Chapter 296

"Old Li, drink some water..."

He looked at Du Jiaoyang, who was holding water, and at the sky.

In the early morning, Li Shengli finally had a moment of leisure. In the night, outside the camp, the fire dragon formed by torches in the distance was still winding towards the camp.

The peak period is coming soon. The next wave cannot be the next wave, but several waves. The wounded will come from all over the city and rural areas, and the injuries will be more critical and complicated.

"Wait a minute, it's too hot to drink. I'll smoke a cigarette to warm my hands first.

Fill up the kettle for me, just boil the water, don't add random medicinal ingredients to me.

After you have done this, let Du Changlin arrange a place for you to rest. Tomorrow, during the day, will be the real fierce battle. "

There was a cigarette in his mouth, burning the wrinkled palms that had been washed and disinfected too frequently.

This is a human nervous reaction, rather than the skin being floated by the blisters and blocking the nerves. If the hands and feet are soaked in water for a long time, they will only swell.

Wrinkled skin is also an evolutionary result, in order to increase friction in water.

There is no point in drying it. Once it is roasted, the wrinkles will disappear after the nerve reaction.

"Lao Li, you are so powerful, so powerful that it scares me..."

Since entering the field hospital camp, Du Jiaoyang's view of Li Shengli has also changed a lot.

Du Jiaoyang finally found out the reason why Wang Zhi was so obedient at the Army General Academy.

Not to mention Wang Zhi from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, President Wang, President Lu, has been demoted. Are all of them just like Ji Ba'er, being bossed around by Li Shengli?
The reason is simpler, that is, my future husband is too capable, and he is still being crushed like he treated Wang Zhi.


Then let's go through all the wounded in the field hospital first. Didn't you see Lao Wang and Lao Ma standing behind Li Shengli, both with low eyebrows and submissive looks?
Du Jiaoyang finally saw the real Chinese medicine hospital that Li Shengli talked about. Isn't that his future husband?
"Afraid of what?
Then who didn’t say, if you can’t resist, just enjoy it?

We both have lost our certificates. You can't run away if you run away. I'm also good to you. Who would give you thousands of dollars to let you start making money?

Look at these wounded people, do you know why I receive treatment so quickly?

Although they are not skinny, they do not have much flesh on their bodies, and you can tell whether they have broken bones or not at a glance.

Even if there is a fracture, without a lot of muscle wrapping, the difficulty of bone setting will be reduced a lot.

What you endure is not torture and suffering, they are.

Jiaoyang, it’s not a wrong idea for you to want to go out, but you still have to forge yourself before going out.

Otherwise, if you don’t have any skills before you go out, you won’t be able to learn them after you go out.

Like me, with a quick glance, who in the camp dares to collapse?

With this skill, I can get into trouble wherever I go...

That’s it, it’s time to change your shift. Don’t think too much. With me as a Chinese medicine practitioner by your side, you will be confident in everything. "

Looking at the fire dragon approaching the camp gate, Li Shengli drank warm water, refilled a cigarette and prepared to start seeing patients again.

Li Shengli in the front was restless, and so were Lao Wang and Lao Ma in the operating room with a group of doctors and nurses.

Li Shengli's efficiency completely surpassed that of dozens of doctors and nurses. In addition to receiving treatment at the front, Li Shengli also needed to go to the operating room to solve the fracture reduction after thoracotomy and laparotomy.

After entering the operating room, Li Shengli taught Lao Wang and others a lesson. He used surgical threads to fix rib fractures, and even made a buckle to lead the surgical threads outside the body.

At that time, there will be no need for a second operation to remove the steel nails. Whether this is a traditional method or a traditional Chinese medicine method, neither Lao Wang nor Lao Ma can tell.

But they both knew clearly that Li Shengli was slapping him in the face, ever since he finished the surgical thread fixation class.

When the two of them saw the set of axes and hooks that Li Shengli left in the operating room, they felt itchy with hatred.

While chatting during the operation, Li Shengli freely introduced the surgical instruments of the circumcision school to Lao Wang and Lao Ma.

What impressed them most was the shovel-like thing. According to Li Shengli, it was used to castrate people, and it was a perfect way to castrate people.

Maybe Li Shengli was just introducing the equipment, but the implication that Lao Wang and Lao Ma heard was that this bastard wanted to use this set of axes, axes, hooks and forks to castrate Western medicine.

From busy day to day, even though their tired legs were shaking, both of them persisted. Until Li Shengli lost his energy, Mr. Lu's Western Medicine Department had a buffer.

He asked a Chinese medicine practitioner to first block the door and then occupy the center of the camp to treat [-]% of the wounded. The two of them just performed the surgery according to his instructions.

If this news spread to the medical community, it would be like a thunderclap. Nowadays, almost all hospitals at the county level and below do not have large-scale medical equipment.

If Li Shengli's model of using Chinese medicine practitioners as medical equipment is implemented on a large scale, Western medicine will regress to the Republic of China era. Western hospitals can only be found in big cities. Who can accept such a result?
If Western medicine is used to determine Chinese medicine, two people can accept it, but if Chinese medicine is used to determine Western medicine, they cannot accept it, and it will be the same for anyone.

In the eyes of the two of them, Li Shengli, who was blocked in the center of the camp, was doing just this.

From the consultation to the medication to the surgical plan, Li Shengli did it perfectly, which is why the two of them couldn't stop him.

Now it is a first aid in a disaster area. Li Shengli, who can fully treat the wounded, is put aside and Western medicine doctors who are not fully prepared are used. The two of them only have two brains and are not enough to treat.

Now both of them are begging for backup from Sijiucheng to arrive quickly and Li Shengli's energy to be exhausted quickly.

Lao Wang and Lao Ma knew very well who came with them on the same plane.

Once the situation here reaches that person's ears, a large number of Chinese medicine doctors will inevitably come from all over the country to help.

Once it is verified here and the results are good, Li Shengli's model will no longer be a pilot, but a document issued one by one.This is no different from what Dean Wang thought last night. After Western medicine determines Chinese medicine, tit for tat, Chinese medicine will soon determine Western medicine.

If it is really implemented, it will be a theoretical revolution and a disaster for Western medicine.

The fundamental concepts of Chinese and Western medicine are different. If they are determined by each other, the result can only be the same.

But Li Shengli's strength was far beyond their imagination. From evening to day, and then from day to night, Lao Wang and Lao Ma's hands trembled when they were doing assembly line surgery.

Li Shengli, who was sitting in the center of the camp, was still setting bones and arranging the wounded in the operating room.

Now on the operation side, one operation requires at least ten injured people. Lao Wang and Lao Ma, with dozens of medical staff, performed more operations than even President Lu could complete.

But the price paid is also painful. The energy and physical strength of all doctors and nurses have reached their limit. If this continues, they may be the ones lying on the operating table.

Li Shengli, on the other hand, prepared more than 30 critically injured patients in urgent need of surgery for them in the treatment room outside the operating room.

"Lao Wang, Lao Ma, can you do it?

There are already thirty seriously wounded people outside, and so far, there has not been a single death in our field hospital.

Don't let your guard down when you stare at me three times!
No, you go out and drink the Du Ginseng Soup one by one. Give it a try. Maybe backup will be here soon.

There are five people here who are comatose due to intracranial hemorrhage. I will use traditional Chinese medicine to relieve them first. Please pay attention to monitoring! "

The doctors and nurses in several operating rooms are so tired that they have basically lost the ability to move. They can stand still, but if they move around, they will fall down if they go out.

Du Jiaoyang and Xiao Feng, who had rested, gave Dushen Decoction to the doctors and nurses one by one.

When Lao Wang and Lao Ma regained their energy, Li Shengli started teaching them again.

Acupuncture treats cerebral hemorrhage. Li Shengli's side is somewhat unclear about the medical theory, but there are still treatment methods for intermediate-level internal medicine and advanced-level surgical treatment.

If he were a senior in internal medicine, he might be able to explain it medically, but now he can only use ready-made first aid methods.

These five injured people who were comatose due to intracranial hemorrhage were best treated with Western medicine craniotomy, because Li Shengli could not determine the bleeding point.

The approximate location of the bleeding point can only be judged based on the rough injury. After using Baiyao and Baiyao, supplement it with Angong Niuhuang Pills, which can help the patient to wake up and wake up the brain, and then use acupuncture to treat the corresponding acupoints.

It is pure nonsense to use acupuncture on the skull to release blood congestion. If the bleeding point is on the surface of the acupuncture point, if the timing is right, it may be possible.

But to deal with craniocerebral injuries, using acupuncture and bloodletting, not only Lao Wang and Lao Ma would not agree, Li Shengli also felt that it was unreliable.

The only thing that can be done now is to use drugs and acupuncture to stimulate hemostasis, boost the body's functions, and absorb congestion on its own.

You can't use acupuncture needles to pick out accumulated blood clots from the brain, right?This doesn't make any sense.

Lao Wang and Lao Ma, who were already exhausted, were helpless. Even if they were energetic, they would not perform craniotomy in the field hospital due to intracranial hemorrhage.

The conditions don't allow it, the time doesn't allow it, and the injury inspection rules don't allow it.

The two of them could only watch Xiao Feng lead people to give medicine to the five wounded, and then watch Du Changlin, who was red-eyed, taking notes.

As for Li Shengli, an energetic bastard, it's okay not to look at it. When he first spoke, this guy asked the field hospital to prepare acupuncture needles for him.

Now, looking at the acupuncture needles, which weighed at least ten kilograms, it was difficult for the two of them to say anything in person. This is not called coming prepared. What does it mean to come prepared.

There were probably tens of thousands of acupuncture needles in that pile. From this alone, we could see Li Shengli's ulterior motives and vicious thoughts.

Looking at the five seriously injured people who were almost like hedgehogs, the two of them could only sigh and regain their energy.

The sweet and bitter Dushen Decoction was indeed powerful. Within ten minutes, the two of them began to regain their energy.

In fact, this is not considered to be a restoration of energy. Three bowls of ginseng soup can last for three to five days. But what will happen afterwards? Even if Li Shengli can say it accurately, he will not say that this is overdrawing his life. .

Neither Lao Wang nor Lao Ma could comment on Li Shengli's treatment method. It involved the brain, and neither of them dared to say that Western medicine theory was completely thorough, let alone Chinese medicine.

Lao Wang and Lao Ma needed assembly line surgeries, and Li Shengli's acupuncture was also like an assembly line.

Watching Li Shengli's acupuncture technique that brought out residual images under the lights in the operating room, Lao Wang and Lao Ma didn't know whether it was Li Shengli's quick hands or whether they were so tired that their vision was blurred.

However, during the operation, both of them were so tired that their vision went black and their hands left an afterimage. It must be that their vision was blurred.

Using medicine and acupuncture does not require anesthesia. Seeing that the three injured people slowly regained basic consciousness, Li Shengli knew that he was on the right track by combining the medicine and acupuncture of traditional Chinese medicine and internal medicine.

"Xiao Feng, give these two another Angong Niuhuang Pill!"

Now it is a first aid treatment. Angong Niuhuang Pill is a medicine for severe colds. It is used in many ways, but it is bound to be harmful.

But between life and death, the harm of drugs, or toxicity, can only be the next best thing. Saving lives is the most important thing.

In addition to using medicine, Li Shengli also used cotton wool to heat the tail of the needle. When he saw the two unconscious people with slight movements on their faces, he stopped what he was doing.

"These five, focus on monitoring. After all, they are using first aid. If they become unconscious again, call me quickly.

Lao Wang and Lao Ma, can't I help you with the surgery? "

Lao Wang and Lao Ma, who had been taught a lesson by Li Shengli again, felt that their energy had recovered a lot, so they flatly rejected Li Shengli's extravagant ideas.

If this guy takes over the operating room again, the medical team of the Army General Hospital will become the sinners of Western medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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