The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 305 1 Shoulder Pick

Chapter 305

"I appreciate your kindness this time..."

He reluctantly accepted the alliance from Li Shengli. This alliance was for Li Shengli, not for Western medicine.

Western medicine has entered the country, and Lao Wang of the Army General Hospital can be regarded as the second or third generation of inheritance.

Although he is a master of Western medicine, he does not agree with some people's practices. In his opinion, there is not much conflict of interests between Chinese and Western medicine, it is just a disagreement in ideas.

Instead of absorbing the medical experience cultivated in this fertile soil, he thoughtlessly provoked a dispute between Chinese and Western medicine, which seemed irrational to Lao Wang.

In the past, Chinese medicine practitioners might have been resigned to the situation, but with a Chinese medicine practitioner like Li Shengli who is obviously good at internal fighting, this may be just the beginning of trouble for Western medicine.

Li Shengli's skills have been demonstrated at the camp center. Whether it is the quantity or quality of medical treatment, it is difficult to compare with the four major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.

If the Army General Hospital were classified as a local hospital, it might not be as good as Li Shengli, who was sitting alone.

In addition to his skills, Li Shengli is also a master at taking advantage of circumstances to kill people, and he also has a very clear view of the pros and cons of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

Li Shengli is good at theory. If he confuses Western medicine theoretically, that would be the worst possible outcome.

"It's good to know that Chengqing means the boundary is wrong, otherwise I wouldn't give in even a little bit.

I don’t want to see the Army General Hospital’s attempt to ruin the jobs of Chinese medicine practitioners. If so, I’ll let you see from top to bottom what it means to draw inferences from one example and intensify efforts.

Don't talk about the general trend, that won't work for me. My craftsmanship is enough to make me have enough food and clothing. Whether you die or not is none of my business..."

Seeing Li Shengli's ferocity, Lao Wang secretly said, "Sure enough, if he hadn't told the leader the actual situation last night, he would have suppressed it."

He didn't know who could make Li Shengli take a step back. There were some things that Li Shengli could say, but Lao Wang couldn't.

There are so many people who criticize Western medicine, and it is inevitable that the good and the bad are mixed. He does not have the right to speak out in the Western medicine community.

After silently leaving the center of the camp, Lao Wang stumbled back to his tent and fell asleep.

After the fierce fighting reached this level, the doctors and nurses at the Army General Hospital basically lost their fighting ability.

By letting the reinforcements who had taken their rotation take over the operating room, Mr. Lu's medical staff finally got a chance to breathe.

For nearly five whole days without proper rest, the medical staff risked sudden death to provide disaster relief. Although it is worthy of praise, that's all it is now.

The field hospitals in the rear are working hard, and so are the personnel at the front. They have been up for days and nights, just normal efforts.

Li Shengli's persistence was the same. As long as the wounded continued and no one in the camp could support him, he would have no choice but to stand up from the front.

Escape is a shameful act without consciousness, and Li Shengli has no objection to this.

There are not many seriously injured people who can survive till now. As for the bone injuries, he can only take care of them.

After another day and night, he was not under too much pressure when facing [-]% of patients with bone injuries. He could occasionally rest for an hour or two.

At this time, his reinforcements were also arriving one after another. A total of twenty or thirty experts from local bone trauma experts and foreign bone trauma experts were gathered in the center of the camp to observe Li Shengli's techniques.

Injured bone setting or bone injuries showing redness are also regarded as a type of difficult and complicated diseases in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

There is no problem with bone setting, but the collateral damage during the bone setting process and subsequent infection are the key points. Generally, doctors from the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine will not treat such uncertain injuries easily because the risk is too great. .

This caused the twenty or thirty reinforcements who came to freeze on the spot when they saw the swollen and purple arms and legs. None of them dared to reset the bones like Li Shengli.

Bruises and bruises mean internal injuries and congestion. Faced with such bone injuries, forced bone reduction poses a huge risk to the doctor. Once the internal bleeding cannot be stopped, the lowest level risk after forced reduction is infection.

Chinese medicine for bone injuries has not introduced anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time. Whether it is experts or experts present, their understanding of the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs in the process of bone injuries is much worse than that of Li Shengli, a later generation ghost.

Moreover, after the injury is swollen, it is not conducive to bone correction. It does not matter if it is a minor injury such as a finger or palm.

After a broken arm or leg, the arm and leg will be swollen at least in one circle, and the bone setting cannot be used. Even if the bone setting can be forcibly reset, the displacement of the healing surface caused by muscle movements during the swelling reduction process is impossible to detect.

When you encounter such an injury in the hospital, just wait until the swelling subsides and come back again, you can dismiss the patient and reduce the risk on your own side. This is also the way for doctors to survive.

Li Shengli can play the leading role in the center of the field hospital, shouldering all the patients with orthopedic injuries. The orthopedic injury method is only an auxiliary.

What really played a decisive role was his understanding of Western anti-inflammatory drugs, traditional Chinese medicine hemostasis and blood stasis drugs, first aid medicine, acupuncture and hemostasis, and human tissue.

First use Baiyao, Baiyaozi and acupuncture to act as the first line of defense to stop bleeding and disperse blood stasis. If the two drugs are used together with acupuncture, the chance of subsequent infection will be reduced by half.

After Li Shengli's bone was set, the wounded arrived in the ward. At the very least, they needed oral anti-inflammatory drugs such as oxytetracycline tablets and sulfamethoxazole.

Most patients with leg injuries will receive anti-inflammatory injections, which is the second line of defense.

As for using the familiarity of human tissue to forcibly reset bone injuries, the knowledge of Western medicine surgery must also be included, and there are quite a lot of them.

Despite Li Shengli's calm demeanor when dealing with orthopedic patients, any famous Chinese orthopedic doctor sitting here would be able to handle half of the injuries, and his abilities would be incredible.

The big words Li Shengli told Dean Wang would be obvious to anyone in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but they were nothing more than lies.

If doctors in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traumatology really follow his example, I am afraid that more than half of the injured will suffer secondary injuries, and the infection rate after bone correction will be ridiculously high.

Dislocation healing like leadership will also account for more than half.

If the internal bleeding from a bone injury cannot be stopped, the life of the injured person may be endangered.

The advanced level of orthopedics, advanced cutting and treatment, and intermediate level of internal medicine given by Brother Tong are not just decorations for Li Shengli. He is illiterate in all three subjects. If he wants to sit here and play tricks like him, he will probably be humiliated.

In addition to these, some knowledge points of Western medicine orthopedic surgery must also be mastered.

Li Shengli relaxed. There are many ways to learn them. It’s difficult to learn just by pointing at them!
"Mr. Li, if many colleagues can only wait and watch but cannot contribute, it is somewhat of a waste of manpower.

I hope Mr. Li will spare no effort to teach me and let me do my best. "Lao Li, who spoke up, is considered a famous figure in the Southern School, and it was a good time for him to go to Beijing for business.

When 30 or [-] people gather together to watch a young man perform something, there will definitely be some discord.

For most of these people, simple bone injuries are not a problem.

However, [-]% to [-]% of the bone injuries that can be sent to the field hospital are not easy to deal with.

Li Shengli's style here is still the same, using his skills to overwhelm others. After seeing the techniques, those who can still make discordant sounds are probably not good at their skills.

Asking for skills was not possible earlier. Don't say it abruptly. Secret skills and secret methods are just a matter of discipline, and you won't teach them to others casually.

But it was different now. The location and time were suitable, so Lao Li opened his mouth with shamelessness.

Seeing that my old Li opened his mouth, Li Shengli didn't hide his secrets and started to explain while performing diagnosis and treatment.

Li Guishou was familiar with giving lectures to apprentices. They only talked about the structure of the human body, the effects of Western anti-inflammatory drugs, and Chinese medicine prescriptions for stopping bleeding, removing blood stasis, and removing blood stasis.

When it comes to techniques, Li Shengli doesn't follow bone-setting methods, but uses the scientific theories he learned.

This is a set of theories compiled by famous experts in traditional Chinese medicine and orthopedics, combined with basic knowledge of Western medicine.

There may be shortcomings, but they are undoubtedly more suitable for future development. If there are shortcomings, just make up for them. The integration of Chinese and Western medicine for orthopedic injuries, or the introduction of Western medicine elements into the traditional Chinese medicine and traumatology department, starts from the field hospital.

Different from traditional Chinese medicine internal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine orthopedics is like the circumcision school. Western medicine anti-inflammation and surgery are a hurdle that cannot be overcome.

For a simple bone injury, it doesn’t matter whether there is anti-inflammation or not. For a comminuted fracture, there is no anti-inflammation medicine, or there is no surgical method. To most Chinese medicine practitioners, it is nonsense.

There are methods of surgical treatment of bone injuries in the circumcision school, but some surgical consumables deserve careful consideration. After all, there are still limitations.

Planning theory and introducing surgical techniques are also necessary paths for traditional Chinese medicine orthopedics.

For comminuted fractures, Li Shengli currently uses manual bone reduction, but this is also limited by conditions.

If the medical conditions are complete, Li Shengli will be more supportive of surgical treatment for many injured people.

Manual reduction and splint and bandage fixation will inevitably lead to considerable dislocation healing, which will lead to some loss of function.

Some main tendons and ligaments are injured, and the manipulation is not very effective, but the current conditions are like this, so it is just a simple matter.

If the follow-up conditions are sufficient, many patients with bone injuries will still need secondary treatment. Li Shengli's medical instructions have marked this, and some even provided surgical plans.

Even with advanced techniques for bone injuries, it would be impossible for Li Shengli to recover instantly. That would be really unscientific.

Trauma first aid or orthopedic first aid is the topic we want to talk about now.

With Li Shengli's explanation, the reinforcements had the correct reference to follow, and the injuries of the wounded in the field hospital were mostly similar.

After teaching for most of the day, Li Shengli's pressure was almost gone.

It is his current duty to stand among the crowd and patrol, giving guidance from time to time.

For him, introducing elements of Western medicine into traditional Chinese medicine for orthopedic injuries is the biggest gain.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not the traditional Chinese medicine of the Liu family, nor the traditional Chinese medicine of the Shi family, but the traditional Chinese medicine of all Chinese people.

Now is the introduction of human body structure, anti-inflammatory drugs and surgical methods. When conditions are good, the introduction of equipment is also the only way to go.

Among the reinforcements, there are well-known doctors and inheritors of famous orthopedics families. Among the twenty or thirty people, it doesn't take too many. If five or six people can sink in, it will slowly trigger the reform of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Compared with traditional Chinese medicine internal medicine, TCM orthopedics is more consistent with the elements of Western medicine, and the difficulty of reform is also the lowest.

As long as it is not a major surgery for combined orthopedic injuries, general orthopedic surgery does not require high surgical techniques.

Starting from the reconnection of broken bones, slowly introducing tendon repair, and then to the replantation of broken limbs. When the bone injury reaches the point of replantation of broken limbs, it will be linked to Western medicine surgery or traditional Chinese medicine cutting and treatment.

In the later stage of the disaster relief, Li Shengli initiated the reform of traditional Chinese medicine for orthopedic injuries. Although it did not bring much benefit, as the saying goes, traditional Chinese medicine is not a family of traditional Chinese medicine.

When the general environment improves, the situation of Chinese medicine practitioners will improve. It all depends on one person or a few people making changes. When will that happen?
As the number of wounded decreased, the field hospital also entered a more complex period of care.

This involves the secondary treatment of some injured people. At this time, it is time for Lao Wang and Lao Ma to shine.

When Xiao Changgong and Zhao Mankui came back, Li Shengli also started the handover with Master Dong, Lao Li, and Lao Wang.

When there is no equipment, traditional Chinese medicine has obvious advantages when receiving emergencies. When it comes to follow-up care and treatment, traditional Chinese medicine also has advantages. However, like Li Shengli did before, the difficulty is insurmountable when one person carries the flag.

In line with the principle that legends stay and people escape, after the follow-up care was handed over, Li Shengli and his team quietly left the field hospital in the early morning after an aftershock.

"Old Ma, I have learned a lot this time. Banning Chinese medicine is too ridiculous.

Li Shengli, a young doctor, is no longer the kind-hearted old Chinese medicine doctor before. If he continues such ridiculous nonsense, I'm afraid this young doctor will not let it go.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Western medicine would be embarrassed this time..."

Although Li Shengli's departure was a loss to the field hospital, both President Wang and Lao Ma knew that it was time for him to leave.

As the disaster situation stabilizes, some chaos that was not apparent in emergencies will slowly emerge. Li Shengli's continued stay in the field hospital will undoubtedly become the biggest unrest factor in the field hospital.

Li Shengli took the initiative to evacuate the field hospital, and Lao Wang was not very happy. He knew how to advance and retreat, was good at internal fighting, had superb skills, and was rich in theory.

The most important thing is that he is young and aggressive. Chinese medicine is lucky to have such a young doctor, but for some people, it is unfortunate...

(End of this chapter)

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