The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 208 Go selling sheep

Chapter 208 Go selling sheep
Seeing that Du Jiaoyang was really frightened, Li Shengli was afraid that she would leave a shadow, so he started to tell her about the outside world in her imagination.

How to describe the outside world to Du Jiaoyang was quite difficult. He first gave a geography lesson, and then started talking about resources, from oil to steel to non-ferrous metals.

Besides, there are the port city, the island country, and the beautiful country on the other side of the ocean. Maybe in the hearts of Du Jiaoyang and some people, they are really beautiful there.

Whether you are truly beautiful or not depends on your money and power. If you have money, you can be beautiful in the middle and lower classes. Only if you have money and power can you be truly beautiful.

But in the past, it was difficult for people like Du Jiaoyang to be beautiful at the bottom. Maybe after going out, she would know how powerful her parents were.

"Lao Li, you know so much, I really underestimated you before.

Where did you know these things? "

Looking at Du Jiaoyang, who was holding a steamed bun in his hand and with watery eyes, Li Shengli shook his head. Like his sister Li Yinghong, this guy was an obedient and half-assed person.

These are available in libraries and newspapers. It seems that your college education was in vain.

Are you the one who still wants to go out and see the world?

Don’t you think that if you go out, you just go from the city to Wali?
How many foreign languages ​​do you master?Can you speak Cantonese?Are you proficient in English?Can you communicate with the Japanese?
Do you know the customs and customs of various countries?
You can't go out wearing this military uniform and say, 'Hello, comrade' when you meet people, right?

The only time we have the confidence to say this is when we went to North Korea without a passport.

The relationships in your family can allow you to get in touch with these and see how your seniors communicate with them?

If you don't feel like this, what are you going to do?Become a foreign slave?

If so, you might as well follow me! "

After talking about the female gangster until he was completely naked and lowering his head in shame, Li Shengli finished off his own steamed bun in several mouthfuls, ate a piece of crispy devil's ginger, and went out with the sea bowl to order four more black steamed buns.

"Lao Li, I was wrong. If my father had settled the relationship well, I would really treat you as my husband."

Listening to Du Jiaoyang's nondescript soft words, Li Shengli continued to laugh at her contemptuously.

I think you really need to study further.


This is the popular name nowadays.

Do you really think you are a treasure?
Do you think that girl just now looks good?
I asked her to come in and let her take off her clothes in front of you. Not only would she be obedient, but she would also smile at me.

I say hello, and some of the girls outside can come in and help me hold you down. Do I need you to treat me as your husband?

If you want to get something, you need to work hard for it.

Also, never give the contract of selling yourself to others easily. This fake marriage certificate is your current contract of selling yourself.

Sister Du, you don’t even understand the truth, why are you going out?
Go home and have a heart-to-heart talk with your father, your seedling is growing crookedly. "

Li Shengli had damaged her from the inside out, and the steamed bun that was just sweet in the mouth no longer tasted good.

Looking at the people in front of him who he thought were bumpkins, Du Jiaoyang felt a deep sense of inferiority in his heart.

"Lao Li, am I really that unbearable?"

Different from the fear of being hurt and timidity just now, Du Jiaoyang now felt that his hopes were about to collapse, and a strong sense of inferiority emerged from his heart unconsciously.

“Noble, bright, or what you think is noble, superior, superior to others.

You can rely on your ability or your power. If you are born well, you can rely on your power.

But once this power collapses, what do you think you are?
Your father is about to run away, and you are still here to treat others like you?
Don't you think you're a little ridiculous?
These words can serve as your insights into life and tell your dad.

Maybe he can give you better guidance than me, who knows?

I hurried to eat, and after finishing my meal, I was sent to Madianji Village on the outskirts of Beijing. "

Seeing that the female gangster had basically calmed down and obeyed, Li Shengli didn't hesitate and stopped belittling her at the right time.

After this time, the female gangster's heart may be stronger, and some words can be passed on to the Du family's father through her.

As Weng and his son-in-law talked to each other in the air, Father Du might be able to take a high look at him.

Now that he has a relationship with Du Jiaoyang, Li Shengli doesn't want to give up this opportunity. With Du's high regard, he will support Li Shengli's career in the future. This is the origin of his backer.

Du Jiaoyang barely ate two steamed buns here, but he felt so congested that he couldn't eat any more.

After seeing her finish eating, Li Shengli stood up and left the antelope horn powder, large white tablets, and an Angong Niuhuang pill in the medicine box for Yang Yulian.

After letting Boss Zhao finish his meal, he took Xiao Feng and Li Yinghong back to Wali. Then he took the jeep brought by Du Jiaoyang and went to Madianji.

Feeling the bumps of the jeep and looking at the dust floating in the carriage, Li Shengli shook his head. This was all it took to have a private car, and it wasn't warm inside either.

"Lao Li, what should I read when I go back?"

The female bastard, who had barely regained some confidence, was able to survive. She asked aggrievedly about her path to progress.



"have a question?

It was the brainchild of the old man, and it talked about the way of struggle.

Now that I understand, playing with foreign devils is better than just holding them in hand?

Don't think too low of yourself, and don't think too highly of others.

Many things can be easily smoothed out if they are viewed as conflicts of interest.Whoever loses is the victim, whoever gains is the perpetrator, the conflict of interests is as simple as that. "

In these days, if a man talks glibly and falls in love with a girl, he is considered a hooligan or a second-rate person.

The same goes for women. The two of them were caught holding hands on the street.

As for the brigades in rural areas, food and water can make the so-called propriety, justice and shame disappear.

For Du Jiaoyang, Li Shengli's advice to her today was about romance between the two.

Seeing Li Shengli transform from a sinister and vicious country bumpkin to a calm and reliable one, Du Jiaoyang had something different in his eyes.

Li Shengli, on the other hand, was completely unaware. Looking at the ravines on both sides of the path, he was thinking about next year's planting plan.

Leading the mountain villages out of poverty, 15 years later, is within his grasp. Now, it is worthy of careful consideration.

The bumpy jeep was much less comfortable than a horse-drawn carriage, and the dust floating in the carriage also made his nose itchy.

"Lao Li, why did you choose Wali?

Isn’t it good in the city? "

Listening to Du Jiaoyang, whose tone had become obviously softer, Li Shengli thought she was just frightened and didn't pay too much attention.

After looking at the driver in front of him, Li Shengli whispered into Du Jiaoyang's ear:

“In the city, I am the son of a worker in a steel rolling mill, a jobless junior high school graduate.

Even though he became an apprentice of Chinese medicine, he was still a bunch of people living in the dregs.

I can't afford to mess with any doorkeeper from the neighborhood committee.

When I arrived in Wali, I was a young man who responded to the call to go to the countryside and became a resident doctor. I was also a cultural youth who responded to the instructions of 626.

In Wali, even the district and township chiefs had to smile and shake hands and say a few words of encouragement when they saw me.

For the commune members, I restored many people's ability to work, which not only saved their lives, but also increased the labor force for the brigade.

Not to mention the people I have saved.

If an object like Wang Qianjin dares to come to Wali to cause trouble for me, I can have the members of Wali Village beat them to death with just a casual word.

The district and the township had to stand with me and portray them as bullies in a fish and meat town. Their death was in vain, but I got the honor.

My status is very different between the city and Wali. It's stupid of me to stay in the city.

When my traditional Chinese medicine class in Wali is established, people from all over the country will be my people. Do you think I shouldn’t stay in Wali? "

Some of what Li Shengli said has been completed beyond the standard, and some are being completed. These cannot be hidden from the Du family's father.

Mr. Xie could only hide half of it. As for Du Jiaoyang and Wang Qianjin, they basically couldn't understand it, and they couldn't understand it without explaining it in detail.

Li Shengli and Du Lao Du, Lao Du plans to use Li Shengli's current power to save his family, and Xiao Li plans to use Du Lao's future power to protect his career.

This was basically obvious to the two of them, and they had basically reached an agreement. Du Jiaoyang, who was sitting in the back seat of the jeep, was the link between the two.

Let alone friendship in marriages in these days, how many couples can have deep love for each other?After going through the storm, how many are left?
As long as Du Jiaoyang is not stupid or stupid like that idiot Wang Qianjin, it is enough. Besides, this female bastard's appearance is also considered to be online.

Li Shengli has no more requirements for this. As for finding someone who will cause harm to the country and the people, Ding Lan can barely get along with him now, but he is too naive, and Old Dingtou is not the best partner.

This is why Li Shengli didn't tear up Du Jiaoyang's fake marriage certificate, but let her take it home.

Siblings Du Jiaoyang and Du Peng have managed to get it right. Now they only need to register at the street office to make their relationship both secret and solid.

When the storm comes and the household registration department is in chaos, the matter of true and false marriage certificates can only be based on the facts.

Li Shengli was certain that the marriage certificate used by Du Peng must be the genuine one from the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Du Jiaoyang also told her about leaving Master Liu in Wali Village on the way. When the jeep arrived at Madianji, Li Shengli didn't let her stay long and drove her back to the city.

Time is very generous for Li Shengli, but it is extremely tight for Mr. Du. Going out at this time, even for high-level officials, has to go through a variety of procedures.

At the Madianji Village Headquarters, I met the old party secretary Wang Shengting again. The old man looked a little embarrassed, thinking that Li Shengli came to ask for payment.

"Victory, this..."

I just finished a set, but the effect was not very good. I made a lot of money by selling estimated clothes, but I didn't get much food in exchange.

Madianji's predicament was barely clearing up, and Li Shengli couldn't pay for the goods. He couldn't just drag the rations in exchange to Wali Village, right?
"Old man, you have seen strong winds and waves. Are you still afraid of a kid like me who comes to ask for a bill?"

Seeing that the old man Wang Shengting was kind and righteous, but still embarrassed when meeting the account keeper, Li Shengli made fun of him.


Shengli, it is natural to pay back debts. I have no money, so I am naturally afraid of meeting the owner of the account. You are just a three-year-old baby. This is the account!

It’s not even possible! "

Seeing the ridicule on Li Shengli's face, Wang Shengting felt at ease. After saying a few words, he took Li Shengli into the village headquarters.

After entering the village headquarters, the old party secretary waved his hand, and everyone in the village headquarters, including the cadres stationed in the village, slipped out.

This old man's authority in Madianji is much more domineering than that of the Zhao family in Wali.

"This is the tea that the commune awarded to my unscrupulous son. Let us try it to see if it smells like the blood of our village members."

After asking Li Shengli to sit down, Wang Shengting was not in a hurry to get down to business. He didn't care about the members and village cadres who were standing in the village courtyard, and made a cup of tea for Li Shengli.

(End of this chapter)

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