Peerless: Auspicious Beast's Star Revival Plan

Chapter 84 Yan Shaozhe and Qian Duoduo

Chapter 84 Yan Shaozhe and Qian Duoduo
Wanting to find Wang Rui to verify his speculation, Wang Yan pushed his glasses in embarrassment. He inexplicably felt that he seemed to disturb some delicate atmosphere.

However, Wang Rui, who was bullied by Huo Yuqing and felt wronged, touched his nose and reluctantly dragged his feet to Wang Yan's side.

As he walked, he conducted deep self-reflection: Am I a little too used to Huo Hang?
Even if he was really wrong, but the actual leader beast of the Star Dou Forest, the three-eyed golden beast of the emperor auspicious beast with the strength of a 10-year-old soul beast, wouldn't be cowardly to a first-year kid, right?

...Maybe it's because the angry Huo Hang has a mother's temperament on him.It's probably the mother's disapproving eyes...

The male mother is actually by my side!

In other words, the appearance of Huo Gu rambling on about himself is really like an old lady...

Wang Rui's train of thought began to drift gradually.

Wang Yan watched his eyes gradually drift away, and cleared his throat.

"Student Wang Rui, my question may be a bit presumptuous, but I'm really curious. What was your final method of causing the explosion?" He pushed his glasses again, and his tone was very sincere, "It was just at the last moment of the game. I can see that you are intentionally forcing Zhang Jingkun in one direction, it should be that he will explode when he reaches the designated position... But you shouldn't be using a soul skill, right? Could it be a soul bone skill?"

"No, probably not." Without waiting for Wang Rui to answer, Wang Yan overturned his guess on his own, "If you want to activate the spirit bone skill, there will usually be some won't be so silent."

"If it's not the spirit bone skill, then there is only another possibility." The theory teacher's eyes lit up, he raised his hand and pressed Wang Rui's shoulder, "Could this be the top martial spirit in the legend?" Do you have any natural skills?"

"Probably." Wang Rui shrugged his shoulders, but he didn't deny it.

Powerful martial souls are inherently gifted. For example, Xu Sanshi's Xuanwu Shield has gifted soul skills, and Miss Jin in the original book also used the term "natural ability" to cover up her ability as an emperor auspicious beast.

For example, the pride of gold that can control soul beasts.

"I named this talent Chaos of Fire." Wang Rui said, "The Yanwanglong Wuhun is different from other fire-attributed Wuhuns. In fact, the temperature will not rise. Those high-temperature fire elements will spontaneously form high-density fire element dust, which is stored in the fluff of the wings...It can be released when necessary. And such a high-density fire element The dust formed by compression is very unstable, and if it is violently collided, it will explode."

This kind of exploding scale powder is actually shed naturally during the metabolism process of the Yanwanglong. A more down-to-earth statement is probably equivalent to dandruff... In short, this ability is absolutely reasonable as the innate soul skill of the martial soul!

However, Wang Yan obviously didn't think so. He took a deep breath and stared at Wang Rui: "...This? Naturally produced, it doesn't consume soul power, and it will explode when hit?"

Wang Rui nodded in affirmation.

Wang Yan opened his mouth and closed it again. After repeated several times, he finally choked out a sentence: "This ability is indeed very strong, but I don't really know it. I have read so many materials, but I have never seen such a powerful martial soul talent." ...Student Wang Rui, wait until I go to the inner courtyard to apply and study the research materials before I talk about this ability."

After all, he left in a hurry without waiting for Wang Rui's reply.

At the end of the morning game, all the top eight teams will be determined, and in the afternoon it will be the eighth round and fourth round.

It was Ning Tian who went up to draw the lottery, and the opponent was a team from the original book——Zhou Sichen, Long Xiangyue and Cao Jinxuan from the next class.

These three martial souls all have some strange things, and their strength is not bad, but because Wang Rui didn't dare to fish anymore, the match ended very simply, without too much stalemate at all.

However, Wang Dong's team unfortunately encountered Dai Huabin's team in this round. The gap in hard power and Wang Dong's own consumption did not fully recover, and ultimately missed the semi-finals.

And the next morning, it was the semi-finals.

In the remaining four teams, a total of twelve students stood neatly on the field.

This time it was no longer Du Weilun who presided over the lottery, but an old man in white, naturally Yan Shaozhe, the dean of the Wuhun Department.

Beside Yan Shaozhe, standing side by side with him was Qian Duoduo, a burly figure with a head of white hair like steel needles.

Of course, Qian Duoduo will also be present in the semi-finals and finals of the freshman assessment—the Soul Guidance Department is hoping to seize this opportunity to scoop up two good candidates from the Wuhun Department!
While secretly looking at the students in the audience, he recalled the information, thinking about which of the young Miaomiao in the audience was the good Miaomiao who Yan Shaozhe could let go of, and who was good enough...First of all, rule out the three soul masters.

Yan Shaozhe would definitely not be willing to give any of them, but naturally he couldn't stop him if he wanted to watch the game with a lot of money.

Still think about selling the students... How many good things can be deducted from Qian Duoduo by letting outstanding students study in the Soul Guidance Department.

Of course, no matter what discord there was between the two deans, it would not be shown in front of the students.

Yan Shaozhe still stood on the stage with a kind expression on his face, giving his inspiring speech to encourage the first graders.

Wang Rui in the audience raised his eyebrows.

During the assessment of each new class, this person will probably come to this section-"I am very satisfied with the performance of your freshmen this year. You are also the most talented freshmen in the past century. I..."

So, which class is the most talented freshman?Next.

But humans...

Wang Rui secretly sighed in his heart.

His puppet Emperor Feng and Mu En are friends of the same generation, but at this moment, he himself is standing in the audience as a freshman, while Mu En's grandson on the stage is already an old man.

Yes, that's right, after the change of fate, Yan Shaozhe is the descendant of Ye Xishui and Mu En.

 I rely on... Is this the potential of human beings...

  I actually finished writing before eleven o'clock...

(End of this chapter)

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