Chapter 298

"I wish you, senior brother, to arrange the operation. I'm afraid that becoming famous in internal medicine is not enough. Western medicine...

It is certainly a blessing for Chinese medicine to have such a figure in the Liu family, but it may not be a blessing for Chinese and Western medicine.

He is still young now, but when he reaches the age of 40 or [-], no one can hold him down!
Based on his character, he uses Chinese medicine to determine Western medicine. I wish, brother, can Western medicine hold up? "

Master Dong, who has been practicing medicine for many years, had the same idea as Lao Wang. Lao Wang did not understand Li Shengli's character, but he did.

Cruel and vicious, I'm talking about Li Shengli. Although this kid is usually gentle and harmless to humans and animals, he either doesn't take action or does it with desperate measures.

You can't mess with this thing. Now that he has set his sights on Western medicine, Master Dong can't help but worry about Western medicine.

As a member of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master Dong knows that with the development of the times, traditional Chinese medicine does need to introduce some Western medicine methods.

But what about Western medicine? Using the theory of Chinese medicine to determine Western medicine is no different from planting a tree upside down. You can't handle it without trying Western medicine.


If this really happens, Western medicine will be in catastrophe, and you have to make peace with this matter..."

If we clarify each other, Chinese medicine may still be able to persist. In Lao Zhu's view, Western medicine cannot persist. He knows the difference between the two best. Chinese medicine can be implemented smoothly, but Western medicine may be fragmented.

The two brothers had the same opinion, but they had nothing to say about how to persuade Li Shengli.

Lao Zhu originally disapproved of some of Li Shengli's methods, but his teacher at home supported him, and they really had no right to speak.

"I can't say. It depends on the teacher's opinion. We don't have the ability and ability to check and balance him."

Li Shengli, who had been hiding his clumsiness for a long time, suddenly made a killing move at the disaster relief site of the field hospital. Master Dong did not believe him if he said he was unprepared.

But he also personally participated in the process of Li Shengli preparing the medicine, and the matter was indeed done in a hurry. It can only be said that Li Shengli has been eyeing this for a long time.

Now that the time is right, he will rise up like a vicious tiger.

Judging from the number of injured patients treated by Li Shengli, Master Dong knew that the heir of the Liu family was no longer a tiger, but a tiger that had been entrenched in the hills for a long time, always ready to choose and devour anyone.

Now that I have the opportunity to become a vicious tiger going down the mountain in Xingzhou, I will not stop easily unless I eat something.

The arrival of Master Dong and others also brought an end to Dean Wang's request for help. Although Mr. Lu was the leader, even though Lao Wang raised his arms and called for help, many people responded.

But that's all the capable people each hospital can deploy, and it won't be enough to ruin the family and provide relief.

Of course, Dean Wang's reinforcements are not only coming from the Fourth Nine Cities, but also personnel from local units are also coming in one after another.

Although the size of the field hospital continues to expand, the peak period for seriously injured patients estimated by Li Shengli is gradually approaching.

Starting at night, most of the wounded sent from the front lines in the city were unconscious.

Seriously wounded people from various villages were also transported to field hospitals on mule carriages and stretchers.

Medical points in various places now know the treatment standards of field hospitals. It has become a must to keep the lightly injured and transfer the seriously injured.

Because many medical centers do not have the conditions for surgery, whether it is crush injuries, craniocerebral injuries, or many injured people with fractures and internal bleeding, it is a heavy burden for medical centers.

There are no conditions for surgery, and the only option is to take anti-inflammatory injections and observe. Now with the field hospital as an outlet, all the pressure in urban areas, rural areas, and medical points will automatically pour out.

Master Dong and the Wu family doctors, who thought they were just going through the motions, are now scratching their heads in the ward.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of orthopedic injuries usually relies on manipulation. However, for crushing injuries and crushing injuries, accompanied by internal bleeding, manipulation is the main approach, which is difficult for most orthopedic experts to achieve.

Acupuncture, medication, and massage, Li Shengli has advanced orthopedic injuries, advanced cutting and treatment, and intermediate internal medicine support. As long as the main blood vessel is not ruptured, he can directly perform manual reduction.

The three disciplines are shared, and the medical advice he prescribes from the very beginning is based on both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

Without Chinese medicine, anti-inflammatory drugs are used to support it. With Chinese medicine, there are more auxiliary items. Almost every patient uses the Poxue Zhuyu Decoction. He also asked the subsequent Chinese medicine doctors to increase or decrease the flavor according to the pulse condition.

Li Shengli's treatment of the injured is very simple. The most common thing is to feed them Baiyao and insurance, and then reset the bones.

Less than [-]% of patients use acupuncture for pain relief, incision and suturing, and those who use Baiyao, Bingshenzi, and Dushen Decoction are generally sent to the operating room.

In real terms, Li Shengli's side was under the least pressure, followed by the operating room, and the ward was under the greatest pressure.

The injuries of the wounded need to be monitored, and subsequent treatment requires medication. The medical care in the field hospital is already stretched, and there has been a fault in the ward from the beginning.

There is nothing we can do about it. Most of the injured who have been treated are not in danger of life. As long as their daily life and health care are taken care of, they will be temporarily out of danger.

But the wounded in the front were different. A moment's delay might cost their lives. Therefore, there was a fault in the rear ward, and everyone could only let it go.

Fortunately, the field hospital has enough ordinary staff. If the most basic life and hygiene cannot be guaranteed, there will be big problems.

The arrival of Master Dong and his team can be regarded as making up for the gap in the field hospital. It is unknown whether one person can maintain a tent with Western medical care.

But Chinese medicine is different. Chinese medicine is too unique. The so-called medical system and medical equipment are essentially dispensable for doctors like Master Dong who became famous during the Republic of China.

Even more often, these medical systems and medical devices are still their constraints and will mislead their own diagnosis.

From one person in charge of one tent to one person in charge of ten tents, the time is only from evening to midnight.

A medical kit, a pair of acupuncture needles, the Angong Niuhuang Pills, Zhibao Dan, and Purple Snow Pill provided by Li Shengli, and at most an alcohol lamp for disinfection, were all the equipment for Master Dong and his party.

There are tents for one or two surgical patients per person, and tents for a few or a dozen orthopedic patients. This is the scope of care for Master Dong and others after midnight.Master Dong and Master Zhu, two well-known Chinese doctors, would go to the operating room from time to time to check on the medical care.

Li Shengli used Dushen Decoction without hesitation, but when it came to the two doctors, he could no longer ignore it. When he drank it, he could just ignore it.

But you can’t really endure medical care, right?Once someone develops symptoms, these two people have to help.

As reinforcements arrived, the number of operating rooms increased and the average duration of surgeries shortened. After midnight, one extra tent was being filled with surgical patients every hour.

There are almost no traditional Chinese medicine doctors who have reached the level of Master Dong and Master Zhu under the age of 30. There are only a handful of Chinese doctors in their thirties or early forties, and most of them are in their forties or fifty.

At this age, although they are known as young and famous doctors in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, when it comes to physical fitness, they are actually middle-aged and elderly.

In view of the unlucky people in the operating room, Li Shengli didn't wait to deliver Dushen Decoction to Master Dong and others.

Master Dong and Master Zhu, together with a group of Wu sect doctors, first prepared a potion for themselves outside the tent to refresh themselves, replenish their brains, and restore their physical strength.

After preparing their own medicine, Master Dong and Master Zhu were also thankful that they did not come alone, and also fortunate to have this group of Wu sect doctors who came to Beijing to participate in the grand event.

Otherwise, they would have to work like Lao Wang and Lao Ma, living on Dushen Decoction.

As for Li Shengli in front, despite all the persuasion and pulse check, he was far from reaching his limit, so we could only let him do what he did in front.

In this current situation, he couldn't do it if he didn't bear it. The seriously injured everywhere needed his help. If Li Shengli in front stopped.

None of the field hospital personnel, including Master Dong, could stand up to the one in front.

Not to mention one person, Master Dong and Lao Wang also counted together, and even ten or twenty people couldn't do it.

Because no one has advanced techniques for bone injuries, if the severely injured patients are not eliminated, the operating room will collapse within five to ten hours.

Even if a bone injury expert comes, whether he dares to correct the bones with internal bleeding is still a question.

Today, Li Shengli has become the center of gravity of the entire field hospital. He has temporarily lost his ability to perform surgeries, and Director Wang, who has become the logistics manager, feels both resentment and joy in his heart.

Of course, what he hates is the way Li Shengli immediately became a traditional Chinese medicine hospital. Fortunately, he can treat all injured people like a traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

Although the doctors and nurses in the operating room were struggling, there was not a single death in the camp, which can really be called a miracle.

In addition to the fact that there are no deaths, the proportion of amputation is now also very low. There are only [-] or [-] amputated patients out of [-] injured people. In any first aid in the earthquake area, this can be regarded as a miracle.

Amputation was something that Li Shengli couldn't get anyone to do, but if it looked almost complete, this guy could get it together and reattach it.

Although he is thankful, President Wang is also deeply worried. The battle between traditional Chinese and Western medicine is secondary to patients and disaster relief.

Li Shengli treated too many patients with internal bleeding and bone injuries, as well as many broken limbs and arms. As long as there was one case of infection, it would mean disaster for the entire field hospital.

Although he was exhausted to the extreme, Dean Wang couldn't sleep at all because he was under too much pressure.

They were afraid that Li Shengli, who was on the front line, would lose his energy and cause the field hospital to collapse; he was also afraid that the operating room that gathered elites from Beijing would collapse; and he was even more afraid that patients with bone injuries would suffer from widespread infection and gangrene.

Each of these three items is related to life. As the general person in charge of the field hospital, it is surprising that Lao Wang can sleep well.

Li Shengli, who Lao Wang was worried about, has now entered a period of fatigue. Although he is full of energy with the reward from Brother Tong, his spirit is also extremely exhausted.

For two days and three nights, I couldn't stand it even if I kept having fun, let alone seeing patients constantly.

If a broken bone can be defined as a serious injury, including those who require surgery, [-]% to [-]% of the injuries handled by Li Shengli are serious injuries.

Li Shengli doesn't know how many people he has treated, but now every time he encounters a patient, he has to take a deep breath, otherwise his mind will be in a mess.

"Lao Li, you're not invincible. You're almost done. Go get some sleep..."

From looking scared at first to worried now, Du Jiaoyang was convinced by Li Shengli's resilience.

For two days and three nights, he treated patients almost constantly. Not to mention whether Li Shengli could bear it, just looking at Wang Qianjin, who was standing next to him and fell asleep, you can tell how tiring this job is.

Wang Qianjin had just vowed to be Li Shengli's escort, but within an hour of saying the words, he was standing and snoring.

"No, it has to be. Ask Dean Wang at the back, if I have a break here, is there anyone who can take over my job?

No one can pick me up, so I have to stand here, even if I die!
If I were to die, this trip would be really exciting...

Later, you will go to Dean Wang to talk about it. Since the medical points below have begun to send seriously injured people here, it means that they have freed up time.

If we don't merge, there will only be more and more seriously injured people on our side, and there will be gaps in the medical care in the ward.

If there is a death rate due to improper care, then our persistence is of no use?
In addition, Master Dong and others were informed that the first batch of orthopedic patients were almost going to have infection cases, so Zixue Dan should be used.

Estimate the quantity, and if it’s not enough, prepare it quickly! "

Infection was inevitable. Although he was mentally exhausted, Li Shengli had enough energy to say a word or two to Du Jiaoyang to calm down.

The pressure on his side has been put on the rear. If the Purple Snow Pill fails to work, infection and gangrene will occur in large areas.

The ward is going to force the operating room again...

(End of this chapter)

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