I am projecting the heavens in the revived Daming!

Chapter 3 Shadow Ninja Soldiers! (Please take care!)

Chapter 3 Shadow Ninja Soldiers! (Please take care!)
After all, human beings are creatures yearning for light. If Wang Hua's room is shrouded in darkness, if he is always trapped in this small apartment, Wang Hua knows that he may go crazy in a few days.

'However, I seem to have a door that can be opened...'

Just thinking about the fact that it is still late at night on the other side of the door, and it is a barren mountain, and today I saw those people wearing weird clothes from a distance on the mountain road.

Wang Hua has some rough guesses about the timeline over there: the gate is probably an "ancient time" society.

In this case, the degree of danger of the wild mountains and mountains in the dark is self-evident.

Wang Hua stared at the orange light spot like a distant star on the window for a while, until he was awakened by the hunger in his belly.

He turned his head in a hurry, turned back and rummaged through the refrigerator to find some bread and bottled mineral water and began to hastily satisfy his hunger.

At the same time, Wang Hua also began to carefully look at the room that he was so familiar with inch by inch.

Only at this time did he realize that the ceiling and bathroom/toilet lights in the room had been turned on at some point, but the light emitted by the ceiling lamp was quite different from the past.

The light is no longer dazzling, but instead gives people a vague warm feeling, which can even be ignored inadvertently.

Wang Hua swallowed the bread in his mouth in two or three gulps, took another sip of water in a hurry, and walked to the open kitchen at the door in two or three steps to turn on the faucet.

Sure enough, there was no longer a drop of water falling!

He tried other electrical appliances in the house and they were cut off!

But...why is the light still on?

While Wang Hua began to force himself to calm down, he couldn't stop brainstorming.

Is someone playing a prank?

Or some trick show?
Where is the camera?

Why not!
What the hell is going on?

Subconsciously, Wang Hua walked to the window with a little irritability, looked at the only starlight in the darkness outside the window, and gently reached out and stroked it...


The next moment, it was as if someone had hit his brain hard with a sledgehammer worth 80 yuan, and he felt severe pain and dizziness at the same time.

Wang Hua, who was unable to stand still, staggered and almost fell. He quickly leaned his body against the wall and landed on the ground, and then half rolled and half crawled to the side of the couch. He forced himself on it, rolled his eyes, and was unconscious...

I don't know how long it took, maybe just a moment, maybe countless years, Wang Hua finally opened his eyes again.

He stared blankly at the familiar white ceiling for a long time before blinking with difficulty.

"Two... shadow ninja soldiers?"

Rubbing his head that was still aching, Wang Hua put aside the huge and complicated flow of information in his mind for the time being, Wang Hua stood up with some difficulty, and touched his stomach.

Yep, I feel hungry again right after breakfast.

He could only run to his refrigerator again and start searching. At the same time, he also found that the temperature in the refrigerator had risen a lot, and it was not much different from the outside.

I was really cut off...

When he came to the open kitchen at the door, fortunately, he has always been quite repulsed by the tap water in the drinking water faucet, and there are one or two buckets of bottled mineral water in the house all year round.

In addition, gas tanks and gas stoves are used in the kitchen, so there is no need to worry about water and fire in a short time.

He boiled the water and made a bowl of noodles for himself, and also cracked an egg, and added the only handful of Shanghai Greens left, and finally he had a full belly!
Next, he tried hammering on the wooden doors and windows, shouting loudly, and then continued to destroy the doors frantically for another ten minutes.

The weird thing is that Wang Hua, a 1.8-meter man, can't do any damage to it, whether it's a window or a wooden door!

Even if Wang Hua used two imitation Swiss army knives from a small warehouse engaged in recycling second-hand items, it would not help.

How dare you believe that the short knife stabbed it up one after another, but it couldn't even leave a trace of trace on the wooden door?


Wang Hua looked at the two 500-gram bags of dried noodles on the coffee table, one of which was opened and eaten a third of it, one bag of toast bread with only half of its stock left, five cans of 330ml canned Coke, seven or eight green peppers, and more than a catty of temporarily fresh pork.

Plus one and a half barrels of mineral water, that's all his drinking water and food!
Where is the way out?Of course it can only be the portal that suddenly appeared.Hmm... maybe also on the "Shadow Soldiers" that appear as the dots of stars on the windows disappear...

After filling his stomach, Wang Hua finally had time to deal with the inexplicable information flow. He came to the computer desk and looked at the originally dark windows.

Sure enough, a new change appeared on the huge glass!

[The first projection begins! 】

[Your projection avatar appeared in a certain city in the west of American, and you became a cowboy, serving in a certain giant farm named Yellowstone. 】

[Because of your yellow skin, you were not very popular on this farm at the beginning, although no one dared to call you a "yellow monkey" in person because of your tall figure and the Bajiquan you practiced since childhood.Until you met the youngest daughter of the farmer Old Dutton, you became even more unpopular...]

【Jenny Dutton began to appear frequently by your side...】

【Jenny Dutton started dating you...】

【You and Jenny Dutton spent a wonderful day of vacation. On the way back to the farm in the evening, you suddenly found a young man who looked like a certain martial arts superstar being hunted down by a group of weird ninjas in black...】

【Looking at the group of black ninjas dressed in extremely Japanese style, you took out your self-defense revolver and started biubiubiu without hesitation~】

【Your marksmanship is not bad. You used six bullets from the revolver to bring down five black-clothed ninjas. What you didn't notice was that all the black-clothed ninjas you killed were turning into black shadows and slowly dissipating...】

[You exposed your own existence, a shadow dart was shot, you bent over quickly to hide, and started to quickly reload while lying on the horse...]

[More darts and ninjas in black are rushing towards you, you are dead! 】

[The first projection is over, you killed a total of ten shadow ninja soldiers, but Jenny Dutton also suffered misfortune because of you...]

【You got two shadow ninja soldiers! 】

[Number of projections: 0 (71:39:41)]

[Harvest to be collected! 】


So... this is my golden finger?
Wang Hua stared blankly at the rows of words on the black-bottomed glass window, feeling his heartbeat was gradually accelerating.

He stretched out his hand and tapped on the glass window in a nervous mood [Harvest to be collected! ] in "to be collected".

The next moment, two dark shadows suddenly flowed in from "outside the window" like water!
Then he quickly transformed into two tall black-clothed ninjas half-kneeling beside him...

 Thanks for the votes recommended by Mi Lili and Little Bear God, you are the first book friend to vote for this book, I love you~


(End of this chapter)

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