jeep.

"Shengli, call together veteran Chinese medicine practitioners from all over. What are your plans here?"

Li Shengli gave a rough outline of this matter. When Aunt Zou asked again, he didn't answer immediately. Instead, he thought for a moment before speaking.

"Lest they be affected, these people are actually masters of traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine relies too much on experience. Decades of experience may only be written on dozens of pages on paper, but it is very valuable.

With one more summary of experience, there may be dozens more famous doctors in the future. The inheritance of these experiences will not cause problems! "

What Li Shengli said focused on the scope of traditional Chinese medicine and wind and rain. If Aunt Zou understood it, it was a gain. If she didn't understand it, he couldn't explain it in more detail.

But what he said is not a lie. Traditional Chinese medicine attaches great importance to inheritance and experience. The summary of a doctor's life experience can be copied by a serious traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.

Mastering their experience summary, even if you can't become a famous doctor, you can still become a local famous doctor. Although the specialty is serious, he is still not a famous doctor after all.

"Sheng Li, I'm afraid things are different from what you think..."

(End of this chapter)

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