Chapter 230

The Du family's parents went to chat, while Du's father talked to Li Shengli about some situations in Wali.

Hearing Li Shengli talk about using air-raid shelters for Wali Village in exchange for a large amount of mountainous land where herbs can be grown, Mr. Du also frowned.

The filthy son-in-law I chose is very fluent in the instructions from the upper levels. Maybe some people in the middle and upper levels have not fully understood 626, prepared for war, and prepared for famine.

My fat-footed son-in-law has already started to get fat by following the instructions.

Even he himself was not as thorough about the two instructions as his son-in-law. He dared to dig air-raid shelters in a small mountain village in Wali under the guise of being a benchmark. Without some decisiveness and courage, he would not be able to do it.

Of course, this is also because Li Shengli is at the bottom. Sitting in his seat, he is thinking about the overall situation.

As for the specific matters of a certain instruction, people like Du Lao cannot study them in detail.

Once you look into it carefully, you don't have to do anything. The accumulation of one or two years is probably enough for a person to work for a lifetime.

"Du Peng, when you have free time, talk to your brother-in-law more.

Don't be like your sister, hanging out all day. "

After saying this, Father Du stood up and walked into the study. He also needed to digest many things.

"Brother-in-law, you are so awesome. You dare to talk about marrying another wife in front of my mother. You are the first to be a tyrannical person.

But don’t mention it, that little girl Ding Lan is so young and greedy..."

Du Peng reluctantly gave Du Peng a specious smile, and Li Shengli also said it in a pinch.

The Du family is undoubtedly a great supporter in the future, but Du Jiaoyang's desire to go abroad is an uncertain factor in the future.

Before the Du family's parents go abroad, give them a hard shot and get them vaccinated.

No matter what happens in the future, he is also the father of their grandson or granddaughter, so it’s hard to ignore him and save him, right?

After this level is passed, it's time to take care of Du Jiaoyang. This is a rich woman who is bigger than the old godmother at home, and she is also his own wife.

After grasping the general economic trend, giving her two taels of gold before going abroad, and bringing back two hundred tons, the problem would not be big.

Once traditional Chinese medicine is spread, even [-] tons of gold will not be enough. This is an industry that will last for several lifetimes, and the initial investment is terrifying.

At present, there are only three rich women, which is far from enough to eat...

The Du family's food was good, but it wasn't that comfortable to eat, because the old mother-in-law ate it with a sullen face. She obviously wanted her to accept her hairy son-in-law, because what she just said made it very difficult.

After finishing the dishless son-in-law's meal abruptly, it was Du Jiaoyang who sent Li Shengli home.

The remaining three members of the Du family held another small meeting.

"Sister Fu, what your hairy son-in-law is saying is reality. When you are in a high position, you always have to make choices.

The reason is that you, the eldest sister, have no way of educating your daughter!

The same goes for his godson. Du Peng sold his student status, which was a serious crime punishable by death.

A pair of children have been spoiled by you.

Our family's money allowed your son-in-law to buy paintings by top ten famous artists. I asked my comrades outside about this.

In today's international market, the value of artworks is rising steadily, and the same is true here.

In the future, your son will no longer need to resell his academic status to make money, and can focus on his career path.

We can intercept Hu Laoding, but in terms of vision, we are still inferior to the frontline commanders and combatants!

Lao Ding only met Li Shengli twice before he decided to send Xiao Ding Lan to the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. What a decisive decision.

Your daughter is right in saying that we will be in the same boat in the future. Perhaps, neither of us has the same vision as your hairy son-in-law. "

Selfish thoughts exist as long as a human being has them. After the Du family's small meeting, the Du family's mother's expression became much more normal.

Asking Father Du to go to the study room to take the exam, the Du family's mother also grabbed Du Peng's ears. Fortunately, she discovered the matter of selling academic records early.

In this day and age, Father Du cannot protect Du Peng in such matters. Once the incident occurs, she will have to pay five cents of peanuts even if she lives in a small building.

"Lao Li, you are such a cruel person. You dare to say it in front of my mother if you divorce and remarry.

You can still make her accept it, you are awesome!
I'm sorry, maybe my selfishness has made things difficult for you. "

Du Jiaoyang's apology should be directed at Ding Lan, but Li Shengli didn't really have any ideas about Ding Lan.

Although some unwanted thoughts arose during the needle operation, there are not many young people who would not be tempted by doctors, whether they are Chinese or Western medicine, when faced with such a scene.

Those who are not tempted are either physically incompetent or are truly powerful people with integrity. Li Shengli is obviously not among that group.

In this day and age, people who are dedicated to their careers will suffer a lot in the future. Such people can probably come out, and after they come out, they will become a great generation.

It's a pity that Li Shengli doesn't have such an opportunity anymore. From the bottom of his heart, he doesn't want such an opportunity.

If he was really obsessed with Chinese medicine, he would have bowed his head long ago when Master Dong extended his olive branch at the Army General Hospital.

The opportunity is right in front of him. It is not difficult for him to choose whether to be a future national practitioner of Chinese medicine who cleans toilets with his master, or to be a national practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine who can control medical capital.

Following Master Dong is destined to be bumpy, but going to Wali by yourself may not be bumpy, but the future may not be easy either. Since the road is not easy, it is better to choose a bigger one.

"Perhaps I am the one who should say sorry, you should be longing for love.

Your dad and I completely regard you as a bond and tool. I will use you in the future to make you do things you don't like to do.

Sister Du, hurry up, seize the time to enjoy the little stable time, spend the money as you like, and ask me for it when it’s gone.

Letting you have a worry-free life may be my only reward for you.

I hope you won’t hate me in the future…”

Seeing the melancholy-looking country boy saying heartless words that touched his heart, Du Jiaoyang was somewhat moved.

In this day and age, it is extremely fashionable among girls and brothers. Li Shengli's heartfelt words have become a different kind of love words in the eyes of Du Jiaoyang, a female bastard.

"Old Li, you are such a bastard. What you said is so heartless, but I feel like crying. Damn it..." At the intersection of the courtyard, bidding farewell to Du Jiaoyang with tears in his eyes, Li Shengli thought about it and felt that he had found it. Methods to regulate Du Jiaoyang.

This female bastard is still a literary youth, so it's really easy to handle.

Back home, Father Li was sitting alone at the table, cooking sweet potatoes.

As soon as he saw this, Li Shengli knew that his mother had told him to be the son-in-law.

"Dad, fuck it..."

"You boy, your uncle's family and uncle's children have formal jobs, so I can't say anything.

It's all wrong. It's because I'm incompetent and didn't meet the work quota that your grandfather paid for with his life. If I were a workshop director, I wouldn't be in this situation. "

Listening to the middle-aged man's collapse, Li Shengli didn't say much. He went to the side cupboard, took a small bowl of pickles, and poured himself a small bowl.

"Dad, didn't my mother tell you that I whipped your daughter-in-law with my waistband?"

"What? What's more, isn't your father-in-law a high official?

Use the waistband to whip you, you are so cruel...

This matter is what it means. After all, she is also the daughter of a high official and cannot bear such grievances.

Beating a woman, saying nice and unpleasant things, this is it! "

Hearing that Father Li, who smelled of alcohol, was still thinking about himself, Li Shengli took a bite of pickles and had a drink with him. After drinking, he went to bed.

Just whipping Du Jiaoyang with his belt was enough to cheer up Mr. Li. This was not what a visiting son-in-law should do.

He was woken up by his younger brother Li Jianshe's cries early in the morning. Li Jianshe, who went out for a wild day yesterday, didn't get beaten when he came back in the evening.

Just because I was too tired yesterday and got up late in the morning, I was beaten with a fire hook by my mother. It was considered a hammer.

Turning over, he couldn't stand his brother reading and howling for a while, so Li Shengli had no choice but to go out early in the morning and practice Bagua footwork.

After warming up, he headed to Xiao's Banqiao Hutong, continuing to drink soy milk and stealing food. At the door of Xiao's house, he stopped his brother Xiao Changgong, who was preparing to go to work early in the morning.

"Brother, will the car start?"

"Yes, I can drive it very well. I can drive Gas and Steepunk even with my eyes closed.

It's just that I'm not very good at repairing cars. I didn't have the opportunity to learn it back then. When the car broke down, I just grabbed another one. "

After answering the little brother's question, Xiao Changgong went to work as usual, leaving Li Shengli with an envious look on his face.

If it breaks down, grab another one. This is really encouraging.

Let Boss Zhao have dinner and pick him up from the courtyard. Seeing that Xiao Bao was also there, Li Shengli asked him to follow him.

Wang Qianjin agreed to learn how to drive yesterday. Although he doesn’t have a car yet, he should be able to get one after he learns how to drive.

Rejecting Xiao Hu's idea of ​​sending him home, Li Shengli continued to steal words all the way home. Of course, it was inevitable to water the road protection tree on the way.

Entering the courtyard house, my uncle Sun Wuyang was also there, squatting on the ground, helping my mother clean up the haggis.

"What a coincidence, I'm looking for a place to learn to drive today. Classmate Sun Wuyang, you can go with us. Don't you have a lot of work to do..."

Seeing the water marks on my uncle's face and looking at the steaming sheep intestines in the big basin, I guess he was slapped on the face by my mother.

Standing in a corner and teasing Hongxing out of the wall can be regarded as a deserved disaster.

"If you don't have too many skills, I'm afraid that if he learns a trade, he will do bad things.

Your niece is coming. Is your place big?

Uncle Shengli's family is also coming. There are many people in the courtyard, and it's not a good idea for them to live here. You can come back and live there. "

Although there was a livestock yard, it was very close to the courtyard, and Han Jinhua didn't want people in the yard to know that all her relatives had gone to a food factory.

Just by looking at the names, people wouldn't be able to tell that they were a family, so they still need to cover up.

The four members of the family suddenly became full-time workers in the food factory. The Yan Laosan family, who was smacking their fingers across from each other, knew about it. How could they be angry?

“Sister, it’s okay for five or six people to live there.

It's not far from here either.

Victory, let me go back and explain it first? "

Sun Wuyang obviously had an appointment here, but the eldest nephew's arrangement was a good thing. The Lou family had several cars.

He learned it, and maybe he could get a car for free. Thinking of the Lou family that was about to leave, Sun Wuyang's face was full of hope.

"Come in, I have something to say."

After dragging his uncle Sun Wuyang into the house, Li Shengli looked at the door and said:
“Don’t let her sit idle at home, first transfer the yard to your name.

I guess Lao Lou doesn’t really want to leave now, and it’s not that easy to leave. In the first two years of the public-private partnership, he must have received a large dividend.

It could be tens of millions, maybe even more. It's impossible for all the money to be given in cash. Even if it were all cash, it would be useless for him to take it out.

I have a way to cash out part of the money he has in the bank, but I want to share [-]% of the profits.

I can exchange that money for something for him, but his Lou family can only take out [-]% of the goods, at most [-]%.

When the time is right, you can mention to him that there are other relatives in the Lou family who should have large savings in the bank.

It's easy to do, it's just an idea, but they have to give me [-]%.

It's just taking advantage of others. You should make it clear to her.

As for the house, just think of it as a meeting gift..."

Hearing his eldest nephew open his mouth wide, Sun Wuyang was also convinced. This rich man would get [-]% profit just by opening his mouth. He was indeed a ruthless person.

(End of this chapter)

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