Chapter 181

Leaving Xie Fei and Wang Qianjin behind at the health bureau, Li Shengli and the other two slowly returned home in a carriage.

"Xiao Hu, You Fang, try to drink as little as possible when eating out in the future.

People like Mr. Xie are duplicitous, if you are not close to each other, don't drink too much wine with them, they are easy to slip up after drinking. "

Tonight, we had shabu-shabu at Donglaishun. It was a dine-in meal. Xiao Hu, Zhao Youfang, Fu Shan and Chen Jing made almost all of the two bottles of Xifeng.

Boss Zhao and Xiao Hu can drink quite well, and Du Jiaoyang took Fu Shan and Chen Jing to their knees, so there may be a reason why they drink too much and talk too much.

The business of selling and appraising clothes is not open to the public, and there are many private things in the valley that cannot be told to others.

Li Shengli was also afraid that the two of them would become drunkards after drinking. Without a clear mouth, problems would easily arise.

"Uncle, I'm fine, where are you now?

If you give me both bottles, it might not be enough. "

After half a bottle of wine, Boss Zhao, who was sweating slightly, retorted unconvinced, but was kicked by Xiao Hu.

"Just listen to what uncle says, if you talk back I'll slap you, and watch your carriage honestly.

Uncle, that woman’s look at you is wrong, be careful with her. "

Compared with Jianghu experience, ten Zhao bosses are not as good as Xiao Hu, and this uncle of his own family has also made powerful connections.

At the wine table, Xiao Hu was not idle, he kept observing the expressions of Xie Fei and Du Jiaoyang. As for Wang Jinjin, that guy was just a bastard, so he didn't need to observe.

"Xiao Hu, you are good. This circle is a circle of mutual use.

Mr. Xie, I have decided to give it to Caixia, so we can get along with him for a while. As for the others, we just treat him as acquaintances.

When something happens, reach out and pull if it doesn't affect you. If it affects you a little, you have to go around in your mind a few more times.

That bitch Du Jiaoyang is a troublemaker, if she invites you, it's best not to go out with her. "

In Xie Fei's small circle, except for him, the young master, there was no one he could have a sincere relationship with.

Du Jiaoyang and Wang Qianjin are basically the same kind of people. They are used to being arrogant and domineering, and they will probably be troublemakers in the future.

Li Shengli didn't want the two of them to use Xiao Hu as a thug because of their relationship. Seeing that the mountain god was not given for nothing, he didn't hide it, so he directly pointed it out.

All the way back to the courtyard, Li Shengli asked Boss Zhao to wait in Banqiao Hutong. Today's work is not over yet. Maybe Li Huaide will come to visit tomorrow.

As for Mr. Shi and Master Dong, that's it. Li Shengli wouldn't dare to go deeper.

The storm has impacted the ingredients and the past, and has nothing to do with the industry. The northwest will not be immune, and the same goes for traditional Chinese medicine.

No matter how high the level of traditional Chinese medicine is, it is still not as high as those in the northwest. Li Shengli has two opinions on whether the industry can be protected from impact.

If you are too close to Mr. Shi and the others, you will inevitably get involved. Rather than being involved, it is better to stay out of the situation and lend a helping hand when the time comes.

It's different here with Li Huaide. The future Director Li is a meticulous person. According to Mr. Xie, this one is also a two-faced and hesitant person.

A little good rapport is not necessarily a bad thing, and maybe the two of them can collaborate a few more times in the future.

Entering the front yard of the courtyard, Li Shengli glanced around. Only the Li family's house in the front yard and middle yard still had lights on.

Of course, this was not waiting for him to come home. The light was on in the north room of the house. Maybe his younger brothers and sisters were still studying.

I gently opened the door and entered the north room. My mother Han Jinhua, my brother Li Jianshe, my sister Li Yinghong, and my uncle Sun Wuyang were all there.

The three of them were studying the book, while the old lady was gluing paper boxes with a frown on her face.

"Victory, why are you back?"

Seeing her eldest son come back suddenly, Han Jinhua frowned even more. The only thing people worried about at home was her eldest son who was not at home.

She went out and looked forward to his return home, but Han Jinhua felt even more worried when he came back suddenly.

"Mom, it's okay.

Today I received an emergency in Wali and sent him to the hospital in the city. I will follow him to explain his condition. "

Hearing the eldest son's explanation, Han Jinhua frowned halfway, tidied up her stall, and said:
"Let's go, your brother is tired all day, go to bed early."

Listening to my mother's obvious words of double standards, the Li family brothers and sisters all breathed a sigh of relief. Sun Wuyang, who was not treated as a human being, also felt relaxed for a while.

Tonight when he was studying, he had already received four or five blows from his sister. His reading was even smoother, but if he had any trouble, his sister would hit him with such an aggressive blow that it would make stars pop out of his eyes.

Sun Wuyang, who was beaten up, was also very honest. His eldest nephew spent a lot of money to buy a student status for him, let alone his uncle.

For most families, even if they have such a financial background, their biological father may not necessarily spend such a large amount of money on his biological son.

The selected works were somewhat obscure and unfamiliar to Sun Wuyang. When it came to the endorsement section, he was like his sister and wanted to memorize the book as quickly as possible.

My elder sister has resentment about spending money, and as my brother-in-law, setting an example for my two nephews who can't read well is considered a contribution.

"Classmate Sun Wuyang, don't be idle at home these two days, strike while the iron is hot."

After giving his uncle Sun Wuyang a hint, Li Shengli started to change clothes. Although he did not have direct contact with Wang Zhi and his wife today, he still had to pay attention to something.

"Put it there, I'll wash it for you tomorrow."

Seeing that her eldest son had changed his clothes and was about to take them out, Han Jinhua also stopped him. In her eyes, washing and washing should be a woman's job.

"Mom, today's patient has tuberculosis. I'll go to Sun Wuyang first and get some powdered wine for disinfection." When he talked about tuberculosis, Li Shengli was afraid that his mother wouldn't understand. After he finished speaking, he went to the auxiliary room and sprayed it with powdered alcohol. After picking up the clothes, they hung them on the drying line in the front yard.

"You can't put your clothes in the yard overnight. Don't mess with dirty things. Throw them in the basin and soak them. I'll wash them for you early in the morning."

Hearing the reminder from his old lady, Li Shengli also obeyed. During this period of time, he was somewhat superstitious following Mr. Liu.

Even if he is not superstitious, he can come to the courtyard. You still have to believe in the cycle of retribution.

Following his mother's words, he soaked his clothes in the basin. Then Li Shengli stretched out and slept on his little bed with his clothes on.

This time when I go back to Wali, I still need to get some bedding. Half of what I got last time was placed in the old village department over there.

Only my younger sister Li Yinghong changed the bedding to thicker ones at home.

Today's Sijiu City has four distinct seasons, and the winter is really cold.

Thinking about the soot coming out of Shazhu's house and the old man's house when he went to the auxiliary room, Li Shengli wanted to let his old lady give birth to the stove, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

The days are going to be more and more prosperous, and one step is in place. I am afraid that it will be downhill in the future. If there is no expectation in my heart, life will be boring.

Early the next morning, Li Shengli still woke up to the sound of his younger siblings and an uncle reading, and went back to sleep with the sound of reading.

In the middle of the morning, my sweet sleep was still disturbed by the pimples on my mother's broom.

"That's alright, I've never seen you sleeping in so much before.

There is still porridge for you to sit on the stove, drink a couple of sips quickly and wash your face. "

After drinking porridge and washing his face, Li Shengli didn't dare to walk in the courtyard for half the morning.

Even if you practice in the morning at three o'clock in the morning, you are still a prodigal. The atmosphere in the courtyard is not very good, and it is easy for others to gossip and poke your spine.

Today, Li Shengli's main purpose is to wait for Li Huaide's visit. If Mr. Xie contacts Lao Li, it will probably be at this time.

When Lao Li got the bait, he would probably come to find himself, the bridge builder. Li Shengli reckoned that this time Li Huaide would have to bring some medical books when he came here.

After asking for the key to the reverse seat room from his mother, Li Shengli opened the screen door courtyard and entered the southern courtyard of the courtyard.

Unlike the imaginary empty house with some simple furniture, apart from the pine tables and chairs sent by the rolling mill, there are also some large pieces of furniture left in the inverted room.

There are two sets of large cabinets and a large painting desk, which are things that cannot be placed in ordinary homes. I touched the wood and found that it was probably mahogany.

This kind of furniture, in the current aesthetics, is considered a superficial thing, not to mention bulky, and it takes up space, which should be the reason why it was thrown here.

This was a waste of money. After scanning it for a few times, Li Shengli planned to move these two cabinets and painting desks to the north room of his house.

From now on, the Nanfa Seat will be a public place. It is inevitable that you will encounter discerning people who know what is good. Staying here will only cause trouble.

As for moving to the sidewalk warehouse, Li Shengli didn't dare to think about it at all. There were so many people in the courtyard, and they moved things from the courtyard across the street.

I'm afraid that Mrs. Jia's black complaint will go to the neighborhood committee before the things are moved.

Thinking about the relationship in the courtyard, Li Shengli wanted to improve it, but there was really no way.

Sheng Mien fights Mi Qiu, there is a deaf old lady, and he wants to guide the atmosphere in the courtyard. Laoyi, Shazhu, and Jia's family are all difficulties that are not easy to overcome.

There are many difficulties and dangers in success, and only one word for bad things. Standing at the door of the inverted room and looking at the courtyard from the other side, Li Shengli could only shake his head helplessly.

I spent half the morning simply cleaning the inverted room. After getting off work at noon, my father came back riding a half-new bicycle.

"Shengli, deputy factory manager Li came over after dinner and went to the room to tidy up. I have to take pictures later."

Looking at Father Li who was sweating on his forehead, Li Shengli smiled and nodded.

"Dad, can I get you an old bicycle too?"

There is a bicycle owned by Mr. Liu in the warehouse along the road, but it is the old man's wish, and Li Shengli does not intend to give it to anyone.

Beixinqiao Trust's main business is second-hand bicycles. Buying an older foreign product is not a big problem now.

"What do you want that foreign goods for?
My butt hurts from this journey, how about walking home with your uncles and uncles, and you can chat on the way, isn't it better than riding this thing? "

As for bicycles, Mr. Li, who has been traveling from home to the steel rolling mill for more than ten years, is not interested at all.

Not to mention him, Lao Yi in the courtyard now, is it different that he also goes back and forth on eleven routes?
Riding on a bicycle, the speed is fast, but you have to face daily necessities when you go home, so why not smoke and chat with your co-workers on the road.

"It's up to you. When Deputy Director Li leaves this time, the reverse room here will be used.

You can also bring along coworkers with whom you have a good relationship and have a drink at a bar in the evening. There will be room for you. "

Drinking is the spiritual food of today's workers and farmers. After a few ounces of wine, all worries can be temporarily put aside while drunk.

Li Shengli's proposal obviously suited Father Li. He raised his eyebrows and said:
"That's OK, but this is the factory's medical point after all, wouldn't it be inappropriate?
Even with this wine, we can't offer it every day, we can't afford it! "

Thinking about having a drink with his co-workers in small groups, Mr. Li was looking forward to it, but he was a little confused about the situation and was afraid that he could not afford the small drinks.

“Dad, please don’t shoulder the burden.

There is only one person in the Zanjiu Bureau for one day, but they will give out one bottle, we can give out two bottles, and you will get it all, but you won't get any good words.

At most, our family will order fried soybeans every now and then, and a few bottles of the cheapest Sanlouzi. The good wine at home should not be used for drinking. "

Li Shengli didn't want his father to be stabbed in the back after paying for the drinks. This is how it is these days. If you show good intentions and try to show off, the result will definitely be bad.

(End of this chapter)

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