I am projecting the heavens in the revived Daming!

Chapter 82 Zixiao's View Opens!

Chapter 82 Zixiao's View Opens!

[Constant], Wang Hua found that the telekinetic power he can use has been greatly improved compared to before!
Now his telekinetic power has reached at least 500 catties!
It is very easy to lift the stone mill used to grind rice noodles in the backyard out of thin air, and even control it to continuously throw it in the air to catch it, throw it up and catch it ten times!
Then Wang Hua will fall into a state of exhaustion...

Yes, the power of thought is not inexhaustible, nor inexhaustible.

And in Wang Hua's view, this data is not easy to estimate.

And soon he discovered that regular use and exercise seemed to be able to speed up the improvement of this [mind force] output and endurance.

This reminded Wang Hua of the memorable movie "Extraordinary Out of Control" he had seen!
Although the source of my own power is completely different from it, there are still many similarities.

More importantly, Wang Hua borrowed from the behavior of the protagonist in that movie, and tried to manipulate and use that thought power to support himself, and it succeeded!

And it's still flying entirely on its own power!

Unfortunately, the duration is still an issue...

The various wonderful experiences of the [Standing] realm made Wang Hua feel very novel, and the little unhappiness that had been fed back from the projected world before was quickly forgotten by him.


Perhaps it was because of the abundant manpower at this time, and the reason why many families in Hangzhou were working together, and maybe it was also because the buildings at this time generally only had one floor, and the construction difficulty was relatively low.

Wang Hua settled on the Zixiao Temple in the northern suburbs of Hangzhou. It took more than half a month to build, and even embezzled many building materials from the big families that they had planned to use for other purposes.

On this day, Zixiao Temple was finally completed!

Wang Hua's Zixiao Temple is located on a low hill in the northeast suburb of Hangzhou, not far from the famous Gaoting Mountain.

There is a Niangniang Temple built in the Southern Song Dynasty on Nagaoting Mountain, which enshrines a Banshan empress, so the mountain peak is also called Banshan...

The Zixiao Temple located on the low hill is very grand, with a symmetrical layout of the buildings. On the central axis, there are five terraces. From top to bottom, the Dragon and Tiger Hall, Stele Pavilion, and Shifang Hall are built successively.

Naturally, it is impossible to complete all the above-mentioned buildings in more than 20 days, and most of them are just designs on the drawings.At present, only a three-entry courtyard similar to a courtyard has been completed in the core area.

Including the front hall - [Sanqing Hall], as for other parts, it still takes time to complete.

It's just that Wang Hua was anxious to test whether the power of incense in the Great Ming World could be used by the system, so he opened it early.

If it is possible, then naturally everyone will be happy.

Not only the Zixiao Temple, but also Wang Hua's actions to maintain order in the city of Hangzhou, which he announced earlier, are full of motivation.

But if he can't, Wang Hua is not sure how long he can maintain the career of sitting in/sheltering the city of Hangzhou for a hundred miles.

In other words, if the system cannot use the power of incense collected by Wang Hua in this way, there is probably no need to implement other architectural designs on the blueprints of Zixiao Temple.

In the Sanqing Hall of Zixiao Temple, there are only three sculptures of the founders of the Sanqing Dynasty carved from century-old peach wood and a bronze tripod refined by Wang Hua after the communication system.

The bronze tripod has four legs and two ears, and the tripod body and bottom are engraved with complicated and strange runes. Besides, it is extremely smooth and bright, and there is no more strangeness.

There has never been a beast shape carved, and there has never been any decipherable small seal script or any other characters. Many years of incense ash from various temples in Hangzhou City have been silent in the tripod. At this time, three sticks of long incense have been inserted!

The person offering the first stick of incense is of course Wang Hua, who is the master of Zixiao Temple!
It was followed by Wang Zan, the prefect of Hangzhou, who deliberately took time out to participate in the opening ceremony today, followed by several chief officials of Hangzhou, and then the hosts of the major families.

There are countless people from all walks of life who came to watch the ceremony in the periphery, and they can invite almost all the big shots in Hangzhou City to come forward. Any fool will know that the Zixiao Temple has a lot of background.

But what is the specific origin of Zixiao Temple?
It seems that no one can tell clearly...

However, ordinary people who watched the ceremony knew that there was one more force not to be messed with near Hangzhou City.

Fortunately, Taoism has always had a good reputation among the people of Ming Dynasty, so it didn't arouse the general public's resentment at first.

As for the future, it depends on the means of operation.

After all, Hangzhou City is one of the most important towns in the south of the Yangtze River. There is no shortage of Taoist temples, monk temples, and temples around here. A Zixiao Temple suddenly squeezed into this circle to grab food, which would naturally attract malice.

The so-called colleagues are enemies, and so are monks!
However, Wang Hua obviously did not plan to run the Zixiao Temple himself, but through the relationship of the Cui family (the family behind the tooth shop), he found a few middle-aged Taoist priests who just couldn't get along in Bonin, and recruited many younger Taoist priests from various parties, barely forming a team of nearly 20 people.

One after another, the longest of these people has been running in for more than ten days, and today is finally the time to pull them out for a walk.

However, Wang Hua's expectations for them are not high, as long as these people can complete the basic functions of receiving pilgrims and maintaining the basic operation of the Taoist temple, they don't even ask for incense money.

Anyway, what Wang Hua, the temple master, was looking for was just the power of incense, and even if Zixiao temple suffered a slight loss, he could accept it.

Of course, it is impossible for anyone to run their business at a loss from the very beginning, let alone...

In the stele pavilion under the dwarf mountain, Yeying real person announced that he would sit in the boundary of Hangzhou city with a radius of [-] miles, and that no bandits, water bandits, pirates, and other green forest people would be allowed to make trouble. The declaration has been engraved on the largest stone stele!

In the past half a month, not only one or two people have been seen in the scene of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in the bandit village around Hangzhou City, but now that the righteous master has finally come forward to bear the cause and effect, who can not be shocked?

Who dares to do it again?

Of course, at this moment, the inscription in the stele pavilion is still tightly covered by a big red silk cloth, and no one knows about it at this time.

But after today, with this "Yeying Daoist" in charge, Zixiao Temple will still worry about whether the incense will not flourish?
If under such circumstances, the three Daoists in front of Wang Hua were Fazi, and the Taoists who were elected to preside over the affairs of the Zixiao Temple could manage the Zixiao Temple into a loss-making state, Wang Hua would naturally not be relentless.

Fayuan, Faming, and Faqing, Fayuan is a middle-aged Daoist with white face and beardless, tall stature.

Because of this, Fa Yuan's reputation in the surrounding villages is very good. Before that, many Taoist temples wanted to invite him to place orders, but Wang Hua happened to hear about his deeds, so he invited him over.

From now on, Zixiaoguan's usual affairs management will be based on Fa Yuan, followed by the other two.

As for Wang Hua, of course he is the master of his own hands-off temple with peace of mind. He doesn't even plan to live in Zixiao temple.

By the way, collect the power of incense that may be collected...

As for the power of collecting incense, it is naturally the three mahogany Sanqing statues made by Wang Hua himself, and the copper tripod that is used as an incense burner!

As for success?It will take time to verify.

After the massive ceremony, the Zixiao Temple, which is far from huge, naturally did not have many conditions to receive such high-ranking officials and dignitaries.

Many guests visited the still rudimentary Zixiao Temple for a while, and then returned to Hangzhou City. Wang Hua hosted a banquet in the Xiangyan Building in Dongcheng District to entertain these nobles, and this article has been turned over.

After these dignitaries and Wang Hua left Zixiao temple, the stele covered with red silk cloth in the stele pavilion was uncovered.

Among them, the fact that the almost arrogant declaration has been made by Wang Hua is amazing.

Countless pilgrims who were originally just curious about the origin of this new Taoist temple in Zixiao Temple were horrified, and they couldn't help but sincerely came to the Sanqing Hall, and respectfully offered a stick of incense...

As the news spread, the two names of Zixiaoguan and Yeying real person spread rapidly among the ordinary people near Hangzhou City.

It took Wang Hua a month to plow the whole hundred miles of Hangzhou that he designated. Even if he was lucky enough not to be found by him, the bandits and water bandits had already heard the news and fled away.

After this happened, the biggest beneficiaries were of course ordinary people and passing businessmen who were threatened by those bandits and water bandits. Without the exploitation of those villains, ordinary people's lives would naturally be much easier.

Then there are businessmen at the general level, especially businessmen. What these people are most worried about when they go out is to encounter robbery. Once they encounter one, they may do nothing for three years, and they may even lose their lives!
Now that I heard that the god who protected me came from Zixiao temple, how can I not think of ways to come to offer a stick of incense and send a share of incense money.

So in the next few days, Fa Yuan and a dozen or so Taoist priests were very busy.

Believers are offering incense and offering incense money, and Fa Yuan and the others are not allowed to come forward to give advice to others, draw a lottery to calculate a divination or something...

Even those who brought tea and water to the little Taoist priests were very busy. Fortunately, most of these little Taoist priests came from hard times, and this amount of work was nothing to them.

The flourishing of incense means that in the future, there will definitely be no worries about eating and drinking in the temple!
Of course, in addition to these good men and women who have good intentions for Zixiao Temple, there must be people with damaged interests who come to Aoshan to peep and investigate.

What's more troublesome is that not all people whose interests have been damaged because of this matter are really criminals.

For example, if the bodyguard bureau operates the bodyguard, Wang Hua's operation will naturally make it difficult for the bodyguard bureaus inside and outside Hangzhou to do business a lot.

And there is...

 Dazhang, make up for what I owed yesterday!
  Rolling all over the floor, begging for tickets!

  Finally, thanks to all the treasures who rewarded and voted for support!
(End of this chapter)

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