The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 1 The Good Person System

Chapter 1 The Good Person System
Winter 1965.

Four Nine City, Courtyard No. 95, Nanluoguxiang.

The west wing room in the front yard.

With a suppressed female voice, it came faintly from the window of the west room.

A boy and a half was sitting on the single bed dejectedly, receiving an education of love.

"Li Shengli!

After graduating from junior high school, he is already seventeen years old, so he can be regarded as the eldest, so don't be fooled by the wall every day.

If you are not assigned a job, you have to find a temporary job, and you can eat comfortably with the food you earn.

Even if you don't look for a job, you can't lie down every day. Going out to play is better than being bored at home.

There is corn bread on the table, I will eat it later, the firewood at home is running out, so I will go out tomorrow to burn some.

Your dad's waist is still not good, go to the courtyard meeting..."

After venting, the woman standing at the door walked away with a wind on her feet.

Li Shengli on the small bed, looking back at the huge back of the new mother Han Jinhua, did not dare to refute at all, and could only sigh lightly.

He has been familiar with Han Jinhua for more than half a month, and he is still a little uncomfortable with Han Jinhua's rough warmth.

The name of the parents is the barometer of the child.

It's just a first name, that's the everyday address.

Little Rabbit, probably a nickname, right?

Combined first and last name, coupled with an octave-high voice, probably, possibly, will soon be out of anger.

If mother Han Jinhua is out of anger, what is waiting for Li Shengli is a solid big neck.

Han Jinhua, who has a slightly larger frame but not much flesh, has a heavy hand and has a quick temper, so she is quite restrained when she only uses her mouth.

Like other families in the courtyard, the Li family is also dominated by men outside and inside by women.

To put it bluntly, there is only one person in the family working to earn money.

In order to supplement the family income, my mother won a temporary worker who glued paper boxes in the neighborhood committee.

It's just that Li Shengli feels that the business of sticking cardboard boxes is a bit unsuitable for her.

Because when he gets anxious, his mother will most likely come to his house, either pointing at his nose and scolding him, or rewarding him with a few big jokes.

Anyway, Li Shengli feels that making a living by sticking paper boxes is not very beneficial to his physical and mental health.

In order to avoid disasters, Li Shengli is now called Li Shengli.

He had no choice but to lift up the old cloth shoes with frayed edges on the ground, tighten the cotton-padded jacket with shiny sleeves, and get out of the single bed that was still somewhat warm.

Walking to the square table in the main room, Li Shengli carefully looked at the three cornbreads left on the table by taking advantage of the limited light outside the room.

Hold the cornbread with reflections and cracks tightly in your hand, this is today's dinner.

Half a child eats me to death, and a cornbread obviously can't satisfy his appetite, but for the sake of physical and mental health, he can only choose one.

After eating all of them, Han Jinhua would not say anything more, and the two missing corn buns would be made up.

But the sturdy big-necked slipper will be stored overnight, and the interest will be carried in the morning, which will make his eyes stare.

Don't ask why, because Li Shengli tried.

Five corn buns for a meal, one for a family of five, this is the ration of the Li family after winter.

If the stick noodle porridge kept warm by the residual fire on the briquette stove can be regarded as food, then the Li family's meal is still full.

It's just the cornmeal porridge sitting in the pot. In Li Shengli's view, it's just a corn-flavored drink.

An iron pot full of clear porridge only used half a cornbread stick noodle.

And this bit of stick noodles can only make the water look thicker.

Of course, pouring three big bowls can still solve the hunger problem temporarily.

Ever since he fell out of a tree while digging out a bird's nest, the current Li Shengli has become familiar with this difficult fiery era.

The plot of Qinman is not too unfamiliar to Li Shengli, but this era is still full of hardships and hardships for him.

The word hunger is somewhat pejorative, but it's true that you can't get enough to eat.

It lasted for half a month, and he was full with three steamed buns and porridge a day, and his eyes were already green when he was hungry.

According to Li Shengli's memory, during the period from the end of spring to the end of autumn, the life of the Li family was still good.

You can eat three or four corn buns every day, and you can still get a little oily smell every month.

But it will not work after winter. The old man of the Li family who works in a steel rolling mill has a dark wound on his waist, which is bound to happen every year in winter.

After the attack, apart from my mother's massage, there was only one dose of traditional Chinese medicine, which could relieve old man Li's pain.

The Chinese medicine Li Shengli survived, and roughly saw the types of medicinal materials, except for the cheap medicinal materials that relax tendons and activate blood circulation.

There is also the existence of corn and millet husks, which are obviously analgesic prescriptions.

Through this analgesic prescription, he can roughly know the condition of old man Li, which is nothing more than lumbar muscle strain or lumbar disc herniation.

This is also a stubborn disease that plagues many middle-aged men. When encountering an ignorant Mongolian doctor, they can only improve it by luck.

The vast majority of people do not have good luck, and will eventually become a chronic disease that plagues their lives.

I can understand this because Li Shengli was one of the main practitioners of orthopedics in traditional Chinese medicine before coming here.

Because of poor coordination of the relationship between work and leisure, he sent himself to this fiery era by means of death from overwork.

Physicians do not self-medicate, smoking, drinking, staying up late, overwork, knowing that it is a means of suicide, but it is a common problem for most people to enjoy it.

TCM orthopedics or TCM traumatology is one of the best, not only tired of work but also earn less.

There is no commission for medicines and equipment, although the department of a small hospital has the title of ghost hand.

But the previous Li Shengli is still one of the disgraces in the doctor's income circle. The better the technique, the less the medicine, and the less the income. How sad?
For this kind of illness of Li's father, he has to treat it with his hands. He doesn't need medicine, and he can greatly improve the waist injury with manipulation alone.

It's just that for a 17-year-old junior high school graduate, such a method seems to be extremely inappropriate.

Father Li's illness is not fatal, and he has to go through the panic period of time travel and get familiar with the general situation of the courtyard.

The matter of treatment was put on hold, and he has been familiarizing himself with and watching for half a month.

The result of waiting and watching is that the half-baked traditional Chinese medicine that can only relieve pain makes the family that is not rich in the first place worse.

This made things worse, and it directly affected the stomachs of the five members of the Li family.

Being poor due to illness, he really felt it.

In his view, this kind of tempering is more like a double torture of body and mind, and there is no other benefit other than wanting to escape.

Holding the warm steamed bun with both hands, he bit down a little bit and chewed slowly.

The unique sweet smell of corn spread from his mouth to his burning stomach, which made him feel better.

Starving is also a feeling that Li Shengli has only recently experienced.

The Wotou half a month ago gave him the feeling that it was hard to swallow, bitter in taste, and rough in the throat, but the more he ate it in the past two days, the sweeter it became.

Looking at the other two light yellow cornbreads, Li Shengli shook his head.

The Li family also has two children, his younger brother and sister, who are also junior high school students, the second brother Li Jianshe, and the younger sister Li Yinghong.

Going to school is considered labor. Li Shengli, who is idle at home, wants to leave fresh corn bread to his younger siblings.

Otherwise, younger brothers and sisters will eat less or not eat well.

Mother Han Jinhua either yelled at her or rewarded her with a few tricks, so that her younger brothers and sisters could also see how he, a big brother who was not a good example, would be dealt with.

Although he is often beaten and scolded, Li Shengli doesn't have much dislike for his new mother.

Because the hard cornbread in her hand was saved by Han Jinhua from her own mouth.

Father Li and the Li family brothers and sisters eat one cornbread for each meal, while my mother eats one cornbout three meals.

She will secretly hide the rest of the cornbread, and occasionally mix it into the new cornbread and let Li Shengli do the multiple-choice questions.

Once you make a wrong choice, you will be scolded at least, and when it comes to sticking paper boxes, you will most likely be served by big necks.

Pity the parents of the world, although he was the one who was beaten, but he can still understand Han Jinhua.

Some air-dried corn buns are better than new corn buns for Li Shengli.

Because it is very hard, you have to chew slowly to swallow it. The longer you eat, the longer the hunger will be prolonged.

After eating a third of the cornbread slowly, he put the rest into his pocket.

Then he picked up the empty bowl on the table, scooped the porridge out of the pot with the bowl, and started drinking until he couldn't drink any more.

If you don’t put some steamed bread, just drink porridge, the hunger will come back after a piss.

After being full of water, the burning sensation in the stomach is gone.

But I will come again at night, and when I come again, the leftover steamed bread can soothe my burning stomach and intestines.

Eating small meals often can effectively relieve hunger.

Pick up the pickle stick that belongs to me on the table, take a small bite, and you will have a snack for the day.

For half a month, besides being familiar with the situation, Li Shengli was hesitant to make a decision.

Because his traveling benefits are not very good.

The consciousness of whether the 'good guy system' chooses to be turned on has been circling in his mind.

According to the legendary system, as long as he concentrates a little, such consciousness will appear in his mind.

There is no system panel, no space field, just a not very reliable consciousness.

For such a system, Li Shengli is skeptical about the choice.

If the consciousness in his brain is a rich man system, an invincible system, etc., he might accept it immediately.

But the 'good guy system' made it really difficult for him to choose to accept it in the first place.

In Li Shengli's impression, the title of 'good man' is really unworthy of someone who is not worth billions.

No matter 'Who asked you to help? ', or helping others to raise their wives and children, for a good person, it may be a burden that cannot be let go in a lifetime.

Li Shengli feels that there is no wealth for a small goal, and wanting to be a "good person" is no different from looking for money for nothing.

Poverty due to illness is already hard for people to accept, but if another one becomes poor due to kindness, it will be a tragedy in the world.

Whether to help or not is already a very clear question, and the newcomer "I want to help you, mother-in-law" has now become a problem that needs to be faced.

Li Shengli, who is not considered a newcomer, knows that being a "good person" requires a high price, so he has not accepted his benefits for a long time.

Standing in the main room, looking at the wall of the south room, although he couldn't see it, there were three characters '正' drawn by him on it.

One straight number takes five days, and there are already three on the wall, and the fourth one is in the process of being formed.

There is another word 'positive', according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, according to the pulse condition, one will lose vitality.

Now it seems that a choice must be made, and people have a tolerance for hunger.

If it continues, hunger will cause damage to body organs.

At the age of 17, the damage caused by starvation is irreversible for some organs.

Silently chose to enable it consciously, and then waited for the welfare system to show its power.

After a long silence, Li Shengli had no choice but to take the initiative to contact the 'good guy system'.

'System, I want to eat, please prepare me a big meal. '

'Good guy system, I want to eat. '

'Good man, I want to eat. '

'Brother Tong, give me something to eat? '


After a series of conscious exchanges, the response was silence, and Li Shengli could only sigh helplessly.

I know that this 'good guy system' is probably an unreliable thing.

Whether it is now or in the future, good people are not good words most of the time.

Today's good people are roughly equivalent to honest people, simple and honest people, and people who often suffer.

After a few years, he will be a fool.

When he was studying medicine, he just wanted an original ecological spare tire for a decent life.

Sighing again for the incompetence of the system he encountered, he was disappointed and picked up a wooden board in the corner of the room.

The wood board is very light, but there is still some thickness, which can be used to insulate the cold air in winter.

The sky was getting dark, and my mother Han Jinhua also sent a message. I still have to attend the courtyard meeting, because there is something exciting to watch.

This is the best form of entertainment in the courtyard, and he doesn't want to miss it.

It's not that the Li family doesn't have a bench, but carrying a heavy bench to hold a general meeting of the whole courtyard will consume a lot of steamed buns.

Of course, it’s easiest not to bring anything, but standing still requires energy.

In order not to consume the porridge and corn bread in his stomach prematurely, Li Shengli chose a relatively light wooden board.

As for relying on the young man's firepower to sit on the ground against the cold winter air, Li Shengli is not that brainless.

The knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine that he has learned but is not commonly used tells him that if he resists the cold winter air hard, he will become thinner if he doesn't do it well, and that will be the real worse.

He walked out of the west wing with the board under his arm, and the front yard gradually shrouded in darkness in winter was even more bleak.

The younger brothers and sisters, who were supposed to be home from school a long time ago, went crazy playing somewhere.

Playing around is also a means to resist hunger, but it has more side effects and is not the best choice.

Looking at the porch leading to the middle courtyard, the east side is the small concierge belonging to Yan Jiecheng and his wife, and the west side belongs to Li Yinghong, the younger sister of the Li family in spring, summer and autumn.

When winter came, Li Yinghong also moved to Westinghouse, where more people lived and it was warmer.

Living in a courtyard house is not much different from living in a large courtyard house. If you have a large family, there is a big defense between brothers, sisters, and parents.

Restricted by the living conditions, most of them are very vague. It is quite common for brothers and sisters to live in the same house before marriage.

It's still early winter, and it's already very cold in the house.

In the deep winter, the two small concierges did not say that a drop of water turned into ice.

If you want to live in such a hut, you have to burn the stove or cover with more quilts. Anyway, if you want to live warmly, you have to spend more money.

Because of his father's back injury, the Li family obviously didn't dare to spend more money, so they could only rely on more people for heating to save money before early winter.

Li Shengli, with the good guy system, walked lightly through the porch and into the middle courtyard.

As the middle courtyard of the venue, many residents of the courtyard were already seated, and Li Shengli's joining did not cause much noise.

No one greeted him as a half-grown child, and the presence of the Li family in the courtyard was evident.

(End of this chapter)

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