The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 173 Combination Drugs

Chapter 173 Combination Drugs

Back at the village headquarters, Li Shengli first asked Xiao Feng to go back to the Zhao family to deliver a message, and asked the Zhao brothers to change horses and hitch carts.

Only then did he start to make a prescription with Master Liu, and after he finished writing it, he asked Master Liu to continue transcribing.

Li Shengli went to the village and directly called Master Dong's office.

Hearing that Li Shengli wanted to combine Chinese and Western medicines to treat tuberculosis, Master Dong was silent for a long time before agreeing to go to the Army General Hospital again.

Li Shengli should have given up on Master Dong's side by keeping silent, but he didn't. This was forcing Master Dong to stand up.

Forcing Master Dong, Li Shengli is not the successor of the Liu family, but the head of the Liu family can. As the successor of Du Miaomiao, although his position as the head is vague, it is still useful for the Liu family to hand over to Master Dong.

Mr. Dong must use it quickly, otherwise he will be out of work next summer.

For those who need to experience wind and rain, it should be more intuitive to look at it in terms of salary.

After graduating from university, the regular salary is 55 yuan. The hospital attending staff is the same as the engineer, [-] yuan plus subsidy, at least [-] yuan for serious ones, and [-] yuan for more.

For someone like Master Dong, who is working on paperwork at the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a briefcase between them, it might be the standard of 460 yuan for a first-level professor, which should be quite different from low or high.

Ordinary workers are generally in their 30s and 40s, college students pay 18 yuan a month, and middle and high schools have to pay tuition fees out of their own pockets. The wages are used to distinguish them. Although the deviation is not small, the difference is not bad.

As for those with a salary of [-] and a subsidy of [-], after the first round of storms, they will almost fall, with a slightly worse reputation, and they will inevitably die for money.

Li Shengli's eight bone-setting methods can only support Chinese medicine practitioners, and it is probably impossible to entrust Master Dong and the others. If they are done properly, they can only save them from suffering.

Another point is that Li Shengli only knows Dong Shi, a famous Chinese medicine doctor, and it is his nature to catch a toad and urinate.

Workers' children, the contact area is too narrow, whether it is Mr. Dong, Mr. Xie, Wang Jinjin, or Du Peng who sold him his student status, and his sister Du Jiaoyang who is fond of changing her name, are all in Li Shengli's calculations.

As for Ding Lan's father, that old man was slick and steadfast, and immediately cut off Li Shengli's thoughts of using him, so he could only use him to clean up Wang Qianjin. This matter was more or less a coincidence.

As for Sister Feng, with Lao Dingtou as an example, it is not a task with the most upright views, and it is not easy to find her.

After making the phone call and returning to the infirmary, Li Shengli considered it for a while and asked Master Liu to record his plan.

“Combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine to treat early and middle stage tuberculosis…”

Lifting his head and writing, Li Shengli shocked Mr. Liu, and used the word "combined medicine" appropriately.

Li Shengli's medication plan is very simple. It is nothing more than western medicine streptomycin and isoniazid for sterilization, and traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning.

Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions are all ready-made, but the idea is relatively novel.

Silently thinking about the plan of his own successor, Master Liu suddenly remembered the scene of pouring sugar water into Zhang Dingguo's mouth when he was treating Zhang Dingguo's ascariasis.

"My lord, isn't this the same as the sugar water gulp in the roundworm disease?

This makes sense, but when you get to the place, don't use the same rhetoric as last time, fishing to make a nest.

Let’s not play the trick of using sugar water instead of salt water. For Zhang Dingguo, we are just practicing doctors, and if he is cured, he will just run away.

If you play this in the hospital, they might go to jail if you don’t do it well. If you kill them, you will be sterilized by western medicine and recuperated by traditional Chinese medicine.

You must not be like Hu Qin who has nothing.

When Wang Zhiniang and her husband arrived at the hospital, life and death were out of our hands. Western medicine has its own strategy, which we don't know very well.

There are many medicines but little medicine, and the results may be different, so you must be careful.

Otherwise, I'd better follow him, because I'm afraid Xiaodong won't be able to suppress the situation. "

Chinese and Western medical methods should have been used before. It is nothing more than that Chinese medicine cannot be replaced by Western medicine, and Western medicine cannot be replaced by Chinese medicine.

Like Li Shengli, the heir of his own family, he confirmed the Western medicine supplemented plan before treatment, but Mr. Liu had never heard of it anyway.

It is supplemented by Western medicine!

In the plan, Li Shengli played a trick of changing the concept, taking the adjustment of the body's resistance as the main purpose.

In this way, sterilization of Western medicine becomes an auxiliary means. A small medication plan is full of tricks.

Knowing that his heirs like to take risks with medicine, Mr. Liu is very supportive and wants to become famous as soon as possible.

But relying on Western medicine to become famous and using a combination of Chinese and Western medicine to become famous is too risky. To be on the safe side, Mr. Liu wanted to help block the arrow.

"You'd better not go, you are infected with tuberculosis, you have bad legs, you can't sit in the same carriage with Wang Zhiniang.

At your age, if you are infected, you may not be able to withstand the force of the medicine, so take good care of it and try to live for decades, and we will watch the inheritance of the Liu family unfold.

Master Liu, from Wang Zhi's words, she has the inheritance of the Wang family. I thought about talking to her on the way and threatening her with kindness so that she could temporarily join the Liu family.

I have too much to study medicine here, and I don't know how to teach it, so that's it for your side. If Wang Zhi has a solid foundation, he is the perfect candidate for the Liu family to teach the law. "

Rejecting Master Liu's idea of ​​traveling with him, Li Shengli also arranged for Wang Zhiniang and Wang Zhiniang according to Brother Tong's mission.

There is no delay in supporting the inheritance of the Wang family and the inheritance of the Kailiu family. Since the Wang family is famous for its classics, it would be best to do Chinese medicine enlightenment for those around Li Shengli.

"It's fine for me and my father to talk about it, but we still have to use it as an excuse to help Wang Zhi.

It's not easy for her to be orphaned and widowed, so you can tell her a lesson.

It is still necessary to use tactful means to take out people's inheritance. "

Li Shengli's plundering methods were too blatant, and Master Liu persuaded him to cover it up.

"Master Liu, I heard Wang Zhi's voice, she should be young, why don't you guys get together?"

The wind and rain are coming, and Li Shengli, who has planned a lot of things recently, is inevitably anxious and irritable, and he does things more utilitarianly, fearing that it will not be safe, so he wants Master Liu to be a horse tie.

"Don't talk nonsense, I asked Wang Zhi's age, and she said that this year is not yet thirty, and the child is twelve, count the years, if she is fifteen or sixteen, she will get married.

At that time, most of the marriages were for status. If she was a flower letter girl in the market, I would accept her, and someone would take care of her if she was on tiptoe.

But she is a descendant of the Wang family, so it's inevitable that people will criticize her for having sex in the same room. Doctors want to be famous.

Although I have a bad reputation, I dare not do the things passed down by bad people for fear of retribution.

Young master, please remember, you must not give her any extraneous love. The heirs of the same lineage should be treated with dignity. "

After listening to Master Liu, Li Shengli took a deep breath, looked out the window, and saw that the Zhao brothers' carriage hadn't come yet, so he said in a somewhat dejected manner:
"Master Liu, you've been scheming in the city for the past two days.

Feeling a little restless, I wanted to come back to relax, or I won't be back in two days.

I also figured out what happened to Caixia, but I just thought about it, I couldn't help feeling guilty..."

Glancing at the sad Li Shengli, Master Liu thought to himself that this fellow was shameless, he probably did something with no ass hole, and let himself excuse him.

But helpless, who made him the heir of the Liu family? Resisting his obsession, Master Liu replied:
"Master, how can a family's inheritance be supported so well, it is you who spread good fortune, and you are the one who chases death and north!
Think about how many people we can save after our medical veins are opened up, and you will feel more refreshed.

Not to mention anything else, our Liu family already has two Dharma transmission books, and we are also the first to advocate the teaching of understanding external medicine. The merits and virtues are immeasurable.

Some flaws, with the support of traditional Chinese medicine, don't matter. "

After listening to Mr. Liu's explanation, Li Shengli felt much better. When he heard the sound of horse hooves, he waved to Zhao Caixia who was studying, and the two of them left the village headquarters.

Let Zhao's second son go home first, let Zhao's boss go to the village to get some masks, and then go to pick up Wang Zhiniang.

Li Shengli then turned to look at Zhao Caixia, and said:
"Caixia, I've made an appointment for you, Section Chief Xie Fei of the District Health Bureau, to go to town in two days.

He brought you a military uniform. I thought you would change it and make the waist of the general uniform a little thinner.

The double twisted flower is also replaced with cannabis flower, the face powder and lipstick in the bag, I will tell you how to use it when I come back.

Hurry up and change your clothes, wait for my call at home, and then let the second and third take you into the city. "

As soon as uncle Li Shengli said to shrink her waist, Zhao Caixia blushed. She knows how to tailor clothes seriously, and knows the truth of shrinking her waist to show her chest.

"Uncle, can Chief Xie see me?"

After silently nodding in agreement, Zhao Caixia asked the question in her heart again.

"So, don't give it to him easily, just hold him by the hand, don't be fooled by him.

That's enough, I won't tell you more, let Xiao Feng teach you later, don't put down the medical books, don't worry too much.

No matter how good Xie Fei is, those are his, only medical books and medical skills are yours.

You have the ability to straighten your back. I heard you said that you don't want to be like an old sow, so you have to study hard.

If you are capable enough to support Xie Fei, he will naturally be obedient. "

After filling Zhao Caixia with the poisonous chicken soup, Li Shengli took the leather backpack from Xiao Feng.

Only a change of clothes was left inside, and Zhao Caixia sent the rest back to the Zhao family.

With his luggage and medicine box on his back, he went back as he came. Looking at Wang Zhi's mother and daughter sitting on the haystack at the end of the car, Li Shengli was full of confidence.

Combination of medicines can be regarded as showing off, this trick can be used for a lifetime, as long as Master Dong does not lose the chain, his own combination of medicines is a topic worthy of deep study by many Chinese medicine practitioners.

The few doses of medicine I have are mostly called pills and powders, but they are actually transformed from Chinese patent medicines. When it comes time to take medicines, Master Dong still needs to consider whether to increase or decrease.

Medication is not the key, but the introduction of the concept of western medicine sterilization and anti-inflammation to traditional Chinese medicine is the main topic of this combination of medicines.

After the emergence of modern medicine, traditional Chinese medicine had to change. Not only was Chinese medicine questioned and criticized for its ineffective anti-inflammation and sterilization, but it was also slowly losing its advantages accumulated over the past 3000 years.

Once modern medical equipment is popularized on a large scale, the impact brought by the wave of industrialization will be no different to the impact of industrial civilization on agricultural civilization for traditional Chinese medicine.

There is no conflict with the introduction of anti-inflammation and sterilization, the introduction of surgery, the introduction of medical equipment, and the assisting of traditional Chinese medicine.

If you insist on attacking someone's strength with your weakness, it's somewhat overwhelmed.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not in sync with Western medicine. Theories of Western medicine are changing at any time. Pathology and pharmacology may be eliminated in 30 to [-] years.

But the theory of Chinese medicine is different. Although some theories cannot be explained by science, they are easy to use and can only be blamed on science, which is not very scientific.

One side has an unstable theoretical foundation, and the other side just needs to borrow modern equipment and medicines to make directional changes.

In the 40, [-] or [-] to [-] years when capital cannot fully exert its strength, it is Li Shengli's greatest wish to firmly lay down the foundation of Chinese medicine.

Taking the opportunity to establish or form a strong Chinese medicine capital should also be one of the directions, but this is a bit more difficult.

"Wang Zhi, I'm going to use a combination of Chinese and Western medicine this time. I'll talk about the process in general. Come and listen. The choice is yours."

After thinking about the general context, Li Shengli did not hide it from Wang Zhi, and it is best to talk about these things first.

The heir to the Wang family is not Bai Ding, neither Li Shengli nor Master Dong can fool her.

"Brother Li, you don't need to say too much, just follow what you said, I believe you."

(End of this chapter)

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