The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 303 1 Shoulder Pick

Chapter 303

After meeting the legendary leader and confessing to Father Du, Li Shengli could only sigh briefly before continuing to treat patients.

The leaders visited the disaster area and then the hospital, mainly to offer condolences. The group comforted the injured with bone injuries who were still waiting, and then followed Du Changlin's direction to the operating room.

After changing into a white coat and putting on a mask and entering the operating room, Mr. Du was called a follower by his daughter Du Jiaoyang, but he was the only one who could follow the leader into the operating room.

The operating room was different from the strictness and neatness they had imagined. Misery and exhaustion filled every corner of the operating room.

One by one, the surgeons, many of whom were sitting on modified wooden chairs, were performing surgeries. The surgeon stood up and went to the surgery. After finishing the operation, he also sat on a chair on the side, panting.

Most people's white coats, which should be clean and tidy, are stained with blood.

"You two, you will observe the operation this time and perform the surgery next...

Is the one who killed a thousand swords in front still standing? "

Because there was only a group of tired soldiers left in the operating room, Lao Wang did not dare to notify their leaders to inspect.

When the leader just inspected the doctors and nurses on their rotation, many people couldn't restrain their excitement and blood started flowing in their noses. This was also a sequelae of taking a large amount of Dushen Decoction.

Although all the doctors and nurses who left the hospital had taken Master Dong's antidote, most of the people who were able to wake up were those who had just left the hospital and were on leave, and the effects of the medicine had not worn off.

As for those who fell asleep, I’m afraid they wouldn’t be able to scream even if they were chopped with knives and axes.

The leader and Mr. Du had received Lao Wang's instructions in advance and were afraid that taking off the masks would affect the medical staff's operations, so they could only obey the person in charge and nodded obediently, which was regarded as a response.

It's just that Li Shengli's reputation in surgery is so bad that the two of them are somewhat confused.

"Teacher Ma, I heard that you know the person who killed a thousand swords in front of you. Is Chinese medicine really so powerful?"

The heart is tired and the body is tired, but the words cannot be idle. This is also a way for doctors and nurses to cheer up.

The operation was on track, and there were more and more small talk between the doctors and nurses.

"do not know!

Who could be so fucked up by a familiar face?
In total, I slept for only seven hours and drank three bowls of Dushen soup. Look at my white coat, this is my third one!
If I fall down later, don’t save me, let me have a good rest..."

Director Ma from the Army General Hospital put down the scalpel and rubbed his hands, which had symptoms of spasm just after the operation, and returned to the medical staff in a depressed manner.

Li Shengli's name can only be accurately spread among a few of them who are qualified to take responsibility.

As for the others, most of them just heard about it. This is not a hospital with complete rules, but a hastily formed field hospital.

There was a frequent flow of personnel outside, and the doctors and nurses in the operating room were pinned down by Li Shengli from the beginning.

Although Li Shengli frequently went to the operating room to perform acupuncture, few doctors and nurses had seen the terror of him sitting in the center of the camp.

"Me too, what evil did I do to meet such an object?

It is unheard of for ten seriously injured patients to have their livers and spleens removed in one operation!
The same goes for Dean Wang. The risk of cross-infection is so great. How could he agree to it in the first place? "

This statement was a bit low-minded. Although he was still unhappy with Li Shengli for giving him Dushen Decoction, Director Ma admired Li Shengli deeply when it came to rescuing the wounded.

"That's not right!
Without the previous screening integration, it would be a miracle for those of us to be able to complete half a day's worth of surgeries so far.

Compared with cross-infection, seeing seriously injured people lose their lives is a shame for us doctors!


We are doctors from the Army General Hospital, and this experience was a textbook battlefield first aid process.

Think about it, if it is on the battlefield, as long as the wounded are admitted to the field hospital, their lives can be saved, and the effect is immeasurable.

The integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in field surgery is the greatest achievement we have achieved in this disaster relief effort.

Even if there is a large area of ​​cross-infection, such surgery must continue.

Now it seems that not only the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine beforehand, but also the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine used after surgery should be included in the scope of our research.

The combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for tuberculosis in the North Building is the best reference for us..."

Director Ma can become a knife in Beilou, both in terms of technical level and awareness.

The small talk in the operating room is not all gossip, and the theoretical level is still there.

After listening briefly, the leader raised his hand to signal, and Father Du followed, and the two of them left the ward.

"Your son-in-law is very good. If you have the chance, take him out to see the medical standards of various countries..."

Li Shengli stayed at the front for three days and four nights, and the leaders were much the same. The only real rest time was on the road.

When the car stops, it is the leaders' working time. It is the leaders' duty to express condolences to the injured and find deficiencies.

Li Shengli's matter can be considered very important if it can take up one or two sentences.

Inspecting and expressing condolences is not something that can be done immediately. Next, the leaders will each take charge of a stall, and Mr. Du will be in charge of Li Shengli's side.

Seeing his daughter who was so tired that she was stirring garlic at her feet, and Li Shengli who was sitting on a wooden box with a golden knife and constantly treating the wounded, Mr. Du also took the opportunity to start his own long examination.

The performance of the hairy son-in-law Li Shengli would give Du Lao a different feeling every time. He had always been hiding his clumsiness before.

Xingzhou these days is the stage where the hairy son-in-law really shows off his skills. After the New Year, this boy is barely an adult.

At such a young age, he has the ability to overwhelm many masters of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. For him, joining an official career is the real unappreciated talent.

Thinking of the boys from the Xie family, Father Du knew that the precocious son-in-law had a big game of his own. At such an age, having such scheming skills was a big deal.

"Dujuan, come on..."

The future of the hairy son-in-law is limitless. Li Shengli, who has shown his value, cannot be treated the same as before.

But Father Du's plan to go abroad has begun to be implemented, and there are many things that his daughter can only make sacrifices for.

"Dad, please take a rest..." Seeing his father's serious expression, Du Jiaoyang felt a little uneasy.

Mr. Future's performance in the past few days has been too terrifying. If Father Du doesn't come, this matter will not affect her future.

Now that Father Du is here, Du Jiaoyang also has a bad feeling.

"Your plan to go abroad, I'm afraid..."

This is a condition that has been agreed upon between father and daughter a long time ago. It is similar to what Mr. Liu said. Rich families are not the ones who follow the rules. To put it bluntly, many rules still serve them.

The calculation of selfish motives and interests has little to do with the position you are in. It is just a human being.

"Dad, he promised me that I could go abroad."

Du Jiaoyang also sticks to his own ideas and will not make too many sacrifices for his family.

Without her father's permission, she would not have been with Li Shengli!

Although Li Shengli is performing well enough now, he is not the future Mr. Du Jiaoyang dreamed of.

"I'm afraid things won't develop according to your ideas. His opinion is more important."

There is no need to pay too much attention to the small talk between father and daughter. Father Du also expressed his worries.

Using power to suppress others also depends on who they are. Li Shengli's performance in the field hospital shows that he is not someone who can be easily manipulated.

Mr. Shi, who is close to him, is the best example. He has been a leader's health doctor. If such a person makes a move, it may be a big deal for the heavens to hear.

“Dad, you said exactly what he said.

He said that when the time comes, I can only leave if you let me go. If you don't let me go, I won't be able to get out.

Li Shengli and I have reached an agreement on going abroad. "

After hearing this, Father Du's expression obviously relaxed for a while. This result is considered the best.

"Okay, we can follow the results you discussed.

But after going abroad, you are still the wife of the Li family.

As for Li Shengli's wife, she might be Ding Lan, Wang Lan, or a girl from another family.

Your Li family’s wife’s identity cannot be changed.

Of course, the specifics will depend on subsequent development.

But the relationship between the two of you had better be finalized. "

Du Jiaoyang was a little surprised by what Father Du said. This should be said in reverse. Being able to be related to the Du family, whether in the past or in the future, should be something Li Shengli can show off.

During the contact, Du Jiaoyang could clearly see some of Li Shengli's ideas, which were nothing more than borrowing the power of his family.

"Dad, let's..."

"Dujuan, some people are just talented. They may have countless bumps in the road ahead, but their future achievements are limitless."

Father Du, who knew what his daughter was going to say, raised his hand to block her words, and then said:

"This time his performance was a little too much, and he also knew how to survive. If I didn't have the opportunity to have a long talk with him.

Tell him that at this time, he must hide his clumsiness, even if he can’t hide it!

I think you are not in good condition, go and take a rest..."

After finishing speaking, Father Du saw that his daughter was indeed very tired, so he asked her to rest.

After watching Li Shengli's handling process for a while, he secretly sighed that he was acting like a big man at such a young age. Father Du also walked into the crowd to express condolences to the injured.

Father Du was not ignorant. After turning around, he took a rough look at the injury, and then looked at Li Shengli's eyes, and he was somewhat surprised.

Although he was a political worker, he had seen the field hospital with his own eyes. Li Shengli's big talk to the leader, he thought, was just the wise words of a boy from the Wang family who mistook the leader.

Now it seems that what they told was completely true, and the leader's praise was not exaggerated. If Li Shengli had dealt with such wounded people for three days and four nights.

I am afraid that the four major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals combined are not as strong in diagnosis and treatment capabilities as he alone.

Of the more than 2000 wounded in the field hospital, more than half had bone injuries, and they were handled by just one person. Even if you witnessed it with your own eyes, it was still a bit unbelievable.

Thinking of what Mr. Lu's President Wang said, no one died in the huge field hospital and the disability rate was extremely low. Father Du glanced at his hairy son-in-law again.

There are far more injured people in the earthquake area. If a certain number of experts in traditional Chinese medicine and orthopedics can be deployed, maybe...

With the idea in mind, Mr. Du approached the leader, and his suggestion of involving traditional Chinese medicine in orthopedics for rescue was also well received by the leader.

Distributing materials in large quantities and providing assistance, the current conditions are somewhat insufficient. The cost of medical assistance is the lowest and the response is the best. Dad Du's suggestion was naturally adopted immediately.

With the intervention of leaders, the field hospital has received assistance from surrounding medical points, but it has also been burdened.

Bone injuries are the most common injuries in earthquake areas, and amputation surgery also takes time.

Within the earthquake area, there were too many injured people waiting for treatment or amputation. With just one word from the leader, greater pressure followed.

And this pressure may only be directed at Li Shengli.

Li Shengli didn't know about this, nor did he need to know.

There's no use knowing it, he can't run away now, so holding firm is his only option.

Dean Wang, who received the order, also looked disheveled. There are only so many doctors and nurses that can be mobilized now.

Once the wounded in the entire earthquake area are concentrated in the field hospital, the pressure may overwhelm the entire hospital...

(End of this chapter)

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