After experiencing a sudden terror, Nakono Castle in Owari Province turned into a dead city overnight!

Except for a very small number of people in the fringe areas farthest from the city center and some who happened to be hiding in cellars and other buildings, tens of thousands of people in this city were almost dead!

This battle to destroy the city was earth-shattering, and the consequences were extremely tragic, but the real process only lasted a dozen breaths.

In addition, none of the Japanese near the battlefield survived, and the buildings were destroyed by powerful forces. There were no decent clues left.

The Saito family, who had a close relationship with the Oda family, was the first to learn of this incident and sent people to investigate. Subsequently, the destruction of Naguno Castle spread throughout the East Four Islands.

The shogunate that controlled Kyoto and several onmyoji forces related to Oda Nobunaga also sent people to investigate, but the results were still unclear.

The battlefield traces of that battle were so scattered that even the Onmyoji, who was from the same sect as Oda Nobunaga, tried their best to find any possible seals left behind, let alone other clues.

Fortunately, Dongsi Island has been plagued by disasters throughout its history. If there were not a few natural and earthly disasters that affected thousands of people in the entire country every year, they themselves would feel unreal.

Although the loss caused by the destruction of Guye City was larger and more sudden, it was not unacceptable.

After all, from the high-end level of East Four Islands at this time, Owari Country of Oda Nobunaga was actually just a remote place.

Even though Oda Nobunaga is vaguely known as a genius among Onmyoji, he is secretly invested and supported by many Onmyoji schools.

But dead genius is worth nothing!

What's more, for other Japanese people, it's not that they really don't have any clues.

Although the Shimane area is far enough away from here, some top Onmyoji masters were killed in a shrine a hundred or two hundred miles away.

Although this time in Naguya City, the traces of the battle were different from the traces of the previous attacks on both sides.

The traces here are more like the formation of more than a dozen powerful swordsmen in the innate realm. They blasted indiscriminately in the sky and killed Oda Nobunaga, who was known as the "Demon King of the Sixth Heaven". Retreat calmly.

Although various intelligences have always shown that the total number of Yu family troops in Shimane Castle is the eight innate generals, there is one person who is said to be a Taoist master but has never been able to get a glimpse of it. Tan, I only know that this person is good at flying swords. The two top onmyojis who previously worked for the shogunate were directly hacked to death by the enemy's sword from two to three hundred miles away!

Maybe that person has some more amazing skills that he hasn’t used yet?

The most important thing is that the current Muromachi shogunate has been declining for several generations. It is time for a reason to unite everyone and work hard to stop their own decline.

What better way to unite forces than to establish an enemy that is so powerful that most Japanese forces cannot fight against it?

As a result, various rumors began to spread rapidly from the Kyoto area to the top levels of various Japanese forces.

Several small Japanese forces that were bent on moving closer to the Ming Dynasty also reported the news, but Wang Hua and Yu Zhifu had no intention of refuting the rumors or giving an explanation.

Just chose to ignore it!


The extremely arrogant and indifferent attitude of the Shimane Castle Ming Army did not arouse a backlash from various Japanese forces. Instead, it made the suspicion in the hearts of many Japanese noble leaders fade away a lot.

We belong to the Heavenly Kingdom, isn't it normal to be a little proud?

Having said that, the various famous names of the Japanese were also in a state of turmoil. The braver ones even began to send important members of their families to guard other territories to avoid being singled out.

It's just that this kind of behavior is still too passive after all, not to mention "Don't allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed!" Although this sentence is not very popular in the Japanese country, similar principles are actually implemented by the upper class of the Japanese people.

So more than a month later, the Japanese, who had not made any big moves on the surface, unexpectedly and quietly once again assembled an army of tens of thousands.

This time the Japanese were obviously more prepared than last time, and both iron cannons and cannons were used by the shogunate.

There are more than 20 Xiantian-level Onmyoji and twice that number of Xiantian-level warriors!

Obviously the previous quietness was just a facade, and the same was true for the so-called suspicion fading away.

A force twice as strong as the Yu family's army is just a repayment, but no one dares to underestimate the innate realm combat effectiveness that is five or six times that of Yu Zhifu and others!

Sure enough, on these four islands with huge territory, even after hundreds of years of the Warring States Period, the Japanese country with a population of four to five hundred was not an ordinary people.

However, Yu Zhifu, who had become a master-level military commander, was not without the ability to fight back. Coupled with Wang Hua's presence, Yu Jiajun had no intention of retreating despite his dignity.

The most important thing is that neither Wang Hua nor Yu Zhifu took these Japanese seriously.

Not to mention the number of nearly a hundred, the combat effectiveness is equivalent to the [Hundred Family Surnames] in the early stage of the Xiantian Realm. Just talking about the thousands of [Heavenly Soldiers], there is no problem in holding back or even defeating a Xiantian Realm warrior in a ten-on-one situation.

What's more, there are still 17 [Heavenly Generals]!

After the completion of Master Wang Hua's Tower, even the energy problem that restricted the drive of such a large number of chance puppets was successfully solved!

This is also the fundamental reason why Wang Hua was so unscrupulous and did not stop Oda Nobunaga from taking the initiative to destroy the effective forces of his own city at the last moment.

In this way, although Yu Zhifu was a little worried about the casualties of his soldiers, he did not show any weakness to the Japanese and even sent envoys to sternly warn and reprimand.

At the same time, several silver mines in the southeast suspended mining and personnel quickly withdrew to avoid losses.

A great war was evidently unstoppable.

Yu Zhifu did not wait for them to attack the city in Shimane Castle as the Japanese expected. Instead, he took the initiative to dispatch his army out of the city to meet the enemy after preparations were made!

In a wilderness more than 80 miles southeast of Shimane Castle, the Yu family army, which had occupied a gentle slope as a favorable terrain in advance and built anti-artillery positions, was waiting for work until the Japanese coalition forces arrived at the end of their sight.

Japanese horses are generally shorter, so the detection range of the Japanese cavalry is relatively small compared to the normal Ming army. By the time the Japanese army detects the actual situation of the Yu family army, it has already been dug out.

Facing the Yu Jiajun who was waiting for work, the Japanese army was not reckless. The opponent had obviously been waiting for a long time. If they rushed forward at this time, who knew if there was any trap ahead?

Taking note of the various flags, the Japanese coalition forces, which seemed to be composed of at least seven or eight daimyo, appeared in the sight and immediately stopped advancing and began to renovate.

Only three-quarters of an hour later, the Japanese gunners began to slowly push the light artillery pieces in front of the two armies' formations, but it took another half an hour to start firing.

The Japanese allied forces did not know what they were afraid of, but they were unwilling to let go of the slightest opportunity to consume the Yu family's army. Fortunately, in the face of these solid artillery shells, only a few need to be intercepted by Yu Zhifu's innate military generals. The anti-artillery positions in front of the army were framed by the countermeasures, and the bags of soft soil blocked the incoming shells one after another. of flaming red iron balls.

The red-hot cannonballs landed on the soft soil, instantly losing most of their kinetic energy and no longer able to form "ricochets."

A small number of them were intercepted by several innate generals under Yu Zhifu's command. The twenty or thirty [Hundred Family Surnames] floating on the magic carpet in the sky with Wang Hua did not interfere.

At this time, the magic carpet had already distorted the light by Wang Hua. Even the Japanese Onmyoji was too far away, and Wang Hua skillfully controlled the magic carpet to float to the side and behind.

As we all know, in the initial era, the lethality of guns and artillery was actually only secondary. In war, their greater effect was to shock!

After the thunderbolts exploded, even if less than ten of the hundreds or thousands of people around them suddenly died, it would be enough to collapse the ordinary army of this era if they really had no defense against them.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!

The artillery fired for half an hour, but in the end because the whole gun was red, we had no choice but to suspend this seemingly ineffective action.

Yu Zhifu continued to outnumber the enemy and did not counterattack. Both he and Wang Hua hoped that the Japanese allied forces would take the initiative to attack. When the war becomes more intense, they will naturally achieve more results after fully exerting their strength.

As for military merit, no general would have enough of it!

However, his move out of the city to fight in the wild still aroused the suspicion of the Japanese allied forces. Even after a row of artillery fire, the Japanese army still did not launch an attack immediately.

It is true that the performance of the Yu family army was a bit strange. In the past conquests between other Japanese daimyo, this level of bombardment was enough to defeat the opponents who had no power to fight back.

However, after hesitating for a while, the senior Japanese allied forces thought that this was probably due to the pride of the Chinese nation.

Finally, after another three-quarters of an hour, rows of Japanese Ashigaru armed with long spears began to advance, and they seemed quite impressive.

There are many loud voices, slowly welcoming.

The Japanese soldiers holding guns on the opposite side looked crazy, and they were already being encouraged into a state of thirst for killing.

As the distance between the two armies began to close, the Yu Jiajun decisively chose to lead his army to retreat slowly when the Japanese allied forces advanced more than half the distance.

On the gentle slope, one thousand [Heavenly Soldiers] and seventeen [Heavenly Generals] have been divided into three rows. They are waiting there with their bodies lowered. The pairs of red spotlights in the post-modern style specially designed for the new home are shining slightly.

When the Yu family army retreated and passed through the gentle slope, there was inevitably a little confusion in their steps. However, this little confusion made the Japanese general on the opposite side, who was the vanguard, ecstatic. Without thinking, he ordered the cannon fodder unit "Langgun Ashigaru" who was the vanguard to speed up!

When Yaqian served as the vanguard (cannon fodder), the spear-bearing ashigaru charged under the low slope, biting the tail of the seemingly panicked Yu Jiajun and ascended the gentle slope.

The Japanese soldiers who roared and rushed to the front saw for the first time more than a thousand pairs of [Heavenly Soldiers] and [Heavenly Generals] flashing strange red light, and their originally enthusiastic hearts could not help but feel a little cold.

But before they could make a decision, the [Heavenly Soldiers] and [Heavenly Generals] moved decisively!

More than a thousand [Heavenly Soldiers] whose bodies were made of alloys that transcended their time did not even need to defend when they charged.

Holding a spear head made of cast iron and a long spear with a bamboo pole, it is obviously impossible to break through the defense [Heavenly Weapon].

Even the few innate generals who led the 8000 Japanese cannon fodder failed to make much waves under the decisive action of the th [Heavenly General].

What followed was a hearty charge with the [Heavenly Soldiers] and [Heavenly Generals] as the vanguard and the Yu Family Army as the backbone!

On the magic carpet that still remained "invisible" in the sky, the thirty-three [Hundred Family Surnames] also moved the carefully designed and crafted air-breaking crossbows in their hands.

Paired with special arrows, this thing can't even withstand the strength of a mid-term innate warrior for a long time, and it will have to be punished on the spot within ten arrows at most.

From top to bottom, waiting for work, calculating mentally and unintentionally, the Japanese allied forces were shocked by the sudden defeat of the vanguard. Half of the many innate generals who took action quickly were suddenly shot by the sudden crossbow arrows in an instant!

Under this sudden attack, the Japanese instantly killed and injured more than ten innate generals, forcing them to withdraw from the battle in front of them.

As for whether to exit alive or dead, it depends on whether their escape speed is fast enough.

Soldiers died on the spot and fled everywhere, not to mention the generals.

As a result, the vanguard of the Japanese allied forces was defeated in an instant. Fortunately, these Japanese soldiers and generals had undergone extremely severe training and understood that it would be a dead end to directly attack their own true self at this time.

As for how to understand?

"Bang bang bang!", "Bang bang bang!"...

Perhaps the Japanese iron artillery team accompanying the army on the expedition did not expect that their first round of offensive would hit their comrades severely!

Just because the defeated army did not follow the instructions in front of the formation and bypass from both sides, but some crazy career was blocked...

The Japanese iron artillery team, which adopted a three-stage formation, kept firing. However, after the smoke from the first row of guns passed, the next shots could only be drawn in a general direction based on experience...

Facing the long sliding boring gun at this time, the [Heavenly Soldiers] were not afraid at all, and kept charging towards the Japanese allied forces, and forcibly broke them!

It's just that this time it's not as devastating as before.

Dozens of Japanese innate combat forces took action one after another, immediately blocking the advance of the [Heavenly Soldiers], at least some of the [Heavenly Soldiers].

The [Heavenly General], which is similar in model to the [Heavenly Soldier], also possesses the innate level of combat effectiveness. In addition, the sky has basically never stopped after taking action. The attack power of the crossbow arrows on the "magic carpet" has also reached the innate level.

The Japanese iron artillery team broke through instantly!

The Jia soldiers took a breath and continued to break through!

Then there are the heavily armored soldiers and the flags of various daimyo!

Several generals from different forces originally agreed to attack with all their strength, but the flag on the edge read that a general named Watanabe was the first to lead his troops back, and then he was defeated and fell...

At this time, except for these generals, the innate combat power of the Japanese nation on other battlefields has been wiped out by the massacre of the terrifying crossbows on the magic carpet.

What follows is a long chase. Yu Zhifu has already made up his mind and will never let this go easily... (End of Chapter)

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