Chapter 112

Seeing Li Shengli turned around and left the study, Lao Ding pushed the flower glasses that fell on the bridge of his nose, blinked a few times, sighed, and picked up the phone on the table.

"Doctor Dong, please come to my house. I need to ask about Ding Lan's condition."

Putting down the phone, Lao Ding sighed again, blinked his stinging eyes, and walked to the study window.

Seeing Li Shengli in old clothes getting into the jeep, Lao Ding shouted to the closed door again:
"Xiao Feng, come in."

Before the words were finished, the door of the study was opened by Sister Feng, looking at the old man standing at the window, Sister Feng also had the same anxiety in her eyes as Xie Fei.

"The Xie family has other families, don't get too close to them, it's not good!
Ding Lan, you're about to graduate from high school, right?
Let her go to the Chinese Medicine College, and bring Dr. Dong in later. "

After hearing the old man's arrangement at home, most of Sister Feng's apprehension dissipated, and her brows frowned.

As the youngest daughter in the family, Ding Lan is loved by her as the mother. As for Lao Dingtou.

For a father who can send his son to the front line of the plateau to serve as a soldier, it is kind of him not to beat her.

"Old Ding, Li Shengli..."

My youngest daughter is spoiled and spoiled. Although Lao Dingtou's statement does not refer to marriage, the purpose is very clear.

Sister Feng disapproved of letting her youngest daughter cater to that Li Shengli.

"In the eyes of a woman, you are far worse than that child who wrapped his ambitions in old clothes.

Those young talents in your eyes, in the hands of that little doctor, may be killed if they can't get away with three or two moves.

It is the little doctor who knows how to advance and retreat. The height he can see may not be lower than mine.

People gave you the best reminder to let you protect your family. Your vision is not suitable for your current job.

Later, when Dr. Dong comes, you should report to the unit and take a period of sick leave.

The eldest daughter-in-law is pregnant with a second child in the northwest, so you might as well take care of her. "

It is very difficult for a general on the battlefield to reach the position of deputy commander. Lao Ding's irascibility is just an appearance.

Through the rest, through Li Shengli, and through the upcoming Dr. Dong, Lao Ding also told his family what he shouldn't say.

Sister Feng couldn't just listen to what he said, it was almost an order.


Sister Feng was about to explain a few words, but was driven out of the study by Lao Ding with a light wave of his hand.

"I made it clear to Lao Ding, it's the same sentence, it's just this one time.

Next time I will pick the bell, if you don’t believe in evil, let them come. "

In the jeep, seeing the courtyard was approaching, Li Shengli said a few words without beginning or end, and he didn't know whether he said it to Xie Fei or the co-pilot.

When we arrived at Nanluo Supply and Marketing Cooperative, the jeep was still parked on the street. This time Xie Fei didn't go with the car. After he got out of the car, the jeep disappeared.

"What's the matter?

Want to learn crafts from me? "

Glancing at Mr. Xie, who was still restrained, Li Shengli asked jokingly.

Mr. Xie can keep up, maybe it's his family's advice, the storm is coming, people will not be completely unconscious.

It's just that the intensity of the wind and rain was unexpected. Like Li Huaide and Lao Ding, they may have predicted the situation long ago.

It's just that their predictions still have great limitations. When the wind and rain come, even a normal person will not predict such a result.

"Li Shengli, let's get to know each other again. My name is Xie Fei, and my father is..."

Mr. Xie wanted to report himself again, but was interrupted by Li Shengli waving his hand.

"Don't tell me about your dad. Your dad is your dad and you are you. If you talk about your dad, you should call me uncle. It's hard to say in the future..."

When we arrived at the warehouse in the lane, the military vehicle had already left, and the transportation team and loading and unloading team of the rolling mill were unloading the pineapple medicine cabinet from the vehicle.

Give Xiao Hu the bill of lading from Beixinqiao, and ask him to take a small car to pick up the goods in a while, and Chief Zhang will naturally choose the medical books.

Thirty packs of books, Li Shengli didn't pick and choose. Three thousand medical books took no more than an hour to load. It's boring to pick or not.

Let Xiao Hu leave the truck pulling the old books, unload the old books for Master Liu, and go to the trust store in Donghuamen.

It happened that Xie Fei was here, and the acquaintance of Donghuamen introduced by Section Chief Zhang was a section chief, so he might not be easy to deal with.

Mr. Xie's identity should still have a certain effect. When it comes to the official face, these children will be hardened.

Taking Xie Fei with a depressed face, he went to Nanluo's supply and marketing agency to buy a big front door, and then Li Shengli led him to the Donghua Gate.

"Brother, I can get you a Zhonghua ticket, do you want it?"

Seeing that the two of them had nothing in common, Xie Fei talked about a more fashionable topic in the younger circle.

It was probably at this time that the disciples began to criticize the papers. They had a lot of living materials in their hands.

The Buddhas in the Forty-Nine City are all sharp-edged and pervasive, and even in some children's homes, they occasionally make a living by buying and selling.

Prosperity and wealth, these four words can be regarded as universal.

Some scarce supplies flowed from the compound to the pigeon market, and then turned into money and flowed back to the compound, where they were consumed in places like Lao Mo, Dong Lai Shun, and BBQ Season.

Similar circles will continue to be passed on, it is nothing more than a little more material exchange, and the place of consumption is becoming more and more distinctive.

What do you want to change?
I'm just a poor ghost, and I don't have anything of great value to trade with you, Mr. Xie. "

Li Shengli really couldn't get the big front door under the armpit. Zhonghua with filters is good, but it's hard to buy.

Even if there are special cigarette tickets, it still depends on the face of the supply and marketing cooperative whether they have the goods.

Minister Cigarettes is not a name for nothing. If you want to buy it from the supply and marketing cooperative, you must be the cadres in charge if you are not a relative of the supply and marketing cooperative.

There are not so many imported filters that there is an unlimited supply.

"Can you tell me what to do in the Health Bureau?"

This is the task given to Xie Fei by the family. Looking at Li Shengli who walked deliberately slowing down, he can also see that this is restraining himself.

Although he is an airborne cadre, Xie Fei has never been able to get started with the work of the Health Bureau.

After Li Shengli's advice, he also knew the reason. It was nothing more than the Chinese tunic suit of the general school, which refused people thousands of miles away.

Xie Fei, who is not accompanied by an old man, in the District Health Bureau, besides doing the work assigned by the leader, the rest of the time is spent listening to those old office scumbags.

After returning home, he also thought about it, but he still didn't have a clear context for his work, and he always felt that he was being constrained everywhere.


career planning.

This job is worth ten pieces of Chinese money, I only pay money, do you think it's worth it? "

After hearing what Mr. Xie said, Li Shengli turned around and gave him a bright smile, and offered him a price.

He directly blackmailed Mr. Xie ten packs of cigarettes, but Li Shengli didn't act that lowly, he just gave him money but not a ticket, and asked him to buy cigarettes.

The cigarette ticket Mr. Xie mentioned was of little use to Li Shengli. If he was given a cigarette ticket, there is a high probability that he would not be able to buy Zhonghua Tobacco.

As for Moutai and Wuliangye, it is easy to buy, as long as you have a drink ticket. Even if Moutai just dropped from [-] yuan to [-] yuan a few years ago, it is not affordable for ordinary people to drink.

For ordinary people, today's Moutai is mostly not for drinking, and its gift attribute also starts from now.

Hongliang, Yongfeng, Jingbai, Yanshanchun, Jingte, Yongle, and Erguotou, which cost more than one yuan and about two yuan, are not popular liquors.

For a serious alcoholic, it is considered a luxury to drink [-] cents of Sanlouzi now, and [-] to [-] cents of Sanlouzi is the choice of most people.

Those who can use Zhonghua and Maowu as daily necessities are only the children of the big courtyard.

"Yes, you can do it without money."

Ten Zhonghua is only one hundred and five yuan, not to mention the family, even Xie Fei himself has such a family background.

Compared with the tasks at home, more than 100 yuan is really nothing to Xie Fei.

"Cheaps can't be beat.

I'm just a common man, you gave me a Zhonghua cigarette ticket, but I can't buy cigarettes.

Money, should be paid or has to be paid. In terms of embezzlement, more than 100 yuan is enough to be shot.

Your work, I have already told you before, it is nothing more than four words, just do things with your head down.

If you want to do something, you can't be superior!
I really don't like the light blue Chinese tunic suit, so I can change into work clothes. You are wearing a general school, how can you blend in with the masses?
Official authority and official style are not suitable for use at the grassroots level. "

Li Shengli didn't hide anything, and directly talked about his shortcomings.

At the same time, he condensed the words he said to Mr. Xie in Wali, bowed his head to do things, it was easy to say, but it was really not easy to do.

Just like Father Li, he lowered his head to do things, so much that the whole family almost couldn't eat.

If Li Shengli didn't do some speculative business, the Li family's food would be a problem.

Chief Zhang and Xiao Changgong of Beixinqiao are similar.

And the Zhao family in Wali, similar to Li Shengli, was speculative, so they ate a round belly.

Li Shengli and the Wali Brigade can't even talk about breaking the law and committing crimes, and they can barely talk about being flexible.

For Mr. Xie, it is not easy to bow his head to do things, which not only requires him to take off his clothes.

The real question is whether or not you can get rid of the high psychologically.

Changing clothes is just the beginning, if you can't bow your head and do things, just put on a show, then Mr. Xie will have no future in the future.

Starting from the grassroots level, deal with the problems one by one, and move forward in the face of wind and rain. As long as people don't fail, it will be easy for Mr. Xie to stand out in ten years' time.

Road, ever since Li Shengli wanted to sell Mr. Xie to the Zhao family, he had already pointed it out to him.

He still wanted to ask, which meant that this guy was still boasting that he was superior to others, and when he glanced at Xie Fei behind him, Li Shengli's eyes were not so kind.

"Li Shengli, my parents told me what you said, but I just don't understand."

Hearing Mr. Xie's answer, Li Shengli gave Xie's parents a thumbs up in his heart.

Such a family is already very good, but unfortunately, Xie Fei, like Ding Lan of the Army General Academy, is a pampered creature.

The Xie family's parents also ignored this point, he didn't even have the concept of the masses, suffering, and other things, all of which were super-class knowledge.

"Master Xie, you don't know suffering, it's okay, there will be more in the future.

Let's learn to do things first. "

While talking, Li Shengli put the big front door under his arm into the inner pocket of the jacket.

Because not far ahead is the Donghuamen Trust Store. As for Mr. Xie who doesn't understand suffering, it depends on his parents.

Tomorrow and the next year, this kid will definitely have to endure hardships. In the future, there will be plenty of time to teach this self-proclaimed noble son how to face hardships.

Of course, there must be a premise for this, that is, Mr. Xie can't rush back to the city foolishly.

"Li Shengli, what do you mean by that? Why doesn't it sound like a good thing to me?"

Li Shengli's remarks, to Xie Fei, were a bit cloudy, but it was not very beneficial to him, and it could be heard.

Li Shengli, who was walking in front, ignored Mr. Xie's questioning. Now is the time to bow his head and do things, how can he have the time to talk to him?

(End of this chapter)

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