The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 186 Fire Kung Fu Acupuncture

Chapter 186 Fire Kung Fu Acupuncture
After the acupuncture needles, cotton wool, and candles were ready, Li Shengli did not give the needles immediately, but checked the condition of Zhang Song's waist again.

The gunshot wound was on the lower back. Looking at the small bowl-sized scar on the left side, Li Shengli also thanked Uncle Xiao.

This was pierced from the front to the back. If it was pierced from the back to the front, with such a large scar, I am afraid that the stomach will open a grocery store.

The difference between the front and the back was Zhang Song's life. He removed his clothes and put him in a side-lying position. Li Shengli reconfirmed the location of the needle.

The penetrating acupuncture method is different from the superficial needling of ordinary acupuncture. It is pierced straight or obliquely. The surface means the depth of the puncture.

Tongliang needling uses oblique puncture method, [-] mm silver needles run through both sides of the spine, blood vessels and nerve trunks are all risky positions during needling.

"Zhang Song, it depends on this time whether you can stand up, if I fail this time, you will be paralyzed for the rest of your life.

My acupuncture method is to pass the acupuncture point with a large needle, which is very painful and dangerous. You must not move around. If you mess up the acupuncture method, I don't care about it, you will have to continue to be paralyzed. "

While wiping Zhang Song's acupuncture points with cotton wool, he was following the doctor's instructions and thinking about the acupuncture plan.

The task given by brother Tong is definitely not that Zhang Song can move freely after a needle is passed through the beam.

Thinking about the acupuncture techniques he had mastered, Li Shengli first used Guimen Thirteen Needles, first injecting needles into Fengchi and Dazhui points.

"Xiao Li, what is the meaning of these three needles?"

Acupuncture and moxibustion are different from orthopedic injuries. Most Chinese medicine will dabble in it. Fengchi treats the shoulders and cervical spine.

"Tongliang is dangerous, first use three acupuncture points to stabilize his spinal meridians, and supplemented by Chuanyang one acupuncture point penetrating acupuncture method to stimulate the nerves in his lower limbs.

Then the Tongliang needle was inserted into the acupoint, supplemented by the Qingming technique used in armor-piercing needles, to stimulate the main nerves in his waist. "

Master Dong opened his mouth to ask, and Li Shengli said casually, and he also said the routine of pouring sugar water into the mouth to make a nest.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not a medicine that talks about logic, but Chinese medicine pays attention to medical principles, and the medical principles are profound.

Li Shengli's hodgepodge of stitches made Master Dong frown.

As a veteran who has been sitting in the clinic for many years, Li Shengli's reasoning cannot frighten him, but ignorance of medical theory is a taboo in treatment.

There is no such thing as a combination of penetrating acupuncture and ordinary acupuncture. It is true that the meridians of the human body complement each other, but it is wrong to cross the meridians.

The first three needles and the Chuanyang one are both aimed at the Foot Taiyang Meridian, but the Tongliang one cuts off the connection between the two sets of acupuncture.

The three needles share each other's own affairs, and if you are a little careless, you may get into trouble.

But Chinese medicine is very idealistic. Master Dong couldn't understand Li Shengli's tricks and would not make unreasonable accusations.

It's just that Zhang Song is already paralyzed, a few acupuncture, even if it's a Tongliang needle penetrating the acupoint, it won't cause any serious problems.

It's nothing more than a hemiplegia in the upper body, which he can save.

Seeing that there were enough silver needles in front of Li Shengli, Master Dong nodded and stopped asking questions.

It's roughly the same as Master Dong's thought. Li Shengli is just making a hodgepodge of his own ideas.

According to Brother Tong's suggestion, Zhang Song's problem was nothing more than a neurological disorder. The thirteen acupuncture needles on the upper part of the ghost gate fixed the main nerve, and the one acupuncture needle on Chuanyang on the lower one pinned the tail of the nerve.

Then use Tongliang needle and armor-piercing needle as stimulation, pick up the whole nerve and shake it twice to clean up the blockage, which is the general idea of ​​​​Li Shengli.

If the main nerve is broken, this trick is useless. If it is not broken, a few shakes will probably be effective.

He didn't dare to say this to Master Dong, because he couldn't get on the stage, and if he said it, he would be held accountable by Master Dong.

Western medicine focuses on skills, while Chinese medicine focuses on the human body. The reasoning generally makes sense, and Li Shengli started to do it here.

After applying the oblique needle to the beam, without waiting for Zhang Song to react, he used the Qingming technique of the penetrating nail needle.

Master Dong, who was on the side, saw that Li Shengli kept puncturing Zhang Song's waist with armor-penetrating needles, and he felt a little embarrassed.

A needle piercing through the armor, Li Shengli's application is a bit sloppy. The piercing acupuncture method is inherently dangerous, and normal people can't bear it long ago.

Instead of directly heating the silver needle with a candle, Li Shengli wrapped a piece of cotton wool around the end of the Tongliang needle, watching the yellow and blue flames flickering on the cotton wool.

At the side, Master Dong's mentality was also swaying with the flames, this method might not work.

Although he doesn't know much about penetrating acupuncture, Master Dong is still clear about some taboos of this acupuncture.

Penetrating the acupoints is dangerous, the time of needling should not be too long, the needling method is useless, and the effect of heating will not be too great.

Just as Master Dong was thinking about whether to let Li Shengli start the injection or prepare to take over and clean up the mess, Zhang Song's feet twitched slightly.

Feeling Zhang Song's feet, he turned his head suddenly, and his movement startled Li Shengli.

"What are you doing?

Lie down honestly, what should I do if I twist the needle in this sudden surprise? "

The Tongliang needle is almost inserted close to the blood vessels and nerves. If the needle is two millimeters thick, if the position is misplaced, the blood vessels, nerves or meridians will be injured when the needle is lifted, and there will be serious problems.

"Sir, I feel something in my foot."

Zhang Songquan ignored what his niece said before, and didn't listen to a word. Now that he felt something in his feet, he didn't know how to address Li Shengli.

"Lie down honestly. If you have something to say, you can talk about it after you start the needle."

A magical scene happened in front of Master Dong. After recalling Li Shengli's hodgepodge of acupuncture techniques, he still felt that the medical theory did not make sense.This is also in between, and the complexity of Chinese medicine is also here. Patients with similar medicines are different in different places, at different times, and in different climates. The efficacy and curative effect of medicines are also very different.

After using the same prescription, some people get better, some people have severe symptoms and some people have mild symptoms, but some people have mild symptoms and become severe.

Sometimes, the prescriptions prescribed by famous doctors are not as good as the guesswork of quack doctors, or the single-drug folk prescriptions of sorceresses and steady women. This situation is not uncommon in the medical field.

As for the reason, the broad view is that medical skills are not good. If we explore it on a small scale, it is nothing more than different medicines, wrong weather and mismatch of the six qi.

It's just that these people who are more complex than medical skills and can really find faults with traditional Chinese medicine are rare.

It is said that Li Shengli's blind cat ran into a dead mouse, and it was fine once, but twice it can't be treated as good luck.

Ding Lan in the Army General Hospital, Mr. Dong was the one who experienced it. When he encountered such a patient, he took Angong Niuhuang Pill first, then supplemented with decoction and acupuncture.

At first glance, Master Dong would not dare to directly use acupuncture for bloodletting. It is an emergency and severe disease. Once acupuncture is ineffective, people will be in danger.

Which Chinese medicine doctor dares to take the patient to try the method in the Army General Hospital?What's more, he is still a child of the big courtyard, and safety is the first choice.

But the safe method may not be able to save Ding Lan. According to the old horse of the Army General Hospital, the method of using Angong Niuhuang Pill first, and then supplemented with decoction may delay Ding Lan's condition.

With the same swaying mood as before, Master Dong looked at Zhang Song's twitching feet. Is this considered a success?
Calculating the time, Li Shengli first needled the Tongliang, and then asked Zhang Song to try the feeling of his legs to confirm that he could feel the changes in his legs, and then he needled all the needles.

"Master Dong, I plan to give him Tongluo Pill and Taohong Siwu Decoction, what do you think?"

Master Dong is a master of pulse diagnosis and medicine. Now that he has followed, Li Shengli doesn't need to make prescriptions to administer medicine.

The curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine depends on the addition, subtraction, and flavoring. Slow medicine has a miraculous effect, just above the addition, subtraction, and flavoring, but most doctors are new to the hall.

Some famous national players are good at adding, subtracting and adding flavors, but there are only a dozen or dozens of doses. There are not no famous doctors who dominate one side with a single dose of medicine, and they also rely on adding, subtracting and adding flavors.

The basis for treating all diseases is to add, subtract, and add flavor. Taohong Siwu Decoction is not only a gynecological medicine, but also a medicine for blood stasis, and a medicine for bone injuries. Proper addition or subtraction can also cure all diseases.

"Okay, take a pen and paper..."

After reading Li Shengli's hodgepodge of acupuncture methods, the southern school's Huogong acupuncture method is the main method, supplemented by the somewhat solitary acupuncture method of fixed points, which has no medical theory but good results.

Master Dong also has a preliminary understanding of Li Shengli. Just like his acupuncture techniques, although the successor of the Liu family has a bit of medical ethics, he is also a delicate product.

Physicians are refined, and medical ethics have to be discussed separately. This is also the starting point for Master Dong to give a little bit of medical ethics.

As a doctor, if you calculate too much, it will inevitably hurt the medical ethics. For the doctor, it is not possible to equate between saving people and hurting others.

The merit of saving thousands of people is not as good as the evil of harming one person. This is a healer.

If you want to be a highly respected doctor, you have to let go of the calculations in your heart. But if you let go of the calculations, no one will protect the inheritance.

Although he is not optimistic about Li Shengli in terms of medical ethics, Master Dong is still very optimistic about this heir of the Liu family. This is what a guardian of traditional Chinese medicine should look like.

Make the best use of people, make the best use of things, plan deeply, and act decisively. Why do historians investigate Li Shengli? It's nothing more than to support him and accumulate medical ethics.

The lineage of historians is different from other traditional Chinese medicine inheritances. With the help of Shi Lao's previous status, most of the disciples of historians are in research institutes and colleges of traditional Chinese medicine.

For the development, current situation, and context of Chinese medicine, the historians have the deepest understanding.

The development of traditional Chinese medicine has encountered a hurdle. It is a choke point, but it is passable, but the way forward is still unknown.

If we can't make it through, in another ten or twenty years, it will be time for a large number of talents to wither.

No matter how thick and large the branches are, if there are only a few dead branches and leaves left, Chinese medicine will be disabled.

Mr. Shi was clicked by Li Shengli in the Army General Hospital. After going back and thinking about it, he also realized that in-depth study of classics would not be of great benefit to the development of Chinese medicine.

On the contrary, Li Shengli's concise and concise method, coupled with 626 instructions, can further expand the context of Chinese medicine.

First, there are the eight methods of bone-setting, and then there is the method of spreading the medicine to relieve symptoms, and they are spread bit by bit. With these points, the following people can break the surface with a few points and enter the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Whether it is orthopedics, internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, or dermatology, etc., if you can be good all the way, you are a good Chinese medicine doctor.

With these branches and leaves, cut off the crooked ones, and further study the good ones, there will be successors of Chinese medicine.

But the historians don't have such a top guy like Li Shengli. At the age of seventeen, he dared to stir up the general trend, and he was well-established.

Mr. Shi had a very high opinion of Li Shengli. Taking Master Dong's opinion back, the Shi family and the Liu family could be regarded as truly aligned.

After writing the prescription, Master Dong took a deep look at Li Shengli and wanted to have an in-depth communication with him, but judging from the boy's attitude, he just threw it away after using it...

"Xiao Feng, send Master Dong off for me, and I will give Uncle Ni a massage."

Master Dong started massaging Zhang Song with his hands. Without Master Dong opening a word, Li Shengli was a little rude and turned away the guests.

On Master Dong's side, he definitely wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, but there were some things that Li Shengli didn't want to go too deep into, especially Master Dong's side.

If they were to push him to the forefront, Li Shengli would definitely be in trouble.

A stubborn rock in a depression, no one has the teeth to crush it. If he climbs up the big tree like Shi Lao, he can only be a vine under the tree. If the tree falls, the vine will naturally die.

Seeing Master Dong being sent out by Xiao Feng with helplessness in his eyes, Li Shengli sighed softly. Although the Shi family lineage is a treasure trove of internal medicine, now is not the time to take it.

(End of this chapter)

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