Chapter 116

After seeing off Xiao Hu, Li Shengli frowned and went back to the courtyard.

It's not hard to guess Xiao Feng's thoughts. Li Shengli can pretend that Xiao's sister-in-law has a deep look in her eyes. After all, they don't see each other very often.

But with Xiao Feng by his side, it was not so easy to give way.

Back home, Father Li, who got off work early, also blocked him when he heard that his eldest son was going back to Wali tomorrow.

"Shengli, this medical point just got a little sensual, why are you going to Wali again?"

Father Li came from the countryside, so he naturally knew that the life down there would be difficult.

Not to mention good food and bad food, housing alone is a big problem. More than half of the people in a village have fleas and lice in their homes.

It is also common for mice to get into the bed when they fall asleep on the kang at night.

Since the Li family entered the city, they have basically drawn a clear line with fleas and mice.

The mother-in-law is hardworking, not to mention rats and fleas, even Father Li's overalls are different from other workers.

No matter how old it is, it won't be stained with oil. As for the two and a half children in the family, it's the same as cats and dogs, there is no place they can't drill.

No matter how often they change and wash, they will not be clean. Moreover, there are not many clothes for them to change and wash at home.

Although he came from the countryside, Father Li didn't like the countryside. After fighting for more than ten years, he finally got rid of the bitter kiln. He obviously couldn't accept sending his son in before he was old.

Before, he had no chance to stay in the city. Father Li could only stare at the elder son going to the countryside.

Now that there is a medical center jointly established with the rolling mill, the eldest son will have a future, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't go to the countryside.

In Li's opinion, if you can't go to the bitter kilns in the countryside, you can't eat and live well.

"Dad, don't worry about this.

When Jianjian and Yinghong are on winter vacation, let them go there too.

Years ago I gave them a small treatment, and after the year, let them go to the medical center for some minor injuries. "

Seeing his mother Han Jinhua standing behind his father with raised eyebrows, Li Shengli waved his hand to block his complaints.

The medical point in the courtyard is just for show. If you really want to use it, you have to wait for the ten pages of the book to be printed.

Although the rolling mill is large, the proportion of old bones and injuries will not be too large. They are all cured, and there will be no material for Li Huaide's publicity in the future.

As for those mild cases, when the younger brothers and sisters learn it, they can just use it to practice their hands. It is nothing more than Li Gui, a supporter of him, as long as they are not broken by someone, there is always a way to slow down.

"Let's listen to Shengli on important matters, so don't interrupt me, you old worker.

There are not many good birds who are leaders, so don't let people play around. "

Seeing that the eldest son had a charter, Han Jinhua lowered her raised brows. She knew exactly how much her man was worth.

The leaders of the rolling mill are not easy to deal with. They are all good people, and Mr. Li is not an opponent.

After driving away the old man Li who had nothing to do to make trouble, Han Jinhua frowned and asked:
"Shengli, once you leave, your younger siblings will no longer be able to study, so just let them study randomly?"

Although she doesn't know much about reading and can't understand medical books, Han Jinhua is the daughter of the second shopkeeper of the estimated clothing store, so you can tell by the high or low eyebrows.

The eldest son Li Shengli went home and gave some pointers, and the two younger ones read a lot more smoothly. Without the pointers, they didn't seem to stumble when they started reading.

"Read the book a hundred times and you will see the truth. Mom, just remember this. If they don't study hard, they will beat them hard."

He was about to leave home again, and Li Shengli also gave his old lady a good outlet to vent her anger. She didn't have children to play with, and the impatient old lady would probably get angry.

"Okay, I understand, you can go to the valley without worry..."

As soon as she heard the action, Han Jinhua understood what the eldest son meant. The two children in the family were bullying her for not being able to understand, and they were playing tricks.

When the boss left, if the two at home were still stumbling, Han Jinhua would have a plan to deal with it.

When the younger siblings came home from school and the family had dinner, Li Shengli also posted a bad message, so he deliberately found medical books that the two of them had read well.

While explaining to the two, he asked his younger siblings to read aloud. Looking at the wrinkled old woman outside the door, Li Shengli looked at Li Jianshe and Li Yinghong with compassion.

The start of Chinese medicine is difficult. If you want to embark on this path, you can't set your own ambitions, but you can only let your mother do it for you.

Brother and sister, the starting point for studying medicine is only because of the arrangement of my mother.

This level of initiative is far from enough, and they can only be filial sons and daughters under the stick, otherwise they will not develop the habit of sinking into books, and it will be difficult to improve medicine all the way.

Li Yinghong is a little girl, and my mother slaps her mouth as soon as she says she slaps her mouth. When she leaves, the two of them are guaranteed to be in dire straits. If you are not careful, you may be beaten two or three times a day.

Today's children don't need any psychological construction, they are done with beating, and playing rebellious can only show that beating is not enough.

Now I want to run away from home and come back hungry in three days. If it is summer, I can carry it for a few more days. In winter, I may not need it for three days.

Li Shengli firmly believes that his younger siblings will quickly develop the habit of reading. Parents who can reach out and beat their children are much better than the supervisors of black coal mines.

After arranging the study of his younger siblings, Li Shengli began to pack his luggage.

Because there are a lot of old clothes brought back recently, the old lady has set up rules again, so this time I will bring more clothes when I go to Wali.

The old lady put two big burdens on her, and even brought the old purple lambskin jacket that she bought from Mr. Zhao last time. This is to let him live in the valley.

At 04:30 the next morning, Li Shengli carried his luggage and medicine box on his back, and at the urging of his mother, he took his younger siblings out.

"Brother, can you tell mom, don't get up so early, I don't have the energy to go to class during the day."

Hearing her younger sister Li Yinghong's complaints, she dared to say this to herself, and if she told her old mother, she would be a big mouther again.

"I dare not say, if you want to be lazy, don't hurt me, you two had better listen to your mother at home, or if you get beaten, don't blame me for not reminding you two.

Come on, two yuan per person, don't go out and talk nonsense, let mom know that it's your own business to be beaten. "

There is not much communication between the brothers and sisters nowadays, and most of them play their own way. Although they live in the same house, the three brothers and sisters also have one mind and one mind.

Li Shengli didn't care what the two of them thought, he just dug a hole for them, and my old lady would naturally tidy them up.

Selling well is what his big brother should do. He gave two stacks of ten-cent tickets to each of them. Seeing the smiles on the faces of his younger siblings, Li Shengli smiled unkindly.

Walking halfway, the three brothers and sisters met the carriage of the Zhao family brothers. Looking at Xiao Feng in the carriage, who was just like himself, wearing a black double-breasted dress and narrow-leg cotton trousers, Li Shengli felt dizzy for a while.

After introducing the younger siblings to Boss Zhao, Second Zhao, and Xiao Feng, the two groups parted ways.

Looking at the five packs of clothes, several rolls of quilts, and a long suitcase similar to a coffin, Li Shengli, who was following the car, asked:
"You Fang, why are you pulling so much?
Whose trunk is it? "

There are at least [-] bags of old clothes in Xiao's house, but this time when I go back, I only take a little. Boss Zhao didn't tell Li Shengli.

That's why he asked this question. As for the suitcase on the car, that kid Xiao Hu should have made it on his own.

"There is work in the village, my father won't let too many people go back, he said that after another month, when the end of the year is approaching, he will bring back some more.

At that time, the team also divided the money, and the money in the hands of the members was different from that in the account of the brigade, and they could sell more.

The box was brought back by Brother Xiao, who said it was the Jianglong wooden suitcase prepared for you. "

After listening to Boss Zhao's words, Li Shengli nodded. Some of the details were still thoughtful by Master Hai.

It was not a good thing to empty out all the commune members in the valley years ago. Now the money for selling estimated clothes is all owed by the commune members in the brigade.

In case of impulsive consumption, the team will settle accounts at the end of the year and owe money to the team. It is a small matter of face and it would be bad to delay the New Year.

As for the toon wood suitcase, Li Shengli didn't care about it. The Zhao family's wing room was very clean, and he put Chinese medicine to repel insects, so it shouldn't attract fleas.

The car was pulling goods, Li Shengli was the same as when he came, and he still went to Wali on the [-]th road. As for Xiao Feng, girl, you should take the car.

Looking at the carriage that he spent a lot of money on, he was a little bit dumbfounded, it was of little use if he bought it or not.

After exiting Andingmen, Xiao Feng sat in the front of the car, and then turned to sit in the back of the car.

The old jacket on Xiao Feng's body is different from the slanted skirts worn by old ladies. It looks like a pair of skirts, and the waist has been modified. If you want to look pretty, it's not nonsense.

Looking at the white and clean Xiao Feng, sitting behind the carriage, kicking a pair of ingot felt shoes with sapphire blue embroidery, it is really a bit of style.

"It's good to let you follow, don't tease me for nothing.

Either come down and walk, or sit in front. "

Seeing the brothers of the Zhao family bowing their heads and hurrying ahead, Li Shengli was holding a bamboo gun, so he hurried a few steps, walked up to Xiao Feng and gave her a nod.

This girl's mind is left in the world when she leaves the city. If she doesn't order a little bit, Li Shengli is also afraid that she will make an inch.

"Uncle, I look good..."

As he spoke, Xiao Feng threw the twisted braid behind him to his shoulders, which was different from the twin braids of his younger sister Li Yinghong.

Behind Xiao Feng is a single-strand marijuana flower. Although the Xiao family is a little hungry, the sisters Xiao Feng and Xiao Huang are well taken care of by the second brother Xiao Hu.

The shiny big braids are placed on the shoulders, which is not inferior to the big waves in the future.

"If you're so out of tune again, I'll let Zhao Er Er send you back.

Go ahead. "

Seeing that my uncle was angry, Xiao Feng didn't dare to tease him anymore, the smile on his face disappeared, and he said:

"Uncle, it's not good to walk, let me teach you how to walk."

Speaking of which, Xiao Feng jumped out of the car lightly, and began to talk about walking steps. Walking steps are nothing more than bringing the feet, knees, waist and legs together. Although the movements are simple, they are not easy to master.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of teaching the steps, Xiao Feng tried to get started several times, but Li Shengli turned her back.

This girl has a good mind and a good attitude. Although she was teased by Li Shengli a few times, she still had a smile on her face.

The movement of wading is simple, and it is not too difficult to master, but wading all the way to the valley puts a heavy burden on Li Shengli.

First send out one toe, drop the heel, bend the knees, sink the waist, sit on the hips, take the opportunity to send out the other foot, exert force, and then repeat.

Walking on the spot is easy to master, but if you can walk on the road, you need good coordination and physical strength.

After mastering the wading movements, Li Shengli waded for a few hundred meters. Not only was he sweating profusely, but his steps became more and more messy, and his feet were a little messy.

Looking at the oil bottle sitting behind the carriage, Li Shengli decided to get in the carriage for a rest, but Xiao Feng seemed to know what he was thinking, and just stared at him provocatively with a smile.

It's really easy for a girl to set up a seedling. One look is enough. The helpless Li Shengli can only untie his jacket and cotton jacket, pick up his pace again, walk slowly, and keep up with the carriage in front of him.

"Uncle, take off the padded jacket, otherwise it will be soaked in a while."

Glancing bitterly at Xiao Feng in the car, Li Shengli didn't resist, took off his quilted padded jacket, put on a jacket, and continued chasing the carriage and wading into the depression.

(End of this chapter)

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