Chapter 281

After calling Wang Qianjin and then Zhao Mankui in Wali, Li Shengli took Mr. Liu and sat firmly on the creaking bench and began to complete the internal medicine tasks given by Brother Tong.

Fifty internal medicine tasks do not require other medicines, but the Buzhong Yiqi Decoction for spleen deficiency can be completed in Madianji.

"Master, are you being cruel?"

Master Liu said as he glanced at the Madianji Medical Office, which had lost its full Jianglongmu medicine cabinet and replaced it with a broken medicine cabinet.

Mr. Liu is still confident about the will of his heirs. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, he told the heirs of the Liu family about the ancient times. Each person had fifty sheets of unity and a box of tattered medical books, but he was able to stop the unscrupulous heirs from coveting the Liu family.

In addition to the 500 yuan, the list of names for each person also made Liu Ye frustrated.

I thought it would be fine if the Liu family gave birth to an unworthy heir, but I didn't expect that none of the people who went to Yaowang Valley to worship their ancestors would be a good person.

Li Shengli took the lead for a month and guessed the performance of these things. If those objects could not be used for a while, Mr. Liu would have sent them to see his hometown.

"Whoever plays tricks on others, Wu Dalang also plays like a night owl.

The objects are too good and the village is too big, so it is easy to get into trouble.

I am helping Ma Fengxia gain a foothold in Madianji. "

After a brief chat with Mr. Liu, Li Shengli welcomed his first patient.

Just as he thought, the third officer sent out the Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, and Brother Tong gave him an additional task number for the internal medicine junior.

In order to cover up in front of Mr. Liu, Li Shengli ignored all the difficult and complicated cases and only targeted those with spleen deficiency.

Wang Qianjin drove a medium-sized jeep into the village headquarters compound of Madianji. The number of tasks on Li Shengli's side had increased to thirty.

There is no need to go to Wali. Li Shengli can complete Brother Tong's primary task of internal medicine in Madianji today.

After taking a rough look at the number of people outside the door, Li Shengli speeded up as he was about to finish his meal. There were only a few people around.

As a result, haste makes waste, and two misdiagnoses were discovered at once. The medicinal materials for Buzhong Yiqi Decoction were taken, but the number of tasks on Brother Tong's side did not increase.

After dismissing those waiting outside the door, Li Shengli called out to the two misdiagnosed patients. After carefully checking their pulse, he frowned.

Buzhong Yiqi Decoction is bitter and cold in nature and is not a medicine to support yang. Li Shengli knows this, and this involves the problem of abuse of traditional Chinese medicine.

When many Chinese medicine practitioners encounter qi deficiency, they simply use Buzhong Yiqi Decoction. [-]% of it is effective, but the remaining [-]% is considered misuse and abuse. The consequences of misuse of drugs can be severe in mild cases and chronic in severe cases, which is harmful to people's lives. It's about adding some more medicine.

They took pulses again and tried the contraindications of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction. Yin deficiency, fever, Yang Qi without roots, and shortness of breath were not suitable for the symptoms.

After distinguishing yin and yang, it is also contraindicated to differentiate between deficiency and excess, upper excess and lower deficiency. However, Li Shengli's basic pulse diagnosis and syndrome differentiation are not enough, and he cannot differentiate between deficiency and excess.

This didn't bother Li Shengli. He got up directly and went to the village office to call Master Dong. After a brief discussion, Master Dong explained a little on the phone, and he knew that he should use Suzi Qi-Reducing Decoction.

Xiao Feng found all the medicinal materials for Suzi Jiangqi Decoction on the carriage for two misdiagnosed patients. Li Shengli breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the number of tasks had increased by two.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Mr. Liu, who was making medical records for Li Shengli, was convinced after seeing his contradictory approach.

Misdiagnosis by traditional Chinese medicine, to put it bluntly, is almost the same as half and half. For qi deficiency and laziness, use Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, and for red eyes, use Longdan Xiegan Pills.

Even if this is the most basic misdiagnosis, the abuse and indiscriminate use of traditional Chinese medicine is just a way of putting money on yourself. In essence, misdiagnosis is the real source and barrier.

According to doctors, it is not difficult to get started with traditional Chinese medicine, and it is not difficult to identify symptoms. However, it is difficult to get started in the right way, identify the right symptoms, and use the right medicine.

Old doctors claim that a person must cultivate half of the status of a god before he can be called a famous doctor.

There is a saying in medical science that if one reads about typhoid fever but not Dongyuan's book, many people will be killed by unknown internal injuries; if one reads Dongyuan but not on Danxi's book, many people will be killed by unknown yin deficiency.

Just Buzhong Yiqi Decoction can kill people without being invisible, ignorant, and incomprehensible. The powerful products and dangerous methods in traditional Chinese medicine can kill people just as well as they can save people.

Like Li Shengli, if the front foot is misdiagnosed, the back foot can be corrected and re-examined, and the right medicine can be used instead. Master Liu has heard of it, but he has never seen it. Seeing two at one time is considered a rare thing.

"Hey, when Wang Qianjin came in just now, I got a little worried. I felt something was wrong, so I took my pulse again, and this is the result..."

As for Mr. Liu, Li Shengli couldn't tell the existence of Brother Tong, so he could only cover it up speciously.

"You are so good at this. Ordinary doctors have no reason to take back the medicine they prescribed.

Furthermore, ordinary doctors don’t react like you do, and they know their mistakes and fallacies on the spot.

Master, if you are not a doctor, it is the fault of Chinese medicine..."

Mr. Liu was not surprised by Li Shengli's rough cover-up method. This incident could only be regarded as the successor of his family, Tian Zongzhi.

He dared to sit back down even though he could pull it out. Ninety-nine percent of doctors couldn't do this.

Many traditional Chinese medicine doctors prescribe medicine in a vague way. Even if they offend someone, they only think about how to protect their own reputation and how to persuade patients who take the wrong medicine.

For someone like Li Shengli, the medicine he gave out and then shamelessly asked for back was not much.

Western medicine says that Chinese medicine is not good. As the direct son of the Liu family, Mr. Liu is not optimistic about most Chinese medicine practitioners in the medical field.

The truth is that there is no need to cover up too much inside your own home.

This is also a problem that Chinese medicine needs to face. Spleen deficiency and excessive fire will be misdiagnosed, let alone other difficult and complicated diseases.

People like Shi Lao are not perfect in the medical field. Criticisms of him have been going on since the Republic of China. The reason is that Shi Lao has been integrating Chinese and Western medicine since the Republic of China.

Using Western medicine disease names to correspond to Chinese medicine diseases is what Shi Lao has done. Introducing Western medicine thermometers, stethoscopes, and blood pressure meters into Chinese medicine is what Shi Lao has done before.

Traditional Chinese medicines such as tracheitis pills, Qiangxin pills and cold pills were also invented by Mr. Shi.

There are also stubborn people in the traditional Chinese medicine field. Shi Lao's reputation in the medical field can be regarded as mixed. Calling Shi Lao a pseudo-integrator of Chinese and Western medicine is one of the symptoms.Of course, these are also the basis for Mr. Shi's support for Li Shengli. If the relatively conservative Wu family doctors were replaced, Li Shengli should be regarded as a model of bullying his master and destroying his ancestors.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not perfect, nor can it cure all diseases, but it is also wrong to say that traditional Chinese medicine should be banned or abolished.

If we follow this view, Western medicine should be banned immediately. As for the reason for the ban, the liver, kidney and hearing toxicity of anti-inflammatory drugs is definitely sufficient.

Losing food due to choking is pretty much the saying.

"You're so impressed. Please help me sort out the medical records. I'll deal with the car first..."

Li Shengli also has his own views on misdiagnosis. If the misdiagnosis rate of traditional Chinese medicine is [-]/[-], then the rate of misdiagnosis of Western medicine is higher or higher.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been developed for 3000 years. Many taboos about diseases are recorded in medical books. Misdiagnosis by traditional Chinese medicine is mostly due to poor learning.

The reasons for misdiagnosis by Western medicine are much more serious than those caused by Traditional Chinese medicine. The misdiagnosis caused by Western medicine is due to unclear theories. In Chinese terms, it means unclear identification of symptoms.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners can greatly reduce the misdiagnosis rate as long as they study the book. However, if the theory is unclear, misdiagnosis can only be made haphazardly, which will be more harmful.

"You're busy, just leave the trivial matters to me."

Mr. Liu didn't want to get involved in the big truck thing, so he sent Li Shengli away. He took out his Zhonglun Supplements and carefully wrote down the interesting things just now on it.

Immediately recalling the patient and changing the medicine immediately, although it hurts the doctor's face, it is a sign of good medical ethics.

Master Liu was taking his notes, while Li Shengli was confronting Wang Qianjin.

"Grandson, where do you want my riding crop?

The sheep are eating my food, so where is my riding crop? "

Wang Qianjin, who was bored and picking at the car paint, got angry when he heard that Li Shengli had met him, and immediately replied with some annoyance:
"If you hadn't introduced your sister to me, could I have forgotten this?


Grandson, your sister and I are married. You have to call me brother-in-law. What the hell are you talking about? "

With Han Xiuqi as his backer, Wang Jinjin didn't take the cruel and arrogant Li Shengli seriously.

Li Shengli called him in the middle of the morning, which happened to disturb his leisure time at the food factory, and the guy was a little annoyed.

If I don’t give you some power, you don’t know how many eyes I have! "

A bastard like Wang Qianjin can't be polite anymore. If he dares to bite your nose and face now, he will dare to ride on you in the future.

Li Shengli was not polite to Wang Qianjin, who was scratching his neck. He turned around and looked at the brother and sister Xiao Bao and Xiao Feng standing at the door of the health center, wanting to give him another killing blow.

Although Xiao Hu and Li Shengli were not with them, Xiao Feng was almost inseparable during this period.

When dealing with Wang Qianjin, let alone Xiao Bao and Xiao Feng, I am afraid that even Xiao Huang, who is thirteen or fourteen years old, cannot be dealt with by Wang Qianjin.

The Xiao family's gossip is not for beating people, but for beating them to death. One or two blows can determine the outcome.

"Grandson, how dare you let someone hit me!
I'm convinced. I have something to say. I have to rush back at noon to take your sister to Lao Mo..."

When he saw Xiao Bao, who looked similar to the Mountain God, Wang Qianjin immediately gave up.

During this period of time, he was learning skills from Master Shan Shen, that bastard from Forty-Nine City. Grasping cabbage was just the basics, and breaking white porcelain teacups was his real skill.

According to what the mountain god said during the practice, without this kind of hand strength, how can one scratch someone's throat?

"Old Wang, that is Xiao Bao, the younger brother of the Mountain God, and his craftsmanship is not bad either.

Some time ago, I asked him to go out to sell sheep. This grandson walked out of the grassland and returned not only with a Geese, but also with the driver's firearm.

I don't think I can fool you this time. Come and see if that Gees can be exchanged in the city.

By the way, the Mountain God's family is composed of three brothers: dragon, tiger and leopard. If you have any connections, please take care of their eldest brother, Xiao Long, who is now a soldier.

According to his age, he can almost reach the company level. The Xiao family is good at martial arts, which is his strength. "

Li Shengli also had his own plan for dealing with Guis, whom Xiao Bao forced him to trade back. He would change it if he could, but if he couldn't, he would just dismantle and modify the carriage at Madianji.

As for actually driving a ten-wheel truck with wide off-road wheels on the front and rear to sell sheep, that's the business of hanging someone.

“Fuck, did you pay it?

It's not easy to cover up this quarrel now. If someone pursues it, whoever touches this kind of trouble will die. "

After hearing Li Shengli's explanation of the car's origin, Wang Qianjin immediately turned into a melancholy prince, his eyes suddenly darkening.

At this time of year, if such trouble occurs, it can be seized or robbed, no matter how you say it, most people really don't have such a strong waist to withstand such a big thunder.

"It doesn't count as payment, don't we have a business of selling sheep?
It was a windy and snowy day, and the two groups of people were going the right way. The other party didn't react, so Xiao Bao was held down.

He didn't harm anyone, he just disarmed people just to be on the safe side, and the snowmobile broke down.

We also took the carriage and exchanged it for hundreds of bottles of wine. "

Listening to Li Shengli's serious nonsense, Wang Qianjin can still understand people's words no matter how stupid he is.

A set of carriages and hundreds of bottles of wine are not even worth 1000 yuan. A wheel and tire cost more than 100 yuan. The money for the wheels is used to exchange for the entire vehicle.

This deal?According to what was said earlier, it was only made by the gangsters in the mountains, and they were taken by force...

(End of this chapter)

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