Chapter 236
Taking his uncle and uncle with him, Li Shengli followed Master Dong into the north building of the Army General Hospital.

Master Dong was one of the persons in charge of combined medication. The journey was smooth and he led Li Shengli into Wang Zhi's ward.

In the ward, Wang Zhi was holding her daughter and telling her a story. When she saw Li Shengli coming, she quickly stopped and put on a mask for her daughter.

As for herself, she always wore a mask. Master Dong also took a white coat from behind the door and put it on, and took out a mask from the coat pocket and put it on.

"Wang Zhi, why don't you use western medicine?
You have attended a Western medicine class, don’t you know the cause of tuberculosis? "

Without protection, Li Shengli did not follow Master Dong forward, but stood directly at the door and questioned Wang Zhi.

"Brother Li, I want to help you test the medicine."

Wang Zhi answered Li Shengli's question gently, with firm eyes and tone.

The child in her arms looked at Li Shengli with curiosity and was not frightened by his question.

You should take care of your children as well as yourself. This is what the Chinese medicine doctor here has convinced you. Do you have other ideas? "

When it came to changing the medication regimen, Li Shengli always questioned Master Dong sternly, not to mention having a good impression of the traditional Chinese medicine doctors from the Army General Hospital.

Mr. Liu, who was staying in Wali, was not at ease with the prescriptions prescribed by doctors such as Master Dong and Master Zhu.

Changing the prescribed medication plan without authorization, whether it was Li Shengli shouting to kill him or asking the combined medication to be withdrawn to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, was not an excessive move.

Tampering with the plan means life or death for the patient. If it really delays the patient's treatment because of only using traditional Chinese medicine, killing a person and destroying the job of the person who came up with the idea is only the lightest punishment.

If this person is bribed to destroy the combined medication, Li Shengli can only ask Mr. Liu or Xiao Hu to go to his house. No one can stop him from seeking death, right?
When Li Shengli asked about the conspiracy, Wang Zhi was not unexperienced in the world. After thinking about it for a while, he gave an answer.

"I just want to avoid showing signs of it, and there shouldn't be too many selfish thoughts involved.

He came up with this idea after checking my pulse. "

After hearing Wang Zhi's answer, Li Shengli's expression softened. Conspiracies were everywhere.

It should be confirmed that Wang Zhi would not harm her. After all, it was a matter of life and death for the two of them.

As for whether the traditional Chinese medicine doctor from the Army General Hospital was following the trend, he didn't want to get into trouble. He was a lucky man and he didn't do such a thing in the wind and rain, otherwise he would have gone through the motions.

"Mr. Dong, ask the traditional Chinese medicine doctors from the medication team to come over, and I will explain to them the syndrome differentiation."

Hearing what Li Shengli said, Master Dong's eyebrows exposed outside the mask frowned.

Obviously, the head of the Liu family still doesn't intend to let him go easily, but this is already the best choice.

It really made Li Shengli have murderous intentions. If this matter continues, it will be no less powerful than the slogans during the night battle.

Because he knew that Li Shengli's promotion of traditional Chinese medicine had many follow-ups. The Wu family of doctors had already gone north. These people and the follow-up could really stir up trouble.

At this time, things were going in the opposite direction. Teacher Dong didn't know whether the problem was serious or not, but Professor Zhu had learned from the past. Anyway, all the projects he had handled had been handed in.

Now I am writing materials every day to explain my problems.

The Chinese medicine practitioners in the south building are all in their 50s, and they were taught how to diagnose diseases by a 17-year-old young man who also had a loud mouth.


With a slight sigh, Master Dong turned around and went out. Compared with losing his job, losing face was relatively easier. Otherwise, Li Shengli, who could not appease the Liu family, would be in trouble more in the future.

"Brother Li, did I do something wrong?"

Wang Zhi glanced at Li Shengli anxiously, and Wang Zhi also lowered his head.

“TCM is not a panacea, and not all diseases can be treated.

You come from a medical background. Don't you understand this?

Tuberculosis is caused by tuberculosis bacteria, and Chinese medicine cures it only on the surface. In fact, tuberculosis bacteria are still latent in the body.

Once the five qi are out of balance, tuberculosis will inevitably come back. As an adult and a descendant of a family of doctors, you can naturally identify your own symptoms.

Are your children the same as you?

If you delay your child's condition and leave her with irreversible injuries, as a mother, this is your fault.

The little girl’s name is Wang Su, right?

If there’s anything you want to eat, I’ll have someone buy it for you later. "

After training Wang Zhi, Li Shengli saw that the little girl Wang Su's expression was a little serious, so Li Shengli could only lighten the atmosphere.

"Zisu, just tell me what you want to eat."

Wang Zhi had nothing to say about how her child should call Li Shengli. Her name was Brother Li, which was a polite term among colleagues.

It's not good for my daughter to call her Uncle Li, and it's not good for Uncle Li either, so I can only write it off in a cursory way.


Seeing the mask move, Li Shengli knew that the little girl was licking her lips greedily. When he thought that Zhang Ying also wanted toffee, he was convinced.

There was not much time, and Master Dong entered the ward wearing three masks to cover his face and gray eyebrows.

"Anyone who insists on using traditional Chinese medicine to treat tuberculosis should stand up and let me take a look. In the classics, the disease recorded in the Han Dynasty was called bone steaming at that time, right?

Come, stand up and let me see which doctor is more powerful than the three senior doctors Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, and Dong Feng.

Let me ask you, what method should be used and how should the medicine be applied according to the symptoms?

If you really want to make it clear, I will take Master Dong to give you a kowtow.

You shameless bitch, stand up! "

Li Shengli, a young man, stood in the ward and said these words, which immediately made the traditional Chinese medicine doctor of the Army General Hospital dissatisfied.

When a person takes a step forward, he wants to argue with Li Shengli, but Master Dong pulls him away.

"Lao Zhang, the prescription belongs to me!"

As soon as these words came out, the person who took the first step felt a little embarrassed. He looked back at his colleagues and then at Li Shengli, also frowning.

"Hey... Doctor Zhang has something to say, so just say it.

I'm here to listen to your high opinion. Don't be so bullshit and stand in front of me and pretend to be a human being. "

Seeing that Li Shengli was going too far, Master Dong wanted to persuade him, but he was a little hesitant.

The two members of the Liu family are different from ordinary doctors. The old one is unruly and the young one is ruthless. Together, they look more like bandits than doctors.

If there is a disagreement and things get serious, it is certain that the jobs of the three people who come here will not be guaranteed. If other troubles are caused, it will be difficult for the Chinese medicine community in Sijiu City to talk about it.

"This is the head of the Liu family who donated the medicine, Li Shengli."

Afraid that the three of them would not understand Li Shengli's methods, Master Dong could only give a brief reminder to prevent the three of them from being overwhelmed and confronting Li Shengli.

"Master Dong, there is no such thing as donating medicine, just testing medicine.

Anyone who uses these three recipes in the future must sign a confidentiality agreement. If you don’t sign it, don’t use it.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not something that is just on the street, and there is no need for people like you to criticize it.

I asked Master Dong to call you here just to tell you about the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis.

How about Dr. Zhang, please come and tell me the diagnosis of tuberculosis? "

Li Shengli said that he wanted to encrypt Fang Zi, which made the three people who entered the door frown.

This matter is serious. Traditional Chinese medicine is encrypted, which is very simple for them. With the addition of two kinds of medicine, it will be difficult for other doctors to use the medicine according to the prescription.

If Li Shengli misbehaves and adds medicine for the pulse-reversing syndrome, and takes the medicine according to the prescription, the result may be a harmful agent.

However, the secret recipes and secret methods of traditional Chinese medicine are not only used by young and old people, but they are not qualified to criticize Li Shengli.

It is obviously inappropriate to talk about the diagnosis of tuberculosis now. This is where the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine is used to treat tuberculosis.

Not to mention doctors, even patients may be familiar with the diagnosis of tuberculosis. If they follow Li Shengli's words, they are afraid that they will still be humiliated.

"Want to hear what I have to say?
That’s not for nothing. Two catties of white rabbit per person, three catties for the little girl Wang Su, and three catties for me.

If you are successful, you will be nodding. If you are not successful, you will be shaking your head. I don’t want to listen to you now. "

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Shengli knew that he had made people feel ashamed. It was okay to know that he was ashamed, but if someone dared to stand up and speak back, the matter would be over.

As for the two-pound White Rabbit per person, although it is difficult to buy toffee, it is divided into people. Those who can stand here will have a monthly salary of at least [-] yuan.

Maybe he would be about the same as Mr. Dong, with a salary of four to five hundred.

Li Shengli tried his best and could find a way to buy the white rabbit himself, but it was too troublesome, so he might as well let these people buy it.

"I agreed on their behalf."

Seeing that the cost of solving the problem was very small, Master Dong took the initiative to take over, which really made the stern-faced young man angry. Three thousand kilograms of toffee could not replace the losses of the three of them.

“Then let’s not talk about Chinese medicine but Western medicine.

When Western medicine diagnoses tuberculosis, it only looks at tuberculosis bacteria.

Everyone, is there any way to kill tuberculosis bacteria using traditional Chinese medicine?
No need to think about it, even if you think about it, there is no immediate potion.

It is no joke that nine out of ten tuberculosis patients will die. Liuju Powder can only suppress the initial symptoms of tuberculosis, but cannot eradicate the tuberculosis bacteria in the body.

Why is there a need for combined Chinese and Western medicine?

It is to kill tuberculosis bacteria and then supplement it with traditional Chinese medicine.

Tuberculosis can be cured by Western medicine without traditional Chinese medicine.

Why go to waste and use a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine?
First, we can save on anti-inflammatory and sterilizing drugs. After all, our production capacity is not enough.

Secondly, reduce the harm that Western medicine does to the patient's body. Although Western medicine can cure tuberculosis, the sequelae are inevitable.

The ultimate goal of killing tuberculosis bacteria while conditioning with traditional Chinese medicine is to prove that traditional Chinese medicine can effectively reduce the sequelae of curing tuberculosis.

You don't understand shit, yet you dare to change the medication plan. Who gave you the courage? "

After Li Shengli explained the purpose of combining Chinese and Western medicine, everyone fell silent, although he mentioned some to Mr. Shi.

But the purpose was not as clear as what was said today. Unlike the Chinese medicine doctors at the Army General Hospital, Li Shengli's move was more ruthless.

To single out the sequelae of Western medicine as an issue is to have ulterior motives.

Once the combined use of drugs has achieved results and is publicized, Chinese medicine must be introduced in future tuberculosis treatments.

The supply of anti-inflammatory drugs is tight, which can effectively solve the sequelae. Failure to implement the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine is not only against medical ethics, but also inconsistent with the general environment.

The Chinese medicine doctors from the three Army General Hospitals who understood Li Shengli's purpose did not dare to talk nonsense now. Professor Zhu is not far away from the lesson. Regardless of whether it is Chinese or Western medicine, those who oppose it will follow in the footsteps of Zhu. This is a murderous and heart-breaking method.

“TCM has huge shortcomings in anti-inflammation, sterilization and surgery.

The Army General Hospital is currently the best hospital in the country. You stay here without any thought of progress and just play childish tricks like children.


It’s embarrassing for all colleagues in traditional Chinese medicine. Is your teacher still there?

Is this how they taught you?
Learn from each other's strengths, complement each other's strengths, follow what's good, and take what's good and what's not. These are the principles you learned when you were enlightened. Think about it when you go back.

Some people have already proposed combining Chinese and Western medicine. This is a general trend. As Chinese medicine practitioners from the best hospital in the country, shouldn’t you think about this?
If you want to stand out, you must have this ability!
Are you satisfied?
Do you want to buy toffee? "

After hearing Li Shengli say the last two sentences, Master Dong breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, these people are really no match for Li Shengli.

At the same time, Li Shengli also raised the real problem. Anti-inflammation and surgery are indeed the shortcomings of traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine also has a branch of treatment, as well as the Department of Surgery and the Department of Surgery. These correspond to the surgical procedures of Western medicine, and with the addition of anti-inflammatory drugs, they are similar to surgery.

Li Shengli raised such a question at the Army General Academy, which meant digging into someone's ancestral grave.

(End of this chapter)

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